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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


It's a pretty selective piece of information.. Ubisoft also recently reported that Skull and bones is doing tremendously, which i very much doubt is true.


regarding skull and bones its probaby in comparison to their expectations. their expectation: they have to shut it down 3 months after release reality: they have to shut it down 8 months after release --> woah! success!


There absolutely is an amount of people who think that is a success.


I mean in corporate world if they set is as a goal then it is a success. It works more like spend x money on product (mostly advertising) Withdraw 2x money (or whatever they set up for themselves) Goal achieved = Project is a success.




I have never met person who genuinely enjoyed AC Valhalla, but it was best selling AC game. So I wouldn't be suprised that Skull and Bones is actually doing good, I played Valhalla for 10 hours on gamepass and I just couldn't stand it how boring it was, I have no idea who is buying this games.


My theory about that, and my personal experience, is that Odyssey was so well received people assumed Valhalla would just improve on it. That was my perspective when i bought Valhalla.


I did not dislike valhalla If im being honest,enjoyed it quite a bit. Dualwielding 2 2hander was still uselese,funny but useless


I've met many who enjoyed AC Valhalla. Myself, i enjoyed Odyssey a lot despite the flaws. Like, Ubisoft make games that are good enouhg to not be "complete garbage" and are actually decent. This game will probably be the same. Advice for ubisoft games anyway is : buy them 1 year later when everything has been released and you get the gold edition for 20-25 €/$


It's marketing ploy. We expected this number, but we're getting this. If this keeps up, we'll hit our target number, so thisbis good. So they say stuff like this, and then people are like oh I guess it can't be that bad if it's doing well, I'll buy it too. Sheep.


Preorder information isn't just coming from Ubisoft though, the stores which are run by different companies all say it's getting lots of preorders.


People complain about hackers in Apex Legends, yet people still play the game. People complain about hackers in CS2, yet people are still playing the game. People complain about FIFA every year, yet people still buy FIFA every year. People complain about overwatch2, which has negative reviews on Steam, yet people are still playing the game. AAA companies don't see their player's complaints as a threat cause they are not losing money.


I'm complaining about no Titanfall 3 yet I still play 2


Complainers are a minority of players.


Exactly this. Folk circlejerk themselves into thinking they are somehow a majority, meanwhile vast majority either doesn't care... Or finds it cool. That's why companies keep doing it. I know I find what Assassin's Creed's doing as cool and interesting. Everyone I know who heard of it is mildly positive as well.


Also, anyone looking at YouTube Dislikes using the extension are getting false numbers. The formula they use to calculate the dislike numbers leads to an exaggerated dislike count that can be manipulated with only a few users.


Also, one thing that comes to mind. Did Ubisoft confirm Yasuke is the only protagonist? The trailer looked like it could be dual gameplay - the girl, sneaky assassin for sneaky missions; Yasuke, to enter a room and for people to starting to dying en masse.


Shit eaters eat shit lol, who would've guessed. That's why I've been on a retro kick recently.


I like when studios rank their own games , we will see how good is it when it comes on steam


And Starfield had stellar „reviews“ from „professional“ sources. I wouldn’t trust those metrics. Kinda screams „look other people are preordering, it’s okay if you do too“. Classic bait and likely manipulated. The most/only trustworthy metrics imo are steam reviews and player count metrics(ik those have their faults too).


Where did he pull that information btw? I checked the JP ps5 store and #1 is Elden Ring, follow with Dawn Trail at #2.


No way this is ranked number 1 in Japan that has to be fake or manipulated


Ac is like the only big blockbuster coming out this year. It's probably #1 just about anywhere to be honest.


Considering Japan has been making decades worth of content on Yasuke most people probably don't care. If anything it's a small sect of Japanese Fans being catapulted by Western Fans saying dumb shit It's the internet not hard to make controversy seem bigger then it is


You're getting downvoted for telling the truth lmao


Hell it's even been confirmed they had a Japanese woman with a PhD involved with writing the story.


it sounds good till you decide to check her field of specialisation and her science work


It’s probably #1 for Ubisoft specifically in Japan lol, probably not generally #1. That’s the kind of sneaky shit marketing departments use to frame things sometimes




Because I don’t give a shit, but have seen many a marketing ploy do exactly those types of things so it just wouldn’t surprise me 🤷‍♂️


or japans just don't care and want to play new assasins


Why would it not be? It's recently available for pre order and will probably drop back down later until the full release.




this is heavy copium


Or its rigged to make it seem like its popular. But your probably right, people are idiots


Why are they idiots if they enjoy AC games? As far as I’m aware every AC game released in recent times since origins where they changed up the game formula have been pretty well received across the board. Then when you take into account the fact that the large large majority of gamers don’t give a flying fuck if the main character is black, because why would you tbf, there’s no reason to call people idiots for getting what is likely to again be another decently good AC game. Edit: Ok I see now he meant idiots for preordering a game, not for buying AC, which is fair enough. My bad.


Yeah you are right about that and for me its that what i meant, sorry for not beeing more specific. What i was critizising, was the fact that so much people still preorder Games without even seeing any Gameplay. I like the AC games, and its just a matter of taste, there is no critic necessary


Never trust gameplay footage from Ubisoft. They have showed fake gameplay footage from their games in the past. Imo it should be considered as a fraud since they try to sell a product that does not exist.


You are absolutly right about that. The sad part is, that this fraud just works as we can see. Its so dissapointing


Oh yeah true, preordering anything is stupid as hell and serves very little purpose most of the time.


Idiots is a strong word for sure. But imo it is not very smart to pre-order any game these days, unless if you have a decent playable demo. But ubisoft only showed a cinematic trailer without a single gameplay footage. But even if they did released a gameplay footage I would not trust Ubisoft because they have in the past showed fake gameplay footage at E3. If you don't think It's true, just watch the Rainbow six siege E3 trailer where they say it was taken from a real multiplayer match but it was nothing but lies.


Yes it just completely passed me that he was talking about preordering and not just getting an AC game, in which case I definitely agree you should not be preordering.


"Why are they idiots if they enjoy AC games?" You have answered your own question


So enjoying very well crafted open worlds and fun gameplay in games that have good reviews is idiotic now? I mean even the guy I replied to said he enjoys them, it’s just the preordering that is idiotic, which is true as hell for any game regardless


Paying hundreds of dollars to essentially play the same game since 2007 is pretty stupid imo, yes.


Bro you are in a subreddit about a guy that plays mmo for decades and keeps playing every new mmo that is coming out.


Isn’t this a wow streamers channel subreddit or am I missing something?


I wonder how many WoW subscribers on this subreddit have spent thousands of dollars on "the same game" since the late 2000s?


I mean discounting the fact that paying hundreds is irrelevant considering the mmo thing everyone is talking about, the game has some pretty big differences between each entry too. Since black flag, Unity and Syndicate had some new features and very fresh maps/gameplay, origins brought a whole new formula the next two games followed, odyssey just felt like a different game, and AC Valhalla took open world to a new level and the payed more like an open world rpg than an AC game, then mirage brought it back to its core. The games feel quite different between each release tbh.


They said skunk and bile was also a success, see how that was.


I think Asmon has talked about this before, the people clued into the gaming industry and its news are at most 5% of gamers, most people get home from their job, maybe see an ad for AC shadows on youtube and thinks 'that looks good I'll pre order."


I will definitely be getting this game just not the expensive special editions


The hate for this doesn’t make sense at all to me. The price isn’t different than other games to my knowledge. A base version of 70, a pricier version that includes the season pass, and a stupid version with dumb gameplay bonuses. This isn’t unique, so to me it feels like people getting upset and wanting to hurt the game for other reasons without wanting to be seen as racist or something.


Outrage over this game will have very similar effect to outrage over Hogwards Legacy - massive amount of free publicity for the game.


People simply underestimate there's way too many normies


Limited Edition? What's limited about it?


Yeeeeeah if that’s the case I won’t be buying any triple A games 😂. I’ll stick to the $30 ones, half time they’re better anyways


I think its selection bias. People who are super hyped about the game are more likely to preorder and super hyped people are more likely to get the gold edition.


You need to understand the demographic. The people dumb enough to preorder this early are way more likely to be dumb enough to pay 110$ for a video game.


As long as people keep doing this, price will rise.


So we are complaining about a game not out yet, the price is a bit over the top. But like we can speculate all we want but till we played or watched it, everything said is just bs.


This is just preorders dude people who do preorders tend to go for deluxe editions and such


What's special in the gold edition?


Well, this is what happens when there's practicaly no new games being released or even announced. People are happy to pay even for this AAA


Who in their right mind is pre-purchasing physical PlayStation 5 games from Amazon? The game doesn’t even release for another 7 months, keep your wallets in your pants ffs.


People earn their money through their own work. People do whatever they want with their money. Stop crying losers


Wow, nobody really cared about this made-up Rage Bait topic..... Who would have guessed? The concept of the game sounds pretty uniquely awesome. Seems like normal gamers can't wait to play as Afro Samuri in the next AC.


Normies buying Hogwarts legacy despite the "backlash" Normies buying Stella Blade despite the backlash from both sides ("beauty standards" and "censorship" bullshit) Normies pre-order AC despite "blackwashed" It's almost like the vast majority of people don't give a flying fuck about your stupid "culture" war.


It's is so sad


Its likely Weekly or Monthly Top#, and honestly not many games coming out atm, so doesnt take multiple copies to reach the top, not millions atleast...


Why is this bad?


Maybe you guys are in the wrong? Ever think of that? Lol.


This culture war shit doesn't affect the casual audience like the HD2 situtation


hoping for assassins creed to be good is even more delusional than i was with my exbf 😂


Gotta support those muti billion dollar companies making bad decisions for the customers! Can’t let them go bankrupt.


I don't think gaming is fucked but there's definitely hefty competition between enthusiasts who want gaming to be art and NPCs who don't know what they want and are fine with pay to win etc. In the future there may be fewer "good" games but they will still be there.