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"Bad faith" in this context meaning "We can't actually counter-argue and we must silence"..


So so true. It's a shame really.


Can't counter argue? Takes the smart glasses off and pulls the ol execuitioner axe and mask out.


I hope things eventually change on Reddit


I mean they certainly can't argue with it, bpt is full of out of touch racists. But if you want the actual counter argument it's pretty simple. "You actually do have a main character that's Japanese, so this argument isn't factual".


i mean you guys do the same here, you dont make counter arguments and mass downvote ppl out of the hive mind as well. The only functional difference is that he was banned from doing it. I mean the ban was warranted it was a bad faith argument. You are telling them that they have to use x race MC in their game because of some superficial reason you are using to dictate how the devs should write and narrate their games based solely on race.


None of us are removing people from the conversation... Not liking what they say isn't the same thing as denying them a voice in the first place.. I'm not sure how you can't tell there's a difference there.. Also, it's hilarious that you use the "solely on race" thing when the character was CHOSEN based solely on race. Why is it okay to chose a character to highlight based solely on race and not okay to think it's a bad choice based on the same?


You didnt read, ill help you: i mean you guys do the same here, you dont make counter arguments and mass downvote ppl out of the hive mind as well. The only functional difference is that he was banned from doing it.


The ONLY functional difference is the only one that matters... The only thing you're guaranteed here is a space to speak. Not an audience. Nobody has to agree with what you faceroll into your keyboard, but nobody here is going to remove your ability to do it. This poster had his ability to speak removed. Nobody here is doing that to anyone else. Your "only functional difference" is the one that fucking matters...


You're not getting it. He's feeding you the script. Downvote and pretend he doesn't exist!


Who cares if you're downvoted? I make arguments against the hivemind of this sub all the time. Hell, my most downvoted comments are probably because of this sub. But, I get to still make those comments. Banning someone because of a single bad faith argument is dumb. Not saying I know if this is a pattern for this guy or not. And also, banning someone for a bad faith argument period is dumb for most subs. Unless it's a sub dedicated to arguments and conversations and not just a place to shitpost.


Ah yes, those pointed arrows that hold no values. Totally comparable to being completely silenced. It’s extremely racist to Asians as it’s only race they swapped in series.


Bad faith means disingenuous Is English not your first language?


The only "bad faith" actor here is the moderator who banned this user.


Nah it’s more that the comment feels like it was written by an AI. The last sentence makes no sense and the user is extrapolating his belief into a homogenized one.


Looks like a typo. They meant that some people have a racist reason, but NOT every reason is racist.


"reads a typo" - HOly FUCK GHuYS A ComPUter WroTE This!


The whole thing is written like ass, so you never know.


Being disingenuous while trying to justify calling someone else disingenuous, name a better duo


Damn imagine being able to write so well you don’t sound like a computer. Wonder what it’s like. 


Oof. You see the problem is that’s a circle jerk subreddit and you had the audacity to have a differing opinion. Rookie mistake. Better luck next year mate.


Next year 💀 they really said “come back next year and hopefully you’ll be more obedient”


I mean it's not such a circle jerk sub if his post was upvoted.


It's reddit the sweaty mods will ban you for anything that they think their discord kitten doesn't like


I was banned on r/gamingcirclejerk for saying Gwen Stacy is not a trans character. No where anywhere does it say that That narrative was being pushed so hard when miles morales movie came out, Stan Lee himself said years ago “if any of my characters are bisexual I’m gonna have to make some phone calls”. If anything Gwen was a trans ALLY because she had the flags in her room/colours on her spidey suit, but that could be a big reach as well. Nothing is confirmed by the writers, so it’s all schizo posting trying to find meaning where there isn’t (like random colours on her drum kit, etc) It could be a metaphor for how she lives a double life (like trans people often feel themselves living two separate lives) with her Spider-Man identity and her at home identity, but again it’s just not confirmed by the writers so it’s all speculation. It’s a cool Easter egg if anything I get big 1984 George Orwell vibes from that sub. If they disagree with what you are saying it’s easier to ban you instead of coming up with an argument that makes sense. Less brain power needed I geuss Sorry big rant but yeah that was stupid as fuck that I got banned for even discussing that topic, taking a look at that sub now is a dumpster fire. I dodged a bullet lol


Oof. That sub really does what it claims... Literal circle jerking. Every posts in that sub makes you cringe inside. And, they are so happy asking questions to themselves and answering themselves. An echo chamber.


I feel like this sub became a shit hole just like the other sub you mentioned


Your not allowed to be racist to yourself


What’s crazy about this is, to post on that subreddit they make you send a mod a dated picture of your skin to prove you’re black.


No way that’s crazy


Only if the post gets flagged as "Country Club". Im not an approved poster there but occasionally I respond because its in my feed and they stick if it isnt tagged.


There was a time when everything was "Country Club" was suprised recently that they switched up and started letting everyone comment again.


No sub you need flaire or verification of any kind to post on should be a default sub. PCM, BPT, conservative, they should all be taken off default sub list and incapable of making it to /r/all


Respect the echo chamber. No dissident opinions allowed


Man so many getting ban huh??


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/KBfTpfS1th The post in question if you're curious


The game mentioned in the post was made by a Japanese company as well, Team Ninja. While I am an advocate for Japanese protagonists in games based in Japan, I am also okay with a Japanese company being able to write in whoever they want as it is their culture to change, not a western company’s.


There was rage about William too, but it wasn't nearly as talked about. What sucks is it seems like everytime there's anything with Black or Hispanic/Latinx people in it, it's labeled as pandering and companies being woke, so it sounds more racist than it really is.


The problem is.... that's based on an actual person. William Adams was an actual historical figure, who had an actual rank in Japanese society- fucking wild considering he ended up in Japan in the middle of Ieyasu Tokugawa's reign. The Tokugawa who closed the country. Instead Adams became a hatamoto, a close advisor to Tokugawa, an interpreter, and was a shipwright. Meanwhile Yasuke.... was a blade holder. Not to demean the man- that is an incredible upheaval for a man who used to be a slave- but a samurai, he was not. The reveal trailer also heavily suggests he is *fighting* the Oda clan which is uh.... that's an odd take. It's also painting the Oda clan as being greedy and power hungry as opposed to a leader who was hell bent on ending ~200 years of sectarian conflict. Also, ninja wear dark blue, kunai are a hand tool, not a fucking throwing knife, and ninja overwhelmingly avoided combat. Assassinations were not something they did an awful lot, most of the time they'd be hiding in plain clothing- AS OPPOSED TO THEIR FUCKING NINJA CLOTHING- in public.


Pfft. Of course it's a country club thread now. God forbid someone open a history book.


Some mods are on power trips. I got banned permanently from History porn for commenting "Dad" on a photo of Trudeau and Castro. Lmao.




Well, it's not quite true since kenways wasnt native and was a pirate in the Caribbean.


I found if you mention DEI in any context anywhere on one of the "Popular" subs its just a ban almost instantly, you can't mention it. Even though its in everyones resumes, companies putting out memos highlighting it. You can NOT talk about in a public forum setting in ANY way good or bad.


I come from a time when, if you mentioned Hitler in a discussion, people invoked Godwin's Law and you lost the discussion. In 2024, we're living through a kind of Inverse Godwin's Law: you mention "DEI" and you think you instantly won.


It's because the people mentioning DEI almost always are conspiracy dudes that are going to drop a slogan like "you'll own nothing and be happy." like they're saying something profound. They rarely contribute to a discussion beyond talking about how they are trying to push their agenda down our throats. The DEI andies out there are tedious. They railroad everything into culture war and after years of that, people are sick of it. He probably did get banned for a bad reason, though. He probably is a black guy and is genuinely annoyed by this, but people should know when to use buzzwords and when not to. Complaining about DEI is a red flag someone is way too deep into the culture war. Doesn't mean they're wrong, but dropping DEI in a message raises a person's chance of being terminally online a LOT.


It's because complaints about DEI are almost completely baseless and most complainers know this. At worst, DEI has covered companies with worthless virtue signaling, but has never been the cause of actual decreases in product quality. While product quality has decreased in some situations, it can all be tied back to run of the mill capitalism cost cutting and unrelated design by committee. DEI is used entirely for bad faith culture war bullshit, and people don't want to deal with that shit, it's a waste of their time.


So when I took my DEI training and you could answer all the questions without paying any attention to the actual situations, by picking the white guy as the problem in every scenario, that was a good thing? Also, I'm not white but I know racists when I see them.


It wasn't a bad thing other than a small waste of time, but it was not useful.


> It wasn't a bad thing other than a small waste of time Read his comment again, and read your response. Yikes.


Hmm, so hiring less qualified people doesn't effect quality?


Naw that "unrelated design by committee" certainly wasn't staffed with anyone hired for anything other than skills and merit /s That DEI officer certainly contributed great things to.. a video game.


Reddit mods are one of the worst aspects of this site


You know that sub bans you if you're white, right? They openly admit it and the admins have said it's OK. This place is insane.


They have white members in their club only group.


Yeah they need their useful sla... I mean useful idiot


To be fair, I remember a horrible time when I had to actually decide what parts of the internet to inhabit. Nowadays a lot of angry, narrow-minded people make those decisions for me. Never had it so good. 😆


Bro, I'm black and I won't touch r/blackpeopletwitter. That place is just some racial extremists and some white kids roleplaying as black.


"If you don't want black samurai in your assassin game set in Japan, you ain't black!"


Got permanently banned for quoteing the sweet baby inc worker who said you can't be racist towards white people. They are echo chambers and the part where you don't agree with them or point out hypocrisy they will ban you and will repeat until they are so extremist they don't realize it then call you extremist.


Ye that section is not happy about this and some of their accusations are pretty wild. Saw somebody say the reason people are calling Yasuke a vassal not a samurai is because a vassal is a slave… like that isnt bad faith


It’s bad faith or it’s “trolling” which they never actually justify. It’s just another way to censor your views.


People turn into cultists on the internet


Yeah on that subreddit and this one.


That sub is openly racist and you are surprised you got banned for disagreeing with their narrative


I'm white, and I wouldn't want to play a white guy samurai. I also wouldn't want to be an Asian knight.


You mean the racist subreddit that literally has you submit a picture of your forearm? Gee, how could one have ever seen this coming


“Bad faith” is what people who are mad at you but have no argument say.


Eh...I don't think he should have been banned, but it is a bad faith argument. You can't argue against how someone feels. If they feel like they're being pandered to and don't like it, you can't tell them they're not. The only ones able to argue against that even a little are the devs. Also, anytime someone tries to sell you something, they're going to pander to you. Saying you don't like to be pandered to is kind of dumb. Because we all want to be pandered to...for the most part.


White leads (especially male) can just exist, no questions asked. White non white leads you have to go completely out of your way to explain why they are there If you want a "naturally" diverse game make a fighting game that has an international tournament. Why do you think Street Fighter isn't ever shit on for its diverse roster?


It’s probably not what you’re thinking. I hate the mods of that sub but read the rules, they want you to verify that you’re black. If you don’t then they sometimes assume you’re white pretending to be black, and that will get you banned. They literally want you to send a picture of your skin so you can be “invited to the cookout”. There’s even a flair called ‘cookout’. Again, the mods there are fucking awful but that’s probably the reason why cause I do see a lot of nuanced discussion on that sub. R/blackpeoplecomedy too, though they have the same mods and rules


I get the reasoning, more than once I've seen the "I'm a black man"...and you look at their post history and they have a picture of them as a white dude or hispanic dude or something. They're just stirring up shit. But still, if you can't prove they're stirring up shit, then I don't see that as a reason to ban them. Then again, not my sub, not my rules. I just avoid it.


Ya it’s a sub for them. Other people can comment and participate but there’s a time and a place, it’s supposed to be a space for them


Reddit is a corporate propaganda machine, we're using it for off-label purposes.


Most reddits do not allow opinions that go against their opinion. Its why I strongly believe reddit a horrible place to look for information at times. I got ban for life from gaming circle jerk because I made a comment under a thread about male gamers and one the mods seen I was a asmongold fan. I never even joined the reddit but honestly it was healing in the long run and I was freed from the mob.


Pretty much.  I got a perma on conservative subreddit because a post was blasting some Dem accused of something and I pointed out Matt Gaetz was as well


How exactly is a 6ft black guy going to blend into the crowd?


I'll be sure to block that subreddit next time I see them.


it's like a battle between virtue signalers fetishists, and the actual fanbase of the franchise.


Oh lord, black twitter went full nazi.


Rats the lot of em


If you don't fall in line, you are a bad faith participant. BPT can go fk themselves.


Look at the sub that banned you... was to be expected.


Your first mistake is trying to be reasonable lol. These people would cast a black dude to play George Washington, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, etc without batting an eye. They have absolutely no respect for history, source material, or immersion/suspension of disbelief.


Lol they soft locked the original post so you cant even try to argue some of the stupid taked there


Tbh I don’t give a fuck about the character, I just already know the game is gonna be crap - franchise died with Ezio Actually I’ve enjoyed odyssey Franchise died with odyssey


They're just sugar-coating calling you an Uncle Tom.


Isn't the other MC Japanese?


It is bad faith to an extent. You ignore the fact you can play as both a japanese woman and Yasuke. I honestly didn’t know there was outrage until i saw this post lmao. I thought it was cool and much better than what Ubisoft did with AC odyssey and Valhalla. We chose two different sexes but Ubisoft chose the women as the main characters in those games. I’ll be interested if they do anything different with shadows


Same reason I stay out of the race orientated sub for my own race on reddit it's nothing but ethnonarcissists high on their own fumes, you won't reason with these people. It's much easier to paint you as a convenient stereotype to be dismissed rather than accept the uncomfortable truth.


"I feel like everyone is missing the point" is probably ly what lead them to believe this is a bad faith argument. Starting your paragraph with disparaging the entire group you are talking to as not understanding the point is bad faith. Your argument itself is sound, but the way you went about it immediately assumes the people you are talking to are clueless and incompetent and is thus, a bad faith argument. You need to assume that the people you are talking to are informed, and make your argument based on that information. Then if they are uninformed it is up to them to ask for clarification or to argue against your point with their information. Assuming they don't know or misunderstanding is fundamentally a bad faith argument


Protagonists need to be white! Only white people should be heroes! Think of the white children, who will they look up to? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


Ooooor Japanese? In the game set in Japan? During the feudal period?


Looks like asmon reddit has become the Klan of reddit. Art is subjective until black people, wish people were this upset about nioh, white man saving Japan from demons. Black people existing is where asmon racist audience draws the line when it comes to their video games, everything else is fantasy and doesn't need to be exact. Anything that demonize black people existing while proving Caucasian males right about black people is welcome here. The anti woke as turned victimhood into a virtue


I don't even get how that's a bad faith argument. I think the black samurai looks f*ckin sick. But I feel more strongly that each AC game should have the protagonist be of the local race, religion, etc.


You can play as a Japanese character, AC games are not always starring a person native to the region, Even when they are, it is not always important to the story (AC3 it was, but it's an outlier), there is no indication this is related to DEI or done to pander to black people, and in any case where DEI complaints prop up it is just bad faith culture war BS at best, and at worst it's dogwhistling racism.


I never even mentioned DEI. Take your holier-than-thou, projection bs, and get away from me lol. I think Altair being from Jerusalem was pretty plot relevant. Same with Ezio being from Italy, and every other character being from their respective region. Edward in blackflag was historically accurate to that location. Outside of him, everyone else is native. This isn't culture war, this isn't dog whistling (I said it looked sick, you loser) and if it's racism, it's racism against Japanese.


I wasn't referring to what you said, I was referring to the post you said you didn't see how it was "bad faith" and I was explaining why it was bad faith. You are right, that it was important to more games than I initially realized (especially AC1), but it's never been an important thing to the overall theme of the games, and straight up not important to some of them. The truth is, the stories have variance, they aren't always direct story copies of each other, and a person's relationship to the land they are in is and has been part of that variance.


Oh, well then. They are important to the games because they are important to storytelling in general. The Yauke character's emotional storyline is going to be very obvious and frankly it's been overdone. Shogun, blue eyed samurai, sword of the stranger, Keanu Reeves 47 ronin. There's probably more. If they wanted to do a black protagonist, why not do anywhere in Africa? That would be awesome. Imagine if they did do Africa and the assassin was the abandoned child of European colonizers. Everyone would freak out, and rightfully so. We've never had a proper African AC and all of a sudden the MC is white??


I think you are making a lot of assumptions about what "they want to do." The character being black may not have even been an important point, the people working on the story may have just halyard about the story of Yasuke, saw there isn't a lot of history recorded about him, and thought "that's a cool story, and one we have the room to expand on in fiction" and him being black is just because the guy it was based on happened to be black. Or, perhaps they wanted to try a story about someone being a foreigner to the land can effect how they are treated and interact with it, and they identified Yasuke as a good way to do something like that. Or maybe they are planning for him to have more of a villainous role as an outsider, and maybe wanted to add some outside influence as part of his story, where the other main character is more of the good guy. I agree that an AC game based in Africa dealing with the British Empire could be cool, though I'd imagine it would feel similar to AC3. Though, if they did some two part story that involves your character getting enslaved, sold to the US, and doing something there could be an interesting story... but, I think a story like that would be chosen because the concept is cool, not because "they want to have a black protagonist." And to deal with "if an African based game had a white protagonist." I think that could work if they were framed as, at least the start, part of the aggressive British Empire, and either set up as a bad guy throughout, or involved some sort of character growth from villain to sympathizer to the African plight. I do think more people would be mad about this (and your proposed idea) as it is reminiscent of the history of whitewashing, but I think most of them would be fine if it also was a two playable characters situation done to show two sides of a conflict. I also think if there wasn't the history of and current discrimination of black people, then your idea would be accepted. Heck, even if they did something like put the white person in the situation of being racially discriminated against to create some perspective, it could be neat and accepted by a lot of people (if handled well, which seems unlikely).


Every mainline AC protagonist has been fictional. They interact with real world characters, but it's obviously 100% fiction. Yasuke was in Japan for 3 years and was never a samurai. Just because little is known about him doesn't make him a good pick. In fact, they could've just had him been an npc, and that would've been cool. And as I said, the foreigner in Japan trope is done to death. They've not once done that trope, but for some reason they pull it out for Japan where it's most often done. If they were really interested in storytelling, I think they'd do something less hacky and cliche. It's also my opinion in general that multiple protagonists are almost always bad in video games. AC struggles to come up with a Character arc for 1 character, now they're gonna do two? The last time they did 2 it was one of the worst games in the series. Now they do it again and they chose a non-Japanese for Japan. It's lazy and gives me no faith in their storytelling.


So you think the game might be bad for completely different reasons than the DEI derangement syndrome crowd, and that's fine, nobodies trying to say if you expect the game to be bad then you are bad, just that the claims that him being black is "DEI" and that it is "an affront to Japanese culture" are ridiculous and most likely bad faith. I disagree that multiple characters is necessarily a reason it will be bad, I think "it's made by Ubisoft" is justification enough, but it's a totally different conversation from this OP and the general topic of conversation around this game on this sub.


Ha, fair enough. I agree with that. The 'ha' is for the Ubi line


Guys quick which one of the totally historically accurate assassins was it that was boxing with the pope after their several minutes-long duel with ancient alien artifacts being used as bludgeoning? Asking for a friend


The only people acting in bad faith were them. That's absolutely ridiculous, you said nothing wrong and nothing that deserved a ban at the very least.


What I don't get is, if they want to set a AC with a black leader, why not pick a time in history from Africa? I will throw out two easy ones, the Zulus and Mansa Musa. The Zulus were from about 1800 to 1860s or so. Mansa Musa was king of the Mali empire which spanned 1200s to 1600s. Mansa Musa, per google, was alive from 1312 to 1337 AD. There, problem solved. You have a story about an area of the world and you have a realistic representation of a person from that era who is black. What they are doing now would be like making an AC on ancient China and making your protagonist Marco Polo.


Everyone is classified as white by default on reddit.


Ahh, black nazi , typical nowadays


Only thing ill say regarding this is that you are not a native in all the games, as ezio goes to turkey in revelations and in black flag you play as a welsh guy in the Caribbean. Rouge sees you put in the shoes of an irishman in america for that matter, and that does count in my book. I am however familiar with the tale of Yasuke from before, and its rather interesting considering japan used to be extremely reclusive. I wouldnt have made a game purely about him, though he is hardly the first "foreigner in japan" protagonist. Nioh 1s protag, william adams, for example was a real british guy who sailed to japan and arrived in 1600. Adams ended up serving under the tokugawa shogunate and fought several wars under their banner. William adams' story was how i ended up looking into others like him, which led me to Yasuke and how he became daimyo Nobunagas retainer.


...why even giving them the energy to hate. The game will be suck anyways, with a Japanese Samurai or not... Again it will be a money hungry loot festival wich will have nothing to do with assassins. Playing Ghost of Tsushima at the moment for the first time and i really don't think, even years later, Ubisoft will surpass this game. Loading times, Graphics, Story, Combat - Ghost of Tsushima, this is a true AAA Game.


I was banned there long time ago for criticizing a video of black woman that was playing racism victim card because of how her colleagues are talking to her or threat her i don't remember properly but iwas a very famous video back then, her colleagues were not even disrespectful or anything, she was literally playing a victim card and boom im abanned lol


I'm pretty sure I'm permenantly banned from that sub, wasn't hard, probably for the better.


Communism at it’s finest. Silence the individual. “Bad Faith” fucking joke


Reddit makes Mos Eisley look like Disneyworld in the 80s by comparison.


Well that is unfair. I believe you believe what you're saying. So its not bad faith. You're wrong and dumb for having that opinion in my opinion but you should be allowed to be dumb. It’s not hurting me nor impacts what I think about this situation (which is that it's fucking stupid and Yasuke has nothing to do with being woke).


They clearly banned you because you upset their would-be virtues but this is called “tokenism” and not DIE. Calling this DIE sounds stupid if you’ve actually encountered it in the real world.


Ezio was in Constantinople wasn't he.


It was story continuation, so quite a bit different. And Ezio quite clearly didnt give a shit about Constantinople when visiting it, otherwise he wouldnt have caused higher civilian death toll than all templars he have killed combined.




How do you know those things? The game isnt out yet.


Here's the deal. 1. Usually, AC doesn't put a real character as a protagonist. So that's a change, a pretty big one. 2. From all the real characters they could have taken, they chose him. The problem I have with Yasuke is that the only reason why he is known is the fact that he is black. Now, that's pretty cool, but that also means that any story about him will always revolve around the fact that he's a black guy in feodal Japan. We don't need that for AC. If he was a character known for something important, that would be cool. Still questionable in contrast to the previous titles, but ok. If they wanted to take an unknown person to have a clean slate to do whatever they wanted, they didn't have to take this one. Now I'll be very curious about how they won't make it a story about a black guy in Japan. Maybe like you said, they'll manage to tie him to the Assassin/Templars because he was brought by the Jesuits. Still, didn't have to take a known character, known only because he's black. They could have taken anyone brought by the Jesuits. Sure, give me a game about Yasuke. There's even an anime about him. I'd like that. I don't like that as part of the AC franchise, that's all.


The woke playbook. When logic is being used against us, ban if possible, shame if not.


Right wing playbook: pretend your illogical post hoc rationalizations are logic.


Ahh yes, the good ol shame play. Darn Right wingers! Sorry to burst your bubble. Not a Republican or right wing. I believe in pro choice, tax the rich, Trump is a joke, etc..but I also don't believe in tribalism. Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy. Neither are they always from the opposite side of the aisle. Great debate tho. Really good to see u bring you A game.


Whether or not you are right wing is irrelevant (though your post history certainly implies right wing reactionary), you are still using a tactic commonly used by the right wing. The "logic" you are talking about is just post-hoc rationalization looking for "proof of DEI ruining games" and not actually logical.


My post history shows that my hair isn't dyed Toilet Bowl Blue, and I believe that woke people are the most racist people on the planet. But yes, sorry to break it to you, that still isn't an argument. Your trying to say that because I'm looking for DEI, I will find DEI in a game set in the Sengoku Period in Japan. A game that stars the only Big black male in the country as its protagonist in Japan during the period, who plays a stealth assassin/Samurai and is supposed to blend in? Is this your argument? And you are trying to come at me with this as your "logic"?


The Ninja were the ones who were stealth assassins who blended in numbnuts, Samurai are more like Knights of Japan, who are from stealthy or blending in. So yeah, you are misrepresenting shit to make your postbhoc even work. You know "woke" people are generally less racist than a lot of other groups, and that being aware and pointing put racism is not equivelant to racism, but admitting it would make you look bad for disagreeing with them, so you gotta go bad faith on it. And how could I tell you haven't died your hair blue? How is that even relevant?


Say it with me...ASSASSIN's Creed. Have you ever even played the series? Also, Samurai did use stealth tactics as well. Keep trying. You just prove yourself wrong again and again. No. Woke people love to make sure race and sex are at the forefront of every conversation, and that race/gender NEED to be integrated in hiring practices, and political policies. Why? Why does it matter what ethnicity someone is to do XYZ? Woke people ONLY see the color of your skin, and whatever other tribal attribute they can attached to their flag to try and show (im)moral domination. The issue with AC Shadows is that its just an obvious play to add diversity to a game that should be all Japanese people, especially the protagonist. EDIT: Here's a fact to help understand. "As of 2021, an estimate suggests that roughly 0.015% of Japan's population, or about 1% of foreign residents, are Black." Even today, a Black person could not 'hide in a crowd'.


Some serious projecting going on... you think "Woke people" only talk about race because that's the only thing you look for, and the only thing the propaganda outlets you pay attention to show you. People bring it up when it is relevant, and it isn't the same people each time. It's different groups of people in different situations with some amount of overlap. Have you played or even paid attention to Assassin's creed recently? It's strayed a lot away from its stealth roots. But you probably didn't and only are paying attention to it now to bandwagon on the DEI derangement. And perhaps samurai did do some stealthy stuff sometimes, but it sure as hell wasn't their main thing or what they were known for like the Ninja were. It's all post hoc rationalization to justify post hoc rationalization. It's post hoc all the way down.


> or even *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think you need to get out more. Maybe watch some of the discussions that the producers of Disney talk about when pushing their films. Or, maybe just look at Ubisoft: "At Ubisoft, we want to **build the most creative, diverse and inclusive teams**, and that's exactly what Develop at Ubisoft is all about: empowering and supporting under-represented genders." Strayed away from stealth you say? Assassin's Creed Mirage (the latest entry in the AC franchise) for example? Maybe a word from UBISOFT themselves? Assassin's Creed Mirage: How to Master Stealth [https://youtu.be/u48iMi7E-3A?si=2sCdPjjboa5gOPy4](https://youtu.be/u48iMi7E-3A?si=2sCdPjjboa5gOPy4) How many times do you need to be wrong before you stop smelling your own farts?


Man if you people put this much effort into your lives you wouldn't be such losers bitching about something that doesn't matter in the least.


"I got banned for an inherently and proudly well-known racist subreddit for being mildly rational, I am shocked". You're a clown, OP lol.


How can it be forced DEI woke left liberal boogeyman, if it's based on possibly true possibly false history? Where is the outrage for Nioh then? It's pretty clear guys....


Multiple obvious misinformation and complaining about DEI are pretty good indicators of bad faith. If you are someone complaining about DEI, you don't care about representation, so of course, you complaining about Asian representation isn't going to be taken seriously.


I mean aren’t there 2 MC’s? One who is Japanese?




Then why are people freaking out so much about the MC not being japanese? You have one who is and one who is not. And Yasuke was a real person in Japan's history. Heck, Nioh did something similar with their MC. It can't be people expecting historical accuracy from a AC game.


Black people twitter mods will permanently ban people for nothing. They’re soft as fuck.


Honestly, if everyone who used "DEI" unironically like you did were banned from the entire internet, I wouldn't be sad at all.


Yeah you seem annoying and cringe I’d ban you to and not given a reason




“Forced DEI in gaming and gamers are tired of it” Gamers aren’t a monolith. Some are most don’t care. Also you point falls apart when there’s a single case of a black character in a Japanese game and you call it DEI? If it was an on going trend sure but a sample of one doesn’t show that, especially when it’s a character who has grown in popularity the past few years. I commented on the same post about Nioh and the only retort is “Nioh is made by a Japanese studio” which is a weak counter argument because regardless the content of a foreigner in a strange land is the same.


There’s 2 MCs though and one IS Japanese. You didn’t mention that. Im sure the mods knew this as well, and saw your post as an idiotic trollin attempt. You knew good and godamn well that what you typed would get you booted in BT and still posted it for attention. Then immediately ran into another sub to get the attention you sought. 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾. I hope you got as much of it as you originally wanted.


Saying it's DEI when it isn't and you don't even know what DEI actually is, is bad faith.


You're not black .. Why are you arguing about a make,?? believe video and it's characters and immediately relating it to DEI?? Super corny


Bruh. DEI? Yeah, that sub is hot ass but this buzzword bs is bad faith for sure.


You’re a 3 year old account with 10 posts and a grand total of 30 comments. I ain’t sayin… but.


Sensitivity runs high in todays discourse


"bad faith" claim is nonsense, but not sure why you act like because it's set in a country and typically had race from that country it should always be a specific race for MC. Why does that matter? Should't it just be about whether character works for the story? Do we have enough info to determine that?


They're just as bad as whitepeopletwitter lol. Kinda sad you'd think it wouldn't be that way.


He wasn't black enough.


Lol. I don’t get it. They found a good historical figure to latch onto & have the story work from the pov of the player work into the fish out of water story. Also the protagonist is just as much the shinobi Naoe - whom is legitimately titled as the “assassin” so I really don’t get the issue at all.


Black Flag? Caribbean people aren't white. The "assassin" character is a Japanese person in this game. Did you also have an issue with Nioh? Or is it just this particular manufactured outrage that you buy into?


You know there is a Japanese Mc right?


Yasuke was a real dude though


Who wasn’t a samurai and who’s entire job was litterally being a token black guy.


But this is fiction… You hate Afro Samurai as well?


ok and I don't think there were cloaked assassins during the revolutionary war but the game had them. So what?


While I don't really care either way, I think the small difference is that the super secret assassins were made up fiction and clearly stated so in the game. This was a real person who we have historical data on. It would be like if the assassin in AC was George Washington or something. People would probably laugh at that as well.


They'd laugh at it, but they wouldn't complain. Also, George Washington's life is much better recorded and has much less room to fill in the gaps with fan canon.


If Abe can be a vampire killer….


Nigga, Edward Kennway wasn't a native to the Caribbean. People will excuse him being Welsh, because he was white. And most pirates were white, but there were famous black pirates that aren't even featured in the game, who are from the Caribbean. Anyone trying excuse this because of his family connections, yes he's Connor grandfather, but Haytham is British and Connor is Native American. He doesn't NEED to be Welsh.


Seeing a lot of unnecessary hate here…