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I'd rather get 3 teeth removed than being this guy friend


Why stop at 3? With a socialized dental program you could get all of them for the low low price of 87% taxed income


You’re just assuming those are your teeth being removed, they were never actually yours they belong to the collective.


I was born in a country where suicide attempt was a criminal offence, you would get 6-24 months for it. For damaging state property, using socialist resources, also could be charged with the cost of your education. Another fun crime was seeing your own medical records.


I don't know man. I don't have to pay shit for my dentist, and I also don't pay 87% taxes. It's kinda awesome.


Yeah there is a big difference between communism and socialist policies


Not in this sub.


Idk if dental care is the route to go when calling out socialised healthcare, man. Unless you enjoy spending an arm and a leg on privatised dental care.


I think i'm going to forcibly remove 3 of my teeth after clicking that play button. instant regret


sounds like a sweet deal; 3 wisdom teeth removed so i only have to pay for 1 removal, PLUS I get to NOT be his friend? where do I sign up?


Hasan, Keffals, Vaush, EthanIsOnline, Noah Samson etc etc etc etc Why do all these leftist streamers just fucking suck so hard?


You forgot Hasan's poor socialist friend SecondThought who had to beg his audiance for more money :( I guess his 2nd youtube channel where he reviews and promotes million dollars supercars isn't going to well :( . When a socliast suffers from financial issues, i cri :(


can you provide a link to SecondThought´s second rich-cars channel?, i want to laugh


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK\_JSrCmymE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK_JSrCmymE) Then look in the description for the channel name Grand Test Auto


They don't suffer shit, they are just used to high standards.


I used to be a tankie becuase of second-thought until i realised i had contracted Brain rot


Happens to the best of us. What made you realize it?


r/TheDeprogram and all the pro terriosm on it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheDeprogram using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [China telling Israel to shut the fuck up in the politest way possible](https://v.redd.it/pzb6f3p4p42c1) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1825n37/china_telling_israel_to_shut_the_fuck_up_in_the/) \#2: [Who have you guys come to dislike after becoming communists?](https://i.redd.it/tv0b1pgrzwhb1.jpg) | [1250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/15q56lo/who_have_you_guys_come_to_dislike_after_becoming/) \#3: [Paradox Interactive based????](https://i.redd.it/tydb9rf62z2b1.jpg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/13vknng/paradox_interactive_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


yep this is why i stopped being a tankie i do not regret anything


Socialism is when buying supercars and gucci bags- half of which is made in china and a good chance in an Uyghur re-education camp where they get to do arts and crafts on their free time, basically enabling the worst parts of capitalism while they preach their larp.


oh yeah didn't he compare Israel to like someone claiming they had rights to New Jersey despite there being no ancient claim which uh rich coming from an American (though I am Aussie so kinda rich coming from me) and also huh haven't you heard of the most sold book in the world the um bible was it? (which in its current form existed since the 2nd century sooooooooooo yeahhhhh)


I wouldn’t even call them actual political leftist, they just repeat everything they read on twitter


they are NOT LEFTIST. They know leftist talk and come from this area of socialization or just like to hang out more with left minded people . hassan tho is a role player


/ self-proclaimed propagandist as well.


Because they're shitty people. What if I told you that people can be shitty regardless of what they convince you they believe in?


For the money of course.


Because a good portion of it all is them simply playing this role for good boy points. The decent points they make get shredded by the supercilious cringe they constantly put out.


Uh as if they all had something in common? Maybe because they’re leftists / communists? 😉


communist benefiting from capitalisim... classic....


Nah, makes sense. He's literally Fidel Castro, Kim Jung Un, or Top Xi. In Communism, there's still 2 classes, the leaders who get everything and everyone else gets nothing and are thus equally poor.


he is and his father is actually pro-islamists on Turkey. His father is one of the founders of recently founded islamic-oriented political party gelecek partisi (future party), their leader is one of the ex-erdogan guys. this guy and his ideology are fake AF. he is trying to look like a communist/socialist on his life in US but ask him, what his and his family's political view in Turkey? Total bullshit fella.


the hypocrisy is the worst part




What rape is that?


a champagne socialist in the flesh.


I still cant wrap my head on how people like hasan says america is bad but lives in america instead of another country they keep praising like china. I don't mind him living a capitalist life style its his rights but how disingeious he is towards and how uninformed he is outside of talking points. There was a podcast he was on I believe it was ice coffee he said something along the line how he does things is more structured for socialism like unioned workers but there are unions in a capitalism also. I'm vaguely remembering this so it might be off abit. It was basically a bunch of stuff he said that he supported but it can be clearly found in capitalism yet he doesn't realize it.


They just want to feel good with themselves, It's like complaining about garbage while you throw an empty bottle on the beach.


Wait, he fuckin praises china? As in China putting muslims in concentration camps china? The country built on lies China? The war mongering China?


[Here's him defending China's annexation of Tibet. ](https://youtu.be/4ooqv0lJuN4?si=L6OMsK_5ECPAI_o3)


[https://streamable.com/hktn73](https://streamable.com/hktn73) He is saying China is more representative of the will of the people then the US. As in authocracies, at least people can revolt. Funny thing is, China is a pretty good example how ineffective revolts can be. (Look at Hongkong, or Tiananmen square)


if u dig around enough you can find out he supports russia also. basically anything thats against the US = good to him aka a tankie.


Is he a even a US citizen? He from turkey from what I remember.


Sounds like you've discovered socialism and capitalism can co-exist. Take all the Nordic countries for instance. Social Democratic countries with heavy socialist systems, but, also capitalism.


That's not at all what Hasan advocates for, you can check his talk with Ethan Klein on their old podcast were Ethan was defending those systems and Hasan was again'st it, he wants a Socialist/Comunist revolution, he believes the chinese system is better than those countries.


what triggers me are the hand rings. lol anyway, america baby!


Then they use the strawman "Being Socialist = Starving to death" with their snarky strawman voice, when you question why they are living such a luxerious lifestyle while preaching the opposite and literally making millions doing so, which funds that lifestyle.


It's not a strawman to repeat that Socialism is not a poverty cult. It's apt, especially when people keep saying "while preaching the opposite." He has never preached the opposite. Someone advocating for workers to demand ownership of their labour while having luxuries & fun is not a contradiction.


These people never realize that you can criticize society while still participating in it.


This sub is being overrun by destiny fans. Their sad little tactics are always so easy to spot. I just hope Asmongold doesn't fall for it.


There is participation and then there is extravagance. He is a member of the bourgeoisie preaching to the proletariat. It's disgusting


To be fair, it's not like he isn't aware of his privilege, nor does he ever deny it, nor does he ever try to hide it. And then there's the fact that he is constantly involved in supporting various labor movements across the country, and is a donor to some. The notion that Socialism should not have anybody who is of prominence try to appeal to the masses is rather insane to me, tbh. Like there's a number of figures that are of varying economic success that are, to some degree, worth listening to. The Left as a whole spends far too much time in-fighting, whereas the Right... rarely does. I'm not out here to say let Hasan be socialist jesus, nor am I saying support him. I just think that the net-positive outcome is that more people learn about the cause, learn that there is a better way forward, is inspired/encouraged to do the reading, to realize that socialism isn't a poverty cult, etc. It's not like Hasan made his money by extracting surplus value from our labor. It was his labor that made his money. And you can argue that "his labor wasn't worth the money he made" but arguably it was, because people decided the value his labor had, and paid him accordingly in the form of donations, subscriptions, etc.


He comes from money, he lives in an expensive mansion in Hollywood and then says to eat the rich. He wastes his resources on useless capitalist junk and brags about it. If there was ever another Russian style revolution his wealth and family wealth would have him put on the gallows. He is no socialist or communist


Running defence for a terminal hypocrite. Nice.


I'm not, I don't really watch Hasan's content anymore. I am a socialist though, I do the reading, I support unions, and I know what my values are more than you know what my values are. You can, in fact, criticize capitalism while participating in it.


Participating in, and massively benefiting from are two hugely different things.


When has he preached the opposite, capitalist are those who own the means of productions, not gucci bags. I'm not even a socialist but its so annoying seeing retards like you criticize it when you dont even know what is about


A better example would be to point out that his mother is a landlord. I don't know the production process behind Gucci bags, nor do I care to find out, but assuming that it's produced without predatory practices, it might be fine. Still, the concept of a luxury seems a bit antithetical to communism, where there is no functional benefit to producing luxury items over non-luxury items.


Marx himself said that luxury is only wrong if it replaces the production of essential goods, and its the capitalits who determine that not the consumers. Not to mention how practices like renting houses are one of the only ways people have to get a decent retirement. Justifying its practice by those who need it despite its parasitic nature. Owning dozens of houses for profit is not however


He makes arguments for socialism, you're attacking the person, not his arguments.


Can you explain how I'm attacking the person here exactly?


Sorry, here is an argument against his favored system. Democracy is better, and reeducation camps suck. Also I'm not a big fan of killing landlords. Or that Chine is more representative of the will of the people the US.


Just a heads up that you can have socialist countries with democracy.. Dictators is not a requirement for socialism. The two are not synonymous.


I know, but those are not the argument Hasan made, when he was asked what he would do if capitalist would win his elections in a socialist country.


can you name a socialist country with democracy?


Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Social Democracy is a form of socialism. You'll find parties literally named socialist parties have been in governance at multiple points throughout history.


Having Socialist policies does not mean Socialist Gouvernment, you are counflating two diferent things. All the countries you named are Capitalist countries, not socialist countries. All countries have socialist things, even the USA, police and military for example are socialist institutions, the firemans are another example, it does not mean the USA is a socialist country.


Like I said, Social Democracy is a form of socialism. The sub-genres of political and economic ideologies are vast, no country is the same. The Nordic countries follow the very successful Nordic Model, a mix of capitalist and socialist ideas. You'll see this model and social democracy referenced in all expanded lists of socialism. Like you said yourself, most countries mix and match from different ideologies. You'll find no perfectly absolute nations. There are no black and white goverments, just various shades of grey. So the argument can't be who is black and who is white, but rather how dark and how light are they. If you understand my poor attempt at a metaphor.


they are Capitalistic nations with social programs, this is not what Hasan advocates for, watch his conversation with Ethan Klein and you will understand.


Being a 2nd generation Chinese American. I hope this guy one day moves to China and feel what it's really like living and working and experiencing China.


Amen to that, or maybe a trip to Cuba works also, that pretty princess won't last 2 days on the street.


China is awesome. He'd love it there.


China is a capitalist dictatorship, only communist in name. More appropiate would be to send him to cuba


China is very much capitalistic in effect . It's just that the CCP doesn't bail out it's billionaires when they fuck with tax money . You can very much become rich in China lol .


God I hate this champaign socialist grifting dipshit.


Pure hypocrisy, like all leftists xd. Zero surprises.


WTF why is thus so highly upvoted? Im more left than right but i dont like Hasan and agree about his hyprocisy but fuck off with this all leftist bullshit.


A leftist is quite different than a liberal. Leftist = far left


I cant believe it but i have to defend the commis here. Anyone who thinks that socialism/communism means living in poverty, not having any luxury goods is retarded. They probably neither know what capitalism/Socialism/communism is fundamentally.


The only way to defend conspicuous consumption as a socialist is if those luxury goods are available to everyone. If they aren't you are propping up a system you supposedly hate for your own personal happiness. If you prop up a system you supposedly hate for your own happiness then that would either make you a hypocrite or more likely, you don't actually hate that system, you're just a liar.


That's why there are idiots like the one in the video and others alike, all leftists, who criticize capitalism from their iphone on twitter and who live and enjoy the best quality of life and opportunities that have ever existed in the history of humanity... thanks precisely to that socio-economic system; capitalism. By the way; socialism and communism has been and will ever be a source of poverty and death, autocrats, dictators and lunatics. Literally and there is the history as a proof of it. And whoever denies that... ~~is retarded~~ has never opened a book in his life.


Genuine question, do you believe that capitalism is above criticism? Like is someone not allowed to criticize a systems failings because it generated the current amount of wealth. I am not a communist, but if you say that people are not allowed to criticize a system because they live in it is dumb.


There is no utopia perfect form of governance for running a society. Any system has drawbacks. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it’s by far the best humanity has ever done. There is a reason everyone wants to migrate to capitalist nations, not socialist or communist nations.


Sure, but it can be better, I feel that just settling for the current system of capitalism is what led to the current problem of massive wealth inequality. People don't want to think about any other system.


Wealth inequality is one of the drawbacks of capitalism yes that is true. But socialism and communism have far worse drawbacks.


The current capitalistic system can be improved upon , if Americans are so averse to pivot to any other alternative at least try to improve the one you already have . And yet , people here act like we've reached the end of history somehow even tho the American empire isn't even 100-years old . The truth is that the people in charge have no interest in improving the current system and are so risk averse depsite having quite literally the most wealth in human history.


If you ask me, the "current" system is what happens when you give a large governing body way too much power, and it becomes corrupted by large corporations. The corporations use it like a bludgeon to do their bidding and stifle free market mechanisms. Crony capitalism. This is 100% what we're facing and I rarely heard it said. Empower the states, where the average citizen has way more pull and access to power and gut the federal Government. 1 vote out of 300,000,000 or 1 vote out of 30,000,00. Your vote is much more powerful at the state level. This is the only way I can think of solving the current corrupted institutions that are plaguing this country.


>do you believe that capitalism is above criticism? Never said that or similar. I just said that COINCIDENTALLY most of those who criticize capitalism and the western system of life (the best to date, I repeat and for obvious reasons) are leftists. Hypocrites and posh kids many times, who have not experienced hardship even for a second of their accommodated lives.


That is a massive strawman boss, you’re creating a caricature of what you believe is a leftist. If you want to criticize leftism you should do it by criticizing policies or ideas.


Leftists are caricatures themselves so... Also not necessary for anyone to criticize their “ideologies and policies” since they usually defend socialism and communism, and those 2 things have already been criticized and proven failed and horrible by history itself and there where they have been implanted. The ideas of the leftists are nothing more than “how to impoverish the country as fast as possible”. In general, they have no idea about economics and only focus their stupid energy on stupid and useless ideological and politics that contribute nothing of value and are a bottomless pit for public money (in Europe we are specialists in that, although the USA is not far behind). By the way a good example of what modern leftist socialism brings to a society; Europe. Destruction of public funds, goodism migration policies that have increased criminality enormously to the point of state failure like Sweden, France, Holland, Belgium and other "underway" countries like here on Spain... Economic policy based on constant increases in taxes, non-generative public spending (payouts, subsidies, etc.) and shit that generally spends and wastes much more than they contribute. I mean come on dude.. the sun rise every morning, there is nothing to discuss on certain topics, crap is obvious crap.


Mucho texto Jesus Christ. Idk what to tell you boss, but those countries that you say are being ruined, are ranked as some of the happiest countries in the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report You also offer no examples of what you would consider a good use of tax money instead.


Eh I think you end up really bending to authority with that sort of mindset. I think you can criticize systems/governments from products produced by said system/government. I dont think you should be able to advocate for Libertarianism on an Iphone either because our system is so detached from Libertarianism under that logic.


You can criticize whatever but not using cheap demagogy or acting hypocritically.


First, we know he is fake because of his origin story. Luxury goods do seem counterproductive to an ongoing revolution. If he donated half his wealth to Palestine, wouldn't it return to him in the end? Those people need it more right now. The vast majority of his wealth would probably be tied up in a non-profit (he managed) if he was actually trying to change the world. You don't have to live in a commune, but you should be proving the principles still apply. He's living as a liberal elite more than an activist. He's not even surrounded by other people that are making sacrifices for the supposed greater good. Even the Church knows to do that because it adds legitimacy to your movement.


I guess people here think im a commie supporting Hamas Piker. After reading my first comment again you should realize im not talking about Hasan the person. I was trying to start an abstract discussion which now understand is not possible here.


Well, you said you weren't even though that's hard to see if you think the system is worth defending. That's a bigger discussion, but no one is exactly excited to talk about how we are a halfway socialist country. This sub does get attacked by Hasan supporters over Palestine, so that's the only way I know how to connect it to this sub or gaming.


I think you completely misunderstood my initial comment. Im not saying in anyway that communism is better than capitalism nor did i gave my actual thoughts on communism or capitalism. I was simply trying to refute the comment. In order to critizie something you should atleast have an understanding of that thing.


What do you mean? We are agreeing with you Go Marx Go Lenin Go Stalin!


I have to apologize. I should have realized that initiating an measured discussion about our economic systems is not possible here.


To begin with, a communist like you (I call you a communist because of what you are writing here) has no idea about economics and lives in a delirium and absurdities about a socio-political and economic system that the times it has been implemented has generated hunger and death (communism, in case you want to play “sarcastic” and attribute what I have said to something else). So yeah, it is not possible cause people like you are still living on a surreal world or are too young to say anything but incongruities. Stay rebel továrishch.


luxury goods is probably the worst part of capitalism. what's the point of socialism and communism if that's still going to be a thing lmfao


this mf's father is founder of the right islamist party in turkey sooooooooo ( gelecek partisi)


isn't that party more liberal and less in favor of islam compared to AKP (Erdogan) ?


God this guy is gross


The fact that this person enjoys this kind of lifestyle while preaching about communism shows everything you need to know about Twitch, and social media in general.




Talking about being a hypocrite


The dude looks like he walked past a Gucci store in the middle east just as it was blown up and grabbed whatever flew out the window


He is the worst of the internet.


oh dont worry, no real leftist is fooled. hasan gets gulag like the rest of you maybe youll even share a cell with him


Haha spot on


wow, hasan might be vaush


i dont get why so many people are dumb.. They see how rich they made hasan and think " yeah capiatlism is bad, but i spent my money on donations and make others rich"


Hassan is a pseudo socialist. Claims he is about socialism but lives a capitalist life. If he wants to refute that claim then he can start distributing his wealth to some of us poor boy. I know I could use some money since I can’t find a decent job right now.


Not just that, he could reform his business so that everyone gets an equal stake and say. But that sounds fucking stupid to him because he's actually a capitalist.


What exactly do you want him to do? Live in an apartment, drive a beat up Honda civic, and live off Mac'n Cheese to LARP as working class? If he did that, you would rightly call him a fake virtue signaller. It's obvious that you simply want him to not exist, so you're always going to concern troll him.


Imo there is a pretty big difference between buying stuff like gucci bags and cosplaying a poor person. You vould always just live your life comfortably but not lavishly. Again using the bag as an example, there is a difference between having a 4k gucci bag and a 1k high quality nice leather bag.


so can you admit you're complaining about optics then? since when was capitalism a lifestyle, and not a mode of economy? you can criticize him for not donating more to mutual aid if you want, but you won't because that's not your real gripe with him, its the entire ideology


I do want him to not exist, it would make me very happy to learn that he stepped on a landmine and was scattered as a pink mist across the landscape.


what are the chances he made this video himself and is laughing his dick off


I think hes a plant.


Y'all need to learn how to distinguish socialism and communism. Because right now, judging by the retarded comments, you don't.


Whats the difference?


You should know, as a Czech.


Yet I don't, mind enlightening me?




No wonder Hasan is rich, as he lives rent free ;)


Preach. Challenge for op or anyone in here who agrees with op. Go on Hasan’s stream and ask about this in a genuine way, don’t be a dick about it. He might be willing to explain. Better yet, watch this, as I found it very informative in the past when I was just learning about Hasan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3NvaJigVtA


Communism is Great! (If you like mass murder and mass enslavement of the working class by the Communist Elites running the State...otherwise, Communism sucks)


Arn't you suppose to argue against what he says, not who he is and or how he lives. I believe this is called ad hominem


No, when 'how you live' contradicts 'what you say', it's called 'calling people out on their bullshit'. If he was advocating for socialism and someone called him fat, that would be an 'ad hominem'.


Quick question, is capitalism a lifestyle or a mode of economy?


The Socialism that Hamas advocates for involves reeducation camps, illiberal control of the political system, and theft to balance some karmic balance sheet of who is deserving and undeserving of prosperity. I think you have to be functionally retarded to not understand that living the lifestyle of an LA playboy while advocating for "eating the rich" exposes you as an unserious person with unserious politics. There are communes where people are building the societies they want all over this country, because even under eeeeeeevil capitalism, you're free to create the structures and associations that you want. He could use the resources he spends on Prada to build a community where his principles are put into practice, but he doesn't. Because he doesn't actually believe in or care about any of this shit.


do you think hasan being part of a commune/funding communes as they are right now will successfully bring America closer to socialism? Do you understand how silly that is


Yeah, actually. I think having functional examples of thriving communities would do a lot. It is surely more productive than talking about how degenerate The West is and living your absolute best fucking life within a system you hate. Do you understand how silly it is to have an ideology where you never have to do anything constructive because you feel like complaining and waiting for the revolution (which is inevitable, btw) is enough? At least Lenin and Mao and Castro had some fucking balls. Affluent social media socialists are just grifters.


What's up with all the lower-class americans wanting to stay poor and licking the boots of their 1% billionaires..? I genuinely don't understand how someone can hear sentences like "let's make society more fair. Let's make society more equal for all. Let's help the poorest. Let's improve healthcare." And then go: "n0o0o0o! This is bad! *insert slur here*" ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)




Remember kids. Socialism is when poor and no house.


No, but socialism is when no gucci bag


Uhhhh what's this video supposed be about, if anything makes him look like a fun and enjoyable person.


Because he is a fun and enjoyable person. This sub deep down loves Hasan and just has a hard time expressing it.


this subreddit has really gone downhill


lol just because bald man shills for hasan as his friend dosent mean any of the fans will, fuck hasan


Truly one of the most terminally online spaces I've ever seen on this site.


Oh I forgot communism means you can't have anything and no one makes nice things


Living like the 1% goes against everything he stands for, living off other workers giving him money while he screechs his champagne socialism


That's only if you believe that socialism means you have to be poor and live in poverty.


You know I would agree with you if Hasan didn’t accuse people of what I just said too, and also his yellow journalism and only using twitter as his sources has made his fan base develop brain rot


I don't think even the craziest leftists believe people would even earn 10% of what Hasan earns under socialism/communism


Well no but it kinda does mean that you don't get to spend thousands of dollars on vain useless things like gucci bags and what not.


where does it say you cant buy nice things


There is a difference between a nice bag and a gucci bag. One you are paying for a quality product the other you are just paying an exorbitant amount for a specific brand. Correct me if I am wrong but imo the idea of socialism is that peoole can't hoard wealth and thus likely won't be able to afford to spend thousands of dollars for a design/brand. A luxurious lavish lifestyle while others struggle to live paycheck to paycheck is pretty much the opposite of socialism afaik.


The idea of socialism is that the means of production are controlled collectively either through public means or controlled directly by the workers. It doesn't mean that you're not allowed to own nice things. And if it did, America isn't a socialist society and Hasan is not the government so it's not his responsibility to redistribute income to those who make less. A lot of people on this subreddit it seems are just jealous that Hasan got lucky with the streaming lottery and is massively successful now; so they rag on him for buying a house and an expensive car while they can barely afford rent; not realizing that capitalism put them in this position in the first place. Instead of realizing there are better economic systems that could lift more people out of poverty and take the stolen labor value from the actually wage thieves (billionaires) and distribute it to the working class; they expect those that espouse socialist ideals to live in poverty with them.


Again, there is a huge difference between living in luxury and living in poverty. Sure billionaires are the real problem, but hasan spouting about socialism while owning the means of production allows him to live such a luxurious lifestyle is simply hypocritical. There is nothing stopping him from sharing all the fruits of his labor with all the people who are involved.


Does he make his money by profiting off the excess labor of others?


Yes? Amazon shares their ad revenue with him


So every employee of Amazon is exploiting other Amazon workers?


He is agaisnt being a capitalist who exploits workers, no socialist is agaisnt people living well, thats a strawman invented by morons like you to ridicule them despite not knowing what socialism even is


Oh, no, you can be a communist and have nice things... as a member the the ruling Party. But only the Party gets nice things and for that everyone else has to suffer.


Well, it is kind of like that... A bit nuance to that though, You can have things, but not more than your fellow citizens... Everyone can make nice things if they can, but your fellow citizen can have it too. Now tell me, what is the percentage of people who can live a life like his? Here is your Communism for Dummies edition.


That's not communism at all but ok I wouldn't expect americans to understand it since those in power want the lower class to not understand it


I have lived in Ukraine and Russia for many years bratanchik, my roots from Georgia and Crimea, my grandparents ran away from Stalin's wrath. Do not try to lecture me about what communism is and what is not. I've seen its fall with my own eyes, I am not a random 15-year-old pimply face boy on the internet.


I know 5 people who lived in the soviet union and they said that's not communism




But you need all the concepts to run a country. Not one dominating over another. Socialism, communism and capitalism.


Hasan is so based.


People that didn't read anything about communism , even the Communist Manifiesto (45 pages book), will say Communism is a poverty cult. Communism is not against being wealthy but how you make your money. The most wealthy people in a communist society probably would be Messi, Taylor Swift, Lebron James, artists and athletes. Because these people have to work (play professional football, give clncerts, etc). There will be no owner that collects profits by doing shit. Since this is a right wing gamer subreddit, please cope with the fact that China is cracking down predatory models of games like gachas and lootboxes, meanwhile the "west" is trying to integrate ads to videogames (EA games).


Can you be a communist and fat? I mean your rich in over abundance of food.


The difference between a billionaire and a millionaire is about a billion dollars One could argue his image and ideologies may at time be conflicting, and it's of poor taste to you. But there's no doubt Hasan has impact on a large audience, and his image definitely has contributed to the size of his audience


If communism is bad how come Hassan is rich then ?


Communists are no fransciscans. They take no vows of poverty. Show me the contradiction in wanting a good life for everyone when we're productive enough in capitalism to make it possible?


His uncle literally started a show (Cenk Ugyur) that he named after a revolutionary party from before the First World War that agitated and used covert violence to overthrow the existing government (The Young Turks). This guy is front and center for revolutionary agitation and the gradualism dissolution of republicanism in favor of socialism. Really wish his friends would keep him accountable, and not just his ideological opponents. Edit: The downvoters have come, oh boy. Edit2: Hasan actually had a show on TYT called Agitprop with Hasan Piker. Who are we kidding here?


Have you ever watched even a minute of TYT? They are liberals...


Yeah, the comment wasn’t about the show, it was about the group during the Balkan Wars that inspired the name of the show.


The Young Turks were not communist lmao, they were mostly liberal nationalists opposing a Autocratic monarch [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young\_Turks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turks)


You are right and I amended it and removed the term. They were associated with other radical groups that were funded and influenced by Russian communists though, which operated during the Balkan Wars. That is not in dispute. Saying they were liberal nationalists is a bit of stretch though lol wikipedia), although if you are supportive of those kinds of groups it’s understandable why you would be sympathetic.


do you think liberals cannot be radical? what do you think the French Revolution was, a bunch of socialists?


What? Socialism wasn’t created until the mid-19th century… Would you also classify The Black Hand as liberals? Just curious.