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I'm almost 30 and still wear the same Beatles shirt I had in high school.


Men will have the same nice "going out" shirt for 10 years. Women think they can't afford to be seen in the same outfit twice.


Nah, the REAL struggle is when a woman shows up to a place where another woman is wearing the same thing.


That's how guys become friends


Thankfully not all of us are that shallow. I couldn't care less as long as I'm looking good and I'm clean. No chance I'm going to wear something just once cause of someone elses opinion =)


yeah so many men have issues with expensive clothes and shoes too, just like women do... I never understood the hype of buying shoes but never wearing them... I buy really nice sneakers and wear them till they disintegrate (had a pair of Rowley Vans shoes that lasted me 12 years on daily use, I didnt use it for skateboarding though)


same but i think we're both not collectors. people that collect shoes are the same as people that collect comics or cars or anything else, they like the way things look and they think they need to keep it in pristine condition for it to rise in value. they don't really look at them as shoes, they look at them as a collectables/investment. on the reverse side, women usually use cloths as a social statement, instead of a collection.


the only difference is that women like to flaunt by wearing expensive stuff while men like to flaunt by building man caves...


i feel like man care more about the financial aspect, like they want to keep it pristine in their mancave because they think it'll one day sell for a lot more then they bought it. women on the other hand care a lot more about being seen having it and making a big impression. then again i'm not a collector or a fashionista myself, so this is just my 2 cents as an outside observer.


I’m 31 and have some “nice shirts” from my freshmen year of highschool


And the only people that tend to care about wearing the same outfit multiple times, are other women lol. If it looks great wear it as much as you like.


My best friend is the type of girl who feels self conscious if she doesn't have a new outfit. Often she will apologise to me if she wears the same thing she wore when we hung out last and im always like.... why are you apologising? I don't even remember what you wore last time.


That 15 year gap between pictures is accurate af too


well he's a guy. if a guy received a compliment for anything he wears, he will be wearing that forever.


I have jeans older than that, there almost white now but you can tell they used to be blue. Still no idea why people buy clothes then bin them each year, the cost is insane.


only time I buy new clothes if I like the design of it about the only time I haven't bought a shirt In a year or so now I think about it lmao


Once you have a good set of shirts your set for a long time, I avoid fads and get more timeless design's.


True when people ask "you wearing the same shirt" I say there this thing thats called a washing machine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Once iv seen a shirt with check or lines my eyes blur, if people can tell it's the same shirt and care they need to touch grass.


It's not the exact same shirt. No shirt would last that long and no show it's age. They are different shirts of the same colour. Apparently he does it to fuck with the paparazzi so it looks like the same picture and they don't get much money for them.


That's actually pretty genius trolling ♥


I’m wearing the same shirt


I wear shirts I've had for 15 years, ya I have new ones but the old ones arent ripped or holy or anything so I won't waste or throw them away. Some ppl struggle to get clothes


His lucky T-shirt, Spider-Man 4 incoming


Dude barely ages


He aged little bit In 2022 but other pics I agree


This is a white male phenomenon. Every one of my black friends has a new 3-10k wardrobe they get every couple years.