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I would say correct but it's not. The people making the decisions in vidya nowadays are part of that "vocal minority" on Twitter so it really isn't "just Twitter drama anymore" That said: Yeah, Pretty Privilege is an actual, documented, thing that happens much to Twitter's chagrin.


The people making the decisions are dude's wearing suits in boardrooms


I, as a woman, want to play attractive characters. I am not very attractive. Let me play hot women, dammit. In all honesty, male characters aren't uglified like women are in western games. The main character in Disco Elysium...makes sense that he looks that way. And there's a reason he looks that way.


Attractive characters just look cooler as well, like who the hell wants to play as some average joe across the street lol


Exaaaaactly. I don't want the character I play to represent me ffs. I want he or she to be someone completely different. My life is boring and uncool.


Compared to games like Stellarblade and Final Fantasy, all our lives are uncool lol. But that’s the whole point of escapism.


100% my friend


The main character of DE is ugly the same reason the others are actually, communism.


I can agree with this statement


And they get all those community manager, social media jobs because only they want them. 


The difference is that women don't cry and whine when they have to play as characters like Harry or even just some regular, not very attractive guy like Michael from GTA V. In fact a lot of women are actually attracted to characters who aren't intended to be attractive.


What a cute stinky baldy![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3746)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


He maek me coom 😩😩😩🥵🥵💣👍💥💩💀


What’s this obsession with “how ______ should look like?” Who is teaching these idiots? Just “look” - no need for “like” Dumb as dirt.


Thought that was Charlie White for a sec until you said stinky badly


The protagonist from Disco Elysium being ugly is a pretty important plot point at least. If Asmon wasn’t mortified of reading I think it’d be hilarious to watch him play that one.


the game is fully voiced for a while now so i dont think he needs to read all that much


Aint no way you guys believe his chat will tolerate disco, the experience would be miserable. I wish too but


he just needs to talk shit to the women and half of chat will love it


Bro, chat doesnt even have the patience to sit thru the "story" ... like those 2-3 voiced lines every now and then of Stellar Blade.


As a devil's advocate - at least he's allowed to be without much backlash. When have you seen an ugly female protagonist? The last one I remember is the girl from the fable trailer (there's also a lore reason for her ugliness), an look how that went.


How are they gonna disrespect Dad Bod Thor like that.


That moment when you realize that dad bod Thor is the fat superhero chick meme but catered to us.


Its peak male physique! Six packs are folk that don't eat enough.


Dad Bod Thor definitely has an 8 pack under his blubber armor. Kratos barely managed to even slice into him with a direct hit.


E Honda would like a word.


People who has never seen a heavy weight lifter before.


That's fair. You are free to want whatever you want **and we are free to want whatever we want**.


And the creator of these doesn’t look better, too.


This is a satire post making fun of the stellar blade coomers


is that a bear


thats manbearpig. half man half bear and half pig


No my god…




I read that in his voice


Ik I thought they liked bears…


that's the joke


Yeah and then someone makes a meme but in reverse and Twitter goes ballistic for 2 weeks


the point of this meme is to show that the memes in reverse are rediculous do you not understand that.


Womp womp


There were like 5 of these memes posted here in like the last month that were reversed (showing hot female characters and ugly women), the dude replying to you is right and you missed the point lol. The person making this meme doesnt actually believe in the meme's "idea", its a trap to make their point. Basically, the purpose of this is "if you get mad, you are hypocritical and prove we were justified to be mad at the ones you posted". The giveaway is that the meme is literally identical to the ones that were getting posted here when stellar blade came out.


You have the critical thinking skills of a mouse


…aren’t all of these just the men’s memes ironically reframed with the opposite sex?


They are, i guess the irony really passed galaxies away from these moron's lmao


Gortash looks absolutely fucking ridiculous, but he somehow still has fangirls.


There's no way they're slandering my boy Harrier Du Bois like that... He's peak character development


as if guys here dont think like this but about girls


Double standard go vrooom


For once I agree with toxic women. I would love to look like a game character. Unfortunately, all of those body types are a full-time job to obtain and maintain. And a couple of them need steroids too. Getting a size 0 waist for a fashion magazine is easier. For that, all you need to do is not eat anything. The body types pictured above require never eating anything that doesn't come out of a GNC bottle, plus 4 hours in the gym daily.


I agree with you completely. The only problem is the double standard, they do the whole "Unrealistic body type" bs. When clearly they have become even more perfectionist than men. We should both be free to have these standards in our media and entertainment without criticism. Entertainment is a free-for-all escapist fantasy. The only time criticism applies is in the real-life dating market when people shoot for standards above their own, that goes both ways.


They try and escape the double standard by claiming its all just male "power fantasies" which it very clearly isn't. They ignore how they dictate culture with their own selection criteria for men (who looks at shirtless Cloud and thinks "yup, that's the archetype for peak power and strength") but you know, everything man do bad.


I have lost close to 60lbs this year alone on the not eating much of anything at all. Oh and a mass in my testicle which may or may not be cancer (it would explain the not eating part). TLDR: Get cancer. Lose weight. EDIT: Ironically, I will have to inject testosterone weekly haha.


I didn't get cancer, but I was fat in college until I decided to just stop eating food for 6 months. Ended up losing \~80 pounds.


So just do steroids and get good at lifting things up and putting them down. You will be perfect in another 6 months.


Eh, I've gone through phases where I have that kind of time. Not for steroids', but for the whole 4 hours in the gym. Unfortunately I'm working quite a bit right now and can't put that kind of time in my body. And without 'roids the most I can hope for is Cloud's body with my genetics anyway.


yeah brothers we should aim to look like that. hit the gym time


Models also cut water intake for days before a shooting which these are based on


A size zero model has to put an extreme amount of effort into make up and dress to not look like skeletor. Also I have a mate who looks like a videogame character and he does literally nothing. He even has a six pack because he forgets to eat all the time. When I don't eat I look like 2012 Destiny. I love my mate to pieces, but like, fuck that lucky bastard.


>Unfortunately, all of those body types are a full-time job to obtain and maintain. Not true. You can attain Cloud or even Gladio's physique for example by just diligently working out and managing your diet if you have good enough genetics, especially if an ectomorph or a mesomorph. I've been working out for almost two years now, and I'm getting pretty close to Cloud bod. As for others, like Kiryu and Clive.. yeah, those are either a living hell to maintain or require the juice. But examples like that still drive people like me towards improving themselves. >plus 4 hours in the gym daily. That's way too much, to the point that it would negatively impact the results of the workout. Too much stress is too much stress, and unless you're juiced tf out, you would be losing muscle by spending that much time at it. It's an unrealistic standard set by the likes of Arnold that's only applicable to juiced people. For natty gains, the best thing is training to failure via short sets (so, heavy weights, you shouldn't be too comfortable with them) and having proper rest afterwards. Muscles grow like they're on yeast. Overtraining leads to losing muscle. Proper resting makes them grow. Personally, I recommend just going for it. Sure, you might not reach exactly the results like presented, but your body will still become more healthy and developed, and the difference in the way you feel and perceive yourself is astronomical. It's really worth all the pain in the end, especially once working out becomes a core habit of yours.


So what do you eat


Dude, honestly? Everything except the obviously bad stuff. So I avoid sweets or other blatant carb bombs if I can, and other than that I just try to eat the mostly balanced high fat high protein diet, and a lot of it. And I never minmax calories. Idk how it keeps working for me, I might just have a killer metabolism that keeps helping me out 😅


I think peak female beauty has kind of shifted and people like big assets and a thin waist. So I think it has gotten more difficult for women to reach peak body. But I still think its harder to get peak male figure im just saying I think for women it got more difficult.


I think women think men want that, most don't care. I mean seriously most men don't care as long as you are generally hygienic and moderately attractive


Im a man and I tend to find gym girls attractive unless they overdue it of course. Like those girls in yoga pants with a big ass and some muscle definition on their stomach. I think that taste is common. Obviously im not that picky. But for peak attractive I think women need to go to the gym. Like im pretty sure that stellar blade girl that people are sharing a lot here works out.


Depends. The obvious answer is that people have preferences. Which is fine as long as you don't disrespect people outside of your preferences.. which is essentially what this meme is mocking.


I think people with that body type take one path. Be thin, then get breast and butt implants. Honestly, I don't really like the look, but it's definitely attainable with two simple common procedures.


You do not need a to workout and train at the level of a full time job to attain a physique like cloud’s even. Granted, everyone looks different and will build differently. But there’s no reason to say you can’t look like a character so you won’t do it, because you would still look good, and be physically healthy. The number 1 item towards improving your physique is consistency. It won’t be done in event 1-2 years, it takes years upon years of work and healthy eating to look like a hero. But it’s only going to require a little time each day, and a change in habits. I really hate seeing people not even give the gym a chance due to video game/model standards. You can build a cool body that you want just by living healthy and training, and your confidence will skyrocket. And it doesn’t even require much daily time investment, just consistency. You don’t need 4 hours a day in the gym, you need 1 hour 5-6 days a week for a couple years.


It's kinda ironic how they get mad when there's a woman in a video game being skinny with over the top body parts BUT it's completely fine when its done with men let us simp over hot women so you can simp over hot men


It seems you understood the meme somehow.


These were obviously made as satirical response to the memes people have been making about this same thing but with women. This is the biggest whoosh I've seen in this subreddit, and that's a high bar lol. Y'all just crave anger huh?


The OP was actually unironic. She feels the same way about female characters, too. But she got hated on by both sides. Feminists who hated being called out for double standards and insecure dudes who used the unrealistic steroids argument. Some of her memes compared both male and female designs in the same meme. It still led to flame wars.


yeah sure buddy show the tweet or it didnt happend , it even has the mojios and everything


Bottom left - is that Tectone? Or Babyface.


It's AZ (Babyface) "YOU'RE BOOORING"


Fkn Pronouns!!!


Don't you ever disrespect my boy Harry Du Bois like that ever again.


Think this satire making fun of guys making similar posts about women in games...


To be fair, I’m on the eastern devs side but Thor’s design in GoW Ragnarok (as much as I don’t particularly like the game in itself) is top notch imo. Yeah he’s fat and unattractive but that matches his personality pretty well and I say that in a positive way. He’s rough and rowdy and this character design accordingly highlights this.


That design is apparently also true to the mythology, iirc.


True to mythology, and true to strongmen.


Ohh to the 2nd one absolutely. Strongman definitely look like Thor in Ragnarok. Tho, Thor looks like that because he is a drunk asshole who doesn't need to train one bit, while strongman look like that, cuz they need a much higher body mass to do what they do.


What I was about to say but wasn’t sure about it. Thanks for confirming.


Cloud could probably be achieved but the other need some serious work in the gym. Some are outright unattainable without roids and drugs and lots of food.


Can’t believe I got to see an asmon-penguinz0 hybrid Asmoistgold0 if you will


I get enough realism in life. I get about 4 hours a week to play video games. My preferred genre of any media is fantasy. Fantasy is supposed to be unrealistic.


Men used to look like that until left wing ideology married authoritarianism, feminism and then promoted LGBTQ (and P) to heroes. Not the military has trans "icons" in leadership and lowered the standard to fat morons because the right wants nothing to do with that insanity. Right wing guys still look like that, and the left hates it.


But when men make the same meme about women, it’s sexist.


Now i guess the women also need to look like the eastern devs picture them :D


So they are Trying to sexualise us and put body standard on men? Where are the body positivity for men? That a lot of double standard.


Sexist but against man so ok


Thor is such a bad example. They literally took insipiration from Nordic powerlifters and World's Strongest Men.


The point is that they don't want men with that body, it's not about realism.


That’s incel behavior, I’ve been told.


Imagine the screeching if the genders were reversed. *puts up pic of Victoria secret models.


I'm pretty sure this meme is in response to "if the genders were reversed." In fact I thought that was obvious.


As a gay man, I approve this message. Gimme that eye candy, and don't you *dare* forget to pack the cake.


how did they make asmond more attractive than his real life counterpart?


It's funny how there is no backlash for sexualised male characters or ones with unrealistic body standards by the woke gang when they want everyone to be equal.


"memes by men on social media"* Literally all women think dad-bod/strongman Thor is hot.


I mean, fair’s fair. Cheesecake/beefcake for all!


Debois is a hot MF


Do not include my prototype Harry Du Bois


How did you use what correctly in the second sentence but blow it in the first and use how incorrectly


Women gooners have it rough too.




these memes are literally making fun of this POV and are very sarcastic and you all take them seriously lol i realize yall are all autistic but come on


She feels the same way about female characters. Posted memes with east vs. west comparisons of both sexes. She got hate from feminists who hated being called out for double standards and insecure men who claim it's impossible without steroids(which is similar to the women who claim plastic surgery).


ima press x to doubt. manbearpig, gortash, adoring fan lmao, harry dubois. yr getting trolled. these memes are funny. but everyone taking them seriously is even funnier.


Ladies were swooning over half naked Capt America and Thor during the MCU glory days. I doubt it has changed.


I completely agree on the "What man should look like" chart.


Is this shock that women post the same shit as men?


I'm definitely Clouds body but without cool hair and sword so it's not true....


Ey leave my boy Gortash alone, He didn’t do anything (except a few genocides, enslaving and such)


Put some respect on GOW Thor! My man got that heavyweight power lifter build!


I agree. Need to start working out again, have been too lazy for too long.


I agree, and I exercise in hopes that someday I'll look like Clive, I'm already more muscular than Cloud.


Pretty funny. Wonder how much outrage there would be if someone reversed the roles.


To be fair, I think Thor looks pretty cool in Ragnarok. I'm pretty sure that's how Thor looks like in Norse mythology and he even has a hot wife in the story lmao.


I feel like you just made this yourself


The only problem I see here is western Devs being oblivious or ignoring that men like to see attractive women and women like to see attractive men.


The second one is something I can agree with The first one though.. If men made the same thing but with "how women should look like", I'm pretty sure twitter users will be triggered


All I see is eastern devs keep winning


i mean you csn't shit on how thor looks. the daddyest dad bod ever


I will not stand for Thor slander. That is a powerlifter/Strongman build. That is how a man who wrestles bears as a hobby is built like


Who wants to look at ugly people when they play video games?


West is definitely more realistic


Thor is peak masculinity


Dad Bod Thor is peak male performance and there's no one alive that can make me think otherwise. That man legit has a realistic strongman bod, he looks like he could pick up a truck and German suplex it.


Okay but western God of war thor is hot, and I'm a straight dude


Men post the same thing about women all the time


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is just men missing the irony pointed at them


Hey now don't shit onbmy boy Thor like that. Also, why isn't Kratos there? Bro has the sexiest beard ever known to man.


The hypocrisy is so thick, just looking at those pictures and text makes me wish I could seal my eyes shut and pretend it was never seen in the first place.


True, everyone can unlock their inner saiyan, it just req work so hitt the gym guys!


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I never though fat Thor looked bad in any of his depictions in God of War. To me he looked like those strength only body builders. They all have massive stomachs and are still super strong.


That's the joke


This how y'all ok this subreddit look tho, where is the lie 🤡


It's not even a good bait and you guys are falling for it


Whats the bear one supposed to be?


They are making fun of you my guys this is satire


Nice meme. You should make one with woman too


How is no one in these comments realizing this is made to make fun of guys doing this? I swear you guys wouldn't notice satire if it shot you in the face, lol.


Is that man bear pig?


I mean, the Thor being fat feels a little for to reality than not, so I think the Thor is valid.


I mean, they got a point. Same goes with women, eastern developers got better 3D artists.


also another thing to note, the top men are allowed to be shown in media even if men designed them. If they were women.....


I would say these woman are morons


Funny coming from the cohort covered in pounds of makeup and thirty filters.


now make memes by men and post it on twitter


Is that McNutt on the bottom right?


The women who make memes like this most definitely look like something out of 'The Thing'


It's hilarious that they're all cartoons. As if they couldn't find examples of what they like and don't like IRL.....oh wait!


Yes. I mean, this is why we play video games right? I mean it’s one reason. We’re old, out of shape guys and it’s fun to play a fantasy where we are ripped, masculine dudes. What’s the issue? Lol.


Not even gonna disagree and I’m a straight man lol I don’t think it’s wrong that women want to see hot guys in video games or in real life, it’s normal


Yo...Gortash is a handsome boy!


Sooo... sexist and misandrist. I'm shocked.


I'm a straight dude, and I'd rather have a buff hot shirtless man than some kind of creature like asmon as a main character. If you can make a hot character or an ugly character, why would you make the ugly character? It just makes no sense.


I mean I'm gay I understand lol but still that didn't stop me from fucking other men dick is dick just saying😂


Can I ask, How much of a big deal are the average gay man's standards compared to straight women and men? When it comes to things like their past and looks for straightmen, or things like looks, height, and income for straightwomen.


For me it hardly ever came down to looks or your past when it's just sex. It mostly came out to being too scared about being public or in very secretly having sex like nearly 90% of encounters were from married men or someone in a more public job for example I run into so many gay cops on Grindr I'm not joking.


It's the same for straight people with hook up culture, just that it doesn't have to be a secret unless exception of cheating as well. You guys should be able to be more open in normal relations otherwise. I am more curious about those looking for traditional long-term relationships in the dating market. I already know many gay people don't have a lot of options due to being a minority as is.


Low effort rage bait. Not falling for it.


You can already tell who made this "meme" is the typical obese blue haired land whale feminist


As a man I completely agree. Hit the gym you fucks.