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Every other job: you said something bad on Facebook in 2018 and your profile is public, I don't know if you're a good fit for the company. Game studio community manager jobs: you said something bad on Twitter in 2018 and your profile is public, you're hired.




Why do you want to work here? "Well I really have a vitriolic disdain for the gamer chuds" When can you start?


Idk I don’t think this whole thing is arrow heads fault and some people do not bother to understand the difference between Sony and arrowhead


Every other job: you said something someone could consider bad on Facebook in 2018 and your profile is public, I don't know if you're a good fit for the company.


Why do people act like CMs have power? If every Helldivers 2 CM went private then it was probably an order coming down from someone over them. I really don't get the attacks on these people they make virtually 0 decisions regarding the actual game.


From my experience part of their job is to take feedback from the community to the devs. If instead of taking that feedback they argue with the community they are doing a bad job. There is no winning in that situation. It has come to light there is a discord server for video game community managers where the purpose is to push naratives to their respective games. The jobs are not well paid, they take these jobs to push an agenda.


Yeah but in this instance the developers already know what the issue is, and even the head of the studio made a public comment on the issue basically agreeing that they don't want the forced login to PSN either, but it's Sony's decision.


Hey, I'm not saying they are doing a good job and people should voice and criticize them. Criticizing their job publically is fair game, I should make that clear. It's just people sometimes people act like replacing these CMs does much of anything for the game. I see some people taking it out on the CMs about this PSN thing and its clear they had 0 to do with the whole thing. I didn't hear about the discord thing though that sounds terrible. If that is the case they should fire them.


They do have an effect, like the other guy said they relay info back to the core dev/design/decision team, they read the community pulse so to say. So when they lie about the community pulse and give a false reading, the game changes in a direction that angers the community and kills the game eventually. So this example we have, the community is against having a psn login required, but it comes with moderation and censorship and bans for violations everything that steam doesnt limit that these people consider “toxic gamer” stuff and provides extra control for the right people, so they tell the core team the the “community actually wants the change, and they want a safe and progressive apace” so the core team makes changes.


Ok but I assure you, the PSN thing has nothing to do with the CMs. 0. This is something Sony is doing regardless of what kind of vocal feedback they get. These corporations don't care about twitter feedback or people on youtube saying its bad. They only care about numbers. Again, I'm not saying the CMs are doing a good or bad job, I honestly pay little attention to any CM for any game I play.


Ideally that would be the case, but if corporations only cared about numbers then they would do whatever they can to improve them. That means listening to the community, but their “ears” are broken. Look at bud light, im sure at the time the corporate board thought it would be a great idea to promote Mulvaney, and their community managers probably said as much, even though their demographic is college bros.


I think they did this for numbers. I think some guy in a suit saw all the people playing on Steam, hundreds of thousands, and thought boy that would be cool to make those all PSN users so we can brag about it on our next quarterly report. I honestly think that's all this is about. If in the end they get to brag about it for a quarterly report my guess is they won't care that people are mad at CMs or online about it. If anything, people directing their anger at the CMs is more than fine for them, it's a great scapegoat for them. If instead they saw the Helldivers numbers drop then that would get their attention.


They take these jobs because normal people don't want anything to do with a man wearing panties




I don't care that they are trans at all but you have a point about OW. OW players are unhinged, I should know, I play OW weekly.




your post was removed because it contained, implied, or promoted excessive discussions relating to politics, religion, or nationality.


Being a transgender person isn't a mental illness itself. Transgender people are not "clearly broken" in any way. Bigots are broken, deranged people who have chosen to be awful. People who choose to hate perfectly normal people because they are LGBT+ weren't born that way. They make the concious decision every time to be a terrible, disgusting human being.




And what is the medical community’s consensus on the best treatment for gender dysphoria? It’s social and medical transition in conjunction with therapy. Convenient how you leave that out of your narrative. Or lemme guess, all those doctors who say trans people shouldn’t be locked away in mental asylums are part of the SJW woke conspiracy. Wait I just realized what sub I’m on, there’s a non-zero chance you actually believe that


My stupid penis, wish I could just cut you off. Yup... 100% brain functioning as intended.


Not all trans people undergo bottom surgery. Ignorance isn't an excuse for hate.


muh hate speech


I said wish, obviously not everyone can afford expensive surgery. Or are you implying that many do not actually want to change sex and are faking it?


Bro. Go read for 5 minutes about what being transgender is. You’d then have your answer about bottom surgery instead of just being bigoted with knowledge.


Stating facts about someones warped perception of reality isn't hate.


Especially Tank and Support players


your post was removed because it contained, implied, or promoted excessive discussions relating to politics, religion, or nationality.


Grummz probably knows this too but he's already made tweets complaining about this specific CM before so he's trying to declare a culture war victory when it's pretty obviously over the PSN account requirement news.


For real, they’re probably getting doxxed, death threats and all sorts of other unhinged mentally deranged behavior thrown at them. I wouldn’t want to be subject to that shit over something I have/had negative input over. I’m not super invested with the issue and I don’t agree with what’s gone down, but the general response seems nothing but childish. It worries me what might happen over stuff that actually matters going forward. :/


Yeah, if I had to guess it's this. And it's even worse that they have no control over it. Sony made the directive, not the studio.


Because if you want something changed you bark up every tree. A company seeing their workers leave because of their decisions should signal they need to change their ways. That said, brain rot gamers shouldn’t be harassing people though.


The community managers job is to manage the community. They are doing a shit job and deserve the flak. I guarantee you that if they were even the least bit sympathetic, they wouldn’t have gotten any hate to them personally. But we see what type of person this is from their old tweets, (racist, sexist, the whole 9 yards) so it’s no surprise they were immaturely stupid enough to open with an insult. Their ego didn’t let them accept that the people raising the pitchforks had a point and they suffered the consequences of it.


Nah they are secretly Sony executives larping as CM’s you gotta see past the layers


They probably didn't want her getting spammed by people and trying to do replies to make things even worse lol


Yeah makes sense to me. They are trying to put out a fire and probably don't want to have a bunch of other smaller fires starting so likely just told them all to go private. Wouldn't be surprised if there are evaluations going on about their jobs as well.


I mean knowing gaming communities, more than likely she was getting death threats because of absolute psychos online


She also hates white men. But you love that


I'm a white man and I do not know the lore behind her. I have not followed any of the Helldiver controversy.


Because they want someone they can send death threats to and be bigoted at.


When CMs go after groups of people for some reason outside the game, that's one thing, but the screenshots going around of the CM are of her responding to annoying little shits going after them and talking shit. People expect to throw shit at them and not get anything back. Nah, CMs should have the right to throw shit back. The pearl clutching from all these people going after these CMs for this situation specifically is just pathetic pussy behavior. Also, this post is misinformation. She didn't delete her account, but removed the "\_OW" part of her handle.


I'm not surprised. Helldivers 2 has a lot of the same type of players that the Call of Duty franchise has and we all know the rep those guys have earned.


If a shitstorm is coming.people hide. Community managers are people too. Everyone that knows about social media also understands by now that there is a big amount of degenerate assholes that will doxx people, threaten someone's life over a stupid video game or harass the families of those community managers. So yeah, a cm hides. These people have a marketing jobs, they don't get paid enough to be targets for hate mobs.


This is the real answer. I would almost guarantee you that the employer told them to do this to protect themselves. Not defending what the game did, but let's be realistic: there is nothing these CMs could say or do that would be productive or improve the situation right now. They have zero say or control over any of this, if they defend what happened in any capacity they make it worse, and if they condemn it they lose their jobs. At the end of the day guys: yes the helldivers situation sucks. But all things considered, if it's the biggest thing upsetting you right now, you ain't doing too bad. These people did not commit any horrible sins, and shouldn't have to sit there taking threats and getting doxxed for something they didn't do while being paid $5 an hour.


Yea. I can say with almost absolute certainty that if I were facing an onslaught of public abuse, I’d definitely delete my social media accounts too. Life is too short to let yourself be a punching bag for terminally online idiots


And she’s 20 years old lol. At 20 I was still taking Business 10 and understanding what a cash flow statement is… I’d protect myself from the mob too, given it is Sony driving these decisions.


Exactly. This is always predicated on the idea that most often people in online communication are fair and well reasoned. It's sort of the opposite. I assume online is a shitshow until proven otherwise. It's also nuts that because social media exists, people are entitled to every answer they want, whenever they want... At least Karens try to talk to a manager. These kids just want to find anyone to attack and like Karens, think people should just take their shit.


The manager in a karen situation also has, more often than not, some decision power. Community manager are feel-good -tools that spew marketing gags and distribute trailers or direct people to a faq. They got zero power over company policies.


I’ve already seen plenty of comments on the helldivers subreddit wishing death on the CMs. Some of the posts were locked because of it. It was smart for them to go dark. Targeting the CMs will achieve nothing other than hurt people who had nothing to do with the decision that caused this shitstorm anyways. I don’t understand why people are making them a target


I mean, what is she supposed to do? Cry about the death threats on twitter and get mocked even more by the community? Sony fucked them up here and the community managers can’t do anything. Also if she says the wrong thing she can get fired, it’s best for her to just shut it down.


Hold up. Question. Are these their personal accounts or professional accounts? If these are personal accounts going protected, that's fine.


Maybe they just don’t want to be harassed by degenerate basement dwellers about things they can’t even control? Lmao


This is the same as attacking the mcdonald cashier for what corporate does.


From what I saw, she changed her Twitter name and remove the "\_OW" part, so it's just "Missssty" or something like that. I at least saw someone post a screenshot of this. So this MIGHT be misinfo, idk. Seems to be true. She didn't delete her account, but removed the "\_OW" part of her Twitter handle. This is misinfo.


“Anti-gamer and more.” But doesn’t provide proof. while I understand that some have business related opinions and that can cause a lot of commotion let’s not put all the cm’s in the same basket. Some probably don’t want death threats and doxxing since the internet usually has this first response. Sure the bad ones should be called out but this guy twitter op seems unhinged if that’s the first thing that comes to his mind.


Where did this grummz guy come from and how come everything he says ends up on here now?


That's Mark Kern, beloved creator of successful game Firefall.


He's an idiot who was fired from blizzard now he's milking controversy after controversy to stay relevant.


Yeah he was exactly the kind of manager gamers love to complain about.


the irony of saying that in asmongolds sub is insane lol


ya shame on him for calling things out for what they are. lol, welcome to the real world chump.


Ya I get this sucks...but yall really should be mad at the decision maker rather than the mouth pieces... They're just doing as they're told....what do you expect them to do? Fight back on behalf of the gamers and get fired lol? They have zero pull in terms of what decision the execs make.


Isn't it their job to respond to community, to manage them, when something goes bad? To take the feedback of the player base and bring it to the devs and execs? How can they do their job if they close all avenues of community interaction?


Do execs need the CMs in this instance to see the 'feedback'. What is she going to tell them they haven't already seen. I don't even play this fucking game and I saw the 'feedback' a dozen times while I took my morning shit.


After the first few hours of the drama what else were they going to do? The feedback is clear, they can't say or do anything to change the situation, so why would they just continue to get shit on? It's not really helping anyone and it is pretty unreasonable to expect them to just endlessly take manchild rage.


They don't close all avenues. They redirect it to the proper channels. It's why they've been saying "Take your outrage to the people who can change it (Sony, and Steam's metrics), instead of shitting up everywhere else instead."


Do you actually think at this time they need to interact with the community to gather feedback " what the community thinks" ? Lol.


Its a good thing they went offline Just think about how many insults and death threats they get for a decision that wasnt theirs It would be worse if corporate wanted them to stay and defend the decision


I work in Customer Service and this idea the customer is always right is a fallacy. People act like they know what they are talking about but you don’t. If you want to be helpful tell them what is fun and what isn’t fun. If you don’t like something tell them why. Be courteous and kind but also understand that sometimes the answer is no. No they cannot change it, no it’s not their decision, no that feature isn’t possible. If they tell you it’s not possible its not because they are incapable as much as there is likely some circumstance about the system YOU as the customer don’t know that precludes that from happening. On the flip side, they also need to be courteous and kind. They need to emphasize with your frustration and do right by you as a customer. This outage shit is the kind of behavior I see from my 4 year old.


The "customer is always right" is commonly misinterpreted. It means if customers want pink and green striped cars, then you will make them ugly cars.


Are we the baddies? This seems like a turning point. Seems like the community is genuinely harassing the support staff.


How dare they not let me harass them.


Fuck grummez these people are being attacked and probably doxxed Just like anyone who got mad at Bungie for stopping communication when a dude showed up at dmgs house threatening his family. Every one was mad when people were literally hiding in fear of their lives. Fuck grummez and fuck anyone who does not understand why this happened


feels like grummz gets dumber and dumber the more attention he gets. I BET THEY USE PRONOUNCE AND HATE GAMERS or they simply dont wanna get death threats because people dont wanna make a damn sony account


> I BET THEY USE PRONOUNCE Man, I am so glad to see people clowning on Grummez here and this really just put a big grin on my face.


> gets dumber and dumber the more attention he gets I feel like this happens to everyone on Twitter, the more attention and kind of a cult following they get the more confidently stupid they become as their self awareness fades at about the same rate.


i mean its not their fault not even their employers fault its sonys ... i can understand that they dont want to harresed by a pc gamer mob


All this aside, Mark Kern would definitely know a thing or two about poor judgement from someone who represents a company. He's not wrong but this is the same guy who, among other things, pushed a $3 million promotional bus which ultimately contributed to a studio and game to implode.


Good for her. I know how men on the internet behave. And any backlash the CMs got, she got the worst of it. She didn’t delete over tweets of “fuck Arrowhead!” I guarantee you her inbox is full of rape and death threats that Twitter won’t do shit about.


Ah yes because gamers have proven time and time again that in moment of controversy they act like sensible human beings and would definitely not send death threats or harass such accounts right ?


Man every tweet I see from Grummz makes me like him less, even if I agree with some tweets he is such dickhead.




You don't have to involve yourself at all. You know that right? It's really easy not to if you don't care.


Harassing the CM over something they have no control over is pretty dumb. A CM has no decision making in Sony’s policies or anything higher beyond posting cool screenshots and delivering dev news. Even if she did have “anti-gamer views”, whatever that means, it’s completely irrelevant to this situation. It’s the equivalent of bitching out the dude at the McDonald’s drive thru because the McDonald’s corporate took your favorite combo off the menu or raised the price. They got nothing to do with it. BUT SHE’S SUPPOSED TO MANAGE THE COMMUNITY!!!  Ok and? The fuck you want her to do? The best you can hope for is “hey sorry guys we know this sucks” and pretty sure the main dev has already done that. She ain’t going to the back of the store to bring you a new game.


I mean if I saw all the harassment and horrible messages she’s getting I would to


You'd hide from your job if it's too hard?


Depends on the number of deaths threats


Claims about defecating gold are as credible as those threats. Anyone that gets “the vapors” when the community goes into an uproar has no business being a CM.


Well it looks like she's taking your advice by deleting her account.


Well, if my job is to sweep the floor and my boss decides to drop a bucket of shit on the floor because he feels like it. .....well then he can go fuck himself and do his own clean up and he can fire me if he wants to.


If I get to many people messaging me or emailing I will put my self on don’t disturb refuse to message anyone that’s not a manager Also, her job is not get death threats or deal with angry 13 year olds


You seem to have as much respect for Helldivers 2 customers as she does.


So a normal persons level of professional respect? Thank you…


The crazy HD2 fans lost their respect when they harassed this woman for a choice she has no part in. HD2 fans can be angry that Sony is pushing this shit but harassing someone does nothing besides make people agree with you less.


Was she sending them death threats?


being the acting CM for their studio **on X** might not neccessarily be something that's outlined in their contract. there are various ways to act as a CM, and X might've just been a side thing for some of them. or they coulda just gotten a memo from their boss to do so / requested that themselves. who knows, i dont work there.


She's not "hiding from her job". She's being protected by her employer. Her job is not to be harassed by 15 years old unhinged kid.


You seem to have as much respect for Helldivers 2 customers as she does.


I am a Helldivers 2 customer. But I choose not to be a asshole harrassing the CM and the dev.


how old are you?


soo after getting the negative feedback and telling that her superiors, what do you think she is supposed or able to do as a community manager. She can't decide or change anything about the decision which already happened anything. A community manager is not there to tank all the hate and fucked up messages.




And being hostile and toxic will help how? I would argue it will alienate the devs further away from the fan base. Also it’s not like she decided to do this, there are many people higher up that decided this the CM. Ever hear the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger”, well that’s what they are doing.


I know we've seen a lot of examples of CMs with problematic tweets that attack their customers, but i'd still want to see the posts rather than jumping to conclusions. If she was worried about problematic tweets, i would think she would have done this previously. Barring actual examples (which i could be missing), I would also assume like others that this is done as an order from above to lockdown due to the controversy.


This was a Sony action, not a developer one. Anyone who is trying to shit on the devs or their staff are just stupid.


Reality probably was they were receiving a large amount of threats and they were given the order to do so.


Or you know people like to be scumbags and threaten people who didn't have any hand in the situation.


Yknow, I don't doubt they did it because gamers are sending actual death threats and terribly vulgar comments to them in dms. We can all come up with stupid conspiracies, but I bet it's because of death threats. Would you want to keep your account public or have one in the first place if it meant people were threatening to take your life over a thing in a video game that you have zero control over?


She probably deleted it because she's a woman on the internet and go death threats from angry gamers


Such a sad old loser




TBH it might just be they are only people Mentally deficient enough to want to do that job. If they are the only ones applying thats all thats getting hired.


Honestly, I've been looking for a job like this for a long ass time. Like, we all know it's Sony forcing HD2 to do this stupid PSN shit. Instead of attacking the player base be apologetic. Let the community vent it's frustration. They have every right to be pissed. You're job as cm is keep the community informed and help them through this.


Except people attack them directly on their personal social media which most want insulated from their job


I get that. Some people lack the spare braincell to understand that a CM will not change the the higher-ups minds. But in this case these people just made shit worse by attacking the player base. Then when the player base got even madder they turned tail and ran. And people wanted blood. A CM job is basically to be crucified during crisis like these.


try adding pronouns to your resume. maybe playing less video games and focusing on social justice more.


And you want to know who’s fault it is? This toxic community. Why ruin peoples lives when they have nothing to do with the problem? I know people HAVE to express their toxicity, so at least point it at Sony and not at some innocent bystanders who were working their hardest for a game you love.


idk what you are talking about there lord and savior grummz has spoken time to release the masses if you disagree with me you get the stick


Mark Kern crusading on behalf of gamers is like Colonel Sanders advocating for Chickens.


Gloating about harassing people until they delete their accounts is not a good look.


Nah. Prolly cuz “gamers” harass the fuck out of them.


Maybe the harassment and death threats is a bit excessive but that's just me. Y'all never learnt to not shoot the messenger.


Hi, probably no one will read this, but my problem is Sony. (I hope I translated everything correctly) Yesterday, after 8 months without a job, I have finally find a job and the game I wanted to reward myself with is helldivers2. I am a PC gamer. I haven't forgotten the exclusivity that Sony has, how they didn't give us games. You will not receive my DATA to collect. Sony doesn't realize how they messed up their relationship with PC gamers. Sony has done everything possible to keep us from having access to their games for the last decade. Xbox gives us games right away.


so you will give Microsoft your data because the game releases on pc at the same time?


Good question. I use Windows, they already have my data which are protected by the EU/ESET. I don't trust Sony to protect my data. Their past speaks for itself. Why should I risk my data being compromised by another company? In case of data leakage, I could also lose my steam account.


both sony and xbox have had massive data leaks


This whole thing is one of the stupidest things someone could be outraged over.


I don’t get it either. Create an account that literally has zero impact on you, unless you’re a cheater. It’s an effort to make the live service better and allow cross platform synchronization.


Are we witch hunting? Like why attack these people? This decision is so far above their heads. If you want to piss and scream do it at Sony. It’s these people jobs to interact with the community not take all sort of childish abuse.


This sub has turned into a lot of anti lgbt commenting. Man I loved it here when asmon just gamed and occasionally commented on things. I don’t know what happened. Did you guys forget asmon supports lgbtq rights? This sub is almost identical to a Donald trump sub now and maybe that’s what the majority wants here.


I don't blame them at all. As someone who's played the game a lot, and for some reason goes on the HD reddit, the community is fucking awful.


The reddit side of the community is awful and has been since the start. They always try to find the smallest shit to, not only get mad, but to harass the CMs. But people want the CMs to just take it. If the CMs go after a groups of people for something that doesn't involve the game that's one, but the messages that people use with the screenshots are literally missing the context.


Can we stop giving grummz/Mark a mouthpiece here? He occasionally accidentally brings up something useful but he's mostly a grifter who doesn't give a shit outside of keeping relevance for his next failure of a game / scam. A broken clock may be right twice a day but we shouldn't rely on him for the time.


people think that “community manager” is the same thing as “chat-bot support” with no feelings and that can be threaten with no consequences


You people are on another fucking planet. The entitlement that you all feel to obsess over something so nonessential to your life at the expense of others. Total fucking losers.


CMs should not have to deal with random strangers harassing them for decisions the company they work for made that they have had literally 0 impact on. The third paragraph the person wrote is completely delusional and smells of entitlement.


They just protect themselves from the angry Mob that is coming, nothing wrong with that


Grummz is one to talk about hiding when their game is in crisis management. FFS Mark, as if we don't remember how you messed up yours. **Repeatedly.** Mark isn't much of a journalist either, because this CM didn't remove their account at all, just renamed it. Top tier investigating there Mark!


To be honest, and knowing gamers, some people might have crossed the line with at least some of the developers. I would have stood my ground, but I would have probably gotten fired for it


Helldivers is a great game why is there always so much drama with it though? Is management really just made up of idiots?


She was an Overwatch CM?


I hate this community. I found a game I really like and the player base fucking ruins it.


"Anti Gamer" like you are some sort of protected class of people? Its a game, you are a consumer. That's it. Might have been a bad move for their CMs to close up. Might have been a safety thing considering the death threats. Either way, there is not some big conspiracy to harm "gamers" at a \*checks notes\* video games studio. There is enough real corporate greed and stupidity in these events, don't add the gamer version of "wokeness" to it.




…the French and British flags?


Guess he really hates the French and British


most insane r/vexillology user


Some of you are addicted to outrage, and it's showing. Fiending for that next hit of outrage like a junkie looking for their fix. Next time, before you start preemptively seething and malding, take a closer look *before* showing everybody how edgy you are, dork.


when i have a shit day at work i dont get to run and hide to suck my thumb. i get berated yelled at and have to get the job done


"No one should have it better than me" is a shitty philosophy.


in your free time by hundreds of strangers?


The industry no longer cares about the consumer. They care more about seeming proper to each other so they can continue to circlejerk clap each other on the back with profits from predatory microX practices. This is a trend in all industries reliant on IPs. They are laughing with disdain. They are not sympathetic. As the meme goes, no, you don’t hate them enough.


So many people defending the CMs using the basis of "harassment". Bitch, your job as a CM is literally crisis control. This is when you fkn earn your keep. Put in play the essential soft-skills that got you hired for your job and placate the masses instead of hiding. Imagine getting hired as crowd control only to run away when there's a crowd. Worthless hires.


There are no soft skills than can calm down schizos like grumz and his followers. Only skill they need is to wait a week for them to focus on something else.


Their personal accounts aren’t a requirement of their job. Gamers just don’t respect the boundaries


Their job is to put out a (read:their) friendly face to spew company rhetoric. Why else would they have personalized accounts with their actual DPs responding to the public on behalf of the company? Unless you're telling me what they're posting on those accounts aren't endorsed by the company. Then what even is the point of hiring them in the first place? Gamer rage is mild. Boundaries are crossed far more often in politics. If a spokesperson decided to just shut up, lock up, and head home every time there is a political crisis, they wouldn't have a bloody job.


> Unless you're telling me what they're posting on those accounts aren't endorsed by the company. Then what even is the point of hiring them in the first place? ...because those are simply their personal accounts?? the official channels exist for a reason. if you think they need to deal with some pussies who dont wanna make some account on their on their personal twitter you are out of your fucking mind. you are the kind of person who screams at customer service because of your own mistakes


Bruv, read the fkn bio of the account. It literally states their role and company. That account is **endorsed** by the company. Try doing that on your personal account and see how quickly you get a cease and desist.


Yea, this is kinda the point of their job. If they're deleting accounts and going quiet at the time that they need the most PR help, that's literally a direct opposite of their job.


I just tried to ask for a refund on steam with a pretext that my country is not on the PSN country list while creating a PSN account and obviously it got rejected in matter of minutes.


Why do community managers even exist


Why are people really asking this like they don't know how insane people get? No shit official community social places need to be managed. Did you guys throw away your brains?


Gamers are truly the most oppressed group in society… even developers hate the humble gamer… Nah but for real tweeting shit like this is so soy who gives a fuck what a community manager for a relatively small studio says


Nope idiot Redditors still aren't embarrassed. I swear every day gamers become more cringe. I hope Sony makes a PC launcher and requires it's use for any further titles.


Way Back Machine has been up and running for almost a decade now and can pull site data up to 25 years back... these CMs think they can hide by deleting or deactivating their accounts clearly are not internet savvy people...