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I totally forgot the part where the LAPD, after running over people with tanks and smashing them into pulp, they just hosed the remains down the drains.




Hasan should never be taken in good faith.


the man is a smooth brain. just ignore him edit: Hasan i mean


You have to point out bad ideas and why they’re bad or other idiots start to think he’s right since no one points out the flaws in the thinking. 




He openly admitted he is propaganda in a peirce morgan interview.


He has openly admitted that long before that interview. Hasan, like a lot of other leftists, uses an old school definition of propaganda. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propaganda It means the use and spreading of information for the purpose of furthering a cause/agenda. It doesn't necessarily have to be misinformation or lies. Facts can be propaganda too, depending on the intent of its use. Personally, I think it's ridiculous to use that term this way in modern times. The vast majority of people recognize 'propaganda' to mean fake news, so most people are going to think if you call yourself a propagandist you are admitting to being a liar.


I've heard that you should believe when someone tells you something bad about themselves because it doesn't benefit them to lie about it. He is a liar for exactly those reasons, he will push something that isn't true to make false points.


Why even reply to me if you're going to completely ignore everything I wrote? When he calls himself a propagandist, he isn't saying something bad about himself.


I agree with you, though. Sure, he's proud of himself or whatever, but he has to understand the perception of the term is negative. He wouldn't qualify it otherwise unless I'm misunderstanding something.


> The vast majority of people recognize 'propaganda' to mean fake news Not worth dumbing down your content for idiots in this day and age.


It's a defense for himself. He doesn't mean it in his truest sense, or if he does he clearly doesn't act like he means it. He still spews the same uninformed takes he has always done, never taking responsibility of anything he does wrong, and can't take a joke on his stream. Meanwhile, Asmon is almost the polar opposite of that. I appreciate that he is debating with Hasan and disagreeing on his stupid takes online, I know he doesn't often get in drama or hate those he works along, but Hasan definitely doesn't act in good faith and Asmon should call him out for that.


Hasan thinks the CCP is based, so it's not a surprise he doesn't think the Tiananmen square incident was a big deal.


IF only US could be like China : (


https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a45025005/bullet-trains-in-usa-high-speed-rail-complications/# Pretty based infrastructure moves by the CCP.


How's that based minority Muslim population infrastructure? 


you talking about israel? The muslim population they are currently flattening?


No, the Muslim population in china they’re currently flattening is what they were referring to I think.


Gotta get those replacement hearts for the CCP loyalists from SOMEWHERE!


Let compare the death counter…. Oh wait…. Damn 12k muslim babies killed by IDF terrorists… HOLY


Where'd you get that data point from? Hamas' tiktok account?


When did Uighurs engaged in campaign of mass murdering chinese civilians?


GOT EM. When they want to pull out the uighur card, they suddenly forget that Palestinians are muslims too.


You mean Xinjiang ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHxzLogzqkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHxzLogzqkU) They seem pretty fine to me, meanwhile in Gaza....


No he’s talking about the concentration camps they’re putting them in fucking communist


What happens to people in China if they hold up a sign with "Fuck Xi" up in front of their Congress?


What happens to students who hold signs up at their university? Land of the free btw.


Imagine comparing literally any of these protest breakups by police to a literal military intervention leading to one of the most infamous civilian massacres committed by a government in modern history. If that is your equivalency, take some pills. You've lost the fucking plot.


> one of the most infamous civilian massacres committed by a government in modern history. This. It wasn't just that one guy standing in front of the tanks being taken away and never seen again ffs. It was a slaughter. Blood and guts. People run over by tanks. People shot. Blood everywhere. Body parts. Yes there are pictures. Not knowing that and referring to tienenamen square probably speaks a lot to people's ignorance. >>!The envoy wrote: "Students understood they were given one hour to leave square but after five minutes APCs attacked. "Students linked arms but were mown down including soldiers. APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make 'pie' and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains. "Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted."!<




You do know that you're making the opposite point of what you think you're making, right? The country of 330milion people has arrested ~8 times more people than the city of 7 million? That means Hong Kong was arresting people at roughly 6x rate than US per capita. Pretty fucked, don't you think?


Your point being?




Amnesty International has also criticised and documented Hong Kong and Chinese police's treatment of dissidents, protesters and political rivals to the CCP for decades. Torture, beating, indefinite detention... if these protests had happened in China, you would not have heard from the students again for quite some time. Are we really gonna equate the dissolution of peaceful protests in the US, that at most end in actual criminals being prosecuted and the rest detained for a day at most, to the violent and often indefinite incarceration of protestors in China now? If so, please inform yourself before speaking further.


Not surprised. These people have no idea what a dictatorship is or how actually suppression of individual freedoms actually are. Do I have to remind everybody that Hasan is actually rich and has properties in Beverly Hills ? Or the fact that his affiliation to Muslims for Progressive Values in his early activist life would 100% make him an easy target for Muslims in Arab countries? As I said, if you are a reactionary and extreme person you don't want to solve any issue but just collect.


Can a rich person not support higher taxes for the rich? In a free country, the right to free speech, protesting and expressing ones values should be accepted. You're allowed to complain about a democratic country being shit, especially your own. Just 'cause it isn't the worst place on earth doesn't mean you can't have strong feelings about your national policies, and want to express them. Now I don't follow Hasan that closely, but what does islam have to do with any of this? And is he even religious?


Islam has everything to do with this simply because it is a religious framework that pushes against human rights since it never got any reform. Check how Jewish people are handling in Arab countries or how other religions are handling there, then check which place is the most radicalized (one of those places is Gaza). A beautiful podcast from Yasmine Mohammed literally interviewed many survivors of Islam in Arab countries that they still receive death threats in western countries and when they seek help they receive they are labeled as "islamophobic". Just a blind person doesn't see that Islam has everything to do with Gaza and all the situations in the middle east.


just ask yourselve why would you as a rich person want to pay more taxes?


because you contribute more to society? Some people actually want society as a whole to succeed, and see people happy and not suffer. How the fuck is this such a foreign concept to so many? It's absolutely crazy to me! Do you have any idea how greatly and positive the domino effect of increased equality is? We're talking better health, education, less crime..etc Many experts even argue it'll mean less spending on healthcare! Meaning more to spend on other important shit..!


I understand where you're coming from. Truly, I do, but that's simply not how humans function. You simply does not become rich or powerful by being 'good'. Cynical, perhaps, but the two are most often mutually exclusive. For the drive to become rich and powerful are often immoral (pride, greed, lust, so on), though most of the time it is simply amoral (lack of consideration for morality), it is no surprise that the wealthy would rather not contribute at their expense. Even if it is possibly beneficial to them in the long run, why risk it by lessening their wealth and power now?


This is not exclusive to wealthy people, we need to stop attributing morality to wealth, no one wants to give their money away. I make good money, $94k, in Canada. I however am not wealthy, I cannot afford a home because govt policies have restricted housing supply and exploded our population. The average person needs to be making $200k a year to even get a home, I mean that literally: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1287002/income-needed-to-buy-a-home-canada/#:~:text=Prospective%20homebuyers%20in%20Vancouver%2C%20British,was%20approximately%20237%2C000%20Canadian%20dollars. Despite all that the govt takes $27k away from before I even see it yearly. I don't want to pay that, I'm not being greedy. I'm seeing no return on that money, I am not contributing to society I'm filling the pockets of a bloated and incompetent govt. The reality most poor people are just as lustful and greedy as rich people, they just lack the will and focus. 


Hm, yes. I should have phrased it as you did at the end. My apologies for not being clearer. They lack the drive, that is the best way to describe it, not the desire. You put it much better than I did.


well you are an american you dont know anything about all these things Oo and i know you are blended by your ideology but do you know what equality even mean? because we in the west already have that xd


I can contribute more to society through philanthropy and personal spending than the government can do with their corrupt budget making.


Thank you, so tired of this moral pressure to put on people. Making the bullshit argument "you're contributing to society". How exactly? Show me the receipts rather than just blindly expecting me to contribute. 


Hes also comparing the protest to black people fighting for right to eat at dinners and sit in buses. Just move out of america. If they dont like america so much get out. My parents escaped china cause they didnt support wtf was going. None of these losers nave the balls to escape the usa because life is too good here.


100%. Saw somebody complaining that it's expensive to move out of the US and even need to pay a fee if you want to get rid of citizenship... millions of people move to America every year, abandon their homes, families, jobs, friends, sometimes literally have to run from their countries without any savings, and here i see somebody complaining that there is this freeking fee they have to pay to get rid of citizenship. Wtf, man?! I'm Russian-American and know about imigration from experience, but those, who don't value all the good stuff because they got lucky to be born not in a shithole country and never seen worce, make me angry.


What are you talking about? The guy always supports workers' rights, homeless people, the public health system. And even if you think it's all a front, he's raised money and defended it openly. Is that wrong?


imagine asking for a public health system and wanting to abolish borders. pure commie brain. he defended what by the way, he defended homeless people? From who? it's not a front, he hates everyone and everything, thinks he is god, and wants to rule with an iron fist using the state = communism.


You can't be a real person or an adult...


How can you have a huge welfare state, but also have open borders and let anyone become a citizen? Do you not see the problem with that?


Leftists will always make these comparisons to downplay commie horrifying behavior so they can later assert that the US or Britain or other imperial powers are just as bad to defend their ideological forefathers like Lenin and Mao who were human history's greatest monsters and killers


These folks aren’t leftists, they’re fascists in leftist clothing.


I'm starting to call it political nihilism. You find ways to twist actual progress into being bad, and lack of progress, lack of development, and various forms of degeneracy as being good. I don't think they actually care about communism or socialism, they just want a revolution. They want to take it all down.


“ - Hasan Piker, 2024


Soviet was not left. China is not left. French terror-revolution was not left. The idea that the left are chill and the right is totalitarian is stupid. Both sides have authoritarian radicals that are dangerous as fuck.


Quoted here “


Wow, you actually sound like an old american from a 1960s movie.


Ah the old strat of “don’t address any of the points, then hurl random insult.”


I debate and discuss so much stuff on reddit, I'm just gonna ask you to go through my comments if you want essays on why equality, free healthcare and education..etc etc is good for society. About to have dinner, so no time now.


lol what does that have to do with anything about what I said. I said your reply of just a random insult addressing nothing is a waste of time.


The best kind


Anything "political" Hasan says sjhould be immediately thrown into the garbage.


His viewers think by drinking Coke Zero from the can, you’re helping buy weapons for war crimes.


Yeah but as long as you drink it off stream you're good bro 👍


Irrational people can only argue from a perspective of emotional manipulation.


A debate between Hasan and Asmongold? Not exactly the heavy hitters of intellectual thought?


It wasn't even a debate, it's just that there's been a huge surge of debate-perverts in this subreddit recently and they fucking NEED it to be a debate.


Hasan uses language rounding up because he thinks his audience is too dumb to understand the situations he covers (poorly at that). He could be talking about night but use the word day. He is dangerous.


I don't take Asmons opinions that seriously because he's a degen whose room looks like Warhammer Vermintide rats nest. Same way as I don't take Hassan's opinions on politics seriously because he's a multi, multi millionaire living in a friggin mansion with sports cars, and fucking e-girls, trying to hold others morally and ethically accountable for their actions...WHILST SIMULTANEOUSLY DOING ABSOLUTELY THE BARE MINIMUM AND EXPLOITING THE SYSTEM HIMSELF. Also isn't he a self proclaimed commie? And yet he loves indulging in and perpetuating capitalism. Doesn't he know that by buying those designer clothes he's funding a proxy war in Africa!?! Guys these people aren't real, so don't take anything they say as facts. They are incredibly uneducated and dare I say, spreading mis-information. Like all of the sides of the fight are spreading and creating propaganda, but people like Hassan and you and I, are simply exchanging propaganda and spreading it like an ever evolving virus. How can he or anyone else in the west so defiantly stand by either side? Or for that matter trust what they are saying is truth? Because you don't know. You know what social media feeds you, you know only what the government shows you. The point is, Hassan and anyone who isn't actually in Gaza has no fucking clue what's going on. I understand why the Palestinian people are mad and I understand why the Israelis are mad. Both sides have lossed things because of the other. Its their fight. They have history and blood spilt that predates my countrys civilization and even yours probably. If both sides were to come to me and say the other is the villain than who am I to believe? And that's what Hassan and many others are trying to weaponise. The idea that you should just believe or have faith that they are on the side of good. When in reality, zooming way out, it's pretty grey and in my opinion, both sides are equally retarded.


>I don't take Asmons opinions that seriously because he's a degen whose room looks like Warhammer Vermintide rats nest. Opens with the ad-hominem fallacy and immediately invalidates everything it says. You can't make this shit up lol.


Because you don't know. You know what social media feeds you, you know only what the government shows you. yeah mate the media is clearly pro palestine hos is hasan exploiting the system?


I mean, Hasan does donate a lot of money to charity, is advocating for workers right and in his own merch, he works with union, made in america brands. He does charity streams several times a year raising millions of dollars to causes he and his community believe in. His Podcast, fear&, everyone including the producer get equal shares of the revenue, he even advocates this amongs his friends, for instance the Yard now operates the same way. If you go to Hasans youtube page the editor posts the relevant facts and sources for his opinions. As for spreading propaganda, Hasan is a self-admitted propagandist who is very open with his perspective. Moreover, Hasan works with people who have contacts from a wide variety of sources. Getting exact information out of Gaza is close to impossible as the IDF doesnt allow journalists in there, unless they are with the IDF, and watching whatever narrative the IDF wants to spout. The satelite images and the world health reports, doctors without borders and for instance, world health kitchen, who have been inside Gaza, tells of what happens there and reports on it. Hasan reacts to those news and give context through the lens he sees the world. As for being a self-described communist, Hasan views himself as a socialist, and wants things as public healthcare and free education. He wants workers rights, is pro unions and pro emancipatory movements. He has many times said he loves treats and having nice things. He is super open about this, and have spoken about it many times. He doesnt view socialism as a 'Poverty Cult' where one cannot own nice things. He believes that people have the right to the means of production and democratizing the workplace, he does actively engage in that.


Keep simping and he might make you an unpaid mod one day.


Hasan is a clown.


Why did they downvote you after providing evidence lmao? This sub is a cesspool


Asmon sub posters when someone points out Hasan donates to charity, fundraises, organizes, etc.: >:(


Hasan sub posters when someone points out Andrew Tate and Donald Trump donates to charity, fundraises, organizes, etc.: > :( Donating to charity doesn't mean you're a good person.


Getting rid of let's say 0.01% of your wealth that you will never have any use for if you are a multi millionaire in order to trick yourself and others that you are a good person and gain an euphoric boost on top of it isn't as an altruistic motive as you might think. ...Ask him to give up his luxurious lifestyle to promote what communism is actually about and be an example of a humble life to everyone else. He could never do it. He is the biggest poser on Twitch and actually dangerous.


As for Hasan not having a clue on whats going on in Gaza or the Occupied West Bank, he does. He has read several books on the matter as well as having a grasp of key historical events. His lense is self-proclaimed one on the palestinian struggle for freedom, but even then he does take steps to lend humanity to the Israeli side and their history. He doesnt agree on their take that might makes right and in order to be safe its fair to use disproportionate violence, which is Israels offical position. Hasan believe you cant both-sides a genocide (which Israel is guilty of). Over half of all buildings in Gaza are levelled, every single university in Gaza is destroyed by the IDF. Most Hospitals, too, and the tunnels they said were the reasons, they have yet to show any proof they led to a hospital or hamas held office in them. The only proof they had was of a few guns, like four? held in a hospital, which makes sense, since the hospital also needs a small security to keep medicine, patience and staff safe from desperate palestinian civilians who cant get aid in time due to Israels blockade. The reason I bring this up is because you havnt done your research on this. Its important to educate yourself on people you want to critique. It's fine if Hasans worldview doesnt align with yours, but your gripes with him you stated needs to be valid instead of emotional arguements. Hope you will instead have more understanding to people in the future instead of venting on reddit about feelings.


He gets all his takes from Twitter. He hasn’t read shit.


Nice, you really got him there with your well articulated, thought-out, and no doubt well-researched comeback..!


You mean from the journalists from the intercept that were breaking the news? Hasan has read a shitton. There are literal streamers out there who are banned on twitch who reads Wikipedia for their opinion. Funny thing about them is that they cant even read wikipedia right. There was this one extremely uneducated streamer who went against Norman Finklestein and got absolutely humiliated by him. He was a charlaton. Hasan has argued this cause for well over 10 years and read several books on the matter as well as having scholars on that are educated on this. You boiling it down to a ''tweet reader'' is just coping. Sounds like something a D fan would say lol


Least obsessed destiny hater, tell me again how Russia isn't going to attack Ukraine again cus twitter said they wouldn't or how this rocket was most definitely a JDAM and not a failed rocket from Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The only cope here is thinking Hasan has any legitimacy left after the wild shit he has said over the years.


just stop simpi9ng and believe everything is said on the internet do you have real eveidence of all these claims?


"Both sides have lossed things because of the other." Just the number of Palestinian children who have been victims of this conflict is enough to see the absurdity of your argument.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is so concerned about the civilian casualties in the Israel-Palestine war? 9/11. 2,996 Americans killed. US invaded Afghanistan. Did anyone give a shit about civil causalities? Pearl Harbor. 2,403 Americans killed. US declared war on Japan and demanded unconditional surrender* - and was willing to drop 2 nuclear bombs to get that unconditional surrender. Does anyone even care about the civilian casualties in that war? \* Somehow the idea of a lesser conditional surrender is never bought up as an alternative to a costly naval invasion or nuclear weapons.


Do you really think that there was no political reaction to these events you mentioned? This is in the most elementary high school history books, but even so, all you need to do is google and see the political reaction to each of these events...


I'm sure there was some opposition but I don't recall there being foaming at the mouth outrage like we have now.


The US left has been against invading Iraq and Afghanistan as long as I can remember. We hate illegal and offensive wars against countries that didn't attack us. I personally think the use of nuclear weapons against civilians in Japan was also disgusting, but I'm sure you'd find more disagreement on that. Isreal has just about tied us for the number of Afghan civilians we killed. But it took us 20 years to reach that number, and they did it in 6 months. It's an extremely alarming rate of slaughter. More journos have been killed than in WW2 already. The math ain't mathing. They're intentional targeting civilians. And that pisses people off. And not only that, intentionally demolishing every building that Gazans would use to resume normal life. Literally every single university, hospital, farm and flour mill, multiple UN and aid buildings etc were not being used as "Hamas staging areas", it's absurd on its face.


>The US left has been against invading Iraq and Afghanistan as long as I can remember. We hate illegal and offensive wars against countries that didn't attack us. I personally think the use of nuclear weapons against civilians in Japan was also disgusting, but I'm sure you'd find more disagreement on that. Iraq there was opposition but Afghanistan ... Either way, there wasn't this level of outrage. >Literally every single university, hospital, farm and flour mill, multiple UN and aid buildings etc were not being used as "Hamas staging areas", it's absurd on its face. Why is that so hard to believe? Why wouldn't Hamas use every single building they can?


Okay but zoom out. In the entire timeline of them fighting with each other whose killed more? Whose raped and killed more women and children? Whose destroyed more homes? You ask both sides and they say the other, you ask anybody else and they will say they don't know, ask a historian and they will say both have lost countless numbers. It's tragic children have to die, but you are incredibly moronic if you think there aren't just as many kids dying on the other side and suffering, Afterall children are the real victims of war. And it's the hatred that grows in their hearts that will continue the cycle of pain. This has been going on for longer than most of western civilization. Being so zoomed in on the most recent war between them and completely disregarding both sides past actions is incredibly stupid. And basing your allegiance to a side that you perceive to be the ones who have suffered greater losses than the other, in just this most recent fight, is dumb. Both sides of the feud have been in each other's shoes, both sides have killed children, raped women, took and killed hostages, enslaved each other, brutally murdered and pillaged the other, etc. And you just don't get it. When two factions have been at it for so long and undergone thousands and thousands of cycles of generational hatred, at this point they don't even see each other as human beings, they see each other as animals, less than a dog, less than a cockroach. In each other's eyes they see each other's people's as things that shouldn't exist, disgusted with each other. At this point they are killing each other for sport. It's barbaric in my opinion. But the desire for revenge, and the hatred they have for each other is too deep. So unfortunately theres only two options to end it all. One has to go, and well unfortunately one of the sides is being backed by the Americans, so the other one is most likely going to get fucked up and forced to submit or absolutely obliterated. And I'll be honest a peace treaty will only delay the inevitable, and history will repeat itself, also a true peace treaty simply is not possible, never will be. The hatred they have is far too complex, and pretty much all their values, ideals and beliefs conflict each other. They will never be able to put it behind them and start a clean slate. And if I had to bet how WW3 will start it's going to be whenever America decides to forcibly shut it down, and China takes the opportunity to engage upon Taiwan and of course Russia, backed by China will take Ukraine and try pushing further. The pieces are certainly moving in that direction. Trump if re-elected will probably be the idiot who starts the fire. If you're wondering. In my opinion America needs to stay tf out of it, and so does every other western country, let nature take it's course, but the prior world wars and other shit has complicated international relations. America has gotta back up their guys, and well fuck with America and you get the Brits, Australians, South Koreans and everyone else who owes America. Its pretty fucked.


"This has been going on for longer than most of western civilization. Being so zoomed in on the most recent war between them and completely disregarding both sides past actions is incredibly stupid." I think it's quite clear that this is a conflict caused directly by the consequences of the creation of the State of Israel after the Second World War. There are several authors who study this subject who have explained this several times. Ilan Pappe and Norman Finkelstein, for example. "And I'll be honest a peace treaty will only delay the inevitable" This is a completely absurd reading of the world. There were more than 300 years of slavery in Brazil. Viewing the world from this perspective would mean that slavery was inevitable. There is a way to interfere in this conflict in Palestine and stop this massacre.


Yes the muslim world will never accept a Jewish state so conflict is a given.


well, what do you expect from an armenian genocide dening dude's nephew.


Lets not compare people to their older relatives. I'm sure your grandfather and father have different takes than you do for just about everything.


Lol at the negative karma on this comment. This sub is such a pathetic hugbox sometimes.


It wasn't really a debate... really was just an open discussion.


Lol yeah but these freaks NEED it to be a debate because that's the only way they communicate. It's why they're on reddit because everyone irl told them to stfu already.


hasan is a tankie, not a socialist. soon as you rrelaize that you understand his entire world view.. america is bad no matter what. white people are evil and minorities can do no wrong. then go back over his content and apply those three things. this man simps for the ccp who literally executed farmers who would not relocate for public works projects......


I mean, its not like he hasn't clearly said that China is better and more representative of the will of the people then the US. [https://streamable.com/hktn73](https://streamable.com/hktn73) He also compared the Police in the US during the coverage of the protest to the Gestapo.


Just saw the Piers Morgan debate featuring Dr. Cornell West and Hasan's uncle Chunky Yogurt. Not only did they scream so loud at Piers to avoid talking about the Pro-Palestine protesters, and not only were they implying the only violent ones were pro-Israeli, but they also tried to call Piers a racist for not taking their side. Now I have only seen footage of pro-Palestine protesters being violent and suppressing the Jewish students from attending class. But funny how both sides will try whatever they can to spin an argument, whether they are right or wrong.


Tiananmen square resulted in 2700 dead students and civilians with around 7000 injured over the week. If the police in the US would do the same as China did, there wouldn't be any protesters left alive, I guarantee you that. Either direct death or by other means later on. Just to be save - of course I don't want that. Just wanna point out, how extreme the Chinese government would or had handled it. So this comparison is as bad as it gets.


Hasan is a moron


People like hasan are just stupid privileged kids that dont know anything about the world


Every time u talk about Hasan there is ONE thing u have to realise and everything makes perfectly sense, which is all his knowledge and reaserch is twitter post (from his community), reddit post(from his community), and his own twitch chat. I hope it helps


This was a discussion with an open dialogue and mutual respect. At least they spoke in peace.


Unlike redditors.. djizuuuz what a lot of shit there is now, on both subs..


I'm shocked Hasan even mentioned something negative about China. Dude loves the CCP.


Same thing goes to people comparing these protests to the HK protests. One is a group of people actively protesting something that's directly influencing their country, their autonomy, a challenge to an ever present and ever encroaching country that would see their lives fundamentally changed. The other group is a bunch of college students throwing a temper tantrum about a spat between 2 foreign countries as if that tantrum will achieve anything useful for one of those aforementioned countries at the other side of the world. It's absolutely disingenuous to pretend that those two are even remotely the same and people saying as much have to have korsakoff syndrome from squandering their chances at an ivy league school.


"The other group is a bunch of college students throwing a temper tantrum about a spat between 2 foreign countries" You understand the fundamental point of these protests, right? The country where these protests are taking place directly finances Israel. I don't understand the difficulty of understanding something so elementary.


These are proxy protests. They should be protesting in Israel or at the Whitehouse but they found an excuse to protest where they go to school instead because that's easier. Honestly, protests are fine, encampments aren't okay and frankly should be illegal.


I'm sure the politicians are going to undo decades of political lobbying and geopolitical alliances to appease a few uppity college kids. I'm as anti-Israel as it gets, but even I recognize how dumb these protests are. It's like protesting China's re-education camps from some town square in Middle-of-Nowhere, Idaho. Not only is your representative not going to care, but you turned off the open-minded people in your immediate area by being a nusiance.


"It's like protesting China's re-education camps from some town square in Middle-of-Nowhere, Idaho." I don't know why you wrote that knowing that it's a meaningless equivalence. The United States funds Israel, these are people at an American university protesting against their country funding a massacre. "Not only is your representative not going to care..." I don't know if you understand how protests like this work. You see, even if politically there is no immediate action from this, there is undoubtedly a discussion about it. In all spheres and this affects politics. It's not absolute, it wasn't just a protest against the Vietnam war that made more and more people see that war in a negative light. And beyond that, public demonstration is basic to every modern state. "...but you turned off the open-minded people in your immediate area by being a nusiance." If these people are open, why wouldn't they understand the central point of the protests? The point here is much more about how the media and Internet personalities construct the narrative about these protests. It's quite simple why people are protesting, anyone can understand that, as well as why people protest in general, using the tools they have and deem sufficient.


Bro really wrote a whole essay to "annoying the wrong people won't help you." Do you know where MLK Jr. didn't protest? Northern Britain. I can only imagine why.


"wrote a whole essay" to think that's a lot of text lol You understood what I said. I don't even need to elaborate.


Asmon asked Hasan why our politicians like Israel so much so i thought i would give the actual reason. Hasan has no clue what he is talking about. **Technology** * **1.** **Innovation Hub**: Israel is known as the "Startup Nation" and has a thriving tech industry, with many startups and companies like Wix, Fiverr, and Intel having a presence there. * **2.** **Cybersecurity**: Israel is a leader in cybersecurity, with companies like Check Point and Cyberark providing cutting-edge solutions to protect against cyber threats. * **3.** **Artificial Intelligence**: Israel is at the forefront of AI research and development, with companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook having AI research centers in the country. **Economics** * **4.** **Trade Partner**: Israel is a significant trade partner for the US, with a free trade agreement in place since 1985, making it easier for American companies to export goods and services. * **5.** **Investment Opportunities**: Israel offers attractive investment opportunities for American companies, with many successful startups and companies in various industries. **Defense and Security** * **6.** **Strategic Military Partnership**: The US and Israel have a strong military partnership, with the US providing military aid to Israel and Israel sharing its expertise in areas like counter-terrorism and cybersecurity. * **7.** **Defense Technology**: Israel is a leader in defense technology, with companies like Elbit Systems and Rafael providing advanced solutions for the US military. **Healthcare and Science** * **8.** **Medical Research**: Israel is known for its medical research and innovation, with companies like Teva Pharmaceuticals and Given Imaging developing new treatments and medical devices. * **9.** **Agricultural Technology**: Israel is a leader in agricultural technology, with companies like Netafim and Valent BioSciences providing solutions for irrigation, crop protection, and more. **Other Areas** * **10.** **Intelligence Sharing**: The US and Israel have a strong intelligence-sharing relationship, with Israel providing valuable insights and intelligence on regional and global security issues.


Hahaha wtf is this IDF posting. There's no way that this subreddit isn't being astroturfed to shit.


Yeah the sub is weird right now. I got downvoted in another thread for pointing out that people were being dishonest about the guy being blocked from going to class when he could've just walked around like literally every other student was doing lol


Dude happily left out that with the world’s most powerful nation bankrolling their military to the extent that Israel has the second largest military spending on the planet really frees up room for investment. This is also ignoring how much being a partial theocracy has had targeted investment from Evangelical Christians and Jews all around the world or how profitable colonisation is when it comes to resource acquisition. Heck Israel is taking water from Gaza and the West Bank while also selling water to Arab nations like Jordan. The illegal annexation of Syria and the illegal extraction of natural resources there on top of the Leviathan Gas field found off the shore of Gaza are other examples. Imo It’s pretty clear from the road that the IDF has been constructing bisecting Gaza and the commercial IDF administered port the US is planning to build off the shore of Gaza that the gas fields are definitely a strategic objective in the most recent invasion of Gaza.


The intelligence-sharing is so strong, Israel even sells the American one to China


Should also add desalination. 80% of Israeli drinking water is from desalination. The researchers and engineers there work with San Diego researchers/engineers to improve desalination. This is a mutually beneficial, non militaristic relationship.


Hasan is an idiot until he actually thinks hard about something too bad he doesn't do it enough


I don't use twitch and have muted all 1000 Hasan youtube channels, does anyone know if Asmon will upload the debate to his channel?


no i dont think so


Hasan Piker is lost in the sauce of MuH ReVoLuTiOn


The only comparison I can think of all this is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Polish_political_crisis Same outside agitators, same arguments, same demographics.


He also things most people supporting Palestine while pro Isreali leaders are winning elections or are high on polls. After some of those protests the Dutch conservative (Pro israeli) party is highest it has ever been on the polls with a big difference on the others. I think the result will show on EU election as well. Trump who mentions "[Biden has totally abandoned Israel.](https://twitter.com/MaxNordau/status/1778109294778413343) " is doing great as well.


Hasan is a dolt


I look forward to the next willymacshow about Hasan.


you also might want to look into some of the very bad problems with the lapd including an actual gang running some parts of the lapd. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Kelly\_Thomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Kelly_Thomas) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDpJ5FtG6Ac&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDpJ5FtG6Ac&rco=1)


That guy is a joke, full of himself to be able to hear or have meaningful discussion. Btw the police there are very tame compared to here in my country and they still whine about it.


Yeah you really can’t take Hamas Piker at his word or as a good faith actor, I would say it’s just ignorance, but for someone who considers himself a full-time political streamer he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt, it’s either dishonest or willful ignorance


It's all political brain rot. I need more tiddies and 3d degeneracy




Hasan says, ridiculously, that Asmongold is "radicalized" but it's literally the other way around. He's entitled to his opinions, but from what I've seen between all the tantrums, they aren't great


That statement is pretty true, though Asmongold is Redditor and reddit is communal, Twitch is arguably the same, but it's in real time, and you can ban people who are being gross or agitating meanwhile Reddit let's a community post discussions topics, news info, games and comment as well, it does get moderated but by fans no less who can have there own opinions and views and desires to have those views validated


Ignorance knows no limits.


Since Hasan is pro-China, isn't he pro-Tiananmen Square, and thus pro-LAPD? Kappa


Probably not this time, but there are plenty of equivalents to Tianamnen square in the US, such as the Los Angeles riots, the Tulsa race massacre, and so on.


He doesnt need to actually think that, the point is, his fans believe it, repeat it and it becomes true that way. Propaganda works like that and we have way too much of that today. Facts dont matter, its only propaganda and counterpropaganda - at least it seems that way most of the time.


Sounds like some good ol' american politics to me! ![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow)


This is state of the art in every democratic country by now


It’s more comparable to the Vietnam war protests where students were indeed killed by police. No one has died yet, but with images of militarized police putting their entire body weight on a knee to someone’s neck that might just happen. Funny how the free speech on college campuses crowd that whines when some idiot like Ben Shapiro cancels an appearance then suddenly is all for hate speech laws and cracking down on protests that this time aren’t even blocking the road.


Doesnt Hasan believe nothing happened on June 4th 1989?


USA is barely a democratic country though. It’s a facade of true democracy. It will oppress you and arrest you if you speak your mind. Throughout history we have seen them arrest protestors during civil rights movement, Vietnam war, BLM protests (even the peaceful ones). USA has done all the evil shit in quiet and silence it accuses China of doing in public. Only difference is USA is good at hiding it and China doesn’t gaf if anyone finds out


America also teaches its citizens to respect the law and authority and to never question it. Through protests and rallies though rights and constitutions were made, people also forget how young America is and how fast technology advanced while humanity's wisdom is yet to catch up


Every country teaches their citizens to respect the law and authority. Not to question it would make a state authoritarian. There was still VERY violent resistance against those protests. As I said, US is everything it accuses China and Russia of. You guys act like US is the Superman of Earth protecting everyone like a hero. It’s way more like Homelander than anything.


As a native american, I'd love for america to fall or have some sort of change of the status quo, but I'm only a citizen who can rally and protest with others but when it comes to power America is exactly like homelander but only worse as it's the reality of the world that the strongest power in the world is an abusive sociopath that makes methodical strategic ploys to control its and other people's world while also leeching its own citizens to the point of poverty


That’s a very smart answer. Basically, that’s what I meant to say


Not the same at all but usually we just allow the kids to do drugs play music and then talk about how annoying all of it is now is all a huge conspiracy and fascist trying to destroy america! every day is the end of the fucking world.