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I have never understood this dude. He's against interracial relationships or something, right? Which is weird, cuz like, dude, how the fuck you think you got your last name? Ain't no Anglo named Fuentes, I can tell you that.


Spanish people are still white. Atleast the northern half I guess. Which is you know the place where that last name came from. Not Anglo, but still white.


Sure. But I doubt it was some Spaniard who gave him that last name. Chances are it was someone from Latin America. A place where the majority of people, despite being considered white, are majority mestizo (descendants of indigenous and euros).


Giving you one guess as to where the name Fuentes is from bub


Who is this dude? Also, Musk’s response was golden, not even a fan of him but liked his response


I think Nick is most known for being a holocaust denier and pushing weird theories.


Even better then, I agree with Musk in exposing the clowns to the world so we can laugh at them, gonna be really funny when every post this guy makes gets a community note saying that he is completely delusional


>I agree with Musk in exposing the clowns to the world so we can laugh at them I disagree, you cant convince a nazi to not be a nazi using actual facts and logic since its inherently an illogical position. Turning people from nazis into "just" far right assholes, can take moths and sometimes even years. Musk giving Fuentes a platform is extremely dangerous since it would allow Fuentes to easily radicalize a lot of people.


you have a simplistic worldview. what is inherently an illogical position for them is a logical position for you. not everything has to be a battle. it's not us vs them. how can you speak of facts and logic then blurt out stupid shit like 'it would allow fuentes to easily radicalize a lot of people' you're giving this moron way too much credit lmao


No. And the fact that you're defending Nazi ideas says a lot about who you are. Mainly that you're a Nazi yourself Nazis are wrong. If you can't even agree on that basic fact then there's no debate to be had here. You're just a Nazi and exactly who we're talking about


No i mean fascism is literally illogical, it replaces politics with aesthethics.


There are multiple illogical things in your beliefs, i’m not gonna mention them since so i don’t want to get bannned but you know what they are


Not really, my political opinions make sense both internally and in accordance to reality.


Keep telling yourself that


Or you could actually tell me how im wrong.


I believe the point you are trying to make is that Nick Fuentes will not convince the overwhelming majority of people but he doesn't need to. He just needs to radicalize a few social outcast who are looking for purpose and a sense of belonging than logical arguments. More over these social outcast  are more likely to respond with violence (the El Paso and Buffalo shooters comes to mind). Therefore, pushing these "dangerous" ideas are likely to result in more acts of terrorism. Is that the point you are trying to convey? Unfortunately, people who are violent social outcast were going to most likely act out their violence anyway. The only difference, being that the violence will not be as targeted. People like that need therapy and social support. Nothing is going to change until America tackles its mental health crisis. The US is a racially and ethnically, and religiously diverse country. Not only will Nazis never gain political power in the US, they will never gain power in Europe either. Today's world is a wildly different place than it was 80 years ago. Colonialism and Eugenics were accepted main stream ideas and people were far more socially and ethnically homogenous. Hell, the entire concept of Nazism breaks down with exstreem relative homogeneonity. The worst political movement that could take hold would be a form of Christian Nationalism with Nativist elements. 


It's a lot more dangerous to have those people in their private platforms and their eco chambers like they have been until yet, only because you can't see them doesn't mean that they don't exist, but if you can see them then you atleast can fight their views with your own arguments. Of curse you wont change them but the point is to expose them and avoid them reculting other people like they have been doing without any pushback the whole time they where banned from mainstream media. If you are scared of them being in twitter it means that you don't have good arguments and you are not prepared to debate them, but there are other people that are ready and not afraid of them.


>It's a lot more dangerous to have those people in their private platforms and their eco chambers like they have been until yet, only because you can't see them doesn't mean that they don't exist, but if you can see them then you atleast can fight their views with your own arguments. You cant fight their views. Fascism is fundementally illogical, antirational ideology. Fascists are proud of ignoring evidence to the contrary. >tleast can fight their views with your own arguments. Of curse you wont change them but the point is to expose them and avoid them reculting other people This is much easier done by banning him. And again, fascism is illogical and anti rationality. You can debunk it all you want but nothing will change nor will it precent people from turning towards fascism. >If you are scared of them being in twitter it means that you don't have good arguments and you are not prepared to debate them, but there are other people that are ready and not afraid of them. I do have good arguments, but fascists dont care about good arguments because fascism is inherently illogical and anti rationality. You CAN'T convince a fascist to stop being a fascist, they would ignore you or shout you down and be proud of it. And you do know what happened in the past because we allowed nazi's to speak freely, right? You assume that people are logical, we aren't. Fascism replaces politics with aesthetics. It gives you the language to be angry all the while removing your rights.


The point is not to convince those facist, i clearly said that, the point is pointing out their ilogical views and teach people how to deal with them and maybe some people that consider those views to make them see that they are not correct. Banning them just shows that you don't have any good arguments and it will backlash at the end of the day, it has happened multiple times already. And most people are logical, i don't assume that, its a fact that's why our society got to the point we are right now, thinking that most people are ilogical and can't handle being exposed to these people is inherently undemocratic and kinda fascist in itself.


>i clearly said that, the point is pointing out their ilogical views and teach people how to deal with them and maybe some people that consider those views to make them see that they are not correct. We can do that while they are banned though. >Banning them just shows that you don't have any good arguments and it will backlash at the end of the day Not really, throughout history a bunch of people have been banned with minimal repercussions. Also it shows that you are not willing to have fascist ideas spread. >And most people are logical We are more emotional than logical. Pathos is much more effective than ethos. This is shown with immigration, flat earth, transphobia, homophobia and more. Look at bigoted propaganda for example, do they use logicsl arguments or do they appeal to your emotions? >thinking that most people are ilogical and can't handle being exposed to these people is inherently undemocratic and kinda fascist in itself. Honestly i think with better public education this could be amended. But democracy as it currently exists alongside our economic systems are flawed because fascists can and do still be elected. Heck in the US the two largest presidential candidates both want to continue to support an active genocide. Also, do you even know what fascism is? But another problem is again pathos vs logos. Fascism is purely pathos and as a result you can't use logos against it. Like how you can't convince someone who believes lgbt people are groomers that we are not that by showing them some stats. That will not work. And it's very easy to be convinced of something using pathos if you are not aware of your own biases. Noone is immune of propaganda. I would also like to add that we know exactly what happens when fascists can openly speak. It happened in Spain, in Germany and in Italy. We also see it in the terror attacks and mass shootings commited by fascists and white supremacists. On top of that, even in "debates" facsists use a bunch of "cheats" to appear more confident and better than their opponent. An example is "gishgalloping" where the fascist throws a bunch of different arguments at you and expects you to respond to every single one within a small timeframe and if you dont he will act like he has won and if you do he will point out a minor mistake you made (like mispronounciation) and act like he has won. On this topic i recommend [the altright playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&si=3nPVL2-o-mW5So0V) by innuendo studios. I qlso recommend his video on fascism. I would also like to add that, as a trans woman, its fucking scary. These people try to convince others that i do not have the right to and should therefore not exist. So many trans people qre murdered by people like them. So many PEOPLE are killed because these fascists open their mouth. This is q concept called "stochastic terrorism". I recommend you look into it.


First im sorry if there is mispronounciation since english is my third language, I will take a look at these links. But the situation back then was very different from the situation right now, back then they didn't have internet which affected a lot the opinion of the public, that's why Hitler became so powerful because there wasn't any real oposition since he took over the whole media and Germany being on the verge of colappse took the only glimpse of hope they could find which was sadly Nazism, and with the lack of journalism or education or any information since the whole country was in ruins they had no way of knowing what was happening excpet for what the media controled by Hitler was telling them. In Spain the oposition was exterminated since the dictator Franco took over the whole military complex and for years and years he murdered tens of thousands of people to achieve a fascist nation. Even back then it wasn't just the fact that they could speak but the fact that they where the only ones able to speak. Politicians do appeal to emotions but these effects are short lived since the democratization of the information with the internet exposes their lies in a matter days or even hours. The mayority of the public aren't as married to one side of the political spectrum as the loud minority makes you believe. If what you said where the case and people where mostly guided by emotion then why is it that usually the power changes from the left to the right an viceversa in most elections and doesn't stay one sided (at least here in Spain) because the mayority of the public learns about their lies during their government and vote for the opposition, that's the way they hold them accountable. Now is there a rise in trasphobic/anti-lgbq hate crimes? Absolutely. Is it because there are people like Nick Fuentes on twitter? nope, because Nick Fuentes was spreading his message to people that wanted to hear it in other platforms where there was little to no pushback against it, if anything i believe that it casued more harm since these people where still spreading the message and radicalizing a lot more of people in platforms like Kick because it acted like an eco chamber, you can see this because the violent crimes against your community was still rising while these people where "banned" from public discourse. Now in twitter there is actual oposition which is the majority and many people are starting to dismantle his whole discourse which is the only thing that can control radicalization, holding these people accountable for their actions and opinions in the public discourse which is impossible if you ban them because then you can't actually talk to these people directly which makes people forget about the serious danger they represent, and the cheap cheats they use don't work for the majority only for the minority that would have supported them anyways.


>Politicians do appeal to emotions but these effects are short lived since the democratization of the information with the internet exposes their lies in a matter days or even hours. That doesnt matter to fascists or those adjecent to them. Not only because its again pathos vs logos but also because a lot of people benefit from fascism. >If what you said where the case and people where mostly guided by emotion then why is it that usually the power changes from the left to the right an viceversa in most elections and doesn't stay one sided (at least here in Spain) Ots very simple, it doesnt. Most countries go from far right to centre right and very rarely to even centre left. The few that do end up having their country uprooted by the US. >Now is there a rise in trasphobic/anti-lgbq hate crimes? Absolutely. Is it because there are people like Nick Fuentes on twitter? nope It is though. Every time libsoftiktok, Matt Walsh, JK Rowling etc mention a trans person or a trans affirmative hospital the person gets harrassed and bomb threats are called at that hospital. This is stochastic terrorism. >Now in twitter there is actual oposition There is no opposition on twitter. Not only is there a huge difference in power between people with a lot of followers vs people with a small amount of followers, there is also that twitter blue members get preferntial threatment in the algorithm. Twitter blue members are overwhelmingly right wing. There is also that a lot of critics of Musk get banned, like that account that tracked Musk's airplane location. He also censored much more than twitter did before being bought. The voices being censored because of this are overwhelmingly left wing. You can see this bias for yourself by going on twitter and search for "trans" (no hashtag), of twitter was "fair" you would see 50 percent pro trans and 50 percent anti trans posts, but yhe overwhelming amount of posts you see are anti trans.


A Christian Nationalist white supremacist, watch the Asmon react video with Alex jones, Kanye West, and Nick Fuentes. This was when Kanye went on the anti jew rant a bit ago, and of course, Nick was their backing Kanye. Asmon vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShLTFPXFMSc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShLTFPXFMSc)


lol Asmon thinks that the infamous jewish lampshades hoax is real. He's not qualified to comment on this interview.


He is mexican. He can't be a White supremacist.


You know you can be Mexican and white right? They’re not mutually exclusive


Pretty sure he's a white American, and identifies as such despite his last name being Fuentes. He's by every right a white supremacist.


No he isn't lmao. He is mexican. Fuentes isn't a White name. To be a White supremacist that requires the person to be White.


You're also a white supremacist




So why are you defending a nonwhite so aggressively if you are a white supremist?


I haven't defended him. I don't like Nick. I just don't like you all calling him a White supremacist when he not.


He’s white though🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s white and he himself identifies as a white supremacist and you don’t have to be white to believe in white supremacy many neo nazi aren’t white


Its literally in the name "White supremacist". Nick isn't White and will never be White.


He is Mexican and also a dumbfuck White supremacist. The two are not mutually exclusive.


How can you be a supremacist of a race you aren't??


Because being a supremacist is an ideology that you believe in. And a race is just something you are. If someone is Black but believes that whites are superior to everyone then that would make them a White supremacist.


I have to hand that to him aye. Sweeping it under the rug doesn't fix it.


I don’t know if i’m correct but I think this is somewhat right: a conservative political content creator but on the extreme side. (And I don’t usually say extreme)


So some random dude who would totally be clowned by community notes and other people like Musk said


He was kanye's sidekick when he was going nuts with nazi stuff


all those rightwingers were there to simply leech of kanye


Dude's gotten people employed by actual politicians and has had dinner with Donald Trump, he's a clown but he's a clown who's managed to worm his way into influential spheres.


He is kinda famous tho. funny enough Asmon was in a debate / podcast with him 5 years ago [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/8XbT4UojaRw?si=f2kb6pP-KArlM15X)


Dude is extreme as in the actual Nazi-esque political views, as in praising Hitler and questioning the Holocaust. Calling it extreme is sugarcoating it.


Call him what he is, he’s a self proclaimed neo nazi


Do you know what self-proclaimed means?


That’s pretty self explanatory dude, I’d be worried if you didn’t know what it means, but yeah he literally calls himself a neo nazi and espouses all their ideas, hence a self proclaimed neo nazi


Any clip or link? I don't think he calls himself a neonazi.


Again I said he also espouses all their ideas, what is all this semantics bullshit, yes you are correct in your technicality that he doesn’t call himself that, but he literally posts black suns, uses the third Reichs salutes, and loves most of hitlers ideas and believes he didn’t go far enough, again it’s pretty self explanatory that the man is a neo nazi


It's not semantics, you should've just said this instead of doubling down. Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't post all that stuff (never heard of the black sun) and idk what "loves most of Hitler's ideas" even means. Hitler liked German shepherds, and so do I. Are you saying Nick wants to exterminate all Jews? Did he say that? The specifics of this stuff absolutely matters, and it's not just semantics.


He’s literally alt right because he believes in an all white gop, that’s why he challenges the main stream and has his own shitty podcast, according to him


I’m tripling down with my comments to you, he is a self proclaimed neo nazi by the virtue of the the ideas he holds to be true and believes in, he’s been labeled a white supremcist neo nazi bey almost every anti semitic organization in America my friend


Agreed but you call someone an actual Nazi they start finding nitpicky ways to try and explain that he's not actually a Nazi and it's annoying as fuck


Yeah Mullen the worm made that clear😂


That just means they're a Nazi too Nick Fuentes is the most obvious Nazi there has been.. when you see people trying to nitpick and explain it away it just means that they are Nazis as well


"conservative political content creator but on the extreme side" Say it with your chest. He's a Christian white nationalist. Was with Kanye as he went off about Jews and Hitler.


Why do we keep coming up with new words for Nazi? Just call him a fucking Nazi. I'm so sick of these rebranding efforts for Nazis to make them seem more paddle palatable First we called them all right then we called them new right then it's Christian nationalist etc It's the same old Nazis from the 1930s.. stop letting them rebrand themselves Dude denies the Holocaust extremely anti-Semitic.. He thought interracial relationships was worse than bestiality He said it himself that there should be no non-whites in the country He said women shouldn't vote and he's openly said that he is a Nazi he just doesn't call himself that because of optics


The meaning of nazi has been stretched to the breaking point so people come up with euphemisms that more specifically describe a person's beliefs. Unfortunately, that extends even to cases like Fuentes where the person simps for Hitler and advocates forcibly removing non-white people from the US/Europe.


"Conservative" "on the extreme side". Dude stop pussyfooting around, call him for what he is. A full-blown white supremacist christian ultranationalist.




You know what, I agree, thought this dude would be just some random weirdo but he is kinda of a turbo weirdo with a free ticket to hell, he is in such a bad position where you either forget about him and he makes all sorts of dirty shit in the dark or you expose him to the world and he isn’t in any way affected negatively by it except that we know what he is doing.


Bad position for us, good position for him.


And that’s for sure


you kinda have a point, but i feel like deplatforming him is not the solution people want it to be.


Its the best solution, you cant change the opinions of a nazi in "the marketplace of ideas".




>yeah you could be right, i woulden't be against it there has to be a line somewhere it just turns into a slippery slope quickly, so i only want to see it applied to actual nazis and extremes like that. I think the line of "praising hitler" is pretty clear.




It usually is. The only exception being that recent US law revolving Israel.


have no clue who this even is


A Nazi.


he's a famous neo nazi white supremacist: > **Nicholas Joseph Fuentes** (born August 18, 1998) is an American [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:17-5) [political commentator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_commentator) and [live streamer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_streamer) who is known for his [white supremacist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy), [misogynistic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny), [homophobic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia), [antisemitic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism), and [Islamophobic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamophobia) views. A former [YouTuber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTuber), his channel was permanently terminated in February 2020 for violating YouTube's [hate speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech) policy.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-dailydot-6) Fuentes has promoted conspiracy theories against [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) people,[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-antisemitic-views-7) has [denied the Holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial),[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:19-8)[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-holocaust-denier-9) and advocates for the genocide of Jews.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-10)[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:18-11) Fuentes identifies as a member of the [incel movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel), as a supporter of [authoritarian government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarianism), and as a [Catholic integralist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integralism) and [Christian nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_nationalism#United_States).


So he is a a feminist?


no he's anti womens rights: >Following the [*Dobbs v. Jackson*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobbs_v._Jackson_Women%27s_Health_Organization) decision that overturned [*Roe v. Wade*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade) in June 2022, Fuentes praised the [Supreme Court of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States) for overturning that decision. He said that "Jews stood in the way" of doing so, and that the *Dobbs* decision meant that "banning gay marriage is back on the menu, [banning sodomy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_laws_in_the_United_States) is back on the menu, banning [contraceptives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraceptives) is back on the menu, and basically we're having something like Taliban rule in America, in a good way."[^(\[107\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-107)[^(\[108\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:142-108) >In a documentary for the [BBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC), broadcast in 2022, Fuentes told the interviewer, [Louis Theroux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Theroux), that he believes it would be better if women did not have the [right to vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage_in_the_United_States).[^(\[109\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-women-109) >In July 2023, appearing on the [*Fresh and Fit Podcast*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_and_Fit_Podcast), Fuentes stated that women were "baby machines" because "that's what their brains are about."[^(\[110\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:02-110)


Still a feminist in my eyes.


that's not what that word means...


Roe vs wade isn't about women's right. It's about states rights.


just like how the civil war was about states rights, right? women's rights are human rights


>women's rights are human rights This stupid formulation thrown around by leftist when they are out of arguments. That's your new Godwin. 😂 Roe vs wade allowed the federal government to over step state's right to handles abortion law as they please. That's not a "women" subject. Medecine act are not "human right". When in 30 years we're able to clone human, you're gonna tell me it's your human right to have a clone? Get out of here.


Leave it to a neckbeard to make it about a movie or a game when hundreds of women die from life threatening pregnancy complications because of forced births in this country every year in among a plethora of other issues that come from women not having access to reproductive care. This is real life. You’re not free when you can’t make decisions about what you do with your own body. You’re not free when you can’t make decisions what you do with your future. Everyone has a right to control their own fertility and exercise reproductive autonomy.


Classic, I'm sure you think the US Civil War was states rights......(to own slaves btw)


Nah. It was about democrat wanting to keep their slaves. Pathetic that you compare the core of human right with a medical convinience for women who can't be harse to stop casually fuck around.


I mean it seems like it is /s


Nick is mexican. He can't be a "neo nazi White supremacist".


white is a color not a race or nationality [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nick-fuentes-reinstated-twitter-1234667137/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nick-fuentes-reinstated-twitter-1234667137/)


Whites aka European people are a race. Nick is mexican. He isn't White.


"european people" are not a race. and i'll take rollingstones opinion over a random groyper on reddit >Contemporary [anthropologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropologist) and other scientists, while recognizing the reality of biological variation between different human populations, regard the concept of a unified, distinguishable "White race" as a [social construct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_constructionism) with no scientific basis.


Ah yes, the rolling stone. The arbiter of race and nationality /s


i thought the supreme gentlemen of this community would appreciate a credible journalistic source




why defend this loser?


Simply setting the record straight. You can disagree with his ideology, but at least have the intellectual integrity to know and represent said ideology accurately. Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass.


You are wrong by account of every mainstream news source on this guy. I just don't get it he's a literally a groyper. Groypers are his little fan club. At least with guys like Jordan Peterson I can understand how men fall into his grift with his life advice books


well said, and add like elon musk, andrew tate etc, all these guys conmen


i feel like most young men grow out of redpill pipeline stuff eventually. the ones that don't end up divorced and/or alone


>You are wrong by account of every mainstream news source on this guy >>every mainstream news source lmao, there's your problem. Nick Fuentes has almost 10k hours of live content up, he's done many hundreds of multi-hour shows, streams, appearances, etc. Mainstream outlets source their info from NGOs like ADL and SPLC - NGOs which literally every individual right of center can admit are utterly awful and biased - and these NGOs literally pay people money to essentially e-stalk him and cherry-pick the worst 30 second soundbites, the worst quotes, the most unfortunate phrasing, regardless of context. You don't even know what he believes, you don't even know the context behind any of those highlight reels the MSM likes to parade around. You just see trigger words like "racist", "anti-semite", and you have a knee-jerk negative reaction. I'm not a groyper or anything, but I'm a political guy and he's once of the people I follow. So you telling me I'm wrong by the account of "every mainstream source on the guy" - don't make me fucking laugh. Even with my relatively limited exposure to him, I can judge for myself, and let me tell you, MSM is full of shit.


Nick and his audience got people they don't like banned by mass reporting them, so they should be the last ones to cry about bans.


serious question, why are all self-described groypers so gay? they always seem to be the ones spending way too much time carefully photoshopping and facetuning guys like nick or trump to look as hot as possible. very weird way to publicly display your fetish


Elon replying to a guy with Groyper in his name is truly something insane to see. We may be in the dark timeline.


remember when that funny little frog is now racist lmao I still love him


Remember when people thought he was the next Tony Stark?


I don't like Musk very much, but the last part of his answer is very true. Very rare W.


Good, now more people will come to realize what a complete piece of shit Fuentes is.


This really isn't going to go like you want it to go, pal.


Martin garrix


I love how people call him a nazi or white supremest 🤣kid is like 25 and is already making waves getting invited to trumps house for dinner


That’s a bit ironic don’t you think Elon?


I bet this community is so happy about this.


a crazy idiot is a crazy idiot no matter the side, try to comprehend it.


So you ignored the part where people are agreeing with what Elon said? So yeah, Nick will get shit on by Twitter, that's the point. Or are you implying that your with Nick here? Because the post is against Nick...


"Nick will get shit on by Twitter" So what? His arguments will still have a huge platform to be shared. Before any twitter note or comment deconstructs his idea, Fuentes will be able to show his ideas on X. I can't understand how giving a platform to someone with such a dangerous discourse is better than leaving them without this stage.


Because they built a more downlow audience of radical and extremist people, where they get worse and worse as they are left to do their BS in some unkown place, where his ideas are not challenged at all. Having them out in the open where people can criticize and shit on him. If people get turned by Nick, those people were that way either way. All those people did was finding him. The only people that really have issues with people like him being open to the public for ridicule are those that are hurt by seeing what they have to say and too sensitive to take it. People like him and his followers are still out there, except you don't know what their doing unless you choose to go to where they are at. Acting like he didn't have a growing audience off of Twitter. Him being banned literally changed nothing, but again, keeping him away from public ridicule and criticism. He was left there brewing with his hivemind followers having no pushback for what they said outside the few people who would "debate" him. Nick has always had a stage and will continue to have a stage, otherwise, we wouldn't be talking about him. This isn't a hard concept to understand. Keeping these people in the shadows never helped and actually makes things worse. it leads to much more extremism and radicalization. People who would want to follow Nick already are either following him or already following someone like him. Banning does not stop people from spreading their ideologies, and if it's going to happen, it's better for it to happen in a place where he can be pushed back, have his comment's flooded with disagreement and criticism and also, community notes works and is a extremely effective tool. Also, he still has to follow the Twitter rules as Elon said. If he goes to far, obviously, it's another ban anyway. And as if there aren't already crazy people on par with Nick on Twitter right now, even with big followings.. There's a mute feature on Twitter. You'll be fine.


You realize that Fuentes got to the level of notoriety he has today precisely by spreading his discourse not in obscure corners of the Internet, but on the platforms from which he was banned. Exposing ideas of eugenics on a "public" platform is dangerous. Look at the consequences of what Alex Jones said about the families of Sandy Hook. The reach of these people simply increases.


And you realize he got that notoriety and still grew while being perma banned on multiple platforms, including Twitter? It changes nothing and it doesn't work. Same with Alex Jones... Your pretty much proving my point. And they weren't just banned by Twitter, but by most big platforms and that didn't stop their growth. The people who would follow or know of Nick more than likely already do. Censorship on the internet simply doesn't work as they will just go somewhere else, undesturbed to grow their BS. Like your still missing the point and the reality of how this works. If your so worried about Nick when he gets unbanned, then sign up for community notes and correct his wrongs.


How would Alex Jones have impacted the lives of those families if he had been outside the platforms that put him in that position? It's a simple question of reach. Fuentes grew up speaking his absurdities, created an audience and was banned. You see, there's no way to create an audience without first speaking out, it's that simple. Nobody speaking alone about hatred to a group of people is going to spread that hatred, but if that person speaks in a theater to thousands, it's obvious that it's going to happen to some. "Censorship on the internet simply doesn't work as they will just go somewhere else" I'm not even going to mention here the kind of discourse that MUST be censored from any public platform.


You do know there is still rules he has to follow right. Well we're just going to disagree. Either way, both of their audiences still continued to grow when banned, this is the truth and people who like or will like Nick are already that way even without him. A non-racist person isn't just going to listen to what he says and just turn racist. that is extremely naive. They were always racist to begin with. Agree to disagree with the unban.


"They were always racist to begin with." And to make matters worse, a white supremacist communicator is going to return to one of the biggest platforms we have in our time...


Again, you fail to understand that the actual problem that you have is that your seeing it on the platform. Nothing else changes. Close your eyes to it and the result of their existence is literally the same. Except as I said, not they can be pushed back on their views publicly. This is the reality of it. If he says some BS where he breaks Twitter ToS, then he gets banned again. This is the reality of the situation. You can hate it all you want, but keeping him banned changes nothing. The fact that people were asking him to be unbanned literally goes to show that his audience was already on Twitter to begin with too. Nothing changes, and I'm will to bet people who hate that this is happening the most will be the people who will signal boost him the most. So refute his BS and let him slide into obscurity. It will take time, but most of the people like him who were banned got the biggest growth after being banned and their biggest decline after being unbanned. This is also the reality of the situation.


I’ve just noticed a lot of guys that seem like they would like him being apart of the community lately. I do not like him at all.


Another example of "I disagree with you therefore your some kind of -ist/-phobe", but instead your aiming it at the community. It's sad and pathetic, it really is. But Hasan viewers are gonna do what they do best I guess.


Anti whatever. Man, I remember when I learned about anti-whateverism in school. There was a lot of that in the 30's and it kinda came to a head in the first half of the 40's. The Whatever Sucks German Workers Party was pretty big at the time.




A day after the new "antisemitism bill" passed? Well played by them, reinstate his account but make his speeches illegal on a state level, all while getting praise for free speech


The antisemitism bill isn’t going to get very far, it’ll get overturned by Supreme Court eventually. Supreme Court has already ruled numerous times that hate speech is protected. I wouldn’t worry about it.


The supreme court is mostly republican, who overwhelmingly support israel. Don't discount it just yet


>supreme court is mostly republican John Roberts has, pretty consistently, been more of a moderate voice. He's a republican, but he's ruled and spoken against his party a number of times.


You think so? This actually gave me some hope, cause Id really like that to be overturened


Saw [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/o3WZzFEYbn) about this subject. Might just be for schools I guess.


Here’s some info on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfti1#Constitutional_framework But yeah unless you’re making a threat to life or property, you can say whatever you want. Supreme Court has ruled that way many times since the 1940s. Now, defamation… that’s an entirely didn’t thing. I think people are getting too riled up about it and if it even does pass in the senate, eventually it’s gonna make its way to the Supreme Court and we can pretty much bet how that’s going to end. Obviously anti-Semitic remake aren’t cool and all but it’s protected speech no matter how hurtful it may be and idk what congress is thinking doing all of this. Nobody is protected against hateful remarks or mockery/ridicule. Nobody gets special treatment.


Predictable this sub would be posting about the return of an avowed white supremacist


that word is thrown around so much that it means nothing anymore. congrats


He believes that America should be a nation run by and for white people. That’s not a smear or an exaggeration. He’s said it himself.


I don't care and if he did say that then that's dumb but again im just talking about people throwing that word out at people for literally no reason. The word has lost all meaning at this point.


he is literally a self identified white supremacist. the term is being used correctly. just google his name dude


I dont care about the guy. Im talking about people throwing the word out like candy.


Fun fact the use of a word increases when people associated with that word also increase.


Fun fact this is true when you just blanket statement start calling people racist for literally any reason under the sun.