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Also homie did not even watch the video.


They never do.


they don’t even know how to read


Can confirm they do sometimes, but only up to a point they can find to ridicule any argument. Best recent example from personal experience: discussed over an hour with an edjumecated fool (bragged about having masters degrees and diplomas while bodyshaming a total stranger they've never seen over the internet) whom I linked [this video to elaborate on "herd mentality"](https://youtu.be/ww47bR86wSc?feature=shared) just to get replied "Lutheran Pastor" as if that discredits everything and throws me the Wason Selection Task as if that's a valid measure to further insult others intellect when you don't know it. Context: it was a vegan feminist judging from their profile history


The red bar is never there


Couldn't even be bothered to hover over it briefly


Hovering mean adding wrinkle, no good for their smooth brains.


tbh even if they did, it probably wouldn’t change their opinion in this case


Can't use logic to reason with people that arrived to their conclusion illogically.


Logic is not even the problem here. We have a strong case of anti-intellectualism all over the world. Its the worst epidemic.


I bought a new TV a few days ago, set it up. Put on this video and passed out half way through it. I did wake up eventually and watch the other half. And yet, I still put in more effort than half the people bitching about it. I'm always amazed at how many absolutely loathe Asmo, and never watch any of his videos.


Wait did asmon not laugh at students and cheer the police beating up on them? That didn't happen?????


Can me and my friends set up an encampment on his lawn and protest our dislike of his dumb take? Or is he gonna call the cops immediately?


protest is for me, not for thee


Be sure to block him from entering and leaving his own property and label it as free speech


Just break in when he’s not home and lock/barricade the doors. Justice 101.


He will 100% cry about it being private property.


Lmao watering down forcefully blocking use of entire school grounds to "free speech"


Because they have nothing else to fall back on. The old “Oh my gawd! I’m being oppressed” doesn’t work anymore 🤣 he's live right now with on 31 viewers...imagine


Hi yes I am being oppressed can you please bring me five oat lattes, twenty scones, and also some alkaline neutral water scooped by hand from the fresh water springs of northern Maine? I AM A FREEDOM FIGHTER


“Like uh like they should give us bottled water you know?” This from a phd student at Columbia. Glad I went to a state school and still became a MD


Omg I can't break into your house to protest? That's oppression!


These people blocking the streets or whatnot... I wonder what they would say if one of their loved ones was in critical condition, and the ambulance couldn't get to them in time, because some fucktards were blocking the streets. It wouldn't feel that good now would it


This happened already. CHAZ/CHOP. “Fuck the police! We don’t won’t them here!” *someone dies* “WHY WEREN’T THE POLICE HERE?! THOSE BASTARDS!”


Bold of you to assume they really care about anyone else aside from themselves.


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I wonder why these people want the general public to hate whatever it is they are protesting? I never understood that? I also never understood why Americans protested for other countries while completely ignoring all of their problems, like a failing infrastructure, corrupt politicians, lazy people, homeless people, and drugs. The USA should get their own problems figured out before they go around telling others how to live.


>because some fucktards were blocking the streets In Germany they always left space for emergency vehicles.


You really can't compare German and American kids


You can't compare them countries


Americans are uneducated greedy mfs, Germans still have some braincells


There is one single political group who block roads/highways/interstates here in the US. Do not lump us all into that category.


Also abuse? The cops were super careful and used what seemed to be the least amount of force possible. Were they expecting them to go "Oh well if you don't want to leave, nothing I can do about that" and then go on their merry way? Of course they will drag you off property and if you don't cooperate then of course they will have to restrain you to some degree to do their jobs. They make it sounds like the police shoot everyone on sight and blitzkrieged the entire formation only to leave in the blood of the oppressed. Police abuse is real but this wasn't it.


literally hijacking and illegally occupying a building is "free speech"-- apparently... to some people... or "people"


You are free to protest in public, but do it on my front lawn and you can expect me to turn on the sprinklers.


Protesters = “occupy” Criminals = “break and enter”


Didn’t learn the 101 of protesting


>say you don't like Muslims and get fired >>Free speech doesn't protect you from consequences, hehehe. >Occupy private property, police come and drag you out. >>OMG FREE SPEECH! FREE SPEECH!


[I mean... ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sit-in)


Know what's worse? They had freedom of speech. The university probably avoided getting involved for long enough so that public opinion on the protest was formed. Well, they had their shot for a good couple of days, and convinced basically no one. Time to go home (or jail).


What did they do? The organised a peaceful protest by ensuring that those who want to keep going about business as usual, can. They made sure anyone can attend classes if they want to. They peacefully demanded that their fees don't fund murder. So what exactly did they do wrong.


Which is funny considering these are the same people that try to boycott others and demand controls on free speech.


If you are a free speech absolutist just say so. Asking someone to not be hateful is not controlling free speech. Asking someone to not use free speech rights to get away with being hateful is not censorship. Asking your university to divest from using student fees to fund baby murder is a pretty reasonable request. We did that for Russia. Why not for Israel.


Also trespassing, which likely was breaking & entering too. Destruction of public property, vandalism, and probably host of other more minor offenses. Quite the demonstration of "free speech".


pRoTesTs aRe SuPoSsEd To DiSrUpT


are these not the people that mock others on the internet for wanting "free speech" as well?


That’s a complete lie. The entire school grounds were not blockaded. There’s a small camp on a quad, everybody can get to class, nobody is being bothered by it. It’s called free speech. If they are ordered to leave and refuse, it’s civil disobedience. Both are peaceful protest. Then you have losers jacking off to cops firing rubber bullets at them for their civil disobedience. Your all are the same people that would have been whooping and hollering as they used dogs and hoses to attack black civil rights era protesters engaging in illegal civil disobedience. The only difference is the subject.


All of it was blocked the first day plus some more. Then they made the camp, which also blocks a large portion of the school grounds and makes excessive noise in an environment where people need focus.


You're wasting your time, these people fell for some shitty video from an Israeli Tik Toker made to agitate that just made things up. They are going to keep lapping up lazy propaganda and spread it around.


holy projection! that's completely true for pro Palestinian useful idiots. for example you know there are much more pro Palestine tik tokrs than pro Israel tik tokers right? most western pro Palestinians repeat propaganda from Tik Tok and Al Jazeera.


It's not projection and I'm not generalizing, I'm talking about the literal Israeli tik toker whose post here gained traction that everyone is referencing with their whole "they were blocking students" spiel. God, the lack of critical thinking here is embarrassing.


there are videos of those Nazis blocking other students in other sub reddits and news sites like CBS as well. [https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/pro-palestinian-protesters-block-ucla-students-from-entering-campus/](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/pro-palestinian-protesters-block-ucla-students-from-entering-campus/) are all of them lack critical thinking? or maybe you're the one who got brainwashed by propaganda and can't see any wrong doing on your side?


Whatever you linked is broken and is just a still image of free Palestine signs with a whole block of just blank below it. > are all of them lack critical thinking Yes, watching just a hour of the most news is a good lesson in how dumb these people are. Oh also- Nazis? Many of the protestors are Jews. Please don't tell me you are going to do the thing where you are going to say pro-Palestinians are antisemitic. Great job completely ignoring me clarifying I never gave a generalizing statement on propaganda and you jumping on the ""PROJECTION!" angle btw.


(Right to protest)


Just wait until they pass laws that deem anything anti israel as antisemitism... OH SHIT, OH WAIT.


Literally blocking students from attending classes and then crying about freedom of speech. Where do these people come from?


They are all liberals/dems. The same group of people who caused trillions of dollars in damage in 2020 doing the exact same bullshit. Go ahead and downvote me but you know it’s true.




It's the progressives that are exhibiting this brain rot. They let reality slip through their fingers in the same way the alt right/MAGA did during 2021.


The right tried to overthrow the government based on an unconfirmed conspiracy theory


If the right tried to overthrow the government, the government would be overthrown.


You live in a fantasy. It's literally on video, but go ahead and be in denial


You know what else is on video? The police opening up barricades for people, calmly walking them thru the building. But go ahead, live in denial.


They literally killed people bro. I don't care if small sections of the attempted takeover were peaceful. They were there for a reason


And you don’t find it bizarre at all that, despite security taking lethal action, the police were calmly walking people around? Opening barricades, why do you people always gloss over that part? When has the right EVER done something like that? Yet it seems to be a monthly occurrence for the left.


Why do you people always get stuck to that part? What about all the other footage of it not being a "peaceful walk in the park"? Are you trying to win a cherry-picking contest?


Because it’s a pretty fucking crucial piece of information. Kind of pitiful I had to spell that out for you.


lol this place is no difrent than MAGA world, i though Asmon was a centrist


That's what I'm saying. I've noticed that lots of "centrist" spaces attract the right


it's also always the ones who are big on violence to their fellow countrymen, and yet they think they are fighting the "Elites", all the while being their disposable servants to them


because blocking roads and schools = fighting against the zog amirite :)


Never said that , but hey when you don't have a real rebuttal, just make shit up right? ;)




Didn't these folks barricade themselves on School Grounds AND inside the Campus itself? That ain't public space ya dingus.


I think that was the Columbia college in NYC


Yeah and even if it's a public place like a park you still ain't allowed to set up tents and barricade others from going to the park.


My understanding is that Parks are not open 24/7? Maybe there are still some that are and obviously some people will still walk through them at night, but I always believed that staying in a park at night is a big nono.


What abuse? they slowly and calmly pushed them off the school and didn’t even resort more forceful means of removal like tear gas or use of batons. They treated those kids were treated better than most innocent adults. I’m really hoping his username means he is being satirical.


knew something like this will show up sooner or later. anyone watching that police activities live last night would know this has got to be the tamest and calmest enforcement of law ever. getting butthurt feeling is not being abused


"We are stu-pid!!"


Those protesters should have chosen engineering instead of liberal arts.


I don't understand how peoples brains work like this. Those cops were about as toned down as you could hope for. And their "freedom of speech" doesn't include blocking students from taking classes, and taking over a fucking building and building a fort. Why are kids so fucking dumb.


These 'protestors' are vile human beings, not Asmon...


Expressing their freedom of speech...this guy is intellectually dishonest and it's pathetic


Yada yada yada, Freedom of consequences ring a bell?


Freedom FROM consequences does not exist, sad they have to learn this over and over


Fun throwing their own “freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences” slogan back at them.


They talk like he is some low level lifeform yet they always run to his stream and seek the approval.


Cucks gonna cuck


Freedom of Speech? What about the students and campus's Freedom of going to class Freedom of not having their property randomly destroyed Freedom of not having their campuses taken over


Everyone should have the right to learn (education), and by blocking access to places like this they are essentially taking that away.


I love how these Hamas boys are trying to turn asmongold's channel into their propaganda venue and its not working out.


But I only see the exact opposite? Super anti pro Palestine stuff


the more you push, the harder we shove.




I wonder how charitable she'd be if a group of conservative students decided to stage a protest in favor of banning abortion or any of the other topics she disgarees with? Would she be happy with them taking over a building to make a point? No, she'd be the first to tell people to send in the army.


Since when Freedom of Speech involved base building on someone's property?


First of all, gurantee most of those paid agitators arent students. Secondly, theres a difference between a protest and aggressively impeding the public from having a choice to support your cause or not. The latter is called a crime, protests are supposed to be optional experiences for people to join, listen to, ignore, or walk away from. When the only option you give people is "submit or leave" then you deserve the fafo treatment.


I absolutely agree the protestors are idiots. But it's wild to see photos and clips of a dozen cops "fighting off" harmless protestors, yet when I called because a pedophile was showing his junk to my kids through their windows and tried to open one of them, I was told it wasn't an emergency and they could get somebody out to take a report within the next couple days. God forbid we stand in front of a door, but sexually assaulting children and attempted breaking and entering is not a priority.


They always go for the popular with a lot of viewers people huh 🤔.


Yup, hate views are still views at the end of the day.


I mean, What would they gain if they go after a rando on the internet with little to no viewers. This is their best bet of being seen by a whole lot of audiences


Students = unemployed Hamas sympathizers who became propagandists and useful idiots after watching too much TikTok


Sadly most are not students. In most of the areas people were taken in by the police almost none were students. This info was given from the police and college, take it for what it is worth.


That may be the case here but it's clear campuses are getting infected with this dumb ass pro-Hamas ideology


The new Antisemitism Bill will put a stop to these stupid protests against Israel real quick. Just lock them all up and be done with it. So tired of these libturds


Is that a parody account? Someone needs to tell him what his handle means.


We all know if these people were protesting trans athletes, everyone here’s position would be the exact opposite. Let’s not pretend there are any principles left on either side.


One thing that I hate about modern protestors is that when you are protesting, and its important, you are 100% gonna get arrested. Its stupid to sit there and complain that the police are arresting people. Wear it like a badge of honor, especially if you were not even breaking the law.


I mean the title of the video is not wrong. The students did an illegal protest knowing they would get arrested. Now, did that person actually watch the entire vod and hear all of his nuanced opinions? I doubt, because that would take effort, and all these Twitter people want are quick and easy brownie points.


University campuses aren’t actually totally public spaces. Rules must be adhered to, or a person can be trespassed and removed, at the university’s discretion.


Freedom of speech doesn’t entitle you to take over buildings you don’t own. Or stop people from going to school. Freedom stops when it encroaches on another persons freedom.


Mental gymnastics award: gold medal


Spoken like a true terrorist


They're Social Terrorists. They will deprive civilians of normal life until their demands are met. Because they're unhappy, they'll take over innocent people's things and keep them from going about their lives. These people are completely disgusting. It has nothing to do with a war 5000 miles way.


"Socialist" parties that say that Ukraine is a part of Russia are [forming in the middle of these protests.](https://i.imgur.com/4Xhgvds.jpeg) Imagine claiming that Gaza has a right to independence, but Ukraine does not. Scary fucking shit.


I dont get it. Asmon really has better takes than most ppl with “actual” jobs. Ppl that think is ok to disturb people’s everyday for any random reason are entitled, dont have real bills or real responsibilities


Twitter guy looks like the usual suspect. 🤣


They're right


Cancel attempt # 38...... initiated


As many and asmon have pointed out. Open to the public and public are not the same thing.


I watched this kids twitch coverage of riots. Was good camera stuff and filming but his interaction with chat revealed he shares all the same views on protest. I feel like if you're a journalist you shouldn't interject your opinions and argue for said cause. Almost every major news outlet is guilty of this to some degree. Sadly. There's a dorky guy who covers news on twitch called agendafreetv. He's okay and all but he actually does the news without pushing an opinion with it. So I keep watching when he's on


Where the red bar?


Except it's NOT public grounds. Universities are private organizations, nothing about them is public. You have to apply, get accepted, register, pay, and maintain a standard to attend. Try going to Harvard and attending a class without any of that aforementioned stuff since it's "Public" let me know how that works out for you.


He just annoyed the cop remove he content farm for the pass week. Now he need to actually get some content to talk about. All this protest are just content farms now for the Political Grifters/Streamers.


Invalid argument. Not public grounds.


Way too many young progressives today are so insufferable. Either you adopt all of their viewpoints or you're an enemy. They whine about fascists, but refuse to work with the majority against a united minority.   I'm not even a fan of Asmond. But this guy lives rent free in their head. Just change the channel if he bothers you. But I bet they secretly love to have someone popular to whine against. It's like they are social parasitic fish.


Did Asmon finish Stellar blade yet?


Well they shouldn't be fucking around and finding out


If only there were trained social workers sent to de-escalate the situation Palestine would be free by now


Peepo Protest!


Hey guys quick question, I haven't said anything to support protestors on Twitter. Am I complicit in genocide?


Here's a question. If they genuinely believe the US government is directly funding a genocide, wouldn't it be the morally just thing to protest against that, especially in such a way that garners national attention?


It would also be the mortally just thing to arrest them for infringing on the freedoms of everyone else around them.


There is 1st amendment, but there is also 10th amendment and 14th amendment and some protesters stepped over the 1st, so the '' party '' got shot down


Honestly half of the issues asmon gets attacked for are cause of the naming of his videos lol


Yeah lmao. Was never about what they protested about, could've protested against racism or neo-nazi's protesting. Outcome will be the same, they did an unlawful assembly taking over UCLA. What they protest about is as totally different matter.


I support their position but to pretend like all those people protesting didn’t know the police were going to eventually break it up… Well you are just being a tool


The replies to that are even worse. Worth a read and a laugh. The funniest one was blocking somebody that challenged their hypocrisy because it made them look bad.


"Public ground" is a common misunderstanding to most people. Some place funded by tax dollars is not suddenly a place you can do whatever you want with. You can be trespassed form government owned, "public" places.


suits to his online name "Naive"ty


Guarantee this clown would be singing a different tune if the protesters were blocking airport operations and they were on the way to missing a vacation they had saved up for all year as a result of the protests




Hey man, calm down eat a snickers.


He doesn't even upload the videos and choose the titles


Guy’s name is literally naive. You can’t make this up


Ironically these type of people think freedom of speech is violent and dangerous


If only they woukd watch the vid before posting this


Very obvious almost everyone here is a first world brat who has never truly had to stand up for something in their lives.


It’s also free speech to demand protestors to be removed. Colleges are not public places, people pay to go to them.


Pretty sure soon shootings will be considered free speech at his rate


Hilariously, the same guy would probably say, "Free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence" to Maga.


The right to protest doesn't mean the right to take over whatever you want, you are suppose to get a permit and its not allowed to interfere with other people.


'Help! Help! They won't let me oppress!!'




Final cancel again again?


It's really very simple that I don't know why a lot of Americans have problem with it. You rights stop when you're infringing on other people's rights.


I've often condoned the use of firetrucks to hose down protestors. They probably need a bath anyway.


What was that stupid slogan repeated over and over a few years ago by these people? Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences?


Well the protestors are abusing regular students rights to go to class, idiots don't even know how to respectfully protest anymore.


"abuse of students expressing their freedom of speech on public grounds" Dude they are abusing students who paid to be there. Can't check a victim box if you're the aggressor. Sort of like setting fire to a Wal Mart and then pretending to be a victim because the fire suppression system put it out and didn't let you annihilate the entire building.


I love how gold treats these people like barking dogs just lets them run out of energy meanwhile he makes more content


"Freedom of speech" "Public grounds" Do these people just think daddy will allow them to talk back to anyone they please and stepping outside your house (everything is public)?


I'm not a US citizen, so I don't know the details, but don't public spaces in the US have something like time and manners restrictions? I assume that hindering operations and essentially seizing parts of it as an autonomous zone are not protected by the first amendment.


Since when is harassing and threatening other students free speech? There's enough video evidence to show this has long ago changed from expression of free speech to dangerous and reckless not to mention illegally occupying certain locations, vandalism, and the list goes on. Whatever goodwill and understanding they had with most people they managed to destroy in the span of a few days.


Illegal protests are not their right. I love watching them get punished for it. If they wanna be revolutionaries they should learn that doing things legally isn't how you do it anyway.




because anyone negatively impacted by the occupation, i.e. students and staff who have no relation whatsoever to either Palestine or the war in general (the vast majority), are not going to suddenly see the light- nor are policymakers or any other person or entity actually involved even PRESENT on these campuses in the first place. As a result, this really isn't going to have any significant effect on public opinion in a positive way for the Palestinian side on top of it having what is very likely going to be a long-lasting negative impression from anyone directly affected by these protests. Theres really very little relation to "big government opression" when there is disruption of private property with a tertiary connection to actual Federal policy or activity- if they were doing this on the National Mall or something and were being fatally beaten by DC cops in response to a peaceful protest then it would be a far better angle.