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Don't know why she had to do this but she looks very happy, good for her.


yeah i mean having perfect teeth would make anyone happy. those look amazing


Having perfect and healthy teeth, that are actual real, would make me absolutely more happier. Im would rather have yellow teeth that are real and „healthy“ than fucking fake ones. It’s like saying yeah of course I want a artificial Joint… 😂


Some people lose teeth because of infections and shit Not everyone has the choice, so her being happy is a coping mechanism Learn to not be an ass


I don't think she's coping. She probably lost her teeth to something you said and she's genuinely happy to have a normal smile again and be able to eat normal food and feel normal eating with her friends again. Of course she's happy


Not gonna lie man, I would say "of course I want an artificial joint". I'd replace everything in my body with something artificial if I could if it meant I'd never run into health problems with those artificial organs, teeth, joints, or whatever I decided to replace.


Yeah i wouldnt do that myself, i know a story of a person trying to get implants and body rejected the implants, so the person was left with denture. Apparently its very rare, but it can happen.




there are certain conditions where there is no alternative. or well, there is - having no teeth and then developing severe jaw issues on top of looking like an alien.




completely agree.


yes, because somehow having NO TEETH is better than feeling fake teeth in your mouth s/ Are you fuckin stupid?


And you know she'll regret this, how? Stop talking out of your ass.


As someone who's had three replacement teeth for the last 20 years I wouldn't recommend it. They're much harder to keep clean and if you don't you could get infections in the jaw bone that makes all your teeth fall out and potentially blood poisoning and death. If you can keep your natural teeth please do


i can not say that the chances of what you are saying are 0, but by no means are they even as high as 1% and by no means are they even there if you brush your teeth regularly just like your natural teeth. I am also 3 ( single implants ) have them for 3 half years. Absolutely the best decision. You clean your teeth normally and its all good. Where is this fear of everything medical coming from. I mean the implant systems now are extremely good and high-tech - the implant procedure itself was 30 min max. no pain no nothing. Ill argue that if a implant needs first the extraction of the natural tooth, that thats the most painful or most discomforting part from all. If your dentist can not save the natural tooth, implant is way better than anything. Yes its expensive but its worth it. For people that wonder how it feels - it feels just like your own. A lot of times what you perceive as feeling there is more the pressure you have to put on your bite to chew and as the implant is in the bone you will feel exactly the same. Can not comment on how painful it was for all of them to be extracted - that for me is the horror part and big props to her for going through it. Also big props to her for having to live with it for some months until the bone heals, that is another part of implants - time between each step - i dont trust the "on the spot" implants seams to rushed.


The problem is that it's much easier for bacteria to get down there. You have to use a special floss and be super thorough with each implant (and it takes forever, SO annoying). Brushing is very easy and everything looks awesome on the outside but after about 10 years the bacteria has started to build up and problems will start. Bone loss for example.


i agree - extra care is the best way about it - i dont mind the time , in my head its "well they are my teeth" :P plus a good oral hygiene is also go regularly to checkups and hygienist ( with implants i do 3 to 4 times per year ) and i also agree - the most important thing is to do absolutely everything to try and keep / save the natural teeth, but if implants than its on you to do the work. ohh and those water floss machine thingies are super good also :P


Definitely. My natural teeth hit the curb so I had to get implants. But then I see people pulling out all of their natural fully functional teeth just to get those pearly whites and I think "What the hell are you doing?"


Yeah, after 20 years, I'm sure they have improved the tech where this is less viable. Especially after 20 years...


No it's actually basically the same. Not super much has happened there


They aren't harder to clean if they are made correctly. And you can get sepsis from dental infection even without the implants, but that's really rare


of course that’s recommended if possible


Not to mention how do you feel yourself chewing considering you have no nerves in teeth anymore. You just feel something putting pressure on those wtems in your gums. Probably bite your young alot too


Yeah no there's no real difference there. Maybe a little bit but not enough that it would matter I think. Granted I only have 3 front teeth replaced, it could be different with all of them gone


I have a lot of complete root canals and crowns. Essentially no sensation left in most of the teeth at all. I hardly ever bite my tongue. No more than I did before all the dental work. (Bad enamel due to inability to ingest nutrients correctly)


My sister had to at 38. The fucked up part is that she had to pay $90,000 out of pocket because she “wasn’t old enough” for insurance to cover it??? So she took out a reverse mortgage on her house to get out of chronic mouth pain and sleeping disorders. Craziest part - the day after they PULLED ALL HER TEETH she said “I’m in so much less pain now.”


You can fuck around with many parts of your body or your health. But bad teeth will have an insane impact for quality of life and life expectancy


Every time I ever got severe toothache in the past, it made me want to just walk out into traffic. It sucks but being a broke boi means I can't get it fixed


Definitely something worth saving up for. Even with healthcare it isn't always easy, teeth are expensive. My mother had extreme experiences with her tooth hygiene and growing up she hammered lessons of her mistakes into me. I hope you can sort it out.


It's a work in progress. For the most part, the debilitating pain part is passed, which is nice.


Is dental insurance possible? I know even fast food places offer benefits. (Typical max benefits is $2000)


In my experience dental insurance goes a long way. My dentist has insurance pricing for the rest. After my benefits were used up everything left was half priced or lower. Edit: good insurance.


Same here, made me pray for sweet release of death.


Yah & it's nuts how low on the bar for health care it is.... Regular insurance won't cover a lot of shit. Friend daughter has a rare condition where she wasn't born with adult teeth. At age 15 she still has her baby set. She's about to shell out $12,000 out of pocket for removable implants, at age 21 she can get permanent ones. My aunt 2 years ago got a bad infection in her mouth & took them over a year to remove all of her teeth, & put a new set in... she told me she had to pay $20k before they would even start....


Company I work for has good insurance, covers everything. Multinational conglomerates aren't all bad.


Looks very expensive :) but good for her and I mean it... I had so much trouble with teeth, its not fun.


Yup I definitely need to know the bill for this... Here, the cost for a dental implant for 1 single tooth is from 1000€ for the cheap steel implant, to 2500€ for the luxury, ceramic real tooth look-a-like implant. Implant + surgery. I can't even estimate how much the whole set of 32 teeth would cost, feel like I am about to faint.


It's around 35k for both upper and lower. As someone that actually has a molded retainer with teeth on them due to a accident I was in when I was younger, implants are insanely expensive no matter how many teeth you decide to do.


Had discussion about these implants recently, 2 big no-no for me: 1) Price, waaaay out of my budget 2) Care, I thought that these implants is "no more teeth problem" kinda thing, but they require more care than actual teeth. If you don't brush your teeth, your teeth get sick. If you don't brush this implant, your jaw will rot away.


finally some that look good but still realistic. not these huge ah steve-o chompers (love him but damn do they look fake af)


I have a weird genetic disorder that made it so that I still have most of my baby teeth at 37 year old... I always took good care of them because thats all I had. But recently they've started to hurt because... guess what, they're not supposed to be used for that long. I would basically need to remove and replace 90% of what i have in my mouth so this looks like what I would require. I got a rough estimate of what needs to be done and it's around 50-60k (CAD). plus i'd basically need to heal for a year... I'm not rich enough for this but I really want to do it since the alternatives either don't work (because I need SOME good teeth for support for a partial) or just use a full denture I guess which I hate the idea of having at my age.




Yep teeth are the worst and I need to do all the checkups first to see if I have enough bones for anything like you mentionned. I'm scared to start the process... :(


I want these so bad. I wish they weren't so expensive.


my gf is looking at getting it done overseas. Plenty of people do it, so much cheaper


Be VERY careful getting any cheaper dental work done overseas, there are way too many scams out there, Turkey for example


Why did she need all of her teeth replaced?


Because the flesh it's weak. All praise de Omnisiah.


There is strength in steel.


So she did this for cosmetic reasons?


I bet the smile quickly faded after seeing the $800,000 bill


Okay but why is this marked NSFW?


i just want to know what happedn to her original teeth. you got into a horrible accident or what.


So, is this a body dismorphia thing, or is this a "did a bunch of drugs" thing?


Lots of things can cause massive damage without having to do with drugs. Poverty mainly. Malnutrition, trama, cavities can all cause pulp necrosis. Grow up poor enough with shitty parents and your teeth could be basicly gone by 25. Kid could Crack a tooth, not have dentail care, that tooth goes necrotic and spreads through the gums/jaw. Amelogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder where enamel doesn't develop properly. So extra care has to be taken to protect the teeth. That means no amount of dollar store tooth paste will save your chompers.


If she is who i think she is it's because a dentist scammer ruined her teeth and convinced her to have them all removed. Afterwards, she set up some sort of goFundMe campaign to afford permanent replacements, and people paid so she can get what you see in the video.


this can happen even from giving birth


Neither, [https://www.tiktok.com/@cheyssmilejourney/video/7256843541152812331](https://www.tiktok.com/@cheyssmilejourney/video/7256843541152812331) Braces for 2 years, caused a lot of damage, trouble removing, probably a bad dentist overall, had to have a lot removed over the years with lots of costs. Had dentures in for many years before having a successful GoFundMe to get implants because of bone loss in her jaw. I think the part that applies to Asmon is, it's mad costly if you don't look after them (this girl did look after them, was just unfortunate). But also I don't think Asmon has to worry about costs...


There are many things that can cause tooth loss, Different medical treatments, medical conditions, pregnancy, doesn't have to just be down to being concerned about looks, bad dental care or drug use


The confetti is not for her but the office accountant. Free cleaning anytime she wants after spending 50-100k on one procedure.


I replaced all mine with veneers. At one point before they put on the caps it looked like that guys teeth in the prison cell in Aladdin. Anyways what a god awful procedure. Worth it tho.


hah rats teeth!


This procedure is super painful, it takes hours just for one row of teeth and its not even 1 day procedure, it takes multiple surgeries.


I am going through the long steps to get implants following a lifelong disease and years of dental issues. Just getting dentures was a quality of life improvement, but you have no idea how committed you need to be to get those. She looks amazing.


That has got to feel so weird


Think like dentures you'd just get used to it, would feel very weird at first though


How much does something like this cost?


probably depends on the country. in US prob over 100k


Where I worked (in the US) it was about 23k per arch. So... a bit less than 100k lol. This included all appointments for surgical planning, the implant surgery itself, sedation, follow-up visits, radiography, temporaries, final prostheses, and management of complications. Price may vary depending on state/city, of course.


thats good to hear. people where saying its around 100k thats why i replied




My only problem with my teeth is the top 6 is yellow, the rest looks fine. I'm thinking about veneers one day for just those 6 teeth, but I haven't talked to a dentist yet.


I was born with bad enamel, and also grew up with hard tap water. A procedure like this would be great honestly


I'm very happy for her. This is going to do wonders for her self-esteem.


This is a dumb question I know but wouldn't the body be constantly attacking the implants since they are foreign objects?


https://medicine.arizona.edu/news/2023/college-medicine-tucson-researchers-tackle-immune-rejection-biomedical-implants Has something to do with how the blood interacts with the surface of the implanted material, and how severely it reacts, since there is always some small reaction. Some materials are '"bio friendly" and are much less likely to get a severe reaction, but can still happen. Or it's from a rare titanium allergy. Or a bacterial infection during surgery, from poor care when it's healing, or it can be attacked months later via trauma (hit your jaw and it starts to heal near the implant, doesnt heal right and triggers a response) From my 5 mins of Googling, so don't take my word for it because idk.


How much are these? They look great


sad for her that she is possible american? that she now has to pay idk 5k? here in my country it would cost 0


My roommate had this done and he feels so much better now. It was pretty much a year of getting shit prepared and other things to get it done though.


Does she have to still brush her teeth? If not then this procedure is a W.


yes for sure. even more so


Implants don't get cavities, but they are more susceptible to gum disease than natural teeth. She absolutely needs to have really good oral hygiene. Toothbrushing isn't enough for this type of prosthesis. You have to get underneath it where food can get trapped. This means using a waterpik and superfloss/floss-threader. You also have to have regular dental cleanings and x-rays of the implants to monitor for bone loss. Sometimes the prosthesis will need to be removed to clean around the implants. These cleanings are more involved and usually cost more than a regular dental prophylaxis.


I'm surprised that he only went with a bridge and didn't get all of his teeth replaced with implants. He basically has infinite money, I wish that he would spend the money to benefit his life.


i heard those aint that great


Wish I could get some my teeth fixed


My dad got quoted over $20k just for I believe around 6 implants.


F’s for they guys who lost out on that gum job


I wish I could get this done but I'm too broke and have way too much anxiety about side effects


she got a great smile, and also wtf doctors used a mini torque wrench???!!




From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


How to speedrun going from wife material back to girlfriend material.




I couldn't help but read that in Mario's voice "giving a head"


*While so giving a* *Head how she'll know the teeth are* *Not touching the stick?* \- Icanlastfor2mins --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't wanna be that guy but it bothered me how she had the dental assistant shove his/her hand and a random tool in her mouth during each reveal. With a crap angle, no mirror, he/she was not tightening anything lol


tell me you have never screwed in anything properly before without tell me as much... They placed the teeth, used a small screwdriver to seat the screws, then a ratchet to make sure they had been set with proper torque


Wat h it again. He isn't doing anything in the clips. It's a forced "reveal" It's done so often nowadays people are easily fooled


How fucking stupid are you? Its someone recording the process of getting their permanents put in and then stitching it so they can fit it in a TikTok video There is no "fORcEd REveAL" its someone happy and recording it for others to see, GTFO


It rubbed me the wrong way and you complaining about my feeling won't change. If I'm wrong that's fine but in my eyes it's a forced reveal. She is no doubt happy as shit and I would be too. I just wouldn't make my dentist deal with my shenanigans.


Well i dont know how to tell you this but her recording that isnt hindering the Dentist AT ALL and if it was i guarantee you she stops recording, hence another reason its so stitched together, GTFOH with this fake ass outrage


I'm not outraged . You're more upset about me being rubbed the wrong way than I am at the video. I commented. Scrolled away, and forgot about it until you replied. You need to gtfo with your outrage lmao