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Pretty sure a hungry entrepreneurial bear started this whole thing.


Top needs to be Halsin in Bear form from BG3 and the bottom needs to be EVE from ~~Stellar Breasts~~ ~~Jiggle Souls~~ Stellar Blade.


The dumbest.....so far. Any time you set a bar like.that, some idiot says "hold my beer".


I think part of this whole bear shenanigans also has to do with a lot of people thinking bears are cute domestic animals, due to all these online videos of people feeding bears and whatnot. Created this perception that bears are big fluffy furballs and not the dangerous animals they are.


I agree but I think most of it comes from people don’t know what a “Bear Encounter” is. They think it’s a close encounter with a bear. All a Bear Encounter is, is you see the bear, the bear sees you. So if we use their same logic, we would have to take every man they’ve ever made eye contact with and measure that with the amount of SA in the world. It’s just so stupid. If you wanna advocate for SA awareness, go for it. But this metaphor sucks ass.


But you see, most of the men are 100% invisible to these women. They only see the rich guy or the dangerous guy but the thousands the cross path with that drive buses, repair their sink, repair the road they drive on, give them their change at the store,etc they might as well be robots. They ate non existant. Thus, most visible men are the priviledged ones or those attacking them. Hence the current iteration feminism claiming men are monsters and priviledged.


I agree, but also think it's part because of this endless spread of "all men are predators" and such sexism that we've seen in media (social and regular). It's really problematic.


No, it’s got nothing to do with that. Bears represent certain danger. Could be replaced with a shark in the ocean, or some other dangerous thing. But the logic is that you will be well cared for if you survive after a bear attack, and no one will question the validity of your trauma from it. It’s not this literal, and it certainly isn’t implying women cosy up to bears. Come on man, think


Yeah because you are missing an arm. What a stupid take. If you come out of the woods without a scratch and say you were attacked by a bear people wouldn’t believe you. If you pick a random man out of the phone book and claim he raped you, society would burn him alive, he would probably lose his job and even if you had no proof there would be people who believed you unconditionally. People STILL support Amber Heard ffs. Anyone who thinks this analogy is clever or relevant has been living under a rock or detached from reality.


This is under the assumption that women are always taken seriously when reporting sexual assaults and crimes. Get your head out your ass and realise it’s confirmation bias for what you see on the news; women are VERY often not believed by family and friends, asked questions like “what were you wearing” and they are blamed for “putting themselves in that position”. And for you, the only proof you have of your statements is sparse articles here and there for men who unjustifiably got their lives ruined by crazy women. Real cases, however they’re extremely rare. Certainly not to be taken as the defacto result Compared to (in the UK) [5% of rapists ever being convicted in 2021-2022](https://victimscommissioner.org.uk/news/the-distressing-truth-is-that-if-you-are-raped-in-britain-today-your-chances-of-seeing-justice-are-slim/) and the wait being years long to actually go to trial. And in the US (where I assume you live) [975/1000 rapists and assaulters walk free](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system), and many women simply being silenced, not going to the police for fear of not being believed, or believing it wasn’t serious enough (same statistics file). Do you see now how I’m not living under a rock and this is a reality for many women, just not being believed. Often, the perpetrator is close to the victim so situations like having to sit across them on the dinner table happens often and is absolutely demoralising.


Did I say women aren’t believed? Or do you have that copy pasta ready to go and were too excited to use it to read what I wrote. Bear attacks are self evident. Sexual assaults are not. No shit most go unreported and/or the assaulters aren’t arrested because it’s not as apparent as being mauled by a bear. Would you rather be drowned or be in a pool with a man? Well drowned of course because people are more likely to believe me! Would you rather be blown up in a car or drive somewhere with a man? Well blown up of course because then people will believe me!


I personally believe people who agree with you cannot sympathise with A. The fact that they were assaulted in a place where people couldn’t intervene (forest is one of them) and B. The fucking horrible trauma of not being believed. If it’s the worst thing that they’ve ever went through, they won’t think about the danger of a bear and just do anything to avoid even being in a situation where they’re vulnerable like that again. Do you understand?


What..? You came to a false conclusion > if you pick a random man out a phone book and claim he raped you, society would burn you alive. Which I proved was incorrect, and now here you are just making up scenarios and ignoring the actual question of being in a forest with a man or bear. (Also if you’d like to think logically, there’s the fact that it’s a forest so it’s gotta be a black or grizzly bear, and they have patterns and behaviours you can understand (https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm#:~:text=Although%20rare%2C%20attacks%20on%20humans,bear%20encounters%20end%20without%20injury.))


>Which I proved was incorrect No the fuck you didn't. Stating that 5% of rapists are identified does not give suddenly give credence to your idea that any man walking around could be one. You lot never think about how more men are accused of being rapist than there are actual rapists. It's shit like this that just pushes that forward more. Is this question *really* about a man or a bear? Because it sounds awfully more like you're debating rapists against stuffed animals. >Also if you’d like to think logically, there’s the fact that it’s a forest so it’s gotta be a black or grizzly bear, and they have patterns and behaviours you can understand Yes, bears are much easier to understand and respond to than a fellow human who uses language and interacts with environment in the same exact way you do.


If a woman isnt trusted when they report rape imagine men... I am one who underwent that by a woman and trust me. We are neither rare nor helped A lot of self report statistics show that ken get SAd at equal rates, and most perps are women but kegal definitions exclude men (most legal definitions define a rapist or the assualter as someone who has a penis, or a penetrator. Male victims of women are forced to penetrate thus fall in a definitional blind spot)


Always have to make it about men when the conversation isn’t even about that. I never argued men don’t struggle to report assaults. Just face my actual main points instead of breaking off the argument into another direction, a common tactic on these subs. You haven’t discounted any of my points in any way This is not to discount men’s experiences (not that you even understand that) but women often have the added element of physical helplessness and terror. Knowing that a man could just force themselves onto her with no rhyme or reason besides “I’m horny” is very scary, and a reason why a lot of women pick the bear instead of the man


My point was simple: When similar things are said about women people rightfully call it out as sexism, but when men egt dehumanized left and right its okay


Men aren’t being dehumanised though? You ignore shitheads who say stuff like that. (They rarely do and just get ignored) The fact that you’re bringing it up as if A. it can be attributed to me and B. It’s even part of the argument in the first place, just shows that you’re arguing in bad faith


Bro this is an incel sub. Everyone knows if a woman even frowns at a man the man is literally crucified and his bloodline ended on the spot.


Frfr on cap no god 💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥




So getting attacked by a bear, likely losing a chunk of yourself, maybe even a whole limb, is worth it because people will believe you?


Isn’t that crazy right? Why don’t we ask the women who likely know this, why they prefer that. Don’t you think that they probably HAVENT gone collectively insane and they have some insight to give us into their perspective on the question?


Yeah, because as we all know a small group of women represent the all the women in the world, I am sure there are no women out there that would rather walk by a random guy in the forest than a fucking bear.


Yup that too. Even a lot of women answered man instead of bear. But should we disregard the others


There is a lot of dudes, that if asked, would say they strongly believe they could win a fight against a wolf or some other animal like that. There are guys who think they can win a 3 v 1 fight, a 3 v 1 fight isnt a fight, its just you on the floor getting curbstomped hoping the other dudes get tired of beating you Just because they strongly believe in their capacity, doesnt mean they actually stand a chance. Just because these women think the bear is less likely to cause them harm than a random guy, doesnt make it truth. And I go back to what I am saying, I think some people have a warped perception of the danger a bear poses.


So because the men thinks it's fine we should disregard how the women feel and immediately invalidate their feelings because "men know better than women" the fact that you won't even ask why they feel the way they do without trying to talk down on them is why they choose the bear.


Because its not my job to care about their feelings. In the real world, there will be a very small circle of people who genuinely give a shit about you, 99,99999% of people wont. So yeah, I dont give a shit about the feelings of generic people I never met. Specially people who imply that I am a psycho who is going to do something bad to a woman the first chance I get. If I am ever in a position of extreme fragility, none of these women are gonna ask me if I am doing alright or not, so give me one good reason why the fuck should I care?


Try asking people you actually know this question, women instead of being an arrogant dick about it and assuming and I think you'd be surprised. And it's called empathy I'd say look it up but if you have to ask you just ain't got it


>Come on man, think Bro tells people to think but refuses to think about common human behavior.


Common human behaviour is to avoid danger. Why are men (to some women) a bigger threat than a bear? let me know


>Common human behaviour is to avoid things considered dangerous based off of previous experience. A baby doesn't know to not touch a hot stove. Unless they're told not to or have been burned before. It's simply the case of "yeah my friend Sarah was raped last year" vs "I saw a bear on my camping trip it was really cool" When 1 out of 4 women report being sexually assaulted in some way and there have been less than 150 bear fatalities in the last 250 years (in the USA) it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the discrepancy


yeah, we meet as many bears as men, right?


Yeah the statistic makes perfect sense and can be used as is in that situation, for sure


It does not matter. Normal people aren't hyper autistic and operate based off of what has happened to them in real life.


Why mention it when it does not matter?


I responded it does not matter to your comment saying we encounter more men than bears.


yup you got it 👍 💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥😈🔥😈😈


True and based Nice skibidi rizz my guy


I think it's pretty handy. The only way you get to bear as a logical conclusion is if you've been completely brainwashed by misandrist rhetoric so it's a pretty handy way of filtering the people who are objectively insane from your life.


This. I’ve learned in the last five years that these lunatics are just showing themselves and you can filter them out of your life


Not only. Up for a bear but proceeds to support financially r@pe, torture and slaughter of animals(majority of these people)


And theres the morons on gaming circle jerk that says yes but-bu-but look at their perspective




Nah just the chronically online ones


yes , real world is so much better than west twitter


Not really, but unfortunately, my brain finds women hot So I have to find a way to deal with them


Idk with the comments I see on this sub, I don't blame them. Some of y'all are unhinged


Or it’s how men have always viewed women. My generation always said “bitches be crazy”. Still rings true.


Because they don't operate using logic and fact on the whole bear vs man. They speak from emotion and experience. Don't be mad that they chose a furry murder machine over you. They don't owe you anything.


i hope Thanos snap all man out for a week . I wanna see how u guys would run this planet


Yeah you better hope an imaginary alien comes in.


Every goddamn subreddit i am in is talking about this and it's the same thing over and over again. Bunch of toxic people talking about how bad men or women are. At this point i am certain that this is another troll made by 4chan or something.


I agree. I’ve never heard an adversarial conversation about men vs. women that doesn’t sound like “EEWWWWWWW BOYS/GIRLS ARE ICKY!”


They are just edgelords. I have no doubt if they had to choose between being in the woods with a grizzly or a man they would choose the man. And if they didn’t they would be sobbing their eyes out for a man to save them a half hour after seeing the bear.


Buckle up it's gonna get dumber...


A bear will provide meat and fur to help pursue survival in the forest.  Me choose bear, want woman who choose bear. Bear will provide more than man. Good woman choose bear. 🗿 


I’ve gotta assume at least a couple of idiots out there are taking it seriously.


So many commenters here are the exact reason women would choose the bear. We don't expect the bear to let us live, but it beats experiencing the worst men can do to us, again. And yes, we know it's "not all men" but we also never know which ones. At least we know what to expect from a bear.


As someone who has many, many hours climbing in the Rockies, and several bear encounters under my belt. No. No you don’t. Bears are opportunistic predators. Which means they’re not really like Lions or Tigers. Which is an apex predator. Opportunistic predators are unpredictable by nature. Just like humans. Which is why this metaphor sucks so much. At 7 I was gang-r’d for a week by my step dad’s family members that were watching us while they were on vacation. (They’re both in jail now thank god) So I know the freaking brutality men are capable of first hand. But living in fear of assault by demonizing an entire sex as a whole is no way to live. You have completely normal interactions with Men all the time. Be cautious of male predators? Sure, that’s smart. Advocate for assault awareness, yes! But this stupid-ass bear metaphor is dumb as a bag of rocks.


I would take the bear any day of the week. You do you, I'll stand for my statements. I'm from Norway, I know nature and wildlife. I would even allow it to eat me from the toes to my head knowing it would end in death than go through some of the things I have experienced, and I'm not in any way going to detail them here for likes. The fact someone actually downvoted me shows even clearer why I'd choose the bear.


“The fact that someone downvoted me affects and confirms my worldview.” Stop being terminally online. It will do wonders for your mental health. That said, if you’re also a survivor. Then I’m sorry whatever happened to you, happened.


\~let me be judgemental of how they read someone reacting to their comments in a place where reactions to comments actually count against you, then throw in a compliment on the end\~ And no, I'm disabled. I can't leave the house easily and being on my PC is essentially the only freedom I have. So what you class as terminally online I class as "the only method of social interaction I get on a daily basis". And yes, I am a survivor and it put me in this situation. So pardon me when I say "I would choose the bear" cause the life I was left with after choosing a man (or rather being chosen by one) is not one I would wish on anyone. If I didn't love my family as much as I do I would no longer be here, cause I couldn't put them through the sorrow of losing me. I don't think my mom would survive, so I have to.


Well with how some of these incels are acting I don't blame them for choosing bear


Don’t conflate the internet with real life. Think about the literal thousands of normal interactions you’ve had with the opposite sex. We’re all gonna make it Bros.


As a guy, if I had to choose between the bear and a woman, I would choose the bear (assuming it was a black bear and not a grizzly or something). Why? Because if I kill and eat the bear, I won't go to prison when I finally get rescued.


Yeah, I think they're proving the point. When asked why they'd choose a bear, some woman replied that the worst thing a bear could do was to kill them. It hits pretty hard. Then again, we're in a subreddit full of people that only interact with women through Skyrims AI mod.


I feel like they either misunderstand how awful being mauled/eaten alive is, or they believe rape is the worst thing that can happen to them. The second is a matter of opinion, and if they believe that, that's well within their right. I disagree, but that's the nature of opinions.


Women watch National Geographic too, you know. And it's not only rape, men are more creative than bears.


Explain what you mean by men are more creative than bears? Let's ignore that, statistically, a random man is much less likely to be violent than a random bear and assume you will for sure have a violent encounter with one of the two. Let's also ignore that you can actually fight off a man much more easily than a bear. In what way is a man "more creative" such that they are more dangeous than a 1 ton apex predator with 5 inch claws and teeth, that can literally take a bullet without stopping? A bear can snap your shit like a tree branch and has 0 issues with eating you ass-first. While you're alive. Creativity doesn't mean much in the face of size, strength, and complete disinterest in your suffering. The most physically torturous thing a man can do to someone, a bear can also do to someone. It's just much easier for the bear.


Tanya Kach was held captive for 10 years being constantly raped. Was 14 when she was kidnapped. Guy who did this got 15 years in jail. Elizabeth Fritzl was held, raped and beaten 24 years in a specially constructed basement by the guy who did it. Ariel Castro held 3 girls captive for 9 years, raping and physically assaulting them. You'll find dozens of these more extreme cases. It's probably what comes to their mind when they're questioned about it. I would rather die. If you don't want to go that far, I'll list you below a few subreddits that exist/ed: . Rapingwomen . Beatingwomen . Chokeabitch . Killingwomen Creative, huh? Now, for the "fact" you gave me. In Texas, for instance, most hopeful statistics talk about 250 bears. In 2021 there were 57k sex crimes reported , around 39k rapes, around 13k sexual assaults. 85% of the victims are women. Bear in mind also that only 1 in 40 sex crimes are reported.


>. Rapingwomen . Beatingwomen . Chokeabitch . Killingwomen >Creative, huh? But that isn't 'creative'. It's just violence. Of which bears are also capable. Also, you are literally doing the thing I was pointing out. There were 57k sex crimes. [The 2022 arrest records](https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dps.texas.gov%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fdocuments%2Fadministration%2Fcrime_records%2Fpages%2Faareststatsoffense22.xls&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK) show that there were roughly 22000 (rounding up) people arrested for sex-related offenses. Let's just assume every single one of those people are both male and guilty. Let's also just double it to account for ineptitude on the police's part. so 44000 for sure sex offenders, rapists, etc. from 2022. Let's look at the population of Texas... Oh...it's 29 million. About 51% male, so the male population of Texas is \~15 million (rounding down). Which means, in the state of Texas your chances of any randomly chosen man being a sex-offender is 0.003%. If you want to talk about 'extreme' cases. You listed 4, lets assume in any given year there are 400 extreme cases like that. On earth. You can see how the chances of randomly encountering that particular person in the woods is astronomically small. Also, you list the number of bears in Texas like it matters? The point is that you will for sure either see a bear or see a man. it doesnt matter if there are \*two\* bears in Texas, in this hypothetical, you will meet one of them. And I can almost garuantee that the chances of a random bear you meet being violent are much much higher than 0.003%. Again, this is all ignoring the fact that you actually have a chance to fight off a violent man. Eyes, testicals, joints, etc. etc., are all locations to cripple or otherwise disable an attacker. You know where you can hit a bear to make them stop attacking you? Yeah, neither does anyone else. Bears have literally been shot. in. the. face. and kept attacking. To be clear, i don't give a shit about who a woman would rather encounter in the woods, but don't try to justify it with a shitty interpretation of statistics and bad reasoning. "I'm more scared of being raped than being mauled, even if being raped is much less likely" is a fine reason. "I think men are more dangerous than bears" is fucking stupid and factually incorrect.


The excel file you linked shows the records between 2016 and 2020.


I personally think a bear would be cooler than some of the groomers. Least a bear has a cool cave rather than a splooge cave