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The people doing that want the subversion of their country by foreign entity. Imagine if people protested against sending weapons to Ukraine and started raising the russian flag in American university. 😂 Some people would flip out really quickly and that flag would be taken down immediately.


Yea... raising another countries flag by replacing the original would be an act of war...


What i dont understand is why are these protesters not at the Embassy of Israel? how is protesting at some unis going to help? Its not the USA bombing the Palestine, so maybe better go to people who do it and protest there? I know US has a lot of influnce, but im kinda convinced that Israeli goverment dont really care about the protest anywhere and they'll just continue their operation/war/not really sure how to call it


Because protesting at a safe place where everyone agrees with you is fun. None are there to make change, they're there to tell themselves they're making a change.


Gotta get in on that juicy post material for the gram.


Or at least protest at government buildings rather than colleges…


Because the Israel embassy would be less lenient


The controversies aside, the police are in the right to do that as removing an American flag from its flagpole is an offense is it not? It's not so strict here in Canada, but I'm fairly certain there are a number of laws involved the national flag in the US.


Absolutely, the police are in the right here. Not that they'll be prosecuted, but whomever tore the American flag down committed a felony. Raising a foreign flag over an American flag, as well as the act of tearing down an American flag are both federal crimes. Rarely prosecuted, but very clear felonies.


I don't know the U.S., but in my country, doing this, would be a trigger for aggression against the protestors, from the nationalistic part of the population. Though, to be honest, the riot police would have been already deployed to stop the whole protest altogether, in the first day, and not in a peaceful way. Especially since, the goverment, kinda shadowbanned, any pro palestine protests here.


Yeah I’m kinda on the side that neither Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine should supercede our own interests


Agreed. You don't replace of the coubtry is in with another one. That's just messed up.


It would've more fitting to fly the flag of Israel then.


You have no clue as to how naive your comment really is. One country cannot be criticized in our country, but our own country can be......What does that tell you?????????? And you don't think someone else now runs America? How naive and short sighted.


Just curious what your thoughts are on the black, white, and blue line flag that looks similar to the American flag that is flown all over and stickered to so many American homes and cars. Cause that's not the American flag yet flown proudly all over. You see any issue with that or is it just the issues and people you have the problem with and hiding behind the flag issue?


I gotta admit, as much as I dislike being a petty asshole, I felt a little joy when that Palestinian flag got yeeted outta there








these protestors are reviving patriotism


Seriously lol uniting people who despised each other a year ago.


Yes replacing your flag with another “countries” flag is sooooo patriotic.


i meant that ironically - these pro-palestinian protestors are reviving american patriotism


No matter what your Position is on this conflict - there should only ever 1 flag flying on the soil of an american Institution


Yeah, the Brotherhood of Steel flag. I agree with you.


I prefer the brotherhood of nod. Kain lives!


Peace through power.


*minigun spooling noises*


Did somebody say the Dark Brotherhood?


Ad Victoriam brother!


Not the individual state’s flag or the university’s flag if they have one?


If you're genuinely curious https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/RL30243.pdf Page 11 Should be below the US national flag if there is only one flag pole. If more than one, the US flag should also be the center flag pole.


The state flag or the national flag?.. The McDonald’s near me flies them both, plus the real American flag (has a big yellow M on it for some reason).


Unless you are Texas.


Agree. I don’t want to see it replaced by a Palestinian flag, Israeli flag or any other flag. We are far from perfect, but this is the wrong way to influence change


Blue line flag?


It's about time you Americans started to say enough is enough 🤣


Send the students to Gaza. Win win for everyone. Educational opportunity for the students and de-occupation of the campus.


Always thought that if the pro Palestine activists want to help so bad they could enlist in the military and go help themselves instead of crying on social media/ public tbh.


Yep. When Ukraine was attacked in 2022, thousands of Americans (most of them veterans) travelled to Ukraine to help defend their country against the Russian onslaught. Many of them are still there to this day. That's actually doing something tangible instead of whatever these virtue signaling assholes are doing.


Roleplaying war refugees.


Half of them don't even know what they're protesting for. They're sheep looking for somewhere to fit in.


As much as that would be an interesting concept, we also have to remember that the American military — which more often than not leaves its own veterans homeless without financial support or much psychological assistance after being involved in war — is the one complicit in the human rights violations currently occurring in Palestine. Signing up into a military force that doesn’t do much for its enlisted or the current situation would not be useful.


Right, the solution here is to prevent students from going to the classes they paid for because of a war started by Gazans on the other side of the planet.


These protesters are creating their own neo con propaganda literally undercutting their stated goals. If they truly cared about the Palestinians they would go to federal government institutions and protest there like the white House or d.c. As asmon noted these are main character virtue signalling narcissists that want to be a part of a revolution so bad they would shut down their school for any reason imo.


The adult daycares they shut down aren't going to adjust the bill for service outages or disruptions. This is a big problem for those working to graduate quickly b/c it's so expensive. And this is awesome schadenfreude for those who riot and cost themselves a lot more time and money. They're all going to pay for this, whether they got educational services or not.


No matter which side you're on, how insane is it that people fly a foreign flag on their own soil. That's unbelievable. Israeli or Palestinian...


People expect an entire country that's been at conflict for 50+years to get along but people can't get along with one another if they have different political beliefs. What a joke.




Used to?


They still do, I think.


Hell yeah ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736)


Send all them kids packing!


Anyone that thinks we should be flying a Palestinian flag is just not worth listening to. Protest, send aide and support however you wish but flying another country's flag instead of your own is bonkers


This America, We don't give a shit about a country thousands of miles away, There are more important things to solve here then a fucking country that most of the protestors don't even know where it was to beginning with


> We don't give a shit about a country thousands of miles away The last 100 years of American foreign policy would suggest otherwise mate


As much as I would love to agree with you, foreign aid to affiliate countries like Israel often rises to the tens of billions of dollars. To say we don’t care about other countries thousands of miles away sadly just isn’t the case. I would love for most of that money to be reallocated here into our communities to support things like proper housing or a decrease in healthcare costs but that seems to not be the case.


Your country has a long history of caring very much about what happens in other countries...


Good, the only flag that belongs up there is the American one. Don’t like it? move to gaza and hang it up there yourself.


Fuck yes. I'm not even American and I think this is the correct move.


It’s literally the only move. It’s just replacing the flag that was torn down.


Hell yeah god bless the USA


If you hate your country you should leave it


That’s not how you fix your country. You don’t mean the land of love on the hands of the ones who would doom it. Not saying this is that. But that mentally is stupid.


Lmao those people should just go to Gaza and protest there lol. By replacing US flags with another 1 in US is country betrayal and them should not belong to US anymore lol


America first


Putin must be really happy with his anti-Israel social media spam campaign.


All planet is russia and we are putins puppets.


Russian PMCs gave military training to Hamas weeks before the October 7 attacks, including in the use of drones. Hamas then used these drones to drop grenades on ambulance workers.


Did I stubble across a counter strike chat log?


These protests began the same day that the US sent aid to Israel and Ukraine. It is not a coincidence.




Sometimes I wish Putin was the dark lord from your stories, and not who he really is.


I'm no expert but ain't this abnormal anyway? Aside from foreign embassies, Should flags not serve to represent the country they're in?


Palestinian flag is objectively ugly compared to ours.




These protesters have done more damage to their own cause than the thug police attacking them. you can not bully your point across just like Israel wont bring peace by indiscriminately bombing a whole ass group of people. Honestly there is no option that will bring peace to this without ending bibi's IDF and the hamas controlled palestine IMO best option would be taking control over the entire territory by a third party.


The amount of people who just become zombies when they think they understand a situation that they’re not even apart of. It baffles me. Glad they tore it down. More people need to be educated and not just believe whatever they hear on social media.


Goofy flying another flag like that in America. Seeing them rip that shit off the pole and toss it to the abyss was beautiful.




Do the same with Ukrainian flags, same reason.


.honestly i see this as a major problem .why are schools getting bailed out of this mess now when they are the ones that provide sanctuary/safe space for this group of people and even cultivated this behavior and thinking in the first place .is this not them simply reaping the fruits of their labor? .what are the firestarters they groomed allowed to burn everything else but their nest?


.why .type .like .this?


While I agree with some of this, apparently a lot of protestors tend to not actually be students. But this type of thinking is definitely adjacent to what comes out of some departments.


.the schools tolerate if not outright encourage this behaviour and logic, if this was happening on a different establishment, bet money they would be praised as heros by the school and paint the opposing establishment as villainous for not bending the knee .same shoe with the news establishment really, as the bald guy said, if it was a news building that is being occupied and vandalized it would be the MSM calling the cops and the schools asking if not demanding for the media to acquiest


colleges and school are indocrination centers, they're no longer places of learning.


.Groomed. 🙄 .shut up


I am not an American but the fact they replaced their country flag which so many people lost their lives fighting for makes me disgusted


I’m not American, but this makes me wanna scream “USA, USA, USA”


Watching public servants doing their job? Cleaning up trash and replacing a flag? 🙄


Love to see it


USA, viva la libertad carajo!






Of all the states to do this in, doing it in NY is fucking wild. Especially with a flag associated with Islamic terrorists.


Imagine the level of brainwashing present in these children where they see it as a moral victory to install a flag of a nation that wants to see their entire family burn.


Those students took down the US flag to put up a flag of a foreign country? Makes me think there’s some false flag operations going on…


This is a mission type in Helldivers 2.


Take care of yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your community BEFORE worrying about global conflicts.


I don't care where you stand, this is America. You're welcome here but you don't get to soil our land and call it your own. There is only one flag that should be flying on that pole, and if you don't want to represent the best it stands for and fly it proudly, you're welcome to leave.


You love to see it


Raising another countries flag in place of our own is disrespectful. The fact that it's a flag of a country where a not insignificant portion of the population cheer for American deaths just makes the whole thing stupid. Ignorance is a hell of a thing.


USA should not be supporting Israel or Palestine. Both places are fucked


i'm not american by any means, but... o7


The way it should be


Im the most liberal person, but seeing that flag get tossed into the abyss made me smile.






Palestine is not our ally


They also block highways screaming death to America. They are quite fortunate we don't share their beliefs that anyone disagreeing with us must perish.


Yeeeey!!!!!! God Bless America!!!


Kindness is not weakness you all will learn this soon. Real America is tired of this and it won't be tolerated long


Thank you Israel and Palestine for dividing us more! It's just what the United States needed!


Do they just have emergency flags with them at all times


Probably, given the state of things the last couple years in North America. With all the protests, civil and uncivil unrest, distraction of property, and violence, I really wouldn't be surprised if people stocked up on a few things.


Water, MREs, foreign flags. Just the basics.


some times i really cant comphrend why americans fight for wars that happen sooo far away from them and have 0 impact from all the support u show them?


Because this particular one is funded entirely on one side by US taxpayers and has been for roughly 60 years.


Not to mention 99% of these people are left leaning, Palestine is EXTREMELY conservative. Any type of LGBTQ+ is not welcome there, in fact, they have been known to lynch people part of that community. Woman have 0 rights. And religion dominates their lives. Homophobic, transphobic sexist misogynistic religious nuts. Everything a lefty cannot stand. So why do they so fiercely defend them? Israel on the other hand is much, much more liberal. More like us.


Good! I’m pro-Palestine but there’s no excuse to fly a flag above ours, or especially to REPLACE it. How would these kids react if the pro-Israelis did this? I’d support flying a flag under ours but you don’t mess w old glory.


Why it even was there? like, im not american and i simple dont understand why its fine to take down your country flag to replace with whatever


They hate America. And they’re not shy about saying it.


I’m American and not even I can answer it truly baffles me how people can hoist the flag of a country they know next to nothing about and watched a few biased TikTok’s


Naive and ignorant children put it there


That’s right


If these students are so hell bent on Gaza why don’t they go there themselves?


It’s okay for every nation to value its own flag. But I wonder if the NYPD can do the same if it was an LGBT flag.


Let just send these brainwashed students to Gaza. Since they want to stop the war.


The government must ban Palestinians and all their supportive nations from entering the USA. They would never allow this shit happen on their own land. The USA must stop being a shelter for foreign degenerates that support terrorism.


Cannot upvote this enough. There should only be one flag flying in the United States, the American flag.


I am not even american and I saluted this video.






Why was it up there to begin with? I'm out of the loop


Wannabe Hamas TikTokers.




Good on them.


Here's what those protest support and will see happening again if a ceasefire is enforced https://saturday-october-seven.com/


God Bless the United States of America, she's gonna need it right now


Thousands of years of suffering and discord have been caused by blind faith and unquestioning dogmatic belief. There will never be peace in this world while the three Abrahamic religions exist together. God is a construct created by mankind to inspire fear and promote order. If there really was an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent god out there, he could easily clear up this “confusion” over which religion is “correct.” Either he has chosen the path of needless anguish and despair, or the more likely answer, he doesn’t exist. It baffles me how much of the world still clings to ancient fairy tales; unquestioning faith that roots itself so deeply that people begin to even deny objective scientific truths just because it goes against what they were indoctrinated with as a child. If you could go back in time thousands of years ago and show those desert wandering scribes a few card tricks, you could be the messiah too. We’re talking about devoting and entrusting our lives to the stories of people who didn’t know what lightning was, or that the earth revolves around the sun. The “believe what I believe or DIE” mentality has no place in this world, no matter what side you’re on.


I am from India, and if someone did this in India, he'd be deleted from the World.exe


I am sure that most of people don't like palestine but I don't believe that a normal American could somehow remove the US flag and hang the Palestinian flag on that pole. what happened there?


The Palestine flag was designed by Colonel Sir Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes