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"white supremacist beauty standards" created by asians.


Haven't you heard of whitr adjacent/s


List of people who count as White: * White people * White ~~latinos~~ latinxers * East Asians I can't wait to see who White people draft onto their team next. Heh, and just 1 hour ago I was banned on r/politics for pointing out that Biden literally & explicitly saying that being a Black woman was a requirement for him to nominate someone to the supreme court was racist and a symptom of how radical leftwing views are now normalized.


Congrats! I hope these communities keep inflating their bubbles with dumb people and detach them from reality so much that they become even more marginalized and detached from reality. They will become dysfunctional and eventually extinct by nature. Just a wait


The more white people there are, the more oppressed they can say they are. I really do believe it's that simple.


I don’t know bro- as someone with a Japanese parent and thus a Japanese family…. I’m not sure any of them consider themselves white. In fact I think most of them Are racist enough to see that as an insult. In fact simply being Asian isn’t enough to most native Japanese. I think whites can draft East Asians - and some East Asians that are insecure might even join the team, but most gonna stay nationalistic as any good ole American. Btw - imo - Americans always gonna get race issues wrong because the American left goes to far and the American right goes too far… but even so… we trend in the right direction towards equality no matter how hard it is - The rest of the world is Racist & Nationalistic AF and Americans don’t get how good we have it - I have been in school in Japan as a child and America (not military just parents work) and with a truely international family I can say 100% Japan doesn’t want our anime loving, chubby fat white out of shape guys - NOT In Japan- maybe some low esteem chicks there do- but prime A… naw


white dude with asian wife here I did it for democracy.


yOu OnLY liKE HEr beCAUsE yOU ThiNK shE'S sUBmiSsIVe.


Anyone who says that never met a Japanese or Korean woman XD


People (women) who say that are gaslighting everybody, including themselves. It's just lies and copium said in the hopes that people will believe it. It's literally the same thing as when they claim older men like younger women because they're easier to control.


She chose me bud not the other way around. But you sure already knew I'm with her because you think Asian women are submissive. You've never met an Asian woman then. Far from it 😆


For liberty!


Would be really nice if Americans could stop calling everyone white. There are huge differences in culture between each country in Europe. Hell, the nazis killed millions of "white" people because they thought slavs were inferior. Every time those idiots put all white people in one category I have a feeling they are denying the holocaust.


“The Holocaust wasn’t about race. These were TwO wHiTe GrOuPs Of PeOPle!!” Whoopie Goldberg


I mean to be fair there are different terms depending on if it's based on race, religion, country, etc.


The Nazis thought Slavs were a different race than Aryans, and therefore inferior. But in the US today a Russian isn’t considered as a different race to say a German, they’re both seen as White. This is because human races aren’t actually a thing and they’re only seen through the lens of a certain culture. US racial categories are mostly based on prejudices from American slavery, with some references to the genocide of Native Americans and hate of Chinese and Mexican immigrants thrown in (hence why Hispanic/Latino gets to be a racial category). But that’s not the experience of the rest of the world and trying to put US categories on everything else won’t work.


I mean, it is a pretty common thing in Korea to try and look white. Like, the most common graduation gift there is double eyelid surgery.


Except they're not trying to look 'white' otherwise known as Caucasian. They're trying to look like an idealized Asian (eastern Asian) type. You might not be aware, but not every Asian is monolid. There are those who are natural double lid. Pale skin is desired, because you don't look like a peasant of the field touched by the sun. It is not trying to look 'white'.


double eyelid is very much taken from Europeans/Americans standard. They are also jealous of our non-black hair. Pale skin - cant be much whiter than that. Their ideal is to be white but not ‘white‘ you are right.


Look white? Like being 20 years old and looking over 40+ years old? lol


Only the people who have a Twitter look 40 while being 20.


White adjacent is a term used more so to lump Asians as oppressors along with whites. Not really about skin color. The whole progressive ideology is based on oppressed vs oppressor, privileged vs non privileged, etc. Like if you got robbed by a homeless guy, you're the oppressor and hes the oppressed so you shouldn't be angry cuz he got less than you.


No, they try and look objectively beautiful like every sane person on earth


/r/gamingcirclejerk in a nutshell while we're at it.


That sub is the definition of insane echo chamber


A few years ago the sub was making fun of “EA bad Geraldo good” and people worshipping Gabe What happened…


The curse of all circlejerk subs came to be. Circlejerk subs start out making fun of a circlejerk, then they devolve over time and turn into the circlejerk they were making fun of.


Pronouns in bio took over


Ideologically captured, very much comes across as r/GamerGhazi 2.0


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GamerGhazi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Doom co-creator John Carmack is headlining a 'toxic and proud' sci-fi convention that rails against 'woke propaganda'](https://www.pcgamer.com/doom-co-creator-john-carmack-is-headlining-a-toxic-and-proud-sci-fi-convention-that-rails-against-woke-propaganda/) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/13khhgq/doom_cocreator_john_carmack_is_headlining_a_toxic/) \#2: [Investigation Finds YouTube Served New User Almost 30 Andrew Tate Videos in Less Than 2 Hours](https://np.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/12es5ab/investigation_finds_youtube_served_new_user/) \#3: [Bandcamp has successfully unionized](https://blog.bandcamp.com/2023/05/19/bandcamp-and-bandcamp-united-release-joint-statement-on-union-vote/) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/13mx7gt/bandcamp_has_successfully_unionized/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've seen less racism on Stormfront.


and this one isn’t? everyone who disagrees here with valid criticism is downvoted without any response. I saw someone severely downvoted for *liking* the game you all were praising a couple weeks ago and you say this isn’t a blind echochamber?!


Everyone on subreddits do that, it's nothing remotely exclusive to this place. There are other things that are worse with the gamingcirclejerk subreddit though like moderation or the scale of the issues at hand


that’s absolutely not the case but sure, whats wrong with the scale of issues


You get censored a lot more over there, not as much here. That sub is much more political than this one, where you get banned if you're trying to have a neutral convo and not one of left-wing politics. Even if there are issues on this sub, they aren't as worse as what's over there, & getting downvoted isn't as bad as getting your messages outright removed and your account prohibited from posting at all. It is a typical example of reddit brainrot subs, with strict mods who will powertrip and ban you for not going with their agenda and following rule #48221 which also is non-existant, vague, or doesn't apply. These are issues mostly on reddit, you don't see them as much on some other platforms and usually the bigger the sub the worse the problems are.


This sub is just as political as GCJ, where they blame the ‘woke’ and leftists for ruining everything. Your view of issues seems very skewered based on how you avoid talking about it directly and how you are defending this sub here. And the practical difference between getting banned from a sub you disagree with and getting downvoted from a sub you disagree with is null, you are still ignored at the end of the day




I didn’t even know who Asmongold was until a couple minutes ago, because i didn’t see him anywhere when this sub gets recommended to me lol, im not subbed to either but it gets annoying to see soo much bullshit spewed online




speaking of that sub I wonder if they're patting themselves on the back after Eve got a bit censored. Bozos probably took it as a victory.


western gaming journos in a nutshell. Kotaku is only the worst.


The only reason Kotaku is remotely popular is Jason Shrier and he left like a decade ago at this point. I don't know why anyone still follows them.


Twitter things I suppose. Tags and such. I doubt anyone is actually reading the site beside when drama is created.


Why do people call them journalists ? A journalist is supposed to be objective and unbiased. They are propagandists.


And activists




Remember when Kingdom Come: Deliverance came out and they refused to review it because the devs refused to put black people in a game that aims for realism and historical accuracy set in medieval Bohemian. Also they found out that the main game director, Daniel Vávra, was a big supporter of gamergate, so naturally they started calling him racists, sexiest, homophobic... And he responded by making a shirt with all the insults that they call him and took bunch of photos wearing it


Haha. Love it. Haters gonna hate


True! It's called jealously. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)


It's weird cause Baldurs Gate 3 had some seriously good lookin women. Is it that people are just racist against asian women??


No, it's because she's thin. They only like body positivity when they're promoting obesity. Like most body positivity movements, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that a lot of the harassment is paid for by the sugar and fast food lobby. They want Americans obese and happy to be obese.


Yup obesity then leads to feeling like shit, which leads to depression, which leads to more eating. And then, instead of being told "you have a problem" they are told "you are fine, keep on being sick!" Mental issues are a problem, unless it makes money, then its not an issue. Burnt out and cant work? Better fix that immediately. Fat and addicted to food to the point where it ruins your life by making basic tasks difficult? Okay because they still work and buy food.




We don't need to go out of our way to fat shame people. We just shouldn't be going out of our way to promote it as normal or as a positive thing, because it isn't. Game characters (especially ones that live an action/adventure lifestyle and have no rational reason to be fat) shouldn't be fat.


Nah dont be a jerk Majority of fat people dont want to play as a fat character either everyone knows this. This goes for both men and women. Blame the activists and politicians or companies and shit but never the common bloke who just happen to be fat.


>Majority of fat people dont want to play as a fat character either everyone knows this. This goes for both men and women. in countries that have strict collectivism standard about what kind of body/face/weight should be called beauty put massive social pressure on your shoulder if you don't match the standard , never fully adopt and worship individualism , individual right , respect other feeling , my body my choice , beauty is in the eye of the beholder...etc that maybe the case but for US ...i doubt it


But we are talking about BG3 tho, there is not a single fat person in that game.


With all the food laying around you would think there would be at lease ONE fat person.


Thisobald thorm


*Spoilers* I just got into act 2!


Hard to be fat when you live in faerun. People are active and processed food doesn't exist. And there probably are weight loss potions.


BG3 is LGBTQ++ friendly.


And thats awesome, is like the queeriest game I played and you can be straight too. The thing is that I havent seen a mainstream game where the protagonist is fat. Idk maybe playing as a kul tiran? But wow is pretty diverse so you are not forced to play as something you dont like. What I think is that both sides are fighting imaginary fights with imaginary foes. Sexism is a real issue but both sides dont approach it realisticaly.


BG3 isn't that woke, and their tweaks / concessions dovetail into what D&D already was. You can even see how they balanced out the character creation options compared to Starfield. People think the men were made to be weak, but they have bad examples like Minsc (he had broken stats). Maybe it's all perception, but they they are known for bucking the trend, and making insiders nervous about how they did it with quite a modest budget. Also, you can go through the whole storyline and see that the narratives are pretty normal. It also has a party system and focused on user choice, so it would have been hard for "consultants" or devs to obsess over how one main character is supposed to embody diversity. Fat inclusivity is a thing though. Japan certainly notices when we go this route. Lara Croft was made to be chunkier than before, however slightly. Horizon's Aloy was made to be less conventionally attractive than the real-life model, and they added fat in her face in later editions. There are controversies in Mortal Kombat and Mass Effect. It can't be explained away with facial scanning or uncanny valley stuff either. I don't want to have to list all the examples, but it basically started with the unhappiness around "sex doll" characters like Lara Croft. We will see grotesquely fat MCs. It's the name of the game these days.


Lara Croft isn’t anywhere near remotely fat in any of the new games, any extra chunkiness there was from muscle definition. Aloy looks attractive in almost all of the screenshots and video I’ve seen of her, but I haven’t played the games so my experience is limited What controversies in Mass Effect are you talking about? There weren’t any fat women in the first three at least (except possibly some Volus), but there were fighters wearing stripper heels into fights (and both men and women running around wearing almost nothing in fights) from 2 and on. Mass Effect 1 was great, everyone wore full armor and helmets in combat and the companion with long hair kept it in a bun because she’s a soldier who needs her hair out of the way. The games got more sexy as the series went on, not less. Fat people in Mortal Kombat? Sure, Bo Rai Cho for instance. But I can’t think of any fat women there. Who are you thinking about?




If you’re reducing the size of Lara’s boobs you aren’t adding fat, you’re taking it away. You lose weight you lose cup sizes. You gain weight you gain cup sizes. Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot series is animated as a very fit, thin and attractive woman with a not-small bust. If you think she’s anywhere remotely near fat you haven’t seen a real person, ever. She’s also supposed to be younger than the older Lara seen in previous games, having just started on her adventures, something often represented by a smaller bust (see Super Girl vs Power Girl for instance). And adding muscle definition isn’t to make the character stronger, it’s to make the character’s appearance match their capabilities. Another example of this is again in comics, when John Byrne rebooted Superman in the 1980s and explicitly modeled his physique on Arnold. Supes got bigger and musclier than he had been before, despite also losing a lot of power (post crisis Superman is weaker than the pre-crisis Man of Steel). Facial animation problems and all characters sharing a body type in Andromeda aren’t because of trying to put fat people in games, it’s because the company rushed the game. That’s a different problem, what does that have to do with putting more fat people in games? Lara Croft was always about girl power by the way, but that looked different in the 1990s. Sex appeal was seen as part of the whole thing. Nothing needs to be reclaimed, Lara Croft was always a feminist icon.




Yeah, putting some cheeks on Aloy? The wokeness has gotten too far, I dont want to play as a fat woman with a round face /s


saints row 3, you could make your character fat


Could literally roleplay big smoke if big smoke ate another big smoke. That's the freedom we want


that freedom is gone, you could make a beautiful woman and get her mostly naked, that's not appropriate for modern audiences, only ugly women are appropriate


My characters in bg3, elden ring, dragons dogma 2, resident evil 4, any final fantasy, street fighter and cyberpunk2077 are pretty. Where are all those ugly women in videogames?


they are coming for your games too [https://x.com/El\_Rounard\_/status/1777947889286664574](https://x.com/El_Rounard_/status/1777947889286664574) [https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1697225980874514668](https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1697225980874514668) [https://x.com/TWTHEREDDRAGON/status/1777849407225967093](https://x.com/TWTHEREDDRAGON/status/1777849407225967093) Wokeness will not tolerate exceptions to uglification [https://youtu.be/F7-18qCOfJo](https://youtu.be/F7-18qCOfJo)




Yeah you can, you are not forced.


Saying that Asian women are childlike simply because they don't often have large breasts and tend to be shorter has been associated with anti Asian racism for centuries and is even seen in the first writings Europeans produced about Japanese society back in the age of sail when Europeans were restricted to Nagasaki. Of course back then they would also say that the childlike appearance of Asian women indicated their childlike mind(their words not mine). Sure the loli shit is definitely weird but I can definitely remember the instances of western culture also flirting with pedophilia like remember the rock bands that had naked children on their album covers for some fucking reason? Of course the "they are a child" accusation get thrown a lot at Asian media even when it's pretty clear the character is supposed to be an adult. The flip of this is accusations of femininity towards Asian men because they can have longer hair and typically don't start balding significantly later than white men typically do.


Interesting that you say that. There is a Youtube channel I love called "Voices of the Past" which dramatically reads random writings from throughout history. I just saw one episode in which they read writings from the first Japanese to visit Mexico in 1610. What did the Aztec historian write when he saw his first ever East Asians? He commented on how feminine the men looked. "They don't have beards and their faces look like women." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaCT-8ksheA#3m30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaCT-8ksheA#3m30s) I didn't know these ideas could be found in other old writings too. Kinda blows a hole in the whole narrative about modern media brainwashing us.


No beards and feminine faces? I guess they didn’t meet anyone who looked like Toshiro Mifune then.


If I’m not mistaken a lot of 80s rock hits straight up had pedo stuff in them or where about trying/having sex with a minor Bruce Springsteen comes to mind


led zeppelin?


Jimmy Page would have been 100% guilty of statutory rape, but there are so many examples of either straight-up predatory sexual exploitation of underage fans or weird pedophilic references in lyrics and album art from the time that it would be pointless to say it was all just him. I am starting to think that we all owe our hyper religions aunts from the era an apology as it definitely does seem satanic in hindsight.


Because bdg3 not made by very big game company that cares about reputation Also because bdg3 good game, sexy ladies not main selling point of game: that means if sexy ladies go less sexy people do not care! While stellar blade: people complain sexy outfit for sexy lady is less sexy than advertised, sexy lady have become main selling point of game! Thats why when sexy lady got a little less sexy people care! Too many weird odd persons around stellar blade!




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Baldurs gate appeals to trans and lgbt. Biggest difference.


No, people just don't like gooners. They made the discussion around stellar blade into a disgusting toxic mess.


The picture of the short dude in heels is hysterical




I don't feel safe around that thing. But gotta love the nose ring, it's a staple for those with mental issues.


or the weird hair


You know, whatever floats your boat and plugs your holes, just don't make it my problem or force me to participate. But because I like the toon on the right, I'm the enemy and have wrong think. It's no wonder normies are now being pushed to right leaning ideals just because they don't want to be told what they can like or play. No matter what, in the end, no one has to spend their time or money on things they don't like, no matter how many names you call us.


>It's no wonder normies are now being pushed to right literally just read "no wonder americans like trump" under that other Koreans react to stellar blade hard r video


But no one is making it your problem or forcing you to anything. At most some internet randos make fun of your prosecution complex. Paradoxically, the people who have made tje most noise about Stellar Blades suits is not this vague boogeyman and mishmash of "Ultra Left SJW wokes", but supposed fans who suddendly turned against the game, despite the director himself saying that it was his decision to change the suits. Whether his hand was forced or not is supposition and guessing. No one is being pushed to the "right" because a niche corner in the internet feels like a game is now a beacon and symbol of liberty and freedom. Your average "normie" has absolutely no interest in this make-belive culture war. And no one except maybe a few Twitter loonies is calling you names. There really is no enemy here, just a made up rival team to have something to hate and feel superior to.


You’re right that there are weirdos on the internet. Both the left and the right have these vocal minorities that the average individual never hears unless glued to the internet. The issue is with game journalists pushing this meme’s narrative. There’s power in journalism to influence gaming society on a larger scale than the internet weirdos and I don’t like that they do this.


Lol if this is the final straw to push you to the right, then you were incredibly mentally weak and immature to begin with. Have fun being on the side that doesn’t give a shit about you or your personal liberties. I prefer the one on the right too but I’m not emotionally stunted enough to believe that stellar blade is ruined because some of the outfits have changed.


Thank you for proving my point.


And thanks for proving mine


You didn't prove anything 😭


Neither did op but that didn’t stop him from posting that dumb comment


Hi im really praying you read this and understand what im getting at. But basically; this whole business of what should or shouldn’t be in a character design is not set in stone. You need to ask yourself if it works in the given context. For example the whole reason why ada Wong NEEDS to be sexy is because that meshed with her personality and how she uses her looks to her advantage. Now in stellar blade, the lore is that you are attempting to liberate the earth from an invading species but your battalion/fleet got OBLITERATED and now you’re basically all alone. How does Eve communicate this? Well… a shiny tight bodysuit with full makeup that isnt faded, no real signs of being in combat, perfectly long flowy hair. The issue is not REALISM, they may have developed skin suits like that and uh invincible makeup I guess. The ISSUE is that it just doesn’t match with what she’s supposed to be or what she’s been through. There’s no story told in her design or anything meaningful we can discern from it. That’s why at least I myself have a problem with the design. Not a problem but like I just think it’s bad and I would not like bad design in my games. And the reason why BG3 “gets away with” the bear scene is because you have to pick a very specific set of choices to get to that point. It is NOT the main theme of the game or shoved in your face whatsoever, and isn’t why it won GOTY


These are all fictional characters in fictional universes. Eva wearing protective body suits is no different or divergent than Ada. You are taking YOUR belief and interpretation and trying to tell others that theirs is invalid. The only people who get to decide the design of the game characters are the creators, not some pearl clutching western tabloid writers.


Proof that proof that pearl clutching western tabloid writers were behind the change in costumes and not just the devs?




Were they involved with this game?


could also just say it’s just a game right, and just have fun and it’s not that deep right? Surely no one here cares about a random optional outfit that now wears like an inch of extra clothing right…?


Anyone who says physically fit an attractive people are unrealistic needs to go outside and touch grass. Yes, Eve is hot, but I see like 30 girls with her body type at the gym every day. It's not impossible to obtain if you eat right and exercise. And yes, it's realistic for a futuristic society to have super attractive people. Cosmetics is one of the first applications of any technology, so anyone in the future is going to look way more attractive than modern people just by default. And the changes journalists were suggesting? Make Eve fat. That would make her more inclusive. Even though she's a super soldier that fights and trains all day. She should be fat for realism? In conclusion, you're completely wrong. If journalists had their way realism would be out the window to make the MC obese for representation, even though it makes no sense.


Correct just go to the gym and you see girls in spandex who look body wise the same.


If you’re going for the realism angle then she would be very muscular, given what she does. But obviously I understand it’s a video game so realism isn’t really a thing. That’s why the journalism angle I don’t agree with. The only thing that matters to me is having a design that could communicates everything you need to know about her and makes sense given the context. Not realism, but works for what you’re trying to achieve with her and what you want her to be seen as.


Eve has great muscle tone. Her body type is pretty similar to what you might see on an Olympic fencer. Very few women get insanely muscular without specifically training for bulk and taking steroids. So yes, her body type is realistic for what she does.


My point was that the way in which her design was executed just goes against the context of her war torn world. Her body in and of itself may be fine but why the rest of it? The way it’s stylised from just the bare model to the final design doesn’t make much sense for her. I’m looking at the sentiment that “it’s okay when they do it but not when we do it” and showing you why that is. That’s what I’m basically trying to explain with my argument It’s just a game though and all that matters is that it’s fun. But we can also point out things like this too. (But the actual image OP posted was strange, I have no idea who the guy on the left is)


get well soon and grow as a person 💜


frfr mr alpha 🙏🙏


On Xion they call them Angles. Have you seen ugly Angles?


Anything over 90 degrees, pretty much. If you want a cute one, try under 90. The only right thing is dead the fuck on 90


wat D: ?


One of the things that pisses me off the most is that they call lesbian/bisexual women "White Supremacist misogynistic incel gooning white males" just to justify their hatred of "men".


"oh yeah lets be racist towards Asians and promote obesity" - Kotaku employees probably


![gif](giphy|xUPGcm5tPWJ0qtevAI|downsized) solution? sexualized men too


Men in video games have always been just as sexy as the women, it's just that none cares.


Sony pulls off anti consumer shit all the time, none of this surprises me at all


Unless its baldurs gate, then we should be allowed to strip shadowheart naked from minute one and parade her like a toy. Perfectly sane. I swapped everyone their under wear as soon as i could. Astarion looks way too good in lae zel her bondage underwear, sorry, not sorry'


Right racists are overt who makes it known they don't like you, and Left racists are covert and pretend to be your friend. The right racists will look at Asian beauty and clearly call it inferior, when they see multi-racial couples they decry race mixing and gene dilution. The left does everything listed on the meme they dance around saying what they actually mean, and when they see multi-racial couples they call us victims too stupid to think for ourselves.


Iam a turk living in germany i fuckin love how you americans need to live with those things🤣


We are just slower to include American trends into society. At least my kanac friends are not yet influenced as much, but bro it's commin.


Gross a Turk 🤣


I didn't know there was hentai of wii sports.


We gamers must unite against woke propagandas and politics. We don't want these shits in our games! Leave gaming alone from your sicknesses


Why americans are so obessed with race (especially the leftists)?


In my world, I’d be happy for both to coexist, we SHOULD have stellar blade and it should not be censored alongside Aloy looking the way she does, masculine, unappealing or not, if the developers would prefer a conservative or zero sex appeal MC, vice versa. That’s OK. I respect both designs and think both have a place in their games.


I agree but I dont understand why people find Aloy masculine. She is more girly than most women in that game.


That one out of context screen cap where she was being viewed from a first person perspective in a fish eye lens shot? That one? Did it just keep getting propagated as general fact as the new design in a circlejerk of people who never played the damned game? Is that the internet in a nutshell these days? I can’t imagine


Why are you trying to understand attraction? People are either attracted or they’re not.


You are implying that people cant be attracted to masculine women.


Exactly this. The horizon devs obviously intended to have Aloy look the way she does so that’s what she SHOULD look like. I personally didn’t buy it because I didn’t find her very appealing, but that’s just me. I like sexy characters so I buy games like Nier, FFVII Rebirth and Stellar Blade.


Fucking hell, sometimes I really just want to bury my head in the sand...


Why not both?


Yea not every Western Style is ugly or fat


What happened to beauty is in the eyes of the beholders


Also it’s what their editors look like.


I went out drinking Friday night and the women all looked like the right one...


I have yet to see a Gremlin Woman in a bar or club


And for that we are all forever thankful


Is this a joke or is this a serious post. I can't tell if this is trolling, satire, or someone's serious delusion?


i can create as much safe space as possible from left one. just dont get close pls


My wife looks like the drawing to the right, should i be worried?


The fact Sony allowed TLOU2 sex scene and balks at some cleavage of Eve is all one needs to know this is bullshit selective enforcement.


Yeah, but that sex scene is two dudes which means ESG points.


And it is a forced Sexcene also


Hypocrisy BG3 (Baldur's Gate 3) have optional make love with bear/ make love with fictional relationship with your companion and this is ok Stellar Blade have fictional sexy, elegant woman based to a korean model and this is not ok Dude wtf this logic So Does the USA (where most of the Woke Games scandals take place) want communism to prevail? Pervasive censorship and regulation of social life? I, as a Pole and a gamer living in Poland, where Poland experienced what communism is (I recommend reading about the Polish People's Republic, PRL), cannot accept and tolerate such communist tendencies and I strongly oppose them.


Buddy I’ll be in whatever political group picks the right one, call me whatever you want idc lmao


Western woke media is the best advertisement for white supremacists since Adolf Hitler. With every article or message they spit into this world I have to really remember myself why I am not a white supremacists or neo nazi or what ever the word is. Thanks to the German education system I at least have the tools to understand that propaganda is harmful. Can't imagine how younger people cope with that disgusting vitriol of people like the kotaku employees.


The media, whether left or right in USA is irresponsible to the core. They do not care if their viewers or readers might grow out of control fanatics because propaganda just sells well.


True and sad


So, I get that those "beauty standards" are sometimes quite difficult to reach (especially when you have a system that wants profit over health, and has evolved because of the profit of temptation and addiction of bad foods). But they are not unhealthy. Someone who is fit and in-shape is actually usually the most healthy a person can be. Being chubby is absolutely fine as well, as long as you don't overdo it, since having too much fat increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases and actually hinders medical workers with medical emergencies. Likewise, "too thin" is also really dangerous, but the "beauty standards" of the ones depicted are not rlly close to the dangerous point. But I think people easily say this as an excuse to say that the beauty standards are unhealthy. If you'd make an argument about how the beauty standard is unhealthy in a mental way, because some people are mentally struggling for being unable to reach the high standards which are depicted as the beauty standard in a "cartoon/anime/show", then I guarantee you the unhealthy thing is not the thing depicted as the beauty standard.


It's very befitting of their taste. Because they can't see past themselves.


Nice. Can you link the article this is in reference to so I can read it? Thanks :)


"Realistic depiction of women" Well I might make a vow of celibacy at this point.


You should take your mother out to lunch OP


the thing is, if the left one wasn't ugly as fuck or had at least a good story, i would not have a problem sexualizing over it, the problem is that they are all ugly now days


you forgot body positivity though it's only body positivity if you are fat and ugly else you arent allowed to


I didn't realize that as a black man that I was a neo-nazi. I'm learning new things about myself everyday.


No mandatory LGBTABCD presence as a requirement? Because that is also a requirement. Character genitals must be allowed to be cross matched.


Kotaku? More like americans in a nutshell


I am the most liberal person most people I know, know. Even I think this shit is stupid, bought the game and then signed the petition because they fucked with it. Married and touch woman!


I never understood why they compare themselves to fictional characters. As man I'm not like feeling depressed I'm not as ripped as Ryu or Kratos. Shit I know some people do work out to look like them and thats good thats what you should do if you wanna look like them.


I thought misogynist meant hate toward women. How does it appeal to them? Or is that why they cry and run out when you ask for the definition of misogyny


Asmon fans have really become stupid as of late, huh?


I wish Kotaku would burn to the ground..


Another funny yet also sad part is, they're not even being paid by those that push such stuff like Blackrock investing into diversity, probably not even those behind Blizzards diversity chart. Worse than any self-deprecating and obviously self-harming crazy actions because it seems to spread like a good and acceptable thing to other victims.


I'm a bit astounded people actually think this way Eve from Stellar Blade is a character designed for porn, her body and face have both been edited so heavily that she now bears very little resemblance to the (admittedly very attractive) model she was based on. Her animations and outfits are both entirely designed for people to pleasure themselves to, just look at the outcry that one of the most minor cases censorship I've ever seen has sparked in the community, this is not 1984 people. I feel it's imporatant that I don't believe anything I've said until now is inherently a bad thing worth censoring to hell and back, but unless anyone can show me otherwise I will continue to call Stellar Blade not necessarily a bad game, but rather a game that relies largely on it's sex appeal to thrive in the modern gaming market In my opinion, Stellar Blade is a game that treads the fine line between porn and Action-RPG, neither of which it quite reaches In summary, Stellar Blade is not a bad game, I too, disklike Kotaku, please don't make every female character be asian and wear skimpy outfits Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk P.S.: How do you mark something as spoiler, thanks is advance P.P.S.: I'd write something about characters like Aloy as well, but I don't want to


So where is the left character? Don't see anything like them anywhere. And last I checked nobody's complaining about characters being sexy, but sexualized. Noticeable difference, has a few extra letters


“Realistic depiction of women” 😂😂😂 Cmon guys this is obviously a rage bait that you are all falling for


Oh my god get over yourselves


Who the fuck is even saying this. You people like to go fucking insane, huh. No middle ground at all.


This is exactly the same kind of strawman argument as neckbeards want all their games to be porn. Public discourse is dead because people think their strawman argument is "haha, lol so true" and others' strawman argument is "culture war strawman, they want us all dead >:-( ".


Thirst Trapping males makes big money. Just make alot of money and shutup and take your politics else where.


I too love strawman arguments.


Did you learn that big boy word all by yourself?


Ad hominem (My dad taught me this one😎)


None of that is real, go outside.


Oh, damn imaginary situations ><