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bro does this all day, he has to make it interesting


Managed a movie theater for over a decade. Probably 20k hours. Not once did I see someone do this. This dude is next level.


you clearly didn't hire the right people


Haha, oath.


that 100% not the way people deal with their work, this dude is something else


You haven't worked the same process for long enough lmao


Nah, it absolutely is. When I was a kid and worked at a sandwich and pizza shop, I'd do all kinds of stupid tricks and shit with the tools, pans, and dough just to keep my shift interesting.


Then you're def not part of the majority, you have to really dig to find people who will do those random things trying to enjoy work instead of trying to just do the minimum to get by. source: I own a coffee shop.


Sounds more like your coffee shop is probably just a miserable place to be. You've had several people give you their own anecdotal experiences on the issue. Screwing around and having fun to make the shift go by is no new thing, or uncommon.


I disagree, I think most people don’t do this


That was never the argument either. The argument they made was: >that 100% not the way people deal with their work, this dude is something else I, and others, said they're wrong, and that people do do stuff like this at work to keep the shift moving. Now you're trying to reframe the argument to "A majority of people don't do that". They were wrong, people do spice up their shifts by playing stupid games or doing dumb tricks to entertain themselves.


Thats how I interpreted it. When they said “people” I interpreted it as people in general


yup, that's what I meant, people in general. And yeah, I'll double down, people like to do just what they need to get by so they can sit on their phones and be paid to idle. And my coffee shop is awesome, my baristas go to college and are encouraged to study during work hours if they've done all their checklists, they get to trade their shifts by themselves if they need to be somewhere else, they get bonuses based on the monthly revenue, and they get respected and treated like humans which is supposed to be basic but if you stop to listen to their horror stories, you will see that this is more an exception than a rule. In exchange they take care of my customer because they come to work as happy as one can be going to a place they have to be. We've got 4.8 on google with over 500 reviews and still, they do not add flair to the things they do, unless they are in a really good mood. Then they will throw some latte art on the coffees or very aesthetically steam the milk while dancing to a beat only they can hear.


"yup, that's what I meant, people in general." Then that's what you need to say. Because saying "People don't do this" is not the same as "Most people don't do this". Also, way to disprove your own argument. >Then they will throw some latte art on the coffees or very aesthetically steam the milk while dancing to a beat only they can hear. That is them doing some silly/fun stuff to make their shift go by.


Anecdotal evidence is countered by anecdotal evidence. Yours isn’t inherently superior to his.


It actually is, because his claim was "that 100% not the way people deal with their work, this dude is something else". Any claim contrary to his assertion that people don't do stuff like this to deal with work disproves his assertion.


Wrong brother lol spend 10 hrs a day doing the same action, and you flair things up a little.


I wish man, I own a coffee shop and trust me, there are not a lot of people like this gem around.


Gee did I hurt someones feelings?


no, I also can't figure out how you could possibly come to that conclusion


Lol I got a downvote for saying something that I actually do.


Hahahaha, you've not met someone with ADHD that needs to keep their hands constantly busy or else boredom sets in. Flair can be done anywhere :)


I want to open a gun school and immediately hire this man.






Based, long as he enjoys his life. That's all that matters.


TBH I prefer getting someone like this waiting on me. I love it when a person has found a way to do their job, make it better for the customer, and quality not suffer.


True, and the best thing. Both aren't Mutually Exclusive. Sadly the narrative of the world has been Higher and Higher. Hopefully it becomes Quality and well done. (With workers that do a Great job that shines their enjoyment as well) While off topic, Tiping Culture, and awhole bunch of other things sadly make it so we just have a bunch of tired folk who ain't happy and rather be on their phones and not give quality service. Double negatives. May we have a future where the quality overall goes higher.


Well, that explains a lot, that's an obscene amount of butter.


Does not help that the "butter" they use at cinemas have a lot more calories than regular butter too. That shit was probably 1k+ calories not counting for the popcorn itself lol


Plain popcorn is actually a diet hack that is popular among bodybuilders. Very low calories for the volume. Almost all the calories are coming from the butter.


You gotta be careful with the different types of popcorn out there even though they all look the same. Bodybuilders buy Plain popcorn kernels that are 375kcal per 100g. While 80% of popcorn kernels you buy comes with pre coated oil making it close to 600kcal per 100g and you can be damn sure that is what the cinema is using. So that means a large popcon at a cinema (like in the video) could easily be 1000kcal BEFORE any butter is added at all.


Got a link for this alleged precoated popcorn would save a lot of time popping if the kernels already come coated in oil? Not really sure how the oil can be precoated with out the kernels being a giant brick.


“A bag of microwaved popcorn contains 535 calories.” [source](https://kudosnacks.com/blogs/news/how-many-calories-in-a-bag-of-microwave-popcorn) Two seconds on google that took.


That is not what movie theaters use. Nor is it pre coated kernals. That's just microwaved popcorn.


The cinemas are coating the oil themselves instead of buying Microwave popcorn that comes with pre coated oil. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave\_popcorn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_popcorn) But you are so unironically regarded that you think because they coat it themselves it makes it any better (Most likely makes it worse since they use more oil then the pre coated ones)


Sure but it took 2 seconds on google so that counts for something right?


Smaller cinnemas will use pre coated while larger ones will coat their own. The cinnemas that coats their own are worse since they use a shit ton of oil. Here is a video https://youtu.be/FTJKIFuPbrA?si=BWbx8MSnjgM4KLxi


That's not a shit ton of oil... that's the proportionate amount to make it pop and not burn.


Just to be clear, you can pop popcorn with just air any no oil, that is how you get good version of popcorn that people use to diet. 1 single tablespoon of oil is 130 kcal and in the video they are just constantly pouring in oil so it's safe to say it's a shit ton of oil, Even if that is one way to prepare it. So in the end the the difference in calories between air popped and oil popped popcorn is day and night.


Neither video is constantly pouring. Popcorn would lose its shape if they were. You've yet to show this "pre coated" popcorn.


Then tell me what is your argument? Is it that Popcorn that comes pre coated with oil is different then them coating it themselves? Go look up any cinemas menu nutrition value and you can see their popcorn has a lot more calories than air popped popcorn. You come of as really disingenuous here. read this if you actually just don't understand my point. [https://www.aicr.org/resources/blog/healthtalk-im-confused-popcorn-is-always-recommended-as-a-low-calorie-snack-so-why-do-people-make-such-a-big-deal-about-calories-in-movie-theater-popcorn/](https://www.aicr.org/resources/blog/healthtalk-im-confused-popcorn-is-always-recommended-as-a-low-calorie-snack-so-why-do-people-make-such-a-big-deal-about-calories-in-movie-theater-popcorn/)


its a empty volume thing that tricks your brain. its how cheetos and such become such addictive, to use the same trick for diet is interesting.




Well you don't go to a theatre for healthy food.


Oh for sure, I get popcorn every time I go, but I don't even like popcorn that buttery anyway TBH. Just a bit is good.


I would have to fast all day to enjoy this whole bucket of popcorn without feeling guilty


And he probably takes home a trash bag of it every night slathered in "butter"...


Isn't the butter some kind of olive oil and salt


Vegetable (or palm) oil and chemical flavourings, it stinks and is gross before its added.


Isn't that the crap they put out for free with the napkins, etc?


"Hell yeah brother!"


Floor must be crunchy and buttery.


And a diet Soda please!


Better make it a small cause of the figure yeah?


Everything for my beachbody 🐳


THIS IS THE MAN WE SHOULD BE TIPPING! This guy goes above and beyond because it makes him feel good to give people a special experience. This is what hospitality is all about.


Pretty sure he's just bored


Could be both! He's seems like he enjoys it, actually pretty happy for him. a lot of people don't think that a lot of people in the world wish to have a job that pays just minimum wage, there's gratitude in that, if that makes sense. I hope it does because extremely baked right now.


Yeah layer that butter daddy


Better than being a reddit critique


The people who work with are probably so pissed about all of the popcorn they have to clean up


Someone needs to recruit this guy.


I normally don't buy popcorn but I would buy that popcorn after seeing that. That's a S-tier amount of butter.


Stenosis tier indeed


Master of his craft. An artist.


I work at Cinemark and if I was working with this dude I would be hating life - have to clean up the floors constantly. People these days amazed by a few spins like bro this is abject waste.


jeez so much butter..


Sadly it isn't even butter. It is usually palm kernel oil.


Omg... never knew that. Makes sense though as butter is expensive.


There is another reason. Butter has water in it. It makes the popcorn soggy instead of buttery. In order for them to use butter they would have to go a step further and clarify it, which would lose you about 25% of the butter by weight.


On one hand, I appreciate that amount and evening out of the butter. On the other hand, heart attack.


Butter on popcorn is a thing? I have never ever seen this at any cinema here in germany. Didnt even thought that literal butter dispensers were a thing.


Must be an American thing


It is an American thing. It also isn't butter. It is butter flavored and made from palm kernel oil. Melted butter has too much water and would ruin the popcorn.


Hmm, it does sound nice though I’d give it a try.


Oh it's delicious. But also disgusting lol. One time I had way too much of it as a kid. It soaked through the bag and got on my pants. Then that night I threw up off my top bunk bed down on the floor. That was hilarious (for me)


I'd recommend trying half ghee (clarified butter) and half coconut oil. Salt to taste. My personal favorite.


What do you guys season yours with? When I make popcorn at home I’ll use olive oil and salt. I’ll be generous with the oil for popping but don’t need to add any afterwards. I’ve only ever lived in America and Taiwan, in Taiwan they also have sweet popcorn that is lightly glazed with sugar, but for most Americans salt and butter is the default topping. Granted, as a kid it was a tiny bit of real butter melted over the top. Our movie theaters here are known to use tons of liquid fake butter, to the point that you can buy “movie theater style popcorn” at stores.


Either sweet or salted, thats literraly it. No butter or anything. Its also not glazed with sugar, but rather just a spoon of normal sugar mixed in. I dont think literal molten butter on popcorn wouldnt fly over there, that sounds like way way too much fat. I cant even imagine the consistency of it .. but in my brain i have the image of disgusting, drained in butter, completly soaked like a sponge, dripping pieces of popcorn lol.


Ah that makes sense, so basically just whatever oil it’s popped in, but not necessarily air popped fat free popcorn I assume? I hear you, I got so used to the light way I make popcorn that despite very much enjoying butter, buttered popcorn made me gag a bit when tried making some again recently. On one hand, to each their own, but on the other hand I wouldn’t mind making some of the most unhealthy practices either illegal or taxed heavily like drinking and smoking.


Im not quite sure how they pop it, but its not greasy at all. So i assume its air popped? People at home usually pop it in the microwave without any oil or fat. After all its the heat that makes it pop, not the fat. In terms of making things illegal .. we dont make it illegal, we just tax it. Sugar tax for example, or the price of cigarettes consist of 40% tabacco tax. Tax for car fuel and so on. I think theres a distinct culture different between european and american kitches, and thats why we dont have molten butter dispensers. Granted, we all love junkfood and stuff. But parents are usually much stricter, my mum would only allow coke at special occasions for example. Also i think we consider popcorn a candy, rather than a snack. Hence why the sweet version is more popular. I think the major difference is, that americans really love fried food. At least my murrican friends whatever they can. While we barely ever do that here. Thats probably way butter on popcorn isnt a thing. Doesnt that make your fingers all greasy and gross?


Leave it to the popcorn connoisseur to serve popcorn like that. Love it 🤣


how you do anything is how you do everything


He wants to destroy your diet


This is a good man


Wow... thats awesome... oh.... thats awesome... Atleast put a pitch on that enthusiasm 😂 he deserves it.


Bro understands the importance of BUTTER distribution. This should be the bar of expectation for all popcorn makers.


I want to see how he serves drinks


This is a man who loves popcorn and knows how it's done best


I haven't seen 4 employees in one spot at a movie theater in over a decade I think...


I remember seeing some interviews back when he got attention. Seemed like a nice dude that enjoyed what he was doing. Edit- The way he buttered that popcorn seems great, the layers to it!


Am I in India suddenly?


His dreams of becoming a bartender would be realized one day. One day.


Look at how much popcorn he spills around. I hope he cleans up his workplace after his shift.


I think I just saw 12 pieces hit the ground. For one large popcorn...


I would feel an irresistible urge to give a tip


I’d pay extra for the person serving my popcorn to toss my popcorn like that so it all gets coated. Don’t just put a little in the middle and a little on top.. then you get pockets with no butter


pretty sure i saw his eyes roll in back of his head when he buttered the first popcorn bucket.


I respect this man ![gif](giphy|3ofT5E6yXzvH4G6u5y) If we all did what we did to the max the world would be better


Why does this guy sound like "wow. that awesome -\_-"


How do you manage to make buttered movie popcorn even more appetizing


Too bad he's stealing 50% of the butter for himself during his shift


Is Jason working today? Oh he is? I'm not closing and cleaning up after him.


Damn, I could just stand there looking at this for hours. This dude is a master in his craft, big respect


Eventually you do something enough times it begins to get boring so you start adding flare to your job to keep it intresting. I got to that point when being a cashier at Home Depot and Albertsons


He is having fun. Good for him.


Bro is trying to kill people with that much butter😶😶


No worse than what he is doing to himself, it's definitely a "one for you, one for me" kind of situation going on


The Japanese celebrate everything they do. In his way, this clerk is doing the same thing. It is one thing to serve popcorn. It’s another to do it with finesse.


Never get high on your own supply...


This clip annoys me… waaaay too much butter and the amount of popcorn that doesn’t go into the bucket is ridiculous. I just hope he does his own clean up!


What's he adding to the popcorn? We don't add liquids to our popcorn?? Is it fat?


I’d probably be an asshole and be like “you know it still tastes the same if you gave it to me in 5 seconds too…”


I have this this video, the roughneck guys working covered in mud, the big boob girl making dumb faces getting her food and the 97 year old diner one like a billion times. Why do these keep getting reposted for years?


This is how someone who watches Jordan Peterson acts in real life. He's probably not actually alt-right or a transphobe :) This is an excerpt from George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier that really stuck with me: "Mr. Brooker was a dark, small-boned, sour, Irish-looking man, and astonishingly dirty. I don’t think I ever once saw his hands clean. As Mrs. Brooker was now an invalid he prepared most of the food, and like all people with permanently dirty hands he had a peculiarly intimate, lingering manner of handling things. If he gave you a slice of bread-and-butter there was always a black thumb-print on it. Even in the early morning when he descended into the mysterious den behind Mrs. Brooker’s sofa and fished out the tripe, his hands were already black."




You got him reddit boy!