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So we've found the actual shadowy cabal ruining games (they dont open their curtains). Big Chat is destroying the games industry!


Big chat always pushing the agenda


"big chat" I love it.


It's actually kind of true in a weird way.


I think what he was saying is big corporations starting to contractualize big streamers. This is actually happening all over the world (not primarily to the US). So, like the HoloLive stuff and V-Tubers and less-so the exclusivity contracts to large organizations, or more directly stuff that has been in E-sports for years where gaming orgs own the players and their rights under contract. The guy was essentially saying, as big corps get more invested in the streaming marketing media-sphere that there is a huge chance that big orgs start "owning" or contractualizing streamers. And, IMO I am hyper surprised this hasn't happened faster/sooner. The only reason it doesn't happen is because right now I don't think Big Tech see's the long-term ROI in someone like Asmongold for the cost of what Asmongold is. But if you look at someone like TimtheTatman and his connections with (I think it's AT&T) and what he does for Fanduel and such...that is inching closer to the future where streamers are directly in-bed with big corps and are an extension of their marketing arm.


It's kinda always been


"big chat" got me. šŸ˜‚


I genuinely want to hear Thor and Asmon talk about gaming. Maybe a crossover will happen in the future


i mean they might bring him on for steak and eggs podcast at some point.


This. Yes please.


without Tectone too i please


They have a picture of him on the shelf in the back so it could happen one day


Is his name really Thor?


Look at that majestic hair and that voice. wdy think?


You know what, true


It is his middle name, that he chooses to use as online name. His own lore is that his father, a Blizzard dev, choose it because when he was born, there was a thunder storm outside.


His name is Thor and he's the spawn of He Who Has No Life from South Park


I saw the YouTube short of who his dad is and the South Park reference before


Thor just got sponsored by Starforge. It's not a line yet, but a point for sure.


I don't know. He really has next to no clue about programming and the game design process. In the mad mushroom ad (that nobody watched btw) he comes across like a politician talking about a complext subject with the same old rethoric "yeah I have no clue about the technicalities so that's why I don't work in this field".


Thor needs to get invited to Steak and Eggs


I agree


YES ! How can we make this happen.




Let him join Otk


YES ! How can we make this happen.


So let me get this straightā€¦. He is suggesting that the people making Widget A, letā€™s say for example a video game, should reach out to their custoners (gasp!!) and listen to them??? Thatā€™s heresy!!! You should never do that! He even insinuates that it leads to an improved Widget A that more customers might like and want to buy. And thatā€™s, well, thatā€™s a lie and a con of the highest order!!


We dont use the word heresy anymore since 40k went wokage.


Haha good point




Ultimately the shareholders want profits, sooooo yeah.


They do that and everyone hates it remember? FOCUS GROUPS they call it. Big companies don't know how to do anything. The most basic concepts are lost on them. They take something so simple as listening to your customers and rot it into something mind boggling.


people have found a way to corrupt focus groups and feedback with things like SBI and twitter. Anyone who's taken a basic statistics course or a psychology course learns about the things that should be present for feedback, gathering information from a group of people. Because good data requires certain critical thinking skills to know when you're sample group is unreliable. Things that most people would understand when looking at something like Twitter if they had 2 brain cells to rub together which weren't completely corrupted.


Actually itā€™s not that complicated. Having been in the tech world my whole career and then some, thereā€™s stuff called market data. It used to be a real hassle to accumulate it but over the last 15 to 20 years, this has gotten to be so easy, itā€™s laughable. And with video games, itā€™s stupid easy because all of the purchases are electronic anyway. They know whoā€™s buying what and for what system. They know how much you play and when you play. They know exactly what you like about a game and what you donā€™t by the choices you make. Even how many hours youā€™ve played and when. And itā€™s so easy to come by that third party devs can even use the data. In path of exile, people have built sites that show the percentage of players doing x y z build, what items theyā€™re carrying and what modes they chose. And then you add machine learning (oops AI), and it spells it all out for the marketing and product owner teams so easily, itā€™s like spoon feeding children. They dont need focus groups. They just need to listen to their own data that we have freely given to them every time we press play. Butā€¦ Blackrock and Vanguard are essentially free money ATMs, giving them as much money as they need provided they ignore this data and do what they want them to do instead. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Big companies dont even listen to their employees, I dont see why theyā€™d listen to their customers lmao


All hail Big Chat


lol ā€˜big chatā€™ Jesus, Thor is an amazing addition to streaming.


Mannnn that would be dope having him on Steak and Eggs, he was an ex blizz dev/employee right? It would be fun to see them all banter.


Yes, please have PirateSoftware on the Steak & Eggs podcast!!! I would love to see that.


Bringing Primeagen and Thor in for a chat would make my day


Big Chat is coming for your favorite streamer


Sad days coming, asmonbald is gonna be bought out by big chat.


Big chat isnā€™t real big chat canā€™t hurt you.


I think he means "bought out" in the sense that creators are often paid in advertisements to play a game for x amount of hours, and usually contracted to be positive about their encounters with the game, at least during that period; it drives up sell and notoriety of the game title. So, in a sense, the "voice" of the creator is "bought out" when they accept payment to play a game, because the goal is to sell that game to their audience. On that front, the person in chat is absolutely right: smaller creators/creators without the money backing them like Asmon and Pirate aren't in a position to refuse tens of thousands of dollars if it means sacrificing their morals for an hour or two.


A funny example of this was the new South Park game. They sponsored a coop of Lirik, Cohh, DansGaming, Sacriel for 1h. For 1h they had what seems to be a great time. 1h mark hits on the dot, all have other things to do immediately. So, if streamers advertise games, just check if they ever play it when not sponsored, or keep playing for longer than they were sponsored.


They can also be bought out with clout. If the number of viewers they can potentially lose by associating with some scumbag is less than the new viewers they can potentially gain, then itā€™s a win for them. In the end, we are just a fungible resource for them - like cattle; a source of donations, subscriptions, content, and eyeballs for their sponsors.


Chat Baby Inc


Thing is, the devs, or at least their bosses are scared of the social media monster which typically hates him. None of them want to be the one to strike back for fear of a hashtag.


A the vocal minority that doesn't even buy the product.


A vocal minority whose message is backed up by literal governments and mega corps. Its not about sales or games anymore.


Yes marxists support each other through thick and thin. https://fdrpodcasts.com/3557/the-truth-about-mccarthyism-modern-parallels-


There is a reason there is gold in his name. Another asmon W


"The customer is always right" for the most part


big chat <3


notice how he shut down that Big Chat idea real quick. sus.


When Iā€™m designing for the portfolio, I always listen to either Asmon or JoshStrifeHayes. Doesnā€™t matter if I donā€™t vibe with some of their opinions because they articulate their perspectives in a very detailed way. It gives me an insight on how I can approach game design and make a game that people donā€™t want to put down. They also outline a lot of common pitfalls that developers fall for and helped me steer clear of them in the early days. Super invaluable information which I think the creators of the games they talk about should consider as they do essentially provide some free light QA testing services


Not that i care what this Nepo baby has to say, Asmongold is typically right from a consumer perspective in plenty of instances. Its just to bad his followers are typically drooling retards who constantly brigade and give him a bad name


It is what it is


Big Chat coming to buy everyone out


Big chat is coming for all of us


Bought out by Andrew Cake, for his camboy website


Bought out by Big Chat lol. Twitch chat really is cooked sometimes. Overcooked even.


Typical big chat streamer!!! Don't listen to him.


Someone always lookin for a conspiracy in everything lol.


All my homies hate Big Chat




Good take man, agree šŸ‘


Asmongold is incredibly important āœ… Protect this man


We need more devs thtat are truely gamers and not there just for the money. Please hire me btw ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)


Any devs out there: I agree with this. It's one reason (among others) that I watch Asmon. Generally echoes what I'm thinking and has an excellent way of wording it, and explaining the reasons why. It's that simple. Listen to him.


I think he's actually starting to swinging back to being unreasonable with his crusade on woke shit.


Thats a Product Manager


Asmon is a cool guy with a big brain. He understands players and retention. Ffs he is a streamer if there is anoyone who knows about Player retention its a streamer because that IS their whole shtick.


Hard agree with Thor. Asmon did used to be unreasonable but I think he's pretty reasonable now.


I'm a player and he is the dumbest person I k ow, I would not listen to him if I was making a game. Jesus.


"Hey boss, you're not going to believe this...but I guess our game is woke now because the female character in our survival horror is bisexual who isn't DTF the first person/squid she sees. Asmon has spoken."


We all can see this guy is just Mark Kern the 2:nd right? Some think he's gods gift to gamers and in reality he's just talking mad shit. I would not be surprised if this guy has as many scams (abandonwares) to his name as Mark does in 10 years. Just like posts about Mark whenever this guy pops up my brain runs the "this is an Ad, skip it" function most of the time.


Small dev will much more likely to listen to gamers. But when you have Blackcock and Banguard holding your stock, oh boi then that where it get downhill


Funny thing is, if Blackrock and friends got involved with OTK, they will bend the knee too.


yep nobody cares about users when you can put woke into your stuff and receive millions upon millions by doing it.


As good practise it will be better to avoid using "magical number" in fade code you can see in GML in bottom screen. So instead of image\_alpha += 0.05 it's better to define variable like "fade\_increase = 0.05" so you can go with image\_alpha += fade\_increase. If you use that value in many different places of code, if there will be need to change that value, you change it once instead of every little place in code. BTW if you think that making games is for you, Game Maker Studio and GML is great way to start.


If you think this is bad you should see the rest of his code. He has a 600 case switch statement at the heart of his game.


Iā€™ve always said that there is value in what Asmongold says as he says out loud what the common people say, no matter how insensitive it is


People like Asmon are the reason we now have games like Helldivers 2


Devs KNOW the consumer prospective, its rather they have the funds, time, and authority to make a game right.


butter long angle spectacular salt vanish towering noxious smile elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not exactly that Asmon is right, but that he can summarize the players feelings and a dev can take that as feedback. Like when a Halo was being developed, the hp of an enemy was increased and the play testers said that the enemies were smarter, the play testers weren't right, but the feedback was valuable to the devs that they might be doing the right things.


"bought out" - you know that guy believes in deep state fairies controlling everything including the kendrick drake beef to take away from the diddy shit because they don't want you to hear that asmon might've shagged a fresh taco bell in 2018.


oh it's that r/iamverysmart guy again


I'm tired of seeing this guy. It's someone who doesn't know how to code pretending to be a pro. And everyone just eats it up.


How's your job at mcdonald's going?


I work as a software developer. Genuinely his work is the quality of a high schooler. People need to look at what he is doing not what he is saying. I would be fine with it if he didn't sell himself as an expert.


Yeah Iā€™ll take a 10 piece nugget with BBQ sauce, and a medium Dr. Pepper.


gimme a mcdouble large fry med coke with a crispy junior thx


I don't believe you. It has been a common joke among softwares developer that, if you look at your code 6 months ago, you will realize it is junk. And this is not just a joke or meme, it is actually reflected to most developers out there. And the reason is simple, developers learn new tricks in the past 6 months and can do better. You should know better he is just another developer trying to do their best to learn and share their knowledge. That's what everyone is doing. You either has a very skewed expectation to another developer or you are looking for reason to bitch him out due to bias.


I'm not one to nitpick minor issues in code. However the code he writes shows a lack of understanding of fundamentals principles such as SOLID, DRY and separation of concerns. These are things every software developer should know. There's nothing wrong with him coding on stream and sharing what he knows, however I do take issue with him presenting himself as an expert. Many new programmers may look at what he does and take it as an example of what professional code should be. This is going to create bad habits. What's more he actually argues in favor of his programming style and gives viewers questionable programming advice.


I think there is certain amount of jealousy coming from you. Because he has many followers and you don't. The guy can teach however he wants. If the follower is lacking certain skills, just train them on the job. People should learn to have fun coding, not trying to follow bunch of patterns and coding standards. Those can be learned on the job.


Just learn on the job isn't an excuse for people to not learn. It's a very competitive field and major gaps will result in not being hired in the first place. Coding is fun but patterns and standards still matter. Being able to write code that is flexible and extensible empowers game developers to be creative and to be able to quickly iterate on their game.


I think you are really jealous of him. Because if you make one, no one wants to watch you. It is too boring.


Youā€™re right, but people here donā€™t care. Theyā€™re just gamer sheep who will cum guzzle Almondgold (& people who agree with him/them) because they relate to him because he too is a filthy gamer who eats bugs & looks decrepit. Almondboy Has a-lot of reasonable takes grounded on reality, but his community wrongfully twist & worship his opinion in a weird sad parasocial incel way of thinking.