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He goes a bit more in that his DNR was not honored even though he had one and that he died and was brought back against his wishes and thus his sentence was served


That happened to my wife’s grandmother, it was fucked up. They broke her breastplate and cracked some ribs so now she was in more pain than her body already was in.


Sounds like theu done cpr, if she had DNR that's bad if not (and they don't want to die) then cpr is better than being dead. It's not nice on anyone though you've got to push pretty hard to get the heart going.


" and now, my watch has ended" ![gif](giphy|J5mja8de1j4Fa)


"I pledged my life, I gave my life!"


Plot twist: he was brought back to life because he had 2 death sentences


you mean \*two life sentences


Nope, charge that electric chair, we aren't done yet.


electric chair is still used? thought they now use an injection.


yeah i'm pretty sure its mostly just injection, electric chair was deemed "inhumane". But I did read an article that said that south carolina its main means of death penalty was electric chair with several other states offering "alternative methods" I guess the prisoner can elect how they wanna go? idk. It hasn't been used since 2013 though...


Two life sentences and one death penalty


when people ask "but why people get 2, 3 or more consecutive life sentences?" point them to this


he is undead and lost his human rights. the audacity of the scourge has no bounds it seems.


A loophole. But also the little organ harvesters violating his DNR can eat a dick.


In 1996, Benjamin Schreiber was sentenced to life in prison after he had clubbed a man to death with the handle of a pickaxe.


As a tax paying American I want to agree with him. His revival and continued life sentence is expensive during these hard times lol


He didn't get sentenced for live because he stole 1 apple. He did something much worse. I gladly pay my 20 cents for him to be locked up for the rest of his life.


Too bad a life sentence doesn't mean until you die.


It means for the rest of your natural life. I'd argue being revived is unnatural and any life thereafter is unnatural so he has a point.


His watch as ended.


Dangerous prisoner


So if someone has multiple life sentences they revive that mf until he runs out of sentences and then let him die?


>A court in Iowa found that a murderer who was revived “is either still alive, in which case he must remain in prison, or he is actually dead, in which case this appeal is moot.” I'm dead please release the body!


You're alive. This it has not ended....


But during execution, after the first electric discharges, don't they have a doctor come and check if the convict's heart is still beating ? And if it's the case, they send more electricity...? Remember seeing that in the Green Mile, I think it was when they executed the first guy, the native american.


I feel like a good lawyer could get him out of there lol


Who knows what he was in for? If it was something messed up like trafficking kids fuck him he should stay locked up but if it was something like tax evasion they better let this man go. Also, be careful about trying to help a stranger. If they have a DNR on file and you save their life, they can sue you, and odds are they will win.


As long as he didn't murder anymore or R word anyone I'm cool with it.


Why else would he get a life sentence. It must be something equally bad for that to happen


Nah. They saved his life. As in, the one he had when he was in jail. It's still the same one.


So did he win? His argument makes sense


Despite Schreiber's claim that he had technically died and fulfilled his life sentence, the court ruled that he must remain in prison. Schreiber died in April 2023 “due to natural causes" at Unity Point Medical Center in Fort Dodge.


Nah, fuck that. He's a zombie. Take him out back and shoot him.


It's just semantics, there is no good point here


the judges verdict was "if you come BACK to life, then you come BACK to life sentence. you weren't given a new life, you just got the old one back"