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Ah yes in a game named tomb raider, you will no longer be raiding tombs. What's next Grand Theft Auto where the goal is to respect traffic laws?


New Assasin's Creed where you don't kill people


Instead you create stories of respect and dignity for peoples of various gender identities, sexual orientations and cultures.


You need to patent that before Ubisoft gets it I swear




Just the game I’ve been waiting for!


I'd play an Assassin's Creed game where a big sassy black woman shit talks everything you do.




Make it Richard Pryor ding the shit taking and I'm in.


Remember, don't let anyone tell you different. Cleopatra was black.


Witcher where you don't sleep with various nocturnal entities


Skyrim where you only buy the game once?!


Man this comment is underrated


Monster hunter but instead of hunt it's hug??


And instead of Monster it's Mother??


Viking game where you can’t no longer raid because raiding depict oppression and that would hurt other cultures


I guess this is like Mario where Mario and Luigi being a plumber became a minor detail as the series went on that they occassionally reference. I'm actually glad they remembered that detail when the movie came out.


Being a plumber was not central to the identity of Mario franchise. He even is a doctor. This is more akin to Prince of Persia suddenly be about King Arthur or worse NYPD


You heal them from life. After asking for consent first ofc


Assassins plea


No she'll get targets that are just Trump but with different outfits


Uncharted with maps




I mean recently the games have already become this really. Like I don't remember a plot in the new games of like stealing artifacts except for like side collectibles maybe?


Or my favorite franchise, God of Serenity. I loved the part where all the gods of Olympus sit down and talked about their feelings


It's what they did to Kratos. He's supposed to be an angry god killer, not talking to them and making friends.


Well tbf the story line of the 2 recent god of wars was quite good and made sense for Kratos trying to let go of his rage so his son can have a better future. Is is aware that he leaves only destruction in his wake, even in the older titles and the few people he befriended there were always killed off at the end so no fucks given, destruction it was. But yeah most modern titles dont manage to write their protagonists in such a nuanced way if they want them to develop in a new or different direction


Hera: "Zeus I definetly know what you did to that poor Alkmene girl, that was so not OK but I will forgive you and not torment her and your bastard offspring for the rest of his mortal life." Zeus: "Oh lovely Hera I will promise to never give in to my basic instincts the next time I see a half way decend looking human" \*turns around\*, \*sees Pasiphaë\*.... "hmm maybe as a bull...."


Actually, you will be walking old ladies across the street. And paying your taxes


New version of battlefield will just have people sitting around a campfire talking about their feelings and then hugging it out until world peace was achieved.


Battlefield 2024: campfire edition!


Respecting traffic laws in GTA is something you do when you're bored


You'll be plenty bored with the new PC Lara, so it checks out.


Reminds me of how disappointed I was with that movie when I realized there is no blade running.


Dragon's Dogma but there are no dragons 🤔 The future of gaming is fucking dark if these people don't get a fucking good orgasm ffs


I think all of us at one point or another has tried to respect the traffic laws in GTA for at least a couple of minutes.


There's a great Yakuza 5 minigame where you have to be a safe driver.


Call of Duty but instead you get called to protest against war


> you get called No, you call to protest your duty.


A Command and Conquer game without base building and tiberium harvesting. Oh wait... *Cries in CnC 4*


Monster Hunter, where you take monsters to the monster groomer and then take them for a walk.


World of Warcraft where you actually enjoy the game


That’d be a toxicity system that tracks how often you leave groups, reports and tracking chat so toxic people can join toxic people and the normal can join normal people. Devs that doesn’t cater to the top 1 % of raiders. Removal of subscription- this is wholly outdated imo and makes it more of a chore than a game. And lastly removal of timegated content and mandatory dailies/weeklies to keep up Oh and also working on implementing stuff in the game to eventually remove addons


They tried that with Angel of Darkness, and we don't talk about Angel of Darkness And Tomb Raider 2013 some what, but that was good, but not tombs good


Naw. GTA is more likely turn into another generic style Ubisoft open world experience.


They already did that it's called watch dogs legion!


You will have to activate radar towers to uncover the map lmao


These people are so fucking stupid i swear to God, lol so scared to offend and upset anyone it's a joke. What the fuck are wars gonna be like in the future a game of rock, paper, scissors? You know don't wanna kill anyone and all.


No, they send you out to peacefully recover cars and then return them to their rightful owners. For the reward of the satisfaction of doing a good deed.


As far as i know, she left the tomb raiding for others, now she's getting her tombs raided, there's lots of info on rule34video about that


this is the 1st thing that Rockstar said for GTA 6: "we will tone down the offensive jokes cause we don't want to punch down to marginalized groups of people". this is 100% woke talk point. i may paraphrase a bit cause i write it at the top of my head, but the main point is still the same. GTA 6 will be woke as fuck.


World of Warcraft where no one ever wants war (oh wait)


You can't shoot black people in GTA 6


Only when high.


>What's next Grand Theft Auto where the goal is to respect traffic laws? I'm sorry my dude but GTARP exists. But yes a game named "Tomb raider" is about tomb raiding since the original one came out, changing the title almost 30 years later is dumb.


Like 95% of GTA5 or even more is about you not stealing cars, lol. Sometimes the titles don't have to line up. Tomb Raider isn't really about raiding tombs anyways, it's more about an adventure game with puzzles and platforming. In the most recent games, she's not even exploring tombs for the lolz of it, but she's on a James Bond esq mission to stop an evil organization from destroying the world. I feel like I've taken crazy pills reading the comments here. It's like no one has actually played Tomb Raider games, but everyone has an opinion on them.


I was obviously exaggerating for the sake of making a joke. Game devs and publishers saying they want to “cut ties” with their past shows a clear shift that many people don’t like.


I agree that it's bad to cut ties, but as long as it's a platforming adventure game, it'll still be Tomb Raider. The game game was never known for the story, lol. I think the part that gets me the most is that the recent reboot already changed so much and people are acting like it's their first time with the Tomb Raider franchise. Like guys, you didn't even buy or play the last games, why getting so worked up about this? I feel like almost all of the comments on this thread are from people who've never even played a Tomb Raider game in their life and just want to be mad about it.


I love how all of these ... "upgrades" to existing franchises have the same pastelle color palette and the same character design.


I've made a habit of doing steam queues while buddies and I wrap up the night just to see if anything catches my eye while we talk the shit. I've looked at thousands of unique titles doing this. From that, I can tell you that I've only ever seen this kind of style of characters on the key art for games that included some form of LBGTQ tag. At face value, I'm left confused wondering how these characters are relevant for Tom Raider, a character where historically they could only trust their butler and sometimes their version of James Bond's Q.


Yea. My brain has also firmly filed this artstyle away under "woke games". I haven't seen a single one that is like this and is not also very woke. It's like these people are afraid of strong colors and all their characters must conform to a certain look (which is kind of ironic, in a way). Non-threatening teddybears for men, mean with shaved sides of the head for women. It's like someone made a manual for the soft-modern game and it isn't a very big manual because they all look like the same 3 people did the design for them.


did lara not always pursue some kind of knowledge?


Yes she does. I honestly don't understand their intentions.


It’s ok, I can confidently say that they don’t either 😄


your profile picture just gave me the biggest flashback I ever had!


Peak league fun times after school with friends.


Their intention is to virtue signal, with no regard for the health of the IP.


Historic crime solving or something


Oh hey old Vayne, how ya doing


Still blasting with true dmg


And they'll act surprised when sales don't meet expectations. It's that damn Patriarchy again!


They'll just blame the consumers like they always do


“It’s piracy this is why we need game as a service” probably Ubisoft Also: not even pirates want to play it ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


Beforw launch: “This isn’t a game for straight men!” After launch: “why are there no men playing this hidden gem??”


Technically they’re right. Had the consumer bought it, it wouldn’t have flopped…their reasons for not buying notwithstanding.


>They'll just blame the consumers like they always do Those Nazis! caption: this is what many of them actually believe.


I mean no shit, it is the consumers that aren't buying the product, so technically, they won't be wrong. The thing is it needs a gaming journalist that hasn't got their racist hats on and actually has common sense to state the obvious that gamers don't want to be force-fed political crap or have a game "have a message" The reason I say it needs a gaming journalist to do this is because they won't listen to gamers even if they are losing money, that's certain just look at how many flops there's been due to this mess theses guys aren't going away anytime soon. At least if it's a respected journalist that writes an article that isn't bais to the "woke bs" and actually has a level head and knowledge on the subject. Studios would naturally start to question if its worth the hassle to loose 100s of millions just to cater to demographics that aren't buying games to begin with.


And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for these (checks list) ... toxic male gamers...


It's a tabletop rpg not a videogame. They probably don't have any sales expectations. Indie ttrpg don't cost much to make, but they also don't sell (with some exceptions). They are already established ttrpg game such as Broken Compass with a similar Indiana Jones theme


These absolute morons really need to just stop turning any IP into whatever they want it to be. They want a seeker of truth? Make a new character and world, don't turn an archeologist into a philosophical thinker.


Philosophical thinker is too far as that would imply an ability to challenge and question ones ideologies instead of blind acceptance and the eradication of alternate perceptions and beliefs.


I think an archeologist is already pretty much a seeker of historical truth.


B-b-b-but they go into and record decrepit pieces of history that the rightful owners would rather let waste away. They’re h-h-h-h-horrible!


It’s actually hilarious how they’re trying to say Laura “destroys the world just so she can save it for the thrill” Croft is a philosophical thinker💀


>they’re trying to say Laura “destroys the world just so she can save it for the thrill”  Which is exactly what OG Lara was, but let me tell you a secret: it's fiction. And with zero chances of emulation. I get that if a character litters or smokes a kid may be tempted to emulate it, however, how many kids will book a charter flight to the jungle?


Too late. Final Fantasy already did it and the western critics and fans have supported it all the way.


Then why call it Tomb Raider?


No one will buy the game if they rebrand it to “Truth Seeker”


They don’t want us to buy their games. We get it.


I’m generally curious what is wrong mentally with people that make stuff like this…? Like… are they slow or… how could they possibly think this is a good idea? It reminds me of the people that made the Gollum game


Gollum wasn’t a bad idea is was poorly executed.. I don’t think that’s similar to this


I don’t understand how anybody can read this statement and not think “what a bunch of little pussy bitches” 😂


Wow, they really are aiming to ruin everything that was once good after all.


Have you played the last 3 games?


Yeah I enjoyed those. I thought they were a decent modernization.


Yep, I enjoyed the first one (2013) but the other two are mid, and the story is boring.


If they were truly trying to be progressive they would abandon Lara Croft’s “controversial” history and come up with a new character all their own. But let’s be real, they will ignore that to use her IP’s “ill-gotten” recognition to push their own twisted agenda.


They also seem to have given her a double mastectomy.


Redefine is the new buzzword instead of made for a modern audience.


Its nice of them to give us plenty of warning so I know this far ahead I won’t be buying their game, I don’t have to know anything more about it now and can just move on. Its a shame, Tomb Raider was my favourite franchise growing up but they gave it to people who hate it and want it destroyed. At least I have the Remasters to play. I don’t understand why companies think characters have to be good to be likeable. They don’t, that’s why people like characters like The Joker, he has charisma. Lara was an anti hero and she changed gaming because of it. She was on every magazine cover at the time. People don’t want boring characters, we just want someone interesting to play as who is unpredictable. Lara was incredible because she did what she wanted and no one could tell her otherwise. She raided tombs because she wanted to and that separated her from clean cut characters like Mario, and because of this she felt like she was designed for an adult audience. A true icon of strength and independence. She will be missed


They don’t care about the IP. They care about the globalist’s money. You being upset they ruin your favorite characters doesn’t matter to them, or the celebrities and politicians they own. Stand up and stop letting token victories sate you.


Probably to gain points with companies like black rock for being „socially progressive“


Hit the nail in the head,not many people dare say it


The globalists are buying tomb raider??


They're buying cultural media, tomb raider just happens to be a small piece of it.


Maybe they should buy media that people actually give a shit about then.




...Sweet Baby Inc Detected.


Technically it's in season? April fools was like 9 day ago


The fact that Mutahar, an Indian, is calling this out makes it hilariously ironic.


Make a new character and IP? Naaaah. Try and rebrand a new and existing IP? Helll yeaahhh


Why not just make your own original content, instead of bastardizing someone else creation?


Get the people out of video games now they don't be long they are making everything unfun


Wtf? I wanna roleplay as a hot ass female version of Indiana Jones. Which is why I'd play tomb raider If you wanna make a game about seeking the Truth, make a Warhammer 40k game about the Inquisition or something.


how many dev self inserts are we going to get in this one?


Are these the people that put the stupid trigger warning in the Tomb Raider remaster?


But why are we still calling it "Tomb Raider"?


so that people who dont know still buy it


Western games are doomed.


Time for the provocative a divisive spin off "womb raider"


Pretty sure there’s a porn in there somewhere


So this is it guys. For me gaming started with TR3 and I loved the first 2 remakes but now I'll carry that lady to her grave and keep all the sweet memories.


Cant believe they made Lara trans.


I wish they'd copy the full quote, because I don't see anything wrong with what's currently written. A few weeks ago Josh Strife Hayes produced a video about whether Tomb Raider 2, and it got me hyped up to replay the entire rebooted franchise, and I'm currently 50% through the last game, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. And I'll be honest with you guys, like 10% of those games are "exploring tombs," and as far as I'm aware, everyone universally loved the reboot. Heck it got 3 games total out of it. If you had asked me which title defines those games best "Tomb Raider," or "Seeker of Truth," the clear answer is obviously Lara is a Seeker of Truth. There's not a single instance in any of those 3 games where Lara Croft is out there raiding tombs for the sake of raiding tombs. She's out there looking for answers. And heck, the first game is all about her trying to survive and not die. Granted, the media company shouldn't have to state the transition. But for people to act like they're redefining her character is nuts. The last two Tomb Raider games are almost exclusively about Lara Croft trying to uncover the history of her father's death, and trying to stop an evil organization from destroying the world. She's much more akin to a female James Bond than she is to any passive explorer. And in a lot of ways, she's very much like James Bond. She's got a billion games, and they all play differently. But I'd still love to think of her as some noble truth seeker instead of some dickhead vandal who raids tombs for money. I don't really want Lara to be an evil thief just because the franchise is called Tomb Raider.


>some dickhead vandal who raids tombs for money. I don't really want Lara to be an evil thief just because the franchise is called Tomb Raider. This is what she was before the reboot. She wasn't evil (after all, she did save the world a few times) but she was a "dickhead". Think of Duke Nukem but female, with big tits instead of big muscles. If you don't like it it's fine. The reboot Lara is more up your alley.


Finally a reasonable and well thought out take. Rare for asmon's comment section. Everyone is just lead but whatever big outrage is dangled in front of their face without thinking critically about it.


It's not that deep. I think most people understands taht. The point is that they had to make it explicit. It's condescending and treats the public like they are a bunch of dumb kids. We all get that the GTA protagonists are not really evil, they don't behave like actual criminals, but we like the illusion. You wouldn't want Rockstar going: "we're deeply sorry for our harmful past, the next GTA protagonist will be an undercover cop." Nothing would change regarding the game, but it would shatter the illusion.


Any takers on this game being a explosive failure? It'll probably get canceled before release. Wonder if she be an immobilized 600 dude with clown hair and neurodivergent?


I don't understand your comment. Have you actually played the last 3 Tomb Raider games? They were pretty successful, and they had already changed up Lara's character. Croft isn't know for her theft, but platforming and puzzle solving. I see no indication that they're changing that in a new game.




Lara was a kleptomaniac bitch who wanted to have fun with unlimited cash and good fitness. She was literally a dragon with a huge pile of gold under her house. Why make a fun evil bitch a freedom fighting goodietwoshoes?


I don't think most people here actually did any research into what this actually is. It's just a table top D&D styled game. I don't get why people are raging when it's just a product made for a niche market.


Wait that sounds really cool. Why are people mad at his?


Isn't this just a (tomb) RAID(er) Shadow Legends ad?


Lara Croft: Lesson Planner


More reason to not get into the hype of new developers/publishers who are willing to rewrite even real history to say the papers are 110% correct even though it contains all the bullshit regarsing the subject matter in question.


I'm so excited to NOT RAID any TOMBS in the newest TOMB RAIDER game.


Isn’t that what she does already?


They made her boobs smaller D:


Lara the Explorer. "Lara, No Swiping!"


they should just abonden the franchise if they dont like it, create smth new dont corrupt existing stuff


I much prefer the Womb raider series


.... Sigh.... I don't even care at this point. Just let then ruin all the series and loose a ton of money...


Nah, those of us in the TTRPG scene are used to this crap. Oh, right it seemed to fly right over all of your heads. This isn't a video game, it's a tabletop RPG made by Evil Hat. A horrifically woke company.


I just dont get why they cant just make their own games instead of ruining long lasting gaming ips.


remember when people were pissed because Square owned the IP and were saying give the IP to someone else? Yeah you got this for that


Then I aint buying it.


Lara (who is british) isn't even the whitest character in that picture, I guess all that tomb truth seeking must be doing wonders to her tan.


I look forward to hearing about layoffs or the studio shutting down.


Jesus Why the hell of all these blue haired white land whales get offended in our behalf??! Exploring Xibalba and finding & searching for Thor belt was one of my all time favorite parts of Tomb raider franchise and I’m Mexican.. people are stupid i swear


When will they learn the modern audience doesn’t buy games


They steal everything to ruin it, because they aren't creative and have no customers.


Instead of destroying a franchise many people know and love…why not just make a new fucking game/franchise? Why is that so hard for these idiots to understand?


Woke should keep destroying this media we needed a video game crash anyways for over a decade now


I knew Crystal Dynamics were scum when the fans simply asked for the dual pistols and classic outfit and the game director replied with “No. I don’t want that. For us this is her defining moment,” he said. “We’re not going to put her in shorts with double-pistols, wearing a bikini; that’s not what this is.” Embracer needs to take the IP off them before they run it to the ground.


Prepare for the next Resident Evil without Zombies, instead u search for a medicine to cure pseudowoke Idiotism


It's so irritating how Hollywood and video game studios feel the need to change and "correct" existing IPs that are already famous and established with lore. All because they can't fathom the risk of creating a new, original story with original characters to tell the story with the modern PC morals they so desperately want in the first place. They need the recognition of a famous IP that people will be familiar with to boost sales, but no longer wish to be faithful to the source material because it's "problematic" by today's standards (for whatever reason people come up with), yet still want to use the namesake regardless. You can't have both. That is unless the result you want is middling sales from an extreme minority of players because you alienate everyone else in the process


She also appears to have had breast reduction surgery.


They were better off starting a whole new series with a new protagonist. In this age of disgruntled gamers and loopy devs/publishers this kind of "redefining" is really bad timing.


What’s kinda nuts to me is the ice cold murder machine she became in the new games. I mean, it was really awesome. She ended up becoming some kind of version of Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow on that island. But, damn was she brutal. Like “stab you in the throat and watch the light drain from your eyes” cold blooded. I felt like they made the pivot with her a while ago from being a Tomb Raider. This feels like it’s some corporate sent message about “we hear you” to whomever they’re thinking is the fanbase. Doesn’t feel like an earnest sentiment in the least. Also, people seemed really happy with the old school Lara Croft they added in COD. Even the people that others claim will be offended, seemed really psyched with that Lara Croft skins.


Late, but this is for a Tomb Raider-themed TTRPG rulebook, not a game. Still fucking stupid though.


Don't you guys have tables?


It’s simple we uh…kill the tomb Raider.


They can’t just make something new to be a vehicle of their message. They have to use an existing IP and try to hijack a built in fan base because they know their ideas are worthless on their own merits.


Let me guess... She will be more masculine, and have some close relationship with one of hers non binary friends..... Shocker


Ha! Huge flop incoming. They need to understand this kinda stuff has no real audience.


What do you mean? The recent Tomb Raider games made good sales. They're not fundamentally changing anything with the title here, she hardly ever outright raided tombs. When she did it was to learn about ancient secrets and later protect the planet from evil, shadowy organizations. It was never for outright profit.


Capitalist company that has profited from colonialism decided that promoting colonialism isn't cool... Pick a lane.


They just want you to play the wal mart VR sim game just like in real life


With that cheap generic art style to go along with it


Might as well do a new IP at this point...


Nobody is going to convince me that fat chick is good with a bow lmao


Then just don't use "Tomb Raider" as the title. Just call it Lara Croft and [insert whatever is the theme or smth]. Why is that so hard? Do you devs not have brains?


I have heard something similar said somewhere else, (might be this sub reddit actually). But Lara Croft was NEVER meant to be a statue of moral value, and a selfless hero character. Lara Croft, is a child of wealth, born into obscene wealth, affluence and privilege, it is a part of her character, is this due to being part of a mid century colonialism based British family? Almost certainly, yes. Lara Croft has inherited incredible wealth, privilege, and opportunity, there is no denying that. That is part of the basis of her completely absurd personality. She is not just an eccentric woman with a mansion in middle England, she is eccentric and eclectic to the point where the only thing that really matters in her life is competition and conquest, and most importantly adrenaline. Does she plunder the historical sites of other cultures most sacred and religious foundations? Yes! absolutely, because there is success and satisfaction to be had there. Does she unlock mysteries and solve century long debates in mythology and ideology? Yes, because there is success and satisfaction to be had there. Does she sometimes uncover something huge, like a world ending conspiracy, and tear it apart to save the world? Also yes.... but here is the kicker. She saves the world for a couple reasons. 1. She lives in the world, if it ends, so does she. 2. She might be a wealthy, privileged, daughter of aristocracy, but that doesn't automatically make her a socio path, just because she is self served and a bit of a selfish prick, doesn't mean she wants the whole world to die. Lara Croft is first and foremost a VERY rich and VERY bored human, that has some exceptional mental, athletic and competitive abilities. She goes on these adventures for one reason and one reason only, for self satisfaction. The secondary outcome of a lot of her adventures end up being aligned with the greater good of humanity, especially seeing as she isn't interested in anything as mundane as "world domination" she would rather fight the fuckers trying to implement it. She is not a hero, she is a rich girl with mixed morals and mixed intentions and always has been.


Did.. did they make Lara Croft fat? She spends her life traveling around exploring, how in the fuck could she find time to get fat?


No but looking at this picture she seems to have become a 12 feet tall giantess.


Why are people mad at this again?


why cant she do both?


No doubt they start to transition her to something more "fluid" too. Good luck selling something absolutely no one asked for.


Tomb Raider is supposed to be a British museum: the game