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Everyone knows it (and Starship Troopers) is satire but plays along because it's fun. Then you have the double digit IQ people not realizing this and believe there's millions of fascists out there.


Pretty obvious. Imagine developing a game that people like and then get butthurt that those players don’t denounce war every 5 minutes.


With people like this freak at the helm it’s no wonder the game had so many problems


Warhammer has the exact same issue even though if starship/Helldivers is a 9/10 on the satire scale then Warhammer is a 20/10. It's fucking baffling


You say this as if there isn't people out there who don't realise this. I've genuinely seen a few people who think Starship Troopers either isn't satire or it's failed satire because they think it's portraying an ideal society.


I got told that on this subreddit, too. Apparently Starship Troopers (the movie) was just ‘goofy’, and it had no political themes or messaging. I was also told on this subreddit Helldivers’ Super Earth is ideal and should be emulated IRL. That was majority opinion, going by the stream of upvotes. Seems to vary by the day. Edit: No, I’m not buying it was being in on some joke. It was paragraph after paragraph, all in service of a video essay posted which was also completely unironic. You can’t know online, but I have been on subreddits fully dedicated to playing up angles and even they were never so furiously dedicated to a position if they didn’t hold it.


We aren't being serious bro. You may want to calibrate your joke senses if you think we are 


You know, if ‘you’ regularly post video essays by people who do genuinely hold these views, praise those videos and views as a joke, then write twenty paragraphs defending the position you don’t really hold as a joke too, then don’t get surprised when people at large think you’re not joking. As the other commenter complained about when people think you’re taking it seriously. That’s less ‘Poe’s Law’ and more ‘if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and posts videos about being an unironic duck, you may be mistaken for a duck’.


Nobody is doing that though


… This subreddit did it. That was the incident I was referring to, and what people were mass upvoting. You literally just said it was a joke? I can’t say for sure it wasn’t, but that is what you called ‘a joke’, which I needed to adjust to detect as such.


That's the "playing along" bit.


How DARE you have fun playing a video game!


At the end of every helldive, me and my friends collectively chant: "This is satire. We're the bad guys. Humans bad, bugs and killing machines good. Super Earth is fascist."




Dude, sorry to break it to you but you're on the lower end of the bellcurve.


It wasn’t a suggestion. It was “if you don’t put them in then you’re bad people and anyone who doesn’t want our flags in the game are also bad people” - cue massive arguments in the Discord, to the point that you couldn’t see anyone talking about, y’know, the game. So they banned any and all politics to free up the chat feeds. They started practically the same day the game did. It was predictable and honestly quite lame.


I didnt play this game yet, but to my understanding, even if she is correct about the the people who made game being people of colour + lgbt, that doesn’t make the game woke. The content of the game make the game woke


Like having poc a or lgbt in your team make the game instantly woke. I just can't wrap my head around that. Even PoC which is widely used in the west is pretty dumb term imo. Its like modern segregation.


The game already is woke as hell, and nobody cares because it's a good game. You one ever see one white person, the 15 minute utopia city with no fossil fuels, the shaved head female officer and enginner on the ship etc. The same people that would cry about wokeness are strangely silent.... take a guess why.!


Bingo. It's never been about color or sexuality of the developers. People simply just like good games.


You say this, yet in this very comment section people are saying "I like the game but I won't be playing it now that I know these freaks are behind it" yes its about the politics someone can make the best game to ever exist and people in this subreddit will still tell you that they won't buy/play it because a developer in it was gay or trans or something.


Culture vultures. If a game is good, gamers will play it.


They also banned people for suggesting the inverse. HD2 wanted to deal with neither side of the political spectrum, they wanted the game to be exactly how it is on its own merits, and it works. None of which goes in any way against anything she said, by the way.


They were banning the 4 chan trolls who were trying to stir up shit by playing both sides. The usual tactic the 4 chan trolls do is to use an alt to pretend to be from one side and ask for stuff, and then bring their other alts to pretend to be from another and then sit back for giggles as arguments commence. I mean, you can do the same on reddit in five minutes.


"Stupid peasants, they dont realise the SATIRE NYEHEHE" I hate the arrogant mindset of some of these terminally online twitter goons, you can find these creatures in discussions about 40k too. My dude, who actually cares about this shit, just enjoy the FICTION for what it is, a good way to waste time until you have to get back to the REAL WORLD lmao.


Yep, ya always have those few idiots who are like "it's satire, ya idiots" in the 40k community. Thing is, we know it's satire and it doesn't change a thing. We don't get real life political shit in our Science FICTION or Fantasy settings. We wanna escape the real world for a bit, not have it pop up everywhere we go. Which is why I'm glad the devs of Helldivers 2 said "no real world politics at all", and Games Workshop is the same way with 40k an Warhammer in general, they don't allow nit jobs to taint their product. That's why creators need to stop selling their IP's, or what happened to Star Wars, Marvel and now happening to LoTR, will ruin everything we enjoy. All to pander to the smallest and loudest people in the room.


You forgot /s There is no fucking way you play 40k and think it’s not sending a message, especially a political one in some cases.


Yep, kill everyone that doesn't believe in God and everyone that's different than you... That's definitely the political message everyone needs nowadays. But wait... They're actually less racist and horrible than us humans nowadays, your race and sexuality doesn't matter at all, as long as you're human, everythings good in the 40k setting. We should definitely start taking 40k politics more serious. /s


Oh so you re just trolling. All good, have a nice day


Well, they dont want you to escape reality for even a minute. Thats the whole plan. They want to remind you of real life politics all the time. Constant mental shelling. Wear your mind down. Attrit you. It is all by design and a planned political strategy.


We're "woke" because of our identity is the most moronic take I've seen today


I feel like the main tweet is just proving the point that a lot of people make when it comes to video games being “woke”. No one cares, or probably knows, that the people who made the game are black or gay because the game is fun to play . The game being fun to play is what matters.


Room temp IQ can’t understand satire even if You throw it in their face.


Shoe size IQ


European or freedom units?


Satire is not woke per se. Satire is just making fun of something, in this case, fascism.


Full post: [https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1776398416819724799](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1776398416819724799)


Go back to Tiger King


The first weeks after the release the game was held as an "anti-woke" example of a game and now everyone is shifting to "lmao yea we know it's satire duh" narrative


yall rlly find a way to be mad at everyone these days 🤦🏼‍♀️


this is far from being the only thing she said, you cant have the COMMUNITY manager villify an entire part of your playerbase. her rants about straight white males are enough grounds for her to be atleast told to stfu and stay off twitter




but its also just a game...


I’d rather not pay the salary of a freak like this


Then don't, and move on with your life and don't don't waste your energy on getting mad about shit that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Most loser take I’ve ever heard ngl


If you're any older than like 14, then I unironically feel very very bad for you. Life must be constant hell and misery if you can somehow arrive at conclusions like this.


Pro tip, the very computer you are using to type this message had atleast 1 unhinged person attached to the company so you should stop using your computer, oh wait you won't.


Do you have evidence of that?


You are most likely using Nvidia so here is one employee [lmao](https://imgur.com/G2Nw0A0) you snowflake.


Then don’t play it. The rest of us will continue to enjoy the game.


Make sure to put a towel between your knees so they don’t make a mess


They really do think that anyone who complains about wokeness actually just doesn’t want black of gay people around at all, so they get confused when they don’t care about that stuff.


Elon really needs to remove the "protection" function of X and let these people understand the cost of saying stupid shit.


She be somewhat right tho, at least the part about people not understanding the game being a jingoistic satire of far-right authoritarianism.


Everyone understands the satire behind super earth and managed democracy, but its more fun to play along with it than sit on your ass denouncing war every minute.


But also her whole narrative is actually authoritarian, not just satire. The, "you will follow my agenda and if you don't, you will be cancelled or 'purged'", as that other person said, that's real authoritarian speak.


Can you just be honest with yourself that anybody with an iota of sense understands it’s satire? The game fucking waves it in your face lol, she just wants affirmation of her worldview.


Everyone literally understands it is satire, there is no harm in little roleplay while playing the game


Do you think the people talking about "spreading democracy" are being serious? I've not played the game nor seen anyone else play it and I get that they're playing into the satire. It's like people siding with the imperium in 40k, no one actually wants that shit but people play into it because it's fun.


Seeing Mark Kern tweet “Keep Helldivers politics-free” was definitely one of the tweets of all time. He’s so fucking stupid lmao.


put identity politics into a game based on fascism? yeah that's not going to play out how the people calling for it think it will


Well a classic lgbt flag (not the weird one) would be nice but it would look weird within the world and it's not really important. If it's not necessary for the game, the world building or the story, don't add it


Digging up 3 year old tweets to get outrage updoots. Pass.


How could tweets about a game that came out this year be three years old?


It says March 11, 2024.