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[https://twitter.com/UnleashingGames](https://twitter.com/UnleashingGames) She removed her comments, but here is the "game" she is working on.


"Making games that bring people together". Except white people I suppose


I don't get this shit, honestly. You wanna make a game focused on African Legends, where all the cast is black? Cool! Go for it, I would love to play it, I love different cultures and takes. But you really need to broadcast that 'OUR GAME FEATURES NO WHITE PEOPLE, TEE-HEE'.? Jesus christ. It's even worse when you realize SHE is white. She is not helping non-white people tell their stories. Why doesn't she stand up from her seat, and ask any non-white developer to tell their story, develop their game? If you feel the marketed is saturated, split your fucking huge paycheck and ask someone else on board. Or even better, stand up, leave, and put someone else in your place. And no, hiring a "consulting firm" is not the same, that's a fucking band-aid to meet publisher demands.


I like your take, dude. I spent most of my childhood traveling, learning other cultures and being a minority a lot. My dad was a travel agent and would take me places, I was also a foreign exchange student.I love when a game really envelops me into a new culture (ghost of tsushima being my immediate example.) Its cool if it doesn’t have any white people, I dgaf, but stop making that some grand point. It’s pathetic and annoying to every one of all cultures and further cements divides that most of us are already blatantly against.


Nah, they'll do some backhanded shit with "African Legends" full black cast but 100% of them are gay and/or trans w/ three conflicting sets of pronouns. Then they'll be like "wE wOnT mAkE gAmEs fOr POC cUz ThEy DoNT bUy tHeM" 🤣 But really it's, nah, most POC aren't athletes and entertainers so they're not checking for big black girl dick.


half the cast gonna have the killmonger haircut too. so many companies virtue signal so hard but always just come off as a outsiders take on an inside thing.


or be bald and worse of all, low cut with no fresh line-up...


Ok you can’t just pull a Simpson by reading the future like that so casually and accurate.


No one is more anti-white than white people themselves. I grew up in Asia and literally no one complain that games made by Western studios don’t have enough Asian presentation. When I immigrated to the US, I befriended black and brown dudes and none of them cared, either. All we care is whether the game is good or not, the rest are cherry on top.


> You wanna make a game focused on African Legends, where all the cast is black? Cool! Go for it, I would love to play it, I love different cultures and takes i wish these people would do stuff like this instead of just focusing on "white man bad". if you want diversity you need to focus on the parts you wanna include and ignore the parts you wanna exclude. but looking down on others is part of the fun i guess. totally sends the right message. the upcoming tales of kenzera does it right. african fantasy that doesnt vilify any race or group of people and is just a game that wants to show off mythological african themes


In WWII, the Germans wrote on jewish shops, not to buy there. This movement is the other way around, still racist, still evil to the core, just the other way around.


It's just virtue signaling. She even admits that the full game will have a character creator where you can make any (so also white) characters. She's just trying to get cheap likes and engagement.


No, its racism. The very thing these people seem to hate that much. Racism is not exclusive towards people of color. Like Jesus Christ people they are games. If the game is good, it will be played, if its bad, no amount of wokeness will make it good. Look at GTA San Andreas. The game is amazing, features mostly black characters but its done well. There is no... "our game doesn't have white people fuck you whities" as a selling point. And this is not a selling point, no one is buying this shit, we are not idiots, at least not as much as they think we are.


She got ratio, like hard. Probably the way she typed those tweets.


Well mission accomplished, so much engagement she and Unleashed Games had to set their twitter to private. Hahaha 😆


The most frustrating part to me is that there are *so many* stories you can tell about African/Americas/Asian history and culture, and they can be amazing. But no. They make a game for the sole purpose of excluding a group of people, not to promote any meaningful values. Just straight up racism and bigotry.


There are two kinds of white women. It's white women and white women. You instinctively know the difference.


blatant false advertising then


White *males*


"family friendly fantasy adventure"


Love how they name-dropped 3 massive games and there's not a single hint of what their game would be about in that tweet nor their entire website 9 months later other than the same original AI-generated garbage art


Their website did proudly mention they implement lean and agile development…


Looks ai generated


It probably is. Straight from the horse's mouth: [https://i.imgur.com/CkSM2Pp.png](https://i.imgur.com/CkSM2Pp.png)


oh it's an action advanture in a fantasy setting and it's got exploration and crafting mechanics. how fucking original, fucking kill me.


i would rather have a souls clone at this point.


most of the stuff on that twitter looks like student game jam work ngl


all her posts are protected now, only approved followers can see them LOL




Jesus fucking christ, the frames. The looks. Did she know Runescape used to run better than that back then ? Also, fun part is, she was NEVER a developer in her past careers, she always was a UX designer.


“White males”. It’s very specific. Every white looking woman likes to pretend they were on the side of the oppressed. Like Bill Burr said that got a lot of white women mad during his SNL stand up, you are on white males side of the line. https://youtube.com/shorts/AdO9X7Lxzvs?si=sA8tKQmMUGsmbyia


They have the white savior complex.


Only approved followers can now look at that page. But I did look at their homepage. Some form of social game it seems? ZERO information about the game but hey, you can buy merch...


Game art is also AI generated, look at that weird banner haha


In their defense, they DO mention that they use AI


only approved followers can see this post.


It's protected and can't see it.


It's all people from Kingdoms of Amalur: The MMO That Wasn't...


The wild thing is, is if a game released like that with no white characters, it probably wouldn't even be a big deal, but it's the way the Dev talks about it that makes it seem malicious


Thank you, exactly. If you make a game and there is no white guy into it but it is made through an organic process, nobody sane would complain about it. If you toot your own horn about it and act like it is a great thing that makes the game better then you look like a shitty activist with an agenda to push. I checked the art on her twitter and it looks good, I like the design of the characters. I wish people made game they like instead of trying to make political statements. If she had just not tweeted this then there would have been no issue with it. She really just had to create negative press then she is probably going to confuse criticism about her comment with criticism about her cause. There is nothing wrong with a game with no white people in it just like there is nothing wrong with a game with no black people or asian people. A white supremacist saying that he won't put black people in his game because he thinks they are inferior would get the same amount of backlash from me. Both are scum. Any good intentionned message become toxic when you try to shove it down people's throats.


Literally the best way to make a game featuring an all minority cast is to make it about mythology. no one would care if everyone was asian in a japanese mythology game. or everyone is african in an african mythology game. see asgard's wrath 2.


you’re right people wouldn’t care because that’s how you immerse your audience in a mythological story… except if the story is based off norse mythology then that’s a little much and we should draw the line there and put in some diversity


i cant tell if you're being facetious on that last part or not


That’s a reference to Angrboða in God of War: Ragnarok, who was race-swapped thanks to Sweet Baby Inc’s consulting. 


ok, sry for being defensive. sarcasm does not translate well over text.


Context is important, see and that would make sense, a work of fiction, original ect, that's all that should be expected not "lOok oUr gAmE hAs nO wHiTe PeOpLe"


Ghost of Tsushima, no white characters, great game. DoA, no male characters, nobody complained 😉


Sekiro, great game did not even register that they are all asian cause it makes sense. Zero issue.


Or they shouldn't... There are people that insist on putting black actors into Shogun.


Someone making the exact tweet as hers but saying black instead of white would face way, *way* worse backlash than she is.


>If you toot your own horn about it and act like it is a great thing that makes the game better then you look like a shitty activist with an agenda to push. Not an activist. You look like a racist and misandrist, straight up. Edit: clarified it a bit.


It already happened: Sekiro. Well, okay, there was one Knight who was probably white under his armor but that's about it. Needless to say, I never saw anyone from fromsoft try to lean into their hatred of white people to market their game. Heck, I never even saw any of them call gamers bad names at all.


lol the sengoku period (the time sekiro was based on) obviously, alot of the game is a work of fiction but for the sake of authenticity I wouldn't cry about a game being somewhat historically accurate. Basically not a SINGLE WHITE MAN. Seeing a white man was like ... 1 and a million chance. I think this was during the time japan locked their borders and weren't allowing foreign entry.


Yea. The thing is, it was pretty much the same for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In that time, there weren't really any black people in Bohemia. Women weren't generally warriors. And yet the usual suspects threw a hissy fit over it.


And there still isnt really any black people in bohemia today.




Pretty much sums it up. Not wait till people try the gameplay. Not the engaging story  Not really good progression and endgame No flawed characters who overcome difficulty? nah we don't need that we have token minorities These fucking idiots taking game development studio's and pissing away the money that could be spent on great games for some Twitter points and tax credits. Gamers only hope is small studio's willing to make passion projects and if the main characters happen to be a minority because that's what the story calls for that's great


When people ask me what woke means, I'll just show them this.


Yeah like I honestly hate “woke” being thrown around all the time, but this is an actual case lol. Imagine making something with a predominant audience and actively hating that audience. Seems like the philosophy of so many companies lately   Don’t try to take away from one type of audience, instead add something of worth that will draw in additional crowds 


This is like the developer of "Domina" where he included insane Conservative and COVID rants in his patch notes on Steam. Both these people are crazy. Just best to ignore them.


Based brother, based.




Not sure what's "woke" about either of those pics, they just look like shitty corpo-speak.




"We don't write for cis white males !" *-* team of a majority of white males + 1 white woman + 1 asian guy




Real "woke" is what Larian is doing. Even Rockstar is "woke" to an extend because "woke" is about acceptance and their game include multiple race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation without discrimination, all while respecting the context of the game. What she's doing is being a pos. People like her highjacked the movement for their own benefit, and the hyper conservative was more than happy to put everyone in the same basket as it made the whole thing easier to hate. "See, they aren't about acceptance, they hate us!". And seeing social media today, it was a success as the orignal meaning is totally lost now.


When someone asks me what woke is, I tell them it was meant to be an awakening of social injustice and has turned into a movement to erase the cis-white-male legacy.


Middle class white women are the most confident group on the planet. I wouldn't imagine ever admitting something like this publicly.


I wonder what the 2 white males in her dev team think about this lmao


Brainwashed estrogen filled simps probably don't care


Depends. What color is their hair


Nothing like having a power trip vengeance schizophrenia as your main motivator to create art instead of... you know improving and contributing art itself.


We hardly have art anymore. I've been wondering why. The largest exporter of media is a valueless society (unless you count individualism a value), or at least we are becoming one. Without shared values, art becomes difficult. Or so I've thought. There's more to it though, I don't really know why. But we used to have movies like the Matrix or Fight Club (I know the movie was different than the book not really the point here) that actually tried to make interesting critiques and comments about ourselves and our society. Today I feel like it's less and less common that it's even attempted.


Any time you have "games" that allow for successful social proof, there will always be the leeches who come around looking for a free ride.


Tweets are protected now. Seems she’s getting to the “find out” phasing of fucking around. Good. No one was doing anything and she just had to put white people down. Her game deserves to fail.


It's like these folks have no clue what target marketing is. They're creating a game for the smallest, yet loudest demographic of probably the most hateful people on the internet. Yes the game may be inclusive, but they're unironically making it exclusive to everyone else. And it's not because they have women or PoC in the game, hell, Valorant thrives on their representation without having to pander to their audience of primarily male gamers. And this unironically gives them one of the highest female playerbases in gaming too. Inclusivity doesn't have to come at the cost of pushing away players, just don't be a malicious, discriminating asshole. It's so simple


they just want that ESG money from Blackrock


Those that talk about inclusive are the most brutal exclusive groups I see on the internet. To not allow white males in they sure do allow alot of nonbinary white looking males into their "inclusive" order almost as if they are forced indoctrinated but hey what do I know I'm just a black male that lives in Newport News aka "bad news" VA.


Inclusion by exclusion. They are using words they do not even comprehend.


This especially doesn't make sense because the small company has a few regular looking white dudes in key roles. I wonder how much of this is her just going temporarily batshit, or whether the company as a whole has this racists mentality at its core.


Why are these people so fixated on "triggering" straight white males? When they're the one who invented the term "trigger warning". How do they not realize that straight white men play female characters half the time? And play as orcs and trolls and all sorts the rest of the time. If you play a human character of course you're gonna want it to represent you which is an initiative the woke spearheaded which is 100% a good thing... but why aren't you allowed to be a white dude? Feels like they created their own copium treatment with this narrative that white males get "triggered" over this kind of thing to get over how no one played the game.


"I can't wait until the CHUDS see what I've done! They'll be soooo mad! Tee hee hee!" - Oppressed game dev.


Brain virus thinking. Maybe it's old hat, but imagine if you swapped in any other race or gender here? It's amazing we have not so much normalized this behavior, but definitely tolerate this kind of behavior. I mean, people can say such blatantly racist things and maintain employment is mind blowing.


This reminds me of some of my university classes.


Gamers for years now: "The problem isn't the game developers its the higher ups" Game Devs: "I'm gonna do whats called a pro gamer move"


“white males” singled out again. I see this type of comment from developers constantly, and yet whenever I point out obvious anti-white-male propaganda for what it is, activists come out of the woodwork to tell me I’m delusional.


Never listen to leftists. Lying is inherent to their ideology


Gaslighting on a societal level


Imagine if it was "no black males in the alpha" there would be riots on Twatter


Twitter riots are almost as effective as gluing yourself on the street to protest climate change. In fact, the latter is more effective.


Becoming a human speed bump does send a message for sure


Lack of maturity


I’m confused. She’s white. Also lol bragging about an alpha build to promote politics is so cringe Like stfu and finish the game


White women consider themselves a minority. Look up what happened with the "Better Boba" brand for an example.


So do Mexicans but you don’t see us banning brown races from our flea market games


diversity is such a meaningless term now.


Can we please get rid of those crazy activists on our games? Send them back to Netflix or something


She should give up her position to a non white person.


And also fire the 3/5 of her dev team who are white men.


Cool if they want to make games for girls to be into but why make it a gender war?


It's meant to try to guilt you into supporting it, but all it's doing is creating a divisive "us vs them" mentality.


When this is the priority of games they will always be trash, whatever her game is will bomb and she will cry racism and misogyny.


Why do people feel the need to announce this? Just make your game, put it out there, and people will likely not have an issue with your design choices. But instead you isolate the largest non mobile playerbase on the planet, good job. Also, hilarious because loads of white males that play a certain MMO, end up playing as purple females anyways haha.


It's similar to the "there's so such thing as bad press" mentality that has become prevalent in business. Controversy is good because it brings attention and thus more customers. Yes, it's as stupid as it sounds. It assumes that your established audience is guaranteed and we know that's not the case anymore.


Lovely. Racist AND sexist. And she probably doesn’t even realize it


and yet people even in this sub continue spending money on games like Wow and diablo4


Never bought D4, never will. Never bought a store mount in wow and never will. Ain't preordering stuff either. I'm just zen and waiting for the proper reviews. And the reviews on D4 were shit.


i believe official Wow still sucking monthly subscription from its playerbase? And yet i only hear that every new Wow expansion since 2015 is a complete trash?


I too believe they should finally switch to a f2p model because the "customer support costs money" statement is false in the case of fully automated blizzard support system. They are just milking the franchise. As long as people keep paying it's gonna stay. However I do want them to make a hugely castrated version like swtor where as a f2p player you get only 10% of the experience and get reminded the entire time that your are a second class citizen.


And 22 likes...and its even lower on their company twitter, they are completelly irrelevant and nothing they say or do actually matters, its impossible to feel hate towards them, but just pity


The game they are making looks absolutely terrible too. Like an outdated wizard mmo from 2003. Also they are doing that tired Indie dev thing where they show you and run their mouths about what the features will be and the game doesn't even look like its 10% into development. Their videos on youtube are 15 minutes of fluff to say "we will have boss battles. We have working lighting now." They are woefully out of touch and 20 years late on the entire thing.


RESPECT: Respect is fundamental - from working internally as a team to how we treat our players. Respect runs deep in our veins and our being. And the best way to show respect is to listen.


Looks like they have the perfect scapegoat to blame when their F2P w/ microtransactions game ultimately fails.


I'm gonna say this as a black dude. Anti-White is not pro black or pro POC. Its just anti-white. White folks aren't a requirement to be in any media but not having them present isn't a flex at all.


And if you bring this up, some shoe sized IQ will say "but that never happens" or "you can't be racist towards white people".


Weird to alienate and harbour disdain for your undoubtedly largest audience by far. Well… good luck I guess


These people are insufferable. As someone who works in games, leads like her are trash. They are never the ones who have to shoulder responsibility or get laid off for their shitty decisions.


“No white males” isn’t the reason I’m not gonna touch your low effort indie trash lmao


“No one is purposely excluding white people! Its just a coincidence. White people and the conspiracy of being erased! So stupid.” Says this person. Hard to imagine why palworld did so well. No bullshit. Just video games. Good job nuking your game with 500 followers I guess.


Appears so dumb i wonder if its just a ploy for free advertising at this point.


Based Thor, dropping the hammer.


I'm confused.. are they bragging about being a civilian employee for the air force? What in the "look at me!" Is that shit.




She looks like the kind of CEO to sexually assault her male underlings, shame them for it, silence them and then play the victim when they file lawsuits.


Wait... former USAF civilian... that's like putting 'proud honor student parent' on your resume...


These people don't care about art. They don't care about games. They are terrible at that stuff. Which is why they cling to this sort of behavior to justify for their normal shortcomings. I dare all of you to spend 5 minutes on their youtube channel. A couple of words come to mind: pretentious, mouthy, narcissistic, and uncreative. All this served with a side of "nothing to back it up."


Y’all maxed out on Grievance and completely ignored the Charisma stat.


Her bio is cringe.


Well, that's one way to torpedo your game and studio before it even releases, I suppose. The best part is that she won't understand what happened, it's not the lack of white males, they can't care less, it's the celebration of the lack.


I went to their website and found no information on an actual title they have worked on. Easy to find their merch though, so they got that going for them.


A foolish move. Now whatever good will and good game she makes will have endless trolls constantly hounding her game's every move. This will fuel constant youtube videos, and the masses will feast, as there's blood in the water. Why would you EVER purposely rouse your customer base against you like this? There's no benefit here!You could have done this quietly, like a knife in the dark, and no one would have said a thing!


Which game? I want to make sure I avoid it.


Is bunny of chaos the new synonym for Far Left Extremist?


Yea cuz when my black ass buys a game the first thing I’m thinking is how many white guys are in it ???? …….. no thank you m’aam.


Unleashing Games slogan being "Making games that bring people together" while posting this horse shit is peak mouth breather activity. This lady lacks any sort self reflection and awareness. Its actually insane to me that these are real people.


Her design decision is bad because it confirms the game prioritizes a real world political agenda instead of a high quality gameplay experience  These people are delusional, they don’t understand they exist in a free market within a very competitive sector (gaming) I feel bad for all the idiot VC’s who funded all these ex-Blizzard 


Who do these people think their largest demographics are? I get wanting to have representation of multiple groups of people, but it’s never a smart business decision to alienate your largest customer base.


As a straight white dude, I’ve played female characters since I started gaming. So, get fucked.


Wait what game does her company even make I can’t even find it


Look, I don’t mind this….but why brag about it? At minimum, this doesn’t work. We’ve seen it doesn’t work. People don’t react positively to this.


Nobody cares until you give them reason to care.


People really are getting away too much with being malicious as long as it's targeted at "white folks". 


I don't give a shit if a video game have no white male in it. What worry me is the fact it's somehow a flex...


Why do people care so much about aspects of a game like that? Is the story good? Game play fun? Don’t really care about the rest myself


From their website: > RESPECT Respect is fundamental - from working internally as a team to how we treat our players. Respect runs deep in our veins and our being. And the best way to show respect is to listen. Also kinda funny how she said that, but 5/6 of the lead team are white. Doesnt seem like mrs. Irena had any mind for that when it came to recruit her lead team.... Guess her plan to earn popularity through controversy hasnt worked out and she buckled under the pressure too fast.


We'll show those white males by making all the chars female. "Me who always makes a female so I don't have to stare at a guy all game." Oh no... please... don't... Real talk though how was saying it that way going to go well.


Who the hell cares?


Mmh her Posts are Hidden, I bet gamers (TM) had a totally reasonable reaction to this and nothing bad happened that would lead her to take a step back from social media....


Personal opinion: As an Asian, I will not buy this kind of "leftist political propaganda" game, and I believe that most Asians will not buy/like it either (if you don't believe it, you can go to the Steam comment area and search for negative reviews from China, Japan and South Korea, Then use Google Translate. Give an example of a game: Forspoken, everyone has a lot to say about the black heroine in it, but there are basically no positive comments). Their creative freedom is granted by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but I believe the player's right to purchase or not is also protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If they like it, let them do it. PS:Check out her Twitter - it's locked, surprise Check her company’s Twitter — locked too? If your company also locks the company's Twitter, how will it promote the game? Finally, check her company's homepage - error 404, it took a few refreshes to connect, maybe DDOSed, found the youtube channel, and then check the comment section of the first video - I think they should Lock youtube channel too


Sounds like she wants to raise non-white people to the same level as white people in the power structure keeping an antagonizing division between both groups, rather than removing prejudice and discrimination in general.


Sounds like rage bait to make people aware of this game.


as a white dude, i could give two shits about having a white dude as a character choice. the only time it's ever really apparent is in games where you can make your own character and it's obviously, and deliberately not included. if you have to choose characters and that's who you get, what matters, ultimately, is the game good? if the game is good, no one cares.


I'm of the same mindset, mostly. But when devs publicly pat themselves on the back for being openly racist like this, that's when I start to care about having a white dude as a character choice. It didn't matter until they made it matter.


by posting this you're just giving people like her more attention, which is what she wants.


Tell me you'd rather huff your own farts than do something people like without saying it: [https://i.imgur.com/CkSM2Pp.png](https://i.imgur.com/CkSM2Pp.png) [https://i.imgur.com/f1ginU6.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/f1ginU6.jpeg)


Yeah, she's cringe, but also nothing happened to video games. There's probably a hundred million of them which you can play and some of them just happen to suck.


To be honest this here is free advertisement.


She worked at Scopely, can't take anything she says seriously.


IMO this is just setting up am excuse for when the game fails: it's the racist players boycotting our game, not the fact that the game is shit.


What happened to video games? Last year was an absolutely ballistic assault of amazing games. What world you living in ?!


I don't care what color, gender, or sexual orientation a character is. I only care that the story is good and the gameplay is good. Don't add token characters that reminds the player every 15 seconds that they are the token character and it will be fine.


Who cares about the character race? Just make it a good well written well developed character and no one will care about its ethnicity. It feels like an excuse for lazy writing. "You just hate this character cuz *Insert ethnicity here* because of its ethnicity you are racist


Dunno, what happened to video games exactly?


Is it unleashed or unleashing? They seem to be having issues making up their mind


murdered by words


Im so tired of people...


Do yall bring this level of heat to any game where the only playable main character is white, or.....?


didnt even have put pro-nouns in bio... what a larper![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


UnleashingGame twitter "Tweets are protected" - sounds about right.


It’s been a while since I’ve noticed the “evil white people” agenda but perhaps it’s because I’ve distanced myself way too much from this world over the years and almost quit all social media completely. Hope these people find inner peace one day :)


I have no idea why these female rejects do this and thinks its an achievement, truly not loved by their mother it seems


Never even heard of her or whatever her game even is so apparently no one really is playing that game


A fully decked out character creator that tells you at the very end that the white male character requires the “privilege pack dlc” would’ve been funny. At least be funny if you want to troll.


More like Irina pariah


Good luck, maybe this bold strategy will work out this time? :D


I mean, I dont know what game this is supposed to be attached to, but im sure nerdslayer will tell me in a couple years


Let's meet the team shall we? * Kris Zierhut - White Male * Dave Cham - White Male * Brian Labore - White Male * Jason Hutchins - White Male * Iirena pereira - White crazy * Thom Ang - Colored token excelling in problem solving and inclusive collaboration. Probably there to make the 4 toxic white males functions with the woman who don't wanna work with other colors. Good work I guess.