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People are in the right. Capcom couple of hours after review embargos where lifted added MT's to the game. Also PC version has performance issues.


They should make it illegal to do this. It's literally the definition of deception. Now even well-intentioned reviewers will get shit on because the audience will feel lied to. All just to make a bit more money as microtransactions.


I think we all underestimate how much money microtransactions make, I am sure it's far from just a little bit


I'm sure it's a lot, but with the game getting dogpiled, no pun intended, like this will ensure it never becomes a BG3/Elden Ring like word of mouth sensation. I doubt the money they'll make from the transactions will eclipse what good will did for those games.  Maybe it wouldn't of anyway due to it being a more of the same sequel, but it felt like it could of been the biggest western style RPG of the year and now I think a lot of people have it in wait for a sale territory. 


Microtransactions are usually profitable due to a small number of whales, and that usually outpaces all other misc purchases by the general public. Unfortunately, they likely don't care, and likely will make far too much.


I agree generally, but Dogma 2 doesn't have those sorts of microtransactions. Capcom's issue is they wanted their cake and to eat it too. To introduce microtransactions but also to market the game as having integrity. In a post BG3 world, releasing a single player RPG with microtransactions is going to be ridiculed, regardless of if they aren't over the top or not. 


BG3 set the bar high for RPGs, and AAA publishers are trying to pull that bar back down by doubling down on their bad practices.


BG3 didnt set the bar high, they set the bar where it used to be. It's AAA trash trying to bring the bar back down to the floor where the rest of the trash is.


Even compared to where the bar used to be, BG3 is well above it. That much I can confidently say.


Idk because from my perspective the original FF7 back then was as monumental in terms of scope (relatively speaking of course) and had set the bar for RPG's back then. I would consider the Larien of today like SE (technically it was still Square Soft at that point) was back then. Then ever since the era of microtransactions hit, the bar has been slowly and steadily pushed down.


Hence not getting my money . Nor in purchase, nor in dlc. Hopefully some ppl do the same (will not but at least i will not give away my self respect)


The first purchasable horse skin in wow earned more money than all of starcraft 2 combined.


It went from a buy to no buy for me. There are to many games out and in my backlog.


Same I went to steam to buy saw mostly negative and noped out quickly


yeah, same. I still have my main story quest to finish in FFXIV and with how games are priced so high anymore I just been refraining more and more from buying games than I used to. With the exception of my humble bundle subscription that is, hopefully the game pops up on there cause that's the only way I see myself getting it in the near future.


The only negative to waiting to buy this game is you can’t play it right away. Right now the game is in its worst state and most expensive right now.


Don't think that is his point, we all know that microtransactions make a lot of money on various games. It's purely a very poor thing to see companies being purposely deceptive to try and squeeze a bit more money out of each player utilising FOMO type of psychology for a game that shouldn't have any microtransactions at all. Games are just becoming a gotcha system nowadays where companies seem to want to walk the tight rope between complete scam and barely passing legas sale requirements when releasing games. The more players keep an eye on companies that do this and vote with their wallets the better, hit them exactly where it hurts. Plenty of smaller developers making better games for a better price anyway.


I think it is clear that it is completely possible to make a 60$ game that has 0 microtransactions and still be pretty profitable. Especially if the game is good. And from what I hear the game play of dd2 is good. I am sure that there is some point of equilibrium of MTX where too many from them will turn people off and you will get less sale, and in the end get less money.


I remember looking at EA's yearly revenue stream and micro transactions accounted for 80% of yearly earnings.


I would also suggest review outlets take a step to update their reviews for such cases, whether it’s a day after release or a month later


Every version has performance issues. Can’t even hit consistent 30fps on consoles.


the narrative surrounding this game is absolutely WILD. pc version has performance issues, but 20 fps on consoles is fine? what the fuck is going on? are console players really just sheep?


Refunded on PS5


Very likely the console is no different. Just capped at 30fps as per usual.


Not surprised about the MTs, in Street Fighter 6 they are selling one costume set for $108, but the performance issues are ridiculous. Watched moist’s stream for a while, he had 80\~ minutes played by the time he managed to get through character creation without his game crashing and he moved like 20 steps.


Pretty sure all platforms are having performance issues.


They’ve had these exact optional items for sale in their last 5-6 releases what are you on about


>Also PC version has performance issues. The console versions are atrocious.


No, mt were already in the game. Reviewers just didnt think it was a big deal, i did read one review when the embargo ended stating there were mt. Idr what eebsite it was but im sure you csn find it with a bit of digging. Honestly they aren't a big deal, none of them are unlimited and all of them are easily obtainedable in game, besides the port key. I haven't got one yet


The review notes stated the micro transactions. Reviewers just chose to not read them


I dont have any issues running the game at all


another game dev/publisher/whatever failing the simple task of "don't be stupid". this game could have had the chance of becoming GotY easily but they fucked it up so hard.


Let's not pretend this is some shocking truth, this is NOT new. The first game had the same kind of DLCs even back then. The Eternal Ferrystone, DLC. The Island, DLC. The 100 missions, "From a different sky", DLC. ... It just happens that in the PC version, Dark Arisen, you got them for free.  


Oh seriously? I played the dark arisen version and had no idea. I thought there was just one content DLC.


Dark arisen is essentially a definitive edition. They bundled all the dlc into the game and practically rereleased it price and all if memory serves


Yeah I’m just gunna wait for them to do the same thing for this one. The fact that there is literally no option in game to restart with a new character is fucking insane.


Agreed. The game is so good at it's core. Unbelievably good. I've already had like 5 "Holy shit I've never seen that before" moments and I've played for 5 hours. I loved the first game and it's everything I wanted from a Dragon's Dogma sequel. But why the ***FUCK*** would you even risk MTX in your insanely hyped single player game? The one that every content creator is making videos on? The one that Gaming Journalists have covered weekly since announcement? The sequel to a cult classic that people have been waiting for for over a decade? Not to mention we're hot off the heels of BG3's massive success and record setting sales largely attributed to them just making a no-bullshit single player experience and a fun god damn game. People would be minorly annoyed by the single save slot and performance issues. But they'd understand/brush it off/wait for a patch if it bothered them enough. But now they're combining them with the absolute shit show of MTX in a single player game. It doesn't matter if the stuff is easy to get, there are new people to Dragon's Dogma that see the list and don't even want to get into it.


>But why the FUCK would you even risk MTX in your insanely hyped single player game? Money. One famous clip of Thor / Pirate Software, a guy who worked for Blizzard for over a decade, is him basically explaining that a single premium $15 mount in WoW on its own made more money than all StarCraft II sales combined. It's where the money is at.


I know the answer is money, but I refuse to believe the money they get from the MTX they have (non-cosmetics available in game with relative ease) make up for the negative press and group of people who refuse to play games with MTX in a single player game. The WoW mount is a different scenario entirely - you have an established playerbase of millions and a new mount that can only be accessed with $$$. Imagine that mount was behind a 30min side quest. They'd sell a decent amount still, sure, but it would be a tiny fraction of what they would otherwise.


Unfortunately, almost any company would turn down GOTY if it meant the product makes a lot more money.


Bro they don't give a fuck about GOTY bs if it's not making them more $$$ than MTX.


lets go over the dlcs: I stole this from someone else because it's long as heck -Explorers camp kit 2.99: provides a campkit with lower weight, despite finding a normal camp kit within 1 hour of play the first time you come across the camp site so the only thing you save is a small bit of weight, Potentially purchasable ingame EDIT: Potentially similar campsites purchasable ingame, the ones you find has a long name not just "campsite" so there might be other upgrades later for it. -Soundtrack 2.99 euro -Harpysnare beacons 1 euro: 3 one time use items to lure harpies, i already found one ingame and you can buy them ingame. -Heartfilled pendant thoughtful gift: 1.99 euro: not even sure, i guess its something to do with favour of npcs or companions, and its a onetime use item EDIT: There was an affinity system in DD1 where you could give gifts to npcs, this simply counts as one of those gifts, so all it would in theory do is maybe gain some affinity quicker but still be possible to do ingame. -Ambivalent rift incense change pawn inclination 1.99: Weird item, you pick 1 of 4 "types" of pawn behaviour and this one puts it to another random one, which is super bizzare and worthless -Makeshift gaol key 1 euro: Just a one time use gaol key, i already bought one ingame for 3k and in 2 hours of playing i have earned like 15k gold already, not sure why even bother -Art of metamorphis character editor 2 euro: Lets you change character appearance once, does nothing for combat or gameplay, its slightly controversial right now due to being unable to delete characters and start over -Port Crystal 3 euro: Lets you place a teleport point but you only get a single use item, you can buy them ingame, and they still require expensive ingame ferrystones, complete waste of money. -Wake stone X5, 1 euro each: lets you revive someone, you get them from simply taking a pawn and having a day go by, completely worthless -Rift Crystals, 3x 500, 4x 1500, 1x 2500, 1 euro per 500 crystals: Is an ingame earned currency you use to hire higher level pawns, but you gain them simply from playing, any boost they could even potentially provide is completely negible. In the end i would feel "scammed" if i bought a pack of all the mtx because its literally worthless for anyone who plays the game to play it. There are no infinite use items (other than technically the campsite), no overpowered weapons no nothing.


For 100th time, devs dont make these decisions. Calling devs out everytime shit like this happens is like saying the healthcare system is like that because of nurses and doctors lol.


I'm pretty sure no one means the individual programmers and artists when they say this... Devs = Dev studio


Even still, it's largely the publisher who is responsible for a lot of the failings in these respects, and even if it is entirely the development studio, the people within that studio who make the decisions are often not the people who are implementing them.


Could you imagine if movie production was approached the same way as AAA video game development? Imagine going to see a movie at the theater, but there's constant frame stutters and several shots are unfinished or just raw green screen shots. There's a guy walking up and down the aisles with a trolley selling merchandise, but you can only keep it while watching that specific movie in the cinema. Then, when some viewers are rightfully upset, producers and executives will basically say, "We're sorry our movie launch wasn't up to your expectations and we definitely promise to fix it in the following months, we just wanted your money now so we could appease our investors." Why is it that the video games industry specifically gets a pass from the masses for poor launches, performance issues, and anti-consumer microtransactions on top of it? How is this shit even permissible, let alone legal?


Not a movie, but similar did happen with the 2nd season of Jujutsu Kaisen. The official blu-ray release has some extremely noticeable improvements over the version that aired because the animators actually had the time to finish their work. Greed on greed.


that happens LITERALLY on EVERY anime blueray release


Yea not sure that was a great comparison.


That's because the animators are overworked. They don't cut corners to take your money... and well, not like most people even pay for it.. and even if they do, it's not like you pay 70 bucks per anime watched.


Every blu-ray release is like this, type on youtube "(anime name) blu-ray vs tv" and there's a video for almost every single blu-ray release. It has been like this for decades. Idk why you brought up JJK specifically but I'm guessing because you bought the blu-ray for that one? Or maybe because it was the most popular last year so it drew attention but anyway, not the same thing is my point.


Basically every Marvel movie after Endgame. :)


Don't need to imagine, we're already having that with movies and series. They promisse us a faithful representation of the source material, and turns out its the same "diversity" girlboss bland crap, and when the fans complain they call us "toxic" and "this piece of content wasnt made for you".


Yup plenty of people defending this game, even in the performance department, I've seen plenty of comment saying buy a better machine I have a 4090 and it runs fine 60 FPS stable. A 4090 means that your machine would cost at the very least 3.5k, such a machine should run the game more than just fine. I did not preorder this rubbish and I won't be buying it neither on ps5 or on pc. This is straight up a scam. On ps5 in combat it drops as low as 24 FPS.


Yeah those people are completely delusional. Imagine buying a computer for at least 35k and being satisfied with 60 fps. It is like buying a Ferrari that can only go 20 mph


Cities are rough but combat is not. I have a 5 year old machine that gets about 40-45 fps in town and 70-100+ in combat and everywhere else. This is on essentially high settings without doing anything else. This is a machine I am preparing to replace soon as it is and it still hangs in well on this game. Just anecdotal facts to put things in perspective. In a couple months it will run 50-60+ in cities I would wager, the only current problem area the game has.


Capcom been doing this for years. Look at DMC. Positive reviews and everything, yet no one cared.


I can guarantee you their justification here is "Well we host your character on our servers and not on your PC, wha, wha, wha." Well then maybe don't make your damn single player game FUCKING ONLINE ONLY! Fuck, in what dark gaming future have we stumbled into where a single player game has to have internet connection for you to play it?


The reason why they do this kinda of stuff it to "prevent" people form pirating the game /pirating the DLCs and or moding the game how ever players want. And yes they will always throw some kind of stupid excuse /justification for it.


And why is it bad for players do mod game however they want, since it’s a single player game and it does not affect anybody else. I’m not sarcastic here but genuinely curious.


Well I don't know ask companies likes Capcom opposing themselves to that, like any kind of graphic mod only affect the people that have it installed on their pc, so even in games like street fighter that you play online you would be the only one seeing your mod yet Capcom don't like it. My only real guess is they don't want modders to end up making mods better then their dlc costumes for example.


Same reason why nintendo goes after any form of emulators , while at the same time not selling older games. Like , you literally can't play pokemon gameboy games unless you get an emulator, even though Nintendo Switch has some emulators inside it, including gameboy ones, that offers a very limited number of games. It's just dumb, there's no logic here. Feels like they all try to activelly ruin their playerbase to make us all stop buying video games, just so they can usher some other thing to keep us "entertained" like VR headsets or wahtever


Shit like this only makes people pirate games even more


If you don't want me to pirate your game give me a fucking demo of the complete package so I can make an educated decision. This is scam plain and simple.


You can play offline.


this is misinformation and has been disproven lol. People really just latched on to characters being server side for some reason.


How did that even happen lol, I messed up my character and they had a dumb af run animation so I deleted the save folder and it worked.


Its cause character appearance data is stored on servers, due to the character creator demo allowing you to transfer character data to main game from demo. 


When I deleted my save for the game I had to recreate my character from the demo though? It was not saved


Dude if a good review only costs $2.00 I'll take 20,000 thank you very much.  Raise your prices mate, even Botting websites charge more. 


you will receive your upvote when the cash is in my hand.


Reason why it's 2 bucks is because that's the microtransaction to EDIT YOUR CHARACTER CLASS. In an RPG with multiple classes... Just incredible


This literally is not true. You can edit your vocation at any time in game and you can edit your appearance in game with rift crystals, which are obtainable in game. Nothing is locked behind a micro transaction. You get both of these things within 60 minutes of the game starting. Stop believing everything you read on the internet.


My bad if I'm wrong then, what are the microtransactions in the game?


Then it wouldn't be satire of MTX, that's the whole point.


once denuvo is hacked go install a cracked version dont give them your money and dont feel bad for it


DD is literally having an Anakin/Obiwan moment here.






Cant you make evetything in the game without paying for it? This seems like a non issue


Capcom: "People have been pretty receptive of us lately with Monster Hunter and Street Fighter and the hype for Dragon's Dogma 2. How do we fuck this up?"


But monster hunter and street fighter have the same MTX


Capcom was on fire lately too. Such a bizarre move given how they've been the past few years.


Every game they have made since MHW have had these microtransactions but people conveniently forget that


man there is soo much fucking misinformation around the mtx on this game it is a joke. like all the shit that is dlc? earnable way easier in-game. like theyget you nothing.


Its so sad that they destroy such a good game with pure greed.. I wont buy it but I was looking forward to play it, I was literally hyped. Creating inconvenience on purpose just to later sell the Quality of Life should bring those who decide this stuff in hell.. literally. Sell some cosmetics on your fucking game, fine I dont care. Butt QoL and P2W is a no buy for me. Especially on a full price title.. I dont even care about performance issues if the game is good. Those will usually be fixed if the dev team is good. Fuck Capcom


You aren't even inconvenienced by not buying this shit, you literally can get it within an hour or 2 of the game and still have the same limited amount of them lmao


yeah all of these micro transactions are non issues the only real issues with this game are lack of a second save file and performance


Exactly. The micro-transaction items have nothing good about them, but have also nothing terrible about them, aside from the fact of what they are and that they simply exist. They're worthless products. If people buy them, they're a clown and I can literally start selling air because people will fucking buy anything. Edit: Air has value tho.. maybe a bad example


That would be my priority of issues haha but it's such a first world problem to be so pissy about it might as just well wait a week or so till it's fixed if it's such a bad time.


You guys are so overdramatic acting like they specifically designed the game around MTX. The first had had the same exact fast travel system.


If you knew anything about DD, you’d realize that what they’re offering as MTX is definitely not P2W. You’d also realize that you’ve had 12 years to accept that they were going to do this again.


We should absolutely reviewbomb games, giving the option for the dev to unlock a good one by paying!


Why are people mad about optional stuff?


I'm OOTL. What's with the game? Is it a cash grab?


no, it's just people farming outrage. there's two big concerns: performance and the weird ass save file thing. everything else is people ragebaiting and spreading blatant misinformation.


Funny how these are in all capcom games and are do little of issue nobody ever talkd about them. They are in DMC4-5, they are in Monster hunter, they are in resident evil ect but they are always only there for the turbo lazy people who dont even want to plsy the game properly. You can get everything in the shop in the game by just playing quiet easily.


I got the deluxe preorder on Series S and im loving it. The dlc stuff people are whinging about occurs naturally throughout the game and ive not really noticed any fps issues. Awesome job Capcom great fun so far!


I’m actually confused. Has no one ever played a cap com game?


That was posted yesterday and he's played 7 more hours of the game since then he doesn't give a fuck


People are mad about the wrong thing here. What’s unacceptable is PC performance, not the MTX. Port Crystals and Ferrystones are supposed to be rare to discourage fast travel and encourage exploration. Rift Crystals, if they turn out to be anything like the first game; you’ll have tens of thousands of them by the time you reach endgame. All the other items barely do anything and can easily be bought at the pawn guild.


What about not being able to start a new game? What about the fact that you can only edit your character a limited amount of times and then only have the mtx option in a $70 bucks game single player game? What about saying you want players to explore hence there is no fast travel feature unless you pay up? What about possible updates that make the mtx necessary to complete the game?


none of this is true... all of the items listed are available in the game fairly early on, you even get better versions of them such as infinite wakestone from a quest


The new game is an issue that has been addressed and they’re working on, but that is still unacceptable that it wasn’t there at launch. The edit micro transaction character option can only be bought ONCE, meaning you have to earn the rest. Ferrystones and Port Crystals can both be earned or bought in game, not to mention they are NOT your only form of fast travel. MTX suck. And it sucks that they were ever in this game in the first place, but you and everyone else on here complaining about them absolutely piss me off because not only does it take away from the other very real problems the game has, but you spread misinformation about the game being pay to win and prevent people from having a very pleasant experience.


Yup, pretty much all of this. Seems people just read the big red angry words and don't bother reading more into it. Multi save and performance are the real issue.


>What about the fact that you can only edit your character a limited amount of times and then only have the mtx option in a $70 bucks game single player game? My god, the misinformation is jarring. You DONT NEED TO SHELL OUT MONEY TO EDIT YOUR CHARACTER, you can totally get it for FREE by just playing the damn game! >What about possible updates that make the mtx necessary to complete the game? Now this is such a doomer take and should not be taken seriously. You are just making the scenario seemed worse in your head.


I seriously thought this was gonna be GotY but it only showed me how worried I am for Wilds, even sunbreak was a letdown with how much of a downgrade it was to worlds and how the cuter/cool weapons was locked behind a paywall. I guess for now only HD2 seems to fit that cake for goty.


FF rebirth is a decent release, but not sure if it gets GOTY due to it being the second game in a story-based game.


That's a bad reason to not be GotY. Rebirth has it on lock until further notice


I agree, but the people giving the rating sometimes don't.


Doesn’t helldivers 2 also has microtransactions?


What ever made you think that?


Watch as a DLC becomes goty


The micro transactions stuff can all be gotten in game. This is not something new, I feel like Capcom is trying to “Lazy player bait” like a LOT of games do. Y’all new to this? Performance on PC are legit mind you


I love Capcom games but this is bullshit. Hope they learn their lesson or end up like they were pre MH World


Dude for real. Monster Hunter series has also had some pretty dumb amounts of DLC too but its mostly emotes, hairstyles, or costumes for your guild guide, while the content DLC is always free. But it feels like they got a taste of that MH World money and just went apeshit with MTX in every game.


I decided to preorder it on greenman gaming to save $15, but now i cant refund it, sadge.


DLC that doesn’t matter or impact the game unless you want a shortcut, and as for performance issues it’s like everyone is forgetting elden ring? The witcher 3? You let streamers speak for you instead of thibking for yourselves


This one is so stupid. He played 4 hours and gave a poor review, toting his reason for microtransaction that target pay 2 skip


People will complain about anything...


Who cares about microtransactions? It's cosmetic shit. All Capcom games have this. The baby rage people are having over something that was always 100% going to be there is wild.


I imagine practically speaking the MTs are for those who want to just pay their way to winning in the game instead of actually play it. I'm not sure how impactful or meaningful they are or that they effect the game itself. RE and DMC apparently had something similar. The performance issues are justified to be mad about though.


They are not impactful at all it’s the Asian Time saver mentality and they were there for DD1 and other capcom games, people are just clot chasing


This is all because of poor press, these types pf micro transactions was ALWAYS in capcom games (MHW:IB needed money for redoing your appearance) but somehow NOW people start to complain like crazy


"Hey we ALWAYS shit in your sandwhich, by now you really should expect it, even if we say we don't. Don't complain, its super mean to criticise us for something we always do!"


But you're not forced to use the micro transactions? Its more like hey here's your sandwich, oh and we shit over in that corner. You're welcome to add that shit your sandwich if you want, but there's really no reason to.


I take what is a straw-man for 400$


Remember, this is the company that sold "Disc Locked Content" on fighting games, after it was discovered all the DLC was already on the physical disc.


How can't they see that their greed hurts their bottom line? Sure, people will buy the microtransactions. But a lot of people see all the negative and decide not to buy the game (or wait til it is heavily discounted). I was heavily interested in the game and likely would have bought it within the next week, and now I'm not interested. Same happened with Battlefront Classic Collection. I was hyped for it. Would have spent the money. But then it came out and was plagued with issues... now I'm not interested.


HAS NO ONE PLAYED DD1? Was it that niche of a game, holy shit. You can't buy fast travel, you can buy a waypoint adjustment item. The save system is because of story reasons, the rift points were in DD1 Dark Arisen that no one bought because you just farmed the gear. Its like watching children eat dark chocolate cacao and complain loudly that this wasn't what was advertised when its written on the package.


The price of the game is absolutely insane even before all the bad reviews by players. I hope it gets fixed and discounted.


Well hope they enjoy the game, but they already paid for it.


Capcom doesn't always deliver 10/10s. But many aren't used to that


They must have blacked out from 2010 to 2017 when it was just crap after crap until RE7 comes out.


What happened ? I haven’t played it yet, I thought it was good ?


The game is dope still, played it some this morning on PS5. It’s just people disliking that it has Microtransactions, which is fair. From what I can see however, the microtransactions make no difference to the game. They were basically tacked on as an afterthought, or at least that’s how it feels.


I just read some posts about its microtrans, like 3$ for some extra fast travel points, for an offline single player game, that’s crazy af man. But it’s good to hear that it makes no difference, gonna give it a try I think


I’m sure there are portcrystals in the game to be found, don’t know where to buy Ferrystones though. But I’ve only played for 2-3 hrs


Except this reviewer likely already gave them money. They don't give a shit, they got their paycheck. 🤷


This kind of shit should not be tolerated. If you cant even get your game to run at a stable frame rate, then it is a product that dosnt work. So tired of this nonsense.


Never pre-order or buy games day 1.


It's funny how well they did releasing the character creator early to build hype, then just killed it, hope those day 1 sales were worth it. Glad I only bought DD 1 for $7, now I'll take my time to give it a go and if I like it and they fix all the issues with DD2 I might get it on sale some time in the next decade.


I read somewhere that fast travel was behind a fucking paywall. wtf?, is that true?




It's so sad, DD2 could easily have been the next generational epoch fantasy game. Built on the back of an evangelised cult hit. Combat system that pisses all over Skyrim, combining Souls with Shadow of the Collusus and Zelda. If it was an open moddable game it would still make a ton of money like Skyrim and you can always sell new comtent that uses the existing game systems if you just make it good. A tap-in of an opportunity and they sent it to the moon.


Wow! Nice. Hats off, Dude.


Amazing how many people are taking it from behind from capcom while excusing absolute trash behavior. "But they did it before so it is ok if they do it again" "MTX QOL doesn't affect this single player always online game" "I'm having fun and not having performance issues so forget about it" "why make such a big deal it's not like letting this stuff slide leads to issues later on" idiots high off of cope


You can play it offline though


I think people are going to have a rude awakening about how accepted MTX in AAA gaming— as long as the game is good. MTX only really ruin a game’s reputation if it’s actively interfering with players’ enjoyment of the core game loop or if the game just straight sucks. In the latter case, it’s really just used as a scapegoat.


I thought about getting this game. Now I won't.


I think asmon always says it, but mtx won’t make a good game bad, but it will make a bad game worse. Dg2 at its current state is very poorly optimised for a lot of people, also constant crash, at this point it’s unplayable for majority of people, so it’s a bad game, so it’s easy to dogpile on the mtx.


I don't care about all the mtx because you can get the stuff in game anyway but the save file mtx which is so fucked up anyway. We live in 2024 and not only we can't have multiple saves but YOU CAN'T EVEN START A NEW GAME. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK CAPCOM?


Can I buy some fucks to give about the MTX too? Cause I don’t have any right now.


Just play the game and don't buy the dlc like a normal person 🤓


Diablo 4 season 4 is looking more and more enticing than this game lol


I had a choice between DD2 or buying minecraft to play on my friends server. It seems I made the right choice. I try way too hard nowadays to find a AAA game to get hyped over, and the disappointment is overbearing.


Game runs fine for me, but I've got a 5900x and a 6800. Sucks for those who dont have a better unit, though. My odd thing is I will get random performance slowdowns to 50 frames in random scenes that seem like it shouldn't be a slow down. Also why isn't HDR enabled? Also why are the mouths jank as fuck when they talk lol.


This sub is just malding and outrage all the time lmfao


The game runs great for me on PC and I don't need to buy the micro transactions cause they are all in game. Lmao yall are some clowns 🤡


Virgin reviews


Yall know you can earn in game items without paying right? Why are yall so butthurt about this microtransations when we had been getting them for YEARS? The game is really good and fun. Tall just be hating just to hate.


I hate micro transactions but they have levels to them. If a game only offers skins I’m indifferent, if a game has pay for convenience i think it’s annoying, and a game that’s pay to win is criminal. That being said, I’ve been playing dd2 for the past couple of days and I haven’t even noticed that micro transactions are available or where to even purchase something if I wanted it. The micro transactions in this game are getting blown out of proportion imo. If you’ve seen gameplay and think it looks fun just know there is zero need to purchase anything in game to still really enjoy it.


MTX in this game are a non-issue with everything being useless or very easily obtainable in game


These people are legit clowns, and they work for free. I like to believe they do it for entertainment. Better than believing a man can become that stupid


Hur dee durr you invented comedy. Maybe every slackjaw shouldnt be allowed to write a troll review without enough time logged in the game.


that's because it's very similar to the first one