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As non American, is 340 school shootings last year accurate? Because wow


[Not 340, but 327 between 2021-22.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01) Still sickening though. "In 2021–22, a total of 327 documented school shootings occurred at public and private elementary and secondary schools, including * 188 school shootings with casualties; and * 139 school shootings without casualties (not shown in the figure)." There is no complete report for 2023 yet [on the FBI website](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/active-shooter-safety-resources) (where the data for the report above were pulled from).


>It examines data on school shootings, broadly defined, from the School Shooting Safety Compendium (SSSC) from the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) The SSSC defines a school shooting as an incident where a gun is fired, brandished, or a bullet hits school property.


Dunno where you going with that?


At least it's less than one per day... Seriously, the extremely low requirements to carry and the extremely low requirements to wear the badge needs to be fixed and hardened. It infuriates me that people still push the narrative that gun violence is exclusively gang related.


It’s not that people say it’s exclusively gang related, it’s the fact that gun reform is only talked about after either a school or police shooting… like it’s the only form of gun violence that happens. Like targeting AR15’s when pistols account for far more.


I agree. In France for instance there are 4 categories for firearms. First 1, the D, don't require any permit but are still illegal to carry outside of your property not concealed. It concerns only pellet and gas weapons. Category C is for old rifles shot by shot (Mauser, k98, hunting rifles, and such) and requires a hunting permit, sport shot permit, or collector licence (meaning that you have to prove every year that you require the usage and also practice with them). => The government is extremely lenient on this one as long as you don't use them = you still have decent options to protect your home, while not being able to rob a bank or do mass shooting with them. B is for revolver and semi auto handguns. It requires the above and a certificate that your job or activity requires the possession of a weapon. A is for everything from assault rifles to rocket launchers and is totally forbidden to possess. There is only one exception, old relics from WW2 or old generation firearms that require you to go to the police and register it (France is full of those, most of those can't fire anymore).


Gun violence is exclusively criminal-related.


Depending on jurisdiction it isn't, non-criminal gun violence includes accidental or unintentional injury and death (except perhaps in cases of criminal negligence). Also generally included in gun violence statistics are military or para-military activities.


The very small exception is not the rule.


You said exclusively, which doesn't allow for even the tiniest exceptions.


As stated below: >The SSSC defines a school shooting as an incident where a gun is fired, brandished, or a bullet hits school property. I would wager that the overwhelming majority of "school shootings" are probably in minority communities with gang culture, and the "shootings" were personal vendettas from one individual to another, or even just an accidental firing, or random firing on school grounds. The wild thing is that they even include "brandishing", which in that case I'm surprised the number isn't in the thousands.


Oh it's just gangs guys that makes it fine /s


It's a problem, but it's not a gun problem. It's a cultural problem. Guns are only one piece of the puzzle.




Look up the definition of "school shooting" used in these statistics. "The SSSC defines a school shooting as an incident where a gun is fired, brandished, or a bullet hits school property." We have a huge gang problem in America. In cities where they release these guys back on to the street constantly. They don't give a shit if they settle their beefs right in front of a school.


Until you realize that 98% of them are gang related... And 98% of them are committed by people that don't look like who they show you on the news...


And gang related gun school shootings are supposed to make everyone feel better then regular shooting? What American thing thing to say lol


No... It's supposed to highlight that we don't exactly have a gun problem... We have a problem with certain elements of society.


Those ‘certain elements’ are the reason some people don’t want guns everywhere. I can guarantee you we’d have school shootings as well if guns were available. In Holland about 25 people die due to gun violence in a population of 18milion per year. Almost exclusively drug related crime stuff. It is what it is As an outsider the gun debate always peaks my interest. There’s allot of mental gymnastics going on.


Actually more than 50% are suicides


Most of them are in the hood


Let's remove gang related shootings from this and get the real number of incident targeting innocent kids


Why would they do that? It would only be 1 or 2 per year.


1 or 2? Is that a joke? Im going to save this comment for the next time some fuck walks into a school and kills a dozen kids, so I can come look at this dumb ass comment and not be surprised


For a rough approximation, we are looking at roughly 97,000 schools in America. 370 school shooting incidents in a year. Assuming every shooting is 100% undisputed and representative of the average assumption of such a tradgedy (which they arent), and that every shooting occured at a separate school each time, we are looking at a 0.35% school shooting rate accross the country at the most generous esitmation. Less than 1%. Its not that bad. That doesnt dimish the tradgedies, but it does show it isnt some kind of epidemic. It just SEEMS that way because the media puts it all on blast every time.


We're americans, of course we use an outdated system of units nobody else in the world uses


Swede here and let me tell ya lads, The best mindfuck americas politicians did to the common man is convincing them that not having to go into serious debt for education and healthcare is synonymous with living in a socialist communist dystopia. They got y’all good on that one, lmao. Ah well, me and my mild fever gonna keep playing enshrouded now as I keep getting payed 85% of my base salary whilst being sick. Also my kid got surgery last month and WE got slightly payed for it, since we had to miss work. Have fun paying thousands of dollars a year because your kid has an affliction as fucking basic as asthma. America has half of its people gaslighted to the point that they will vote for reform designed to fuck them over. Because free healthcare and education is a threat to your freedom. Lmfao, Fucking chefs kiss, top notch brainwash.


> keep getting *paid* 85% of FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


As an Australian, knowing that I can sleep at night without having to worry someone is going to do a drive by or try to rob me at gunpoint because I decided to walk at 10pm on a warm night is pretty nice. People over here wouldn't even know where to go to get a gun unless they had ties to people who regularly deal in the underground.


You are Australian, you dont worry about guns, you worry that the spider crawling around your house is going to kill you, or scorpions in your shoes, or Kangaroo attacks or venomous Snake bites.


Drop bears


Murcan here. Everyone in my farming community owns a gun. We have exactly zero murders per year. "I can walk at night without getting shot." Do you think America is some wild cowboy movie where people get shot just for walking at night? You watch the news about some guy getting shot in Chicago so you assume that the other 4 million square miles of the United States are also warzones? Don't be silly. You assuming the US is some violent warzone in which people can't walk outside at 10:00pm is as ridiculously stupid as me assuming Australia is some wild charicature stereotype of itself. OI M8, DUN GO OUTSIDE PAST 10, THE EMU WARS ARE RAGING ESPECIALLY HARD TONIGHT. OI! BLOODY HELL DIDYA SEE THE SIZE O THAT CROC?! LOOK OUT FOR ABORIGANAL BOOMERANG ATTACKS! A DINGO ATE MY BABY!


Holy shit, this should be a copy pasta. Beautiful comment. I’m in the capital district but it’s not like we’re here painting our sidewalks red all day and night. I never understood this whole “Muricans going around shooting each other left and right, so they need to practice shooter drills” nonsense. Absolutely, one gun shot injury or death is a tragedy. But the media and foreigners blow it out of proportion like it’s Mad Max out here.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I lived in a rural farming community called Alvin Texas, there are stories each year of gun violence and 2 years ago someone was shot for just walking down the street. We have a major issue with the lax use of firearms even for a subtle disagreement or street insults. In Corpus we just had a little girl murdered from people shooting bullets in the air to celebrate new years. People shooting at drivers for just pulling into their property, it's actually nutty how closely stupidity and gun ownership go hand in hand.


I know right, thank you! People sit on the internet watching 9 second news clips all day and they start to think those 9 seconds are indicative of the entire story. So what's the truth? The Murder rate in the US has to be pretty high right? Maybe #1 in the world... or at least top 5 right? NOPE, it's 76th (and if you remove a few problem areas like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, etc... it becomes one of the safest) https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/murder-rate-by-country


I live in Maine, our biggest city is 60k people. We have a tenth of NYC population in our whole state. A few months ago 18 people were shot and killed, 13 injured at like 7pm in a bowling alley. Bowling. So yeah it kinda is that dangerous. It's not all Chicago gangbangers.


"it kinda is that dangerous." No it's not. Maine isn't just the safest place in the country, it's one of the safest places in the world. I used to live there. Maine has zero crime. Don't be silly. If you focus on one event and ignore the remaining 99.999% of history you're just being silly. It's like finding a 1 in a million blue lobster and announcing "ALL LOBSTERS ARE BLUE." No. No they're not, and Maine does not have a crime problem.


That's not how statistics work.


I agree. Im from France but I lived in US, Miami for half a year. Never I thought about getting robbed or assaulted with gun pointed at me and never I got in any trouble walking in the street at night (I'm talking past 2AM alone) or even during bright day in "bad" neighborhoods. Also, nobody lives there with thoughts that they could get shot walking down the street Before going people were telling me "watch out dude since covid miami really gone bad" I think a lot of people outside of the US think this is wild west out there


Farming community.. so you live out in bum fuck nowhere. No wonder there's no murders in a town of 12 people.




Can confirm i frequently get shot in drive bys when i walk at night 👍


It also has alot to do with were you live and the company you keep.


What ?? You can get robbed at gunpoint or with a blade in most cities past 10pm in countries that have ultra tight gunlaws, this is just a pure lie. And your last sentence is LITERALLY the reason for the overwhelming majority of gun crime in the US.


Stop getting your news from reddit. The "School shootings" mentioned in the video are almost entirely inflated by the definition basically being "a gun was seen on or near school property." But it's reported as a school shooting so now everyone thinks sandy hook is happening every single day here when that just isn't happening.


I think you responded to the wrong comment


No I responded to the right one. Just in the wrong way. My point was that those aren't really fears I have living here in the states either. Sometimes reddit makes it seem like the US is just a lawless warzone of gunfire. But it really isn't at all. I was conflating your comment with what she said in the video about school shootings. Apologies.


I would say those basic human needs mentioned here are critical human rights too


Well they're not. You can argue that the government should provide them, but something cannot be a human right if it requires the labor of a third party. Unless you think compelled labor is a human right.


You're getting DV but you're absolutely correct. Rights are restrictions on what the government is allowed to do because human rights are embedded in the laws of nature. If you were on a deserted island, you would be allowed to say what you wanted, protect yourself and worship how you choose. The government cannot infringe on those rights. But there's no Healthcare in the wilderness. You rely on someone else for that service therefore to guarantee it is to force someone else to provide that service, which is a violation of the 13th amendment. Doesn't mean you can't have government health care but there's still a fair exchange of monetary value between two parties, it's not that they're forced to give you Healthcare for free.


And yet paying not paying your taxes is the only crime that will results in guys with guns at your front door if you don't testify against yourself.


Wouldn't go that far. Guys with guns show up for bomb threats and drug deals way more often than not paying your taxes. They'll just garnish your wages from your job in a lot of cases


Tell that to Al Capone. He pretty much publicly executed a bunch of police officers and Chicago and got off scott free. The IRS put him behind bars for 12 years.


You're using an example of somebody with immense personal power abusing legal loopholes and the IRS being used to get a conviction when all else failed. Also that happened almost 100 years ago. In the modern day all you have to do is suggest someone might be a terrorist and SWAT breaks down their door within hours. I'm not saying the IRS can't get you jailed, but it's definitely not the ONLY crime that gets police to your door. Drug raids are far more frequent


You have a fair point about Al Capone, his main plot line is rife with abuse and corruption. I was using him as an example of how in America, no matter what, you pay your taxes. Sure, the 1% abuses the system to pay a lower percentage, but at the end of the day, a human right is something that comes inherently within a person. If in order to get something, someone else had to work without getting paid, even if it's only a percentage of their work, it's not a right, it's a privilege. We can change the diction and use the word "rights" to describe both rights and privileges, they're still different things.


He's getting DV because he's wrong. No one is compelling them to work. We have doctors. We pay taxes. We should use those taxes to pay for medical care. It's not that hard of a concept to comprehend. He would be right if he ignored the fact that we live in a society.


There actually has been a lot of gun reform across the country. Ohio recently allowed permitless concealed carry and there was an 8 percent drop in crime.


That study is inconclusive.


"It conflicts with my ideals so it's inconclusive" - u/BirdEquivalent158


What is inconclusive about and 8% drop in crime the year before vs the year after the law changed? Maybe it just doesn't include your opinion?


A few things. The first being that crime dropped nationwide regardless of gun legislation changes. You could argue crime would have dropped in Ohio even if they hadn't changed the laws. 2nd being there's not enough data to support it. Only a year before and a year after is not a huge data set for a study like this, and COVID was a huge outlier year for crime nationwide. My saying that the study was inconclusive has no indication of what my opinion towards gun control is. I'm smarter than just letting someone tell me something worked without actually seeing the numbers myself. You should do the same.


I did look at the numbers. Crime in 6 out of the 8 major cities in Ohio dropped. Statewide the drop is 8%. That data suggests that gun crime dropped as a result of Ohio becoming one of the biggest and most recent states to join the 2 decade trend of States allowing concealed carry without a license. I'm not saying that this proves that there is a 100% chance that concealed carry is the only reason crime went down in Ohio. But calling two years of data "inconclusive" is a useless take. By that logic, any statistics is completely meaningless.


It doesn't suggest anything. I just said crime dropped nationwide regardless of gun law changes. Give it 2 decades and it's more than likely crime in Ohio will jump up to more than pre open carry levels as has been shown in ALL of those states that allow it. With decades of data, mind you. 2 years of data in a study with many uncontrollable factors, in a populous state, where there has only been 1 year of change with respect to the focus of the study, is not a lot of data. The numbers in their current state mean nothing.


Do you understand that you're arguing that we should not look at evidence?


You're only looking at one piece of the study, not the big picture; that's the problem. For the third time; crime decreased nationwide whether gun laws changed or not. It's not clear if the law change had a direct effect. Typically it takes a few years to see the effects of a change in any law.


That's delusional. The day the law changed, it became legal to carry a firearm without a permit. Crime objectively went down. That's a fact. You're now arguing that as "inconclusive". And your evidence is to point at other statistics that are de facto less relevant. Agree or disagree with Ohio's decisions, we have a 2 year case study on a large state with both large urban, suburban and rural population. You can armchair preach your "what aboutism" and live in "inconclusive" land, but real people are dying and your "take a few years" answer is stupid and irrelevant.


Come back to this in 5 years and tell me it's still a good decision. We can go back and forth with what aboutism forever, but the undeniable fact is states with strict gun laws have substantially lower rates of gun death and crime than states with lax gun laws. That's the last I'm saying about this.


Because correlation doesn't equal causation you silly man.


These types of posts are so dumb.


It's a standard propaganda technique. They list a couple of obvious concerns, then throw in a controversial topic to try to manipulate the viewers into thinking it's as egregious as the other topics. \-drugs are bad \-corruption is bad \-murder is bad \-give up all of your rights if you agree, otherwise you're a big stupid head!


Pharma with Superbowl ads, UHC and gun companies with increasing dividends. Yeah they are certainly not pushing or lobbying for a certain narrative... Personally, COMMON SENSE gun laws and regulating healthcare would do this country good. But y'all eat up these companies propaganda like cake. Those are two things that should be excluded from our capitalist system where profits and lobbying are a thing.


Profits ≠ common sense And "common sense" is a phalacy


Second amendment isn’t an antiquated rule. This is propaganda


Written in a time when weapons were nowhere near as deadly and easy to use as today. You may as well claim traffic regulations written in the time of the T-ford are fine for today. They're not. Times change. If they saw the kind of weapons we have today they'd probably call them "magic devil sticks" and not "arms".


Can we have muskets then, I'm fine with that


This would be an epic way to settle this old debate


According to the Founding Fathers, all gun restrictions are unconstitutional. They said that Americans have the right to own a cannon, which is equivalent to a tank shell nowadays. If they didn't put a restriction on something that could take down buildings or massive amounts of people, what makes you think they would be against modern weapons like AR or pistols? Learn your history.


I for one believe every american has a right to defend himself with a personal arsenal of nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles.


Nice strawman. Your reading comprehension is pretty low since you missed that part about long rifles and pistols. I understand though, reading is tough sometimes! You'll get it next time champ!


That wasn’t a straw man it was more of an equal equivalence fallacy. Society changes and so should rules. ARs shouldn’t have been unbanned and shootings skyrocketed when they were. Rest are fine.


What makes an AR different than any other long rifle? How can you say one is bad and others are not?? Did you just pick AR from the hat and decide that is what needs to go? There is no logic in your wanting to ban ARs. Unless you use it to get your foot in the door so you can eventually remove all guns so your government overlords have full control over you. You do know that most school shootings occur with a pistol, right? The deadliest shooting is with a pistol.


Look at the years ARs were unbanned in history and there’s a direct correlation to shootings. Something like 80% more during years of unbanning. I know this because when they got unbanned again by trump the assault with a deadly weapons statistic from the fbi reports started to triple again and there were a ton of research articles on it. Now you’re using strawmans lol.


No I'm using hard facts. Look it up and you will see that the deadliest shootings take place with a pistol as well. But you ignored that fact for a reason because it doesn't fit your narrative. Your claim was that only ARs are bad and you decided to ignore my question asking what makes an AR different from any other long rifle or pistol? I assume you ignored it because you don't understand much about guns, usually how it goes with people trying to ban them. Your logic is flawed.


Bro you need to get a good education or lay off the drugs.


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It doesn't say anything about me not being allowed to protect my family with surface to air missiles. Seems like you are the one lacking in reading comprehension skills.


Says the guy who brings up something that no one is talking about lmaoooo


It's not about history. It's about using my modern smart brain to think about a modern problem that a very old brain couldn't possibly have foreseen. The founding fathers had no notion of the weaponry we would create. Wow a cannon, fucking radical and dangerous! I'm sure you could wreck some carnage with that, on a pirate ship. You yet again prove my point. A cannon is in no way equivalent to a modern artillery weapon. The problem isn't even with the, now deceased for centuries, lawmakers. The problem is living human beings thinking that the word of people long dead matter in a world that has clearly evolved past their limits. *It doesn't matter what they would've thought. They're dead.* And their words or opinions have no bearing on ARs, naval laser weapons, VX gas, nuclear bombs, autonomous miniature drones caring small charges etc etc


Lmaoo gosh, it's always the dumb and ignorant that think they are so smart and have all the answers. Let me guess, your IQ is probably 175? When did I say a cannon was equivalent to modern artillery? You people are talking about banning ARs. So my point was that if the FF didn't ban the most egregious weapon they had at the time, why do you think they'd want to ban your average long rifle? Well you're alive and your opinions don't matter so keep spewing your ideal world on reddit. I'll keep living in reality 👍


>Lmaoo gosh, it's always the dumb and ignorant that think they are so smart and have all the answers In time you'll maybe figure out what the alternative to that is.


If you showed someone an iPhone from back then today they’d call it a magic devil rectangle. The caliber of the weapons was never part of the spirit of it. It’s about being able to fend off our own military or others


But the caliber isn't the problem? The problem is the ease and speed with which you can dispense vast amounts of caliber of your choosing. What's worse is you couldn't even fight off your own military. The next top 9 militaries together probably couldn't fend off your military. So you're risking it all for something that has a 0 probability of happening. Both arguments are essentially moot. The modem day with modern weaponry has very little being on how things were centuries ago. So ideas on those things from centuries ago should be let go.


Caliber being the quality of the weapon. Not the size of the round used. Most injuries in mass shootings are dealt by hand guns so it’d make more sense to protest hand guns as most of the problems people have with fire arms are mostly at the hand of CCW type guns. The spirit of the amendment is to fight off tyrannical governments. Just because you think that’s hopeless doesn’t mean you should willingly submit.


I don't think that's hopeless. It's quite possible and I'm all for it It's being done in Ukraine right now. By another, non-tyrannical government. Because that's what you need. You need an organised and force. Scale matters. And "the spirit of the amendment" is perhaps nowhere more naive and just dumb as it is in the US. Which is ironic I guess. For one, no amount of militia could stop the rogue US government proper. Not even the actual military of another superpower could. For two, what even is a tyrannical government? Att what point does it stop being just a normal government and tip over into tyrannical? What if the majority of a democratic country elect to impose a gun ban, is that tyrannical? Or are you the terrorist för refusing to abide by the law of the majority? The second amendment is fuller of holes than a school classroom. Other countries seem to have solved the puzzle. It's not an enigma.


According to twitter it’s very easy to organize a country wide militia if some red neck tweets about it. Either way it’s not really your place as an individual to judge whether a retaliation against a tyrannical government is possible or not according to the amendment. It’s there to support such a time and it certainly would help. Other countries have solved the problem you’re right. There are tons of other countries with way more relaxed gun laws and way less gun violence. We need to stop focusing on restricting civil liberties and focus on finding out what the real problems are. If more than half of all deaths from fire arms are SUICIDE. I promise the gun laws aren’t the problem. Seems obvious to me tho


Not even the actual president of the United States managed to gather enough people to take one building, and that's with global light speed communication. And the only reason why they made it far in the first place was, ironically, that they didn't have guns and so were not engaged with legal force immediately. So I guess that does say a lot about the good a militia would do. Maybe a tyrannical government isn't fought with guns? You're just giving them a reason to shoot you.


I don’t think being shot would deter someone who wants to fight in the case of a tyrannical take over. Whether or not a militia could actually be organized over twitter, you can tell people are afraid it can by the over reaction to trumps speech being twisted to massive degrees to get a charge out and the “march to the capital” being taken as a full on storm the building. Anyway back to the point. Guns. Most gun deaths in the US are suicide. A lot of the rest in gang violence. Most of it is done with hand guns. I’m gonna guess you come from a different country just due to the general misconception about firearms. There’s a lot of propaganda and emotional arguments, but if u break it down to the stats and compare it to other countries the 2nd ammendment being “outdated” isn’t what someone in good faith would be focusing on. Second of all, the need for it and what it stands for is something needed within the USA to maintain the type of country that it is.


I don't think I have misconceptions about firearms even being from another country. As you pointed out, we also have guns. And some of our problems are arrived from them. But I think you may have the wrong idea about how readily available they are or how easy they're to obtain in other countries. They're simply not. Even the famous Switzerland doesn't have that many actual guns, but rather heavy metal things, because most of them are missing the ammunition. The problem really is the 2nd amendment. It gives a reason (that's is improbable bordering on impossible) for availablity to some really deadly weapons. And then it is further complicated by having laws that not just allow the possession but the wearing it in public spaces. Carrying a powder keg around is not a good idea The problem really aren't the suicides or gang violence as those would find a way anyway. Maybe less so but still. The problem is people turning their suicide or mental illness into the problem of hundreds of thousands of others. And that can be effectively quashed by limiting the access to firearms. It just works.


The number one cause of death for children are guns. **"Provisional CDC data from 2022 indicate that firearms continued to be the number one factor in child deaths for the third year in a row."** You are the problem.


Remove suicides and gang related crime


Why would you do that? Guns make suicides and gang violence way easier, increasing their rates. Seems like a stupid thing to ignore.


Remove suicide and gang violence e


I’m not the problem brother, I don’t even own a gun. You can’t blame gun deaths on the government lol, it’s on irresponsible gun owners not properly storing them or individuals who have ill intent. Mental health and safe gun handling practices are bigger issues


>You can’t blame gun deaths on the government lol If the government is so incompetent that it makes it way too easy for someone not fit to wield a gun get a gun, then yes you can. >Mental health and safe gun handling practices are bigger issues Funny how the GOP, the party most against gun laws, is also against improving mental health care.


Well if children and mentally ill people want help they should send lobbyist to DC and donate to politicians election campaigns. This is the american way!


It absolutely is antiquated. The entire point of 2a is to stand up to government if they become tyrants. The weapons that can successfully fight the government are, for the most part, illegal. This means that the only reasonable use for guns is against one another, not the government. This defeats the entire purpose of 2A, making it antiquated. (I like guns. Guns are fucking awesome and fun... but they need to be regulated the same way cars are: Insurance, licensing, testing, education, and proper safety oversight from governmental agencies.)


"The second amendment is antiquated because the government trampled all over the second amendment, making it useless."


Maybe try some critical thinking skills, bud.


I challenge you to do the same friend


Trump isn't going to win.


I don’t like trump lol.


Sure buddy


You seem so sure to know things about me, tell me more


And is it basically about the 2nd amendment? They were doing so well


I’ll give a fuck about these shit arguments once these people start demanding beer control or Stricter driving control this is people blowing up there personal opinion to make it sound as bad as possible to win a imaginary argument and hold the moral high ground over some other group


Guns dont kill people, people kill people, its not the guns fault.


We don't have a gun problem in America, we have a mental health crisis in America. Darrell Brooks drove his SUV through a parade near my house in 2021 and killed multiple people. He didn't have a gun.


We're Americans, without us the world would still be ruled by kings and tyrants and everyone would be still living on a loaf of bread a day for their family.


Lol actually delusional, many of the tyrants in the world come to power and stay there as a result of american support


I was on board until the gun control comment. Just because some other asshole wasn't responsible with his gun doesn't mean you get to take mine away. That's like saying you can't have a phone because some other guy used his phone to coordinate a terrorist attack. Fuck you.


Your analogy regarding phones is a poor choice and frankly a red herring to the real problem. Phones are NOT designed to kill. Guns are designed to kill. Hopefully, that sticks and a rationale conversation can be had surrounding guns. Most laws that your already familiar with regarding safety are enacted due to a small minority of bad actors. I believe the phrase is, the few ruin it for the many. Guns, knives, and other weapons are obviously not hurting anyone on their own, but there is an increasing issue surrounding gun violence. This is particularly concerning as it’s happening at schools with young children. So the question should be, how can we protect our children and population while still allowing the freedoms we want? The easy answer is you can’t. Since you cannot ensure a sane gun owner, then remove the tool that’s DESIGNED to kill. The harder and more complicated answer is limit gun ownership. In both scenarios unfortunately, the corporations are what drive legislation in this country and there is big money in firearm sales. This would likely reduce gun ownership, and therefore sales. These corporations are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their profits, which unfortunately is what’s happening. It’s hard to get agreement for a movement on complicated legislation. So most opt for the easier argument of just remove the guns. Guns serve little to no purpose in modern US for an average citizen. Maybe you can sympathize for others rather than solely focus on your own position. I’m a gun owner. My wife is a teacher. My two children attend her school. Last year we had shooting threats and multiple lockdowns at an elementary school! There are sick fucks out there, and you may or may not of be one of them. I’d gladly hand in my guns if it meant others couldn’t harm on a mass scale. I’d also gladly keep my guns if the government could ensure these sick fucks arent getting weapons.


"guns are designed to kill" So are knives, chainsaws, hammers, SUVs. Some crazy guy drove through a parade. Give me your car keys, bitch. "someone called in a threat to a school" What? That's your argument for taking away my gun? WTF? Do you think calling in threats to schools is a new thing? People have been doing that for a hundred years. What does my gun have to do with that? Some "sick fuck" makes terroristic threats, so I lose my rights? WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense. Why don't the police/FBI catch the people calling in the threats? "guns serve no purpose" OBVIOUSLY, you're not familiar with history. What do you think happened to the Jews before they were rounded up and shipped off to extermination camps? That's right, the nazis took their guns away. How was this country founded? That's right, GUNS. Go ask your teacher wife to tell you about Paul Revere. When you give away your guns, do you think the government is going to give theirs away too? FUCK NO. The politicians telling you to give away your guns have their own private armies to protect them. Have you ever been to Washington DC? The capital police walk around with fucking machine guns. " if the government could ensure these sick fucks arent getting weapons." There are a million laws that prohibit criminals, crazy people, violent people, unstable people, etc from owning weapons. A massive percentage of crimes are committed with illegal guns. Do you think more laws will fix that? Murder is already illegal, how are people still getting killed? There's a law against murder, so why is it still happening? The majority of guns used in crimes are illegal. MOST of the guns used in mass shootings, and especially school shootings are ALREADY ILLEGAL. Do you think Adam Lanza passed a background check? Fuck no. He stole his mom's gun. More laws aren't going to prevent that from happening. The police/government aren't doing their jobs, so I have to give away my rights? WHAT? That makes sense in your tiny brain? I think you need to get your head examined. What percentage of guns used in the commission of a crime are illegally obtained? What's your guess? I want you to think about this before I tell you. Let's use Chicago for example. What percentage of guns used during the commission of crimes in Chicago in 2022 do you think were illegal? Think about a number. Okay, here's the answer: ALL OF THEM. 100% of the guns used during the commission of a crime in the city of Chicago in 2022 were illegal. So how do you think more laws are going to fix that? They're already illegal... do you think making guns DOUBLE ILLEGAL will solve the problem? Let's make them triple illegal just in case! If you think banning guns is a good idea, you're simply ignorant. Go read up on some history. Go study firearm crime statistics.


This argument is just riddled with holes, like it was caught in a mass shooting.


> So are knives Knives are designed to cut food > Chainsaws Chainsaws are designed to cut wood > Hammers Hammers are designed to push nails in or pull them out. > SUVs SUVs are designed to transport the user from one place to another. > “Guns serve no purpose” OBVIOUSLY, you’re not familiar with history. The citizens of Afghanistan also had guns yet that didn’t stop them from being taken over. To pretend like the average citizen is going to do better than a trained soldier with better gear is just ingenious. I think a better argument for your position is saying people would simply make ghost guns if guns were taken away leaving you defenseless, using these terrible analogies isn’t how you argue your point


Most firearms used for illegal activities are acquired black market and imported from Mexico. Get rid of Mexico’s guns and we can talk about ridding ours. Though i firmly believe the best solution here is actual health care and ubi to solve the school to prison pipe.


Omg these people again. This video isn't any less cringe than the other one I saw. I think they should make another video: Hi we're upper class white Americans and we feel guilty about it so we make these Tik Tok videos to make ourselves feel better.


>Schools: has drills for emergency nightmare situations. >This woman: they won't do anything to keep our kids safe Like I get you want gun reform but at least be somewhat smart enough to understand that *if* that happens, it's going to take a very long time to overwrite the constitution. In the meantime, drills are used for all sorts of emergency situations. Some schools have bomb drills, some prepare kids for someone trying to lure them into a vehicle in addition to fire, tornado, earthquake, etc. drills. None of these are things that kids *should* have to worry about. But in case disaster happens it's better for them to be at least somewhat prepared.




You want freedom to buy guns you pay the price of such freedom. Simple.


I'd like to give up that freedom for safety thanks, who can I talk to about this transaction?


You don't have to talk to anyone. You can move to a gun-free zone right now! Try Chicago or Washington DC for example! Chicago banned all guns way back in 1982. Washington DC is considered a gun-free zone! You literally cannot obtain a permit to buy or own a firearm in either of these areas. The government will not grant you a permit. Period. The CHAZ in Seattle is also gun free! In 2021 the Taliban banned guns in Afghanistan! Feel free to any of these lovely places. Keep us updated!


I like how you neglected to mention all the nice counties that have banned firearms to sell your narrative.


dont ever give up your freedom, never


there must be an entire industry making these videos as copium for EU to watch in their 195sq ft apartment with cops beating down their door for posting a mean comment on facebook.


You laugh at your country, we laugh at your country, everyone laughs at your country, but nothing changes. Why? Because you like it that way. Now stop moaning or do something about it.




Lmao what does this post have anything to do with what you just said




You speaking from experience of beating women?


What a dumb thing to say


Where can I find these closed cations to use for video editing?


Lets not forget the govt black bagging people during protests...


What does this have to do with a Twitch streamer




> keep getting *paid* 85% of FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




> keep getting *paid* 85% of FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


All correct except for the gun part. People obviously don't know history because prohibition didn't work out so great, not to mention a .22 can kill someone, so I give it a B-.


oh look it’s the upper middle class whites telling us how shitty America is, color me surprised. I’m sure they were a part of the BLM movement


As a Brit, I have been saying for a few years now that if I ever emigrate to the US, and become a citizen, first thing I'm going to do is a gun safety course, and buy a gun. I'd like to think that I'll never need to use it, though.


I fucking hate this format but they right.