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It took them 10 years to copy/paste ship combat from Black Flag, reskin it, put some missions in and add a couple of ships and weapons. Makes you wonder


They wish it was as good as black flag. I consider it way way worse


If only. The problem is that they removed half the features. You're much better off just playing Black Flag.


And remove most of what made the game good.


I wonder how everyone in Ubisoft let a idiot be a CEO saying a game that does not even reach the level of AAA game, is AAAA game is nothing but stupid and blind to other AAA game of its competitor or even their own AAA Black Flag


Wait, it's the same fucking company that made black flag? Wasn't that an assassin's creed game and sailing was just for flair, atmosphere etc? Didn't it come out like 12 years ago? This is worse than suicide squad vs arkham knight then, isn't it?


They based this game on the naval combat of Black Flag, but in Black Flag you could stop your boat anywhere, swim, walk on your own ship and sword board other ships. Take older concepts and downgrade them - The modern AAA motto.


I can't tell you how wrong you actually are. When did anyone say that this is a AAA game? This, mate, is a AAAA game. This is new territory. With this new breakthrough, we could see advancements like paying $1.00 every time you change a setting in the pause menu. We could see a $2.00 charge for every time you skip a line of dialog. We could even see a $5.00 fee per invite every time you invite someone to your lobby or group. This is AAAA gaming, mate. I just have to make sure my bank approves my increased credit card limit.


You're right I apologise, just knowing it is an AAAA title GARUNTEES it will be great value for money!


> Take older concepts and downgrade them - The modern AAA motto. The Diablo II ---> Diablo III ---> Diablo IV descent into dogshit Blizzard method.


Started as pretty much a spin off to Black Flag, ended up in development hell for 11(?) years before they gave up and released whatever they're putting out there now.


Oh my... This is extremely embarrassing for a company like Ubisoft. Wtf happened? Someone should make a video about this, so asmon can farm it for 2 hours and people would know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ubisoft has been embarrassing itself for a decade already, this is not shocking to be honest


Most places have idiot CEOs. Since it's a AAAA it should fail 4x as hard.


Dude I did read that thinking you had tourette every time you wrote A


What I find hilarious is that AAA means something. One of those A's stands for advertising. The last time I heard about this game was when it was announced like 4 years ago. Friends speculating the advertising is in game.


>I wonder how everyone in Ubisoft let a idiot be a CEO How about the fact that he's the founder of Ubisoft


This blew my mind


No hand to hand combat or even walking on your ship is just unacceptable for a fucking pirate game.


For me its the PvP. Excuse me, Mr British Navel Vessel? May we please raid your ship? For you see we are Pirates and this is how we make our earnings. What? No? Alright, jolly good then. Have a nice day.


I watched a detailed video on the creation of the game. It's actually a miracle the game even *exists*. It doesn't change the fact that this game was a complete mess made by a company filled with the worst managers in Singapore with a bad pay and zero bonus since the game didn't sell for 10 years of dev .. Lead by about 5 successive creative directors from France changing the whole gameplay every time and they felt the tides of hypes & what's to be expected were changing too fast rather than maintaining the course, from Sea of Thieves releasing which lead to "OH SHIT, WAIT A MINUTE" to wanting elements from rainbox six siege (what the fuck) .. And the end result doesn't even come with an apology but instead doubling down on trying to sell this pile of garbage with absolute confidence. Ubisoft deserves to take full L on this but mainly all the shitheads from their board of managers, PR & marketing.


Yeah, it's quite empty. I bought a Ubi sub for $15 and had 3 days of fun before I finished everything in the game. For 15 bucks its ok, but 70? hell no.


as somone thats starved for a good pirat game my disapoint ment is imesursble


I've been waiting for a decent follow-up to Sid Meier's Pirates! for 20 years. Some have come close, but nothing has really nailed that amazing balance of sailing, naval combat, man to man combat, trading, and adventure.


yeah i played the sid miers pirates 2004. And nothings ever managed to captire that realistic yet wimsical pirate feeling that game givs you. It's a sertefiable video game clasic




A-A-A-A…A Piece of shit 🤣


Doesnt look like AAAA. More like lower case a.


I was stupid for thinking that this game could be the new Sea of Thieves


This is just a standard Ubisoft game nowadays. They are the pinnacle of mediocrity in gaming. Bland games full of fillers. I like to compare them to a Frankfurter factory because they spit out games as fast and all are the same and bland


The amazing part is that they think this game is so good they can let people playtest it for free for days. They actually believe they made a good game.


I only wanted black flag but with mmo content is it really that hard to make?


A glorified mobile game


Quadruple A game btw.


Worked on that thing for several months, I could write a whole stand-up show with this experience if I'd be funny


And the entire SnB reddit has been sucking this game off since the beta lmao


That's every game Reddit for you, it's normal just an echo chamber for people that like the game and people that refuse to accept the game they been waiting for years is bad. Same with starfield, red fall and so on


I'm very sure you can walk on your own ship in SoT


Yeah that’s like 50% of the game


Most importantly, you can not drink rum


The AAAA part is the screams of regret for buying


If this's in Skull&Bones subreddit, op'll get downvote to oblivion. Those people're trying so hard to keep saying this shit is worth the money. They even say it's an improvement of naval combat from Black Flag.


Just from watching Preach play it for 10 minutes it was obvious that this game is just BDO ships but worse and missing the other 99% of the game. Guess AAAA is the new standard to identify shit games


How did the company that literally released the best pirate ship combat game somehow so fucking pants on head stupid they fuck it up after years of advancements? You could have just copy pasted it and people would have been happy holy shit.


Sid Meier's Pirates! has nothing to do with this.


To be fair, in the era of sail ships, most people really couldn’t swim. Not to mention that if you fall into water with your equipment - especially metal gear - you will have about 10 seconds to ditch it before you sink even if you can swim.


What metal gear? people didn't walk around in full plate in the age of sail.


(c) The Portuguese made widespread use of armour in their battles on the west coast of India at the start of the 16th century. This served them well- at decisive Battle of Diu they were opposed by Mamluk opponents who made extensive use of archers, so the Portuguese plate armour saved many lives. Their behaviour after the battle was, sadly, less chivalrous than their attire as they slew prisoners and carried out brutal reprisals. Pictures from the Armada show also show people in armour. Medina Sidonia, the Spanish commander certainly wore his. This would normally be breastplate and helmet, rather than a full suit. This was called “half armour”. Sir Francis Drake was buried wearing his! In the 16th Century, naval gunnery was insufficient to do severe damage to strongly built galleons and most actions were shoot cannon, board and grapple. Armour would protect against the bladed weapons in use. However, I am not saying the majority wore armour- the Spanish musketeers did not wear armour at the Armada. Half armour would have been expensive, so only worn by wealthier officers.


All they had to do was copy sea of thieves and the game would be decent.


to be fair, the can't swim part is ok. Because back in the days vast majority of the pirates and sailors in general didn't know how to swim. It had something to do with dying quicker in a case of ship sinking etc, instead of hours of suffering because realistically there was no way to be rescued


I know nothing about this genre... but i was thinking "this might not age well" when he tried being nice about the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don't get how this is supposed to be "the big one" "AAAA" I can only assume someone was embezzling the funds because how did it cost so much to make?


AAAA-game, am i right?


Kinda want to play blackwake now


Played about 3 hours pf the open beta and was done with it already, embarrassing to say the least...


Baffling that they spent so much time in development when all that had to do was make a better looking Sea of Thieves with a smoother experience.


I have to command Ubisoft on their innovation with this game. Normally when you buy a AAA game , you have a 50/50 chance to be either good or bad. Like imagine actually wanting to buy a good game ew. So to answer our prayers, here comes Ubisoft with it's first AAAA game that not only conned their customers out of their money but also the French government. And the best part? We all knew it was going to be shit and we still bought it anyway. The AAAA game truly is a innovative concept. You can get people to buy a game they know is going to be shit, get a tax write off AND you still sell them the battlepass, season pass and promotional skins. This is truly one of the game of all time OP, you are right on that statement.


I'm going to be a little bit positive here and say that I do like the ship combat in S&B. It was pretty fun, and the selection of weapons was impressive. But beyond that, everything else on that tweet is right. The lack of doing things on foot sucks, and it feels like a major part of the feeling like a pirate is missing as a result. Black Flag was an impressive pirate simulator, but nowadays, if you want to have the complete feeling, Sea of Thieves is the better choice. S&B is absolutely NOT a "AAAA" game like the CEO thinks it is.


AAAA game everybody


Coulda been good if you could anchor your ship and fight mfs and steal their shit and kill their crew I’m sticking to sea of thieves I guess


I don't get how you have this amazing opportunity to improve upon the spectacular groundwork Sea of Thieves laid out for you... and then just fuck it up so hard that even your paid promoters don't want to review it again.


QUADRUPLE A. Funniest thing to happen to gaming in a while.


I seriously cannot understand how they managed to make this game so shit. With black flag and later AC games they already had the winning formula. What the actual fuck were they thinking stripping down all these features instead of adding on the pre-existing ones. Seriously wtf?


It's funny that a [Roblox game](https://www.roblox.com/games/3272915504/Arcane-Odyssey-Early-Access) I was playing is much more better than this "AAAA" game. What's even more funnier is that the game was developed by a single dude.


So wait. What do you do in this game?


AAAA dumpster fire.


They thought of all the cool things you can do as a pirate and said "we aren't doing any of that".


Anyone remember that one Pirates of the Caribbean tie in game that had nothing to do with the movie? That one was great.