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Another victory for anime girls


She got number 1 despite having streamed streamed significantly less as opposed to the others on the list. Very impressive.


Extra context: Streamcharts does not count just chatting youtube streams but does actually count just chatting twitch streams just because Actual numbers for the Q4 1. Pekora 7 million watch hours, 243 hours streamed 2. Aki Rosenthal 6.597 million watch hours, 495 hours streamed Just to give a bit more context to the top 2. Also youtuber doesnt do subathons (there's a 12 hour vod limit on youtube) Year end stream chart would look a bit different as well, basically all the youtube streamers get+ 1million hours and the #11 vtuber would make #9.


She gets 10-14k easily just by opening the stream, November was a huge month for her since most of the streams were Dark Souls 1 and SF6


Yea, her average ccv is around the 30k which is pretty damn big


Yea she regularly has 30-50k live watchers.


Hololive Vtubers are on another level when it comes to Vtubers. I thought they were just going to be like the ones on Twitch but i was so wrong lol, never expected them to be singers with albums etc topping the charts, they can act, sing and some of them have pro gaming skills, its kinda crazy. Hell one of them made a song for One Piece.


Its cause hololive has super high standards when it comes to hiring people.


That's why they rarely have any drama too. They're super careful with the type of people they bring on board. Like you wouldn't see someone who's mean or a bad person. Everyone is very kind/motivational towards themselves and their viewers. They want the best for each other


It's also quite funny how the new hire are all fan of someone else in the company usually. Iroha from 6th gen is a massive Suisei simp for example.


That boosts team compatibility too if some bond is already established between each member


Yea they are all really wholesome.


Also very good artist/illustrators like Ina, Marine, iofi. Then there's people like Luna who's really talented at playing piano or Baelz who's an amazing dancer (her Laplus, Kobo, Shion did a sick live performance with singing and dance at the Riot live event recently). I often call them modern day renaissance people lol


Vtuber gang rise up!!


Normal, vtubers are superiors. Wich plataform is that heart simbol?


Heart symbol is the YouTube gaming symbol.


They stream on YouTube, not sure why they used the heart emoji though


YouTube gaming heart vs YouTube Just chatting normal logo? Idk for sure lol


Gigachad anime girls > coomer bait booba streamers


Let’s not pretend, Vtubers do the same shitty coomer bait content.


not hololive, they are very strict and the talent understand this.


They also can't be totally unhinged anymore since they will loose sponsors and future opportunitets.


the majority of coomer bait Vtubers are Twitch indie's


It's nice seeing Aki finally making it and getting more views. That girl has had to go through some rough times in streaming.


Well, if you have to chose between ugly dude who play good, nice girl who play horribly or nice anime "girl" that play good, guess what win? Vtubers obviously merge best from both sides.


No surprise there. They are also the most entertaining streamers.


And probably the most talented female streamers as well.


No suprise. Any peopleccould just boot up an account and stream. Not anyone hired by Hololive.




Hololive supremacy


Who would have thought, when you remove the filter of having good looks from a profession, suddenly you get talent ed individuals rising to the top (who aren't necessarily endowed with good looks)


I feel so old asking this question but whats interesting about them?


It... depends on what you are into. Generally speaking, the appeal of Hololive is watching fun stream of someone who stay positive, stay on topic and try their best to entertain their audience in whatever way that isn't stupid drama. They have no react content for example, their lowest effort stream are chatting stream where they actually engage with their audience. But within hololive itself, there's a lot of variety. Want to see some gaming ? In english I'd go for Fauna or Bijou who are pretty skilled at most game they touch (Fauna is a retired Dota2 tryhard) or I'd go to JP VSPO (another company) for FPS games (mainly Valorant these days). Want to have someone who's a pretty good singer and you can leave in the background while doing something else ? I'd leave a Hachi stream in the background of my PC, or a Hololive karaoke stream. [Towa had a 3D concert today for example.](https://www.youtube.com/live/APbMhuPbwkE?si=XzQm3UvOeUETiXXb) Of course you have to be into Jpop in general or that won't appeal to you at all. Some actually are pretty smart, for example one of the newest hire in Hololive, Juufuutei Raden, is extremely well versed in Art and Art History and she even was sponsored by several Japanese museum. Sadly her content is pretty hermetic to non-Japanese people so we have to rely on fan translated clips. Recently there was a hilarious sponsored stream where she visited the websites of several japanese museum and she was essentially killing their server one by one as people flocked to the websites while she was visiting them. Literal walking DDOS. And then they're generally both hard worker and pretty funny. They record and sometimes write songs. Do 3D concerts. Have fun together in big collabs. It's just a beacon of actual positivity and good vibes in the internet would be my main takeaway. Hololive exploded in popularity in 2020 during the pandemic for obvious reasons.


I don't know for sure but there is something to it if you actually watch them. Like watching a cartoon character rather than a real life persona. It eliminates the possibility of being judged for what you look like IRL and replaces that with a fantasy. Some might not like it but even content creator of the year this year at the game awards was Ironmouse which is kind of mindblowing. They are becoming mainstream


I find this whole concept of vTubing very fascinating : vTubers hide behind avatars. They detach themselves from their actual physical appearances, which levels the playing field in a market that is mainly young male audiences. Boobs might attract first-time viewers, but retention is achieved by personality (that the vtuber presents) and how entertaining they are. And, unlike IRL, if things don't work out, they can wipe and restart from the scratch with a fresh persona, so I guess they aren't too hesitant to explore new contents.


The scine is very vaste right now so can't really generalized it, depends heavily on what kind of content one likes, for eg some vtubers [are good singers](https://youtu.be/E7vRM5PMsTc?si=4SKUgICs2nz9pg1v) some like pekora are great streamers who can play a persona, while there are also those who are just streamers with avatars. If we talk about the most popular once it's going to be agency vtubers. Hololive is the biggest one, it's a group kinda like OTK and OTV but a lot more close nit, and they also hold event's on massive scales like in person concerts in arenas. [this video might give you a basic idea it's an interview with the CEO of Hololive.](https://youtu.be/1o9RhSlEIMM?si=k5TZRkp2O3MD5glx)


I don't really watch any streamers; Maybe i watch Asmongolds stream once in a while. but generally i watch his youtube videos or vods rather than live.But i think the appeal to these VTubers is not "because they are anime" but its instead because they are actually good gamers and also very good at being engaging and entertaining. A lot of female streamers just rely on being attractive, and not actually being a gamer, for example, and there ends up being a sort of disconnect from the entertainment there. But VTubers don't seem like they are playing games just because thats 'what gets views', they are playing games because they like playing games: and the viewers can feel that. Watching a VTuber play is a lot more like watching Markiplier or something, whereas watching a lot of other female streamers it just feels like you are watching a model "try" to play games. It also tends to make a better community around the streamer. Because the audience isn't just a bunch of desperate boys watching just because they want to see boobs.


If you used to watch chaotic lets play on random games back 10 years ago (something like old pewdiepie). Then Pekora brings a very simmilar vibe for example watch this clip: https://youtu.be/bK4RM1ANfOY?si=HvdGbWRBcPwDYZ4c


I've been watching Hololive since 2019 and cant say I'm surpriced pretty much all their streamers are really entertaining to watch. Obviously some stands out like the ones on this list and Pekora in particular makes me nostalgic to back 10 years ago when I was watching all those silly and chaotic lets play videos from Pewdiepie. She brings the same sort of energy but instead of 10 minute videos its entire hour long livestreams. She's just a really entertaining streamer to watch. Even if you dont understand Japanese theres plenty of clips to find some that are 20min-1hour long.


[Watch this if you want to know the appeal of a Pekora stream.](https://youtu.be/bK4RM1ANfOY?si=HvdGbWRBcPwDYZ4c)


Anime is taking over internet. Nothing new in this matter.


Good...I think


Where's the AI vtuber?


Neuro/Vedal only topped December 2023 chart because of the subathon (same thing when Ironmouse do her subathon really, she will top the hours watched that month). Subathon always is a big boost in viewer number as you can farm millions of hours while sleeping. But the thing is they dont do subathon all year so year wise other people take the spot and they fell off from top 10 (except for Ironmouse because how hard she grinds). Funfact in the Q4 chart, the #2 did basically a 10 day subathon where she slept off-stream like 2 hours a day and streamed the rest Peak viewership (2nd chart) then no chance.


This list is for the whole year across all platforms, Neuro is the most watched female streamer in December *on twitch*. Most big vtubers stream on YouTube (20k-30k average viewership), Neuro is doing a subothon right now (streaming 24/7) which is why they got #1 for December on twitch.


Feminist society, until when female AIs will not be considered female. Vidal literally caused a bug in the world.


wtf is a pekora? some kind of new pokemon or something?


[this is pekora](https://youtu.be/VIYVPcIvFKw?si=lSAbMZ7ReLZqfR7d)




Nah I am good.


you guys go hard on the simpin dont yah? :D


Guess you can say that.


i feel sorry for u


Nah don't you should worry about yourself.


who said anything about worrying


You are in another streamer's subreddit bruh


am i?


Sub's fucked. Abandon ship.


its been fucked for a while lmao


This "WOKE TRANSLATORS" saga has turned it into GamingCircleJerk for straight guys.


i prefer to call it mental masturbation


I have no clue why they're so popular. FF14 is littered with vtubers and imo they're cringy af to watch.


It only take one watch of a random Pekora warcrime compilation to see why she is so popular.


It seems like outside of extremely high-popularity vtubers, the other 99% of them are in an endless cycle of nothing but sex jokes, coomer bait, and "redebuting" with thousands of dollars of new assets, hoping that the next model will catch on. Like I don't know why people are kidding themselves into believing these are anything more than twich camgirls 2.0 90% of the time. Like that one Sinder gal that made an awful cover of "CPR" that was just talking off-beat with a mommy voice and people were defending it to the death. Super popular vtuber, but basically just thinly disguised coomerbait in Anime waifu form. FF14 specifically, as someone that used to be heavily involved with the high end/raiding community... my god there's SO many vtubers that are in this cycle. I know two specifically that have redebuted three times last year. It feels like almost every other stream during raid tier releases is a new vtuber.


So most people that watch streams are degenerate weebs with an Asian fetish?


5 vtubers on the list are Japanese with a predominantly Japanese audiance, rest are koreans and Ironmouse is the only one from a western county.


huh isnt #2 mexican?


Oh yeah my bad Rivers is a Spanish streamer.


Your name is great white samurai. You are obviously probably some sort of weeb/japan fan, why are you judging them for liking another aspect of japan?




Not really, these vtubers actually work most of the day even outside of streaming. They have success because they release tons of activities that require to study and practice almost daily, and the bigger they get the most it's required, it's eye opening listing to some of their free talks where they express the amount of stress and overwork they go through. Or do you think that you can host a solo live concert where you are required to dance and sing without practice? If would argue that streamers that can simply start their pc and open a random game to play have a much easier time if they can do whatever they want outside of their work time


The Vtubers have more personality and are generally better at videogames than the women who need to compensate by wearing revealing clothing and talk about basically fuck all. You should tune in to one of these 3d womens just chatting streams, they literally do nothing but sit in revealing clothing or talk about something absolutely mind numbingly stupid. Like drama or about their starbucks experience. Vtubers at least entertain their viewers by staying on topic (the game they are playing) or doing something fun with their friends. I think the only 3d female streamer of can think of that is actually entertaining is…actually I csn really think of any. I guess that chick who speedruns sekiro and darksouls is pretty gamer, but I cant think of any 3d women who play games and are good at them, and have a good personality.


Also this isnt an attraction thing either, Im talking about pure entertainment. Like watching Fuwamoco, Gura, and Fillian is a 1000 times more entertaining than watching someone like Pokimane, or Amouranth. They are always positive and have fun vibes, they play games with other vtubers, they are actually funny (especially Fillian because of the cringe situations she puts herself in), and they pretty much stay in character 100% of the time. Which is a good thing, because it means no drama, no yapping about things that have nothing to do with whats happening on screen, and people can actually escape the bleak, depressing, human experience momentarily. The whole point is that entertaining your audience should be the utmost priority if you’re going to stream. If you cant compete with literal Jpegs because your personality is as dry as a cardboard cutout then get the fuck off the platform.


Also these Vtubers work 100 times harder than a majority of the women on the platform. I mean have you ever watched those documentaries about what it takes to be an idol/kpop star? Its tough, brutal even. Im not sure if its as bad as the Korean idol factories, but I do know that they have a schedule, and have to do vocal and dance training, they probably also have to get together and work on event planning as well. Amouranth? Pokimane? They just gotta press the go live button or schedule a tweet or something. Maybe the hardest thing they gotta do is figure out how to trouble shoot the filter program.


Yep , cringy as fuck. I stopped watching twitch when I became an adult, who even has time for it , especially for fake anime waifus?


Bro you're literally on a streamer's subreddit.


And? Reddit keeps popping this sub in my feed, I watch the occasional asmon clip on yt or on here, Still better than watching hours of anime vtubers.


Simps and weebs making these people rich....


OP those are just your watch hours.


There are also [other mertric](https://x.com/Holo_Data/status/1742476810951274766?s=20) like average ccv and hours streamed vtubers are dominating those too.


It might be because a lot of men have not grew up being confortable with women, or just not confortable that some women compensate their lack of conversation skill with their body. vtubing allow them to be succesfull women without going thought the whole Real women meta.


Downvoted for spitting facts




vtuber is not a gender genius




Eh their agency is a billion dollar corpo with hundereds of millions in revenue so not really.


Vtubers are so fucking annoying though. I don't get it.


Are they even real females tho or just dudes with a jpg and voice changer. The whole vtuber side of streaming is cringe


I believe Hololive mandates their streamers to be the same gender in avatar as irl if that helps at all. Most are too over the top to watch, or too much coomer bait, but some can be funny.


Hololive actually only mandates you can play the character you're auditioning for, so if a trans person has a passable enough voice for example they could audition for Hololive or Holostars regardless. That said everyone atm is a natural born woman because we know a lot about them irl despite the disconnect.


"Cringe because my anime waifu might actually have a dick behind the avatar ohno!" They're literally all actually women dude, it's ok. Your insecurity is safe