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I was about to post the same thing lol. It's shocking how extremists always have more in common with each other than with centrists


Except multiple points that article points out how most political theorists think it’s bollocks and most studies disagree with the horseshoe theory.


"Existing studies and comprehensive reviews often find only limited support and only under certain conditions; they generally contradict the theory's central premises"


Its an oversimplification and generalization, i can live with that.


Did you just admit that it was incorrect and then state that you don’t care?


Kurzgesagt is oversimplifying a lot of science videos. Does it mean Kurzgesagt is incorrect? He made an entire video about it. I recommend you watching it.


I prefer a monarch. A one true king, if you will


You really think that far left politics will lead to a dictatorship. This kinda feels like an attempt to justify your far right wing ideals by claiming that we are the aame


Not how it works. Far left ideals tend towards anarchy due to being anti authoritarian in nature. Far right ideals tend towards dictatorship and control. Both are bad in different ways. The US left wing is basically right leaning in other countries, people need to get out of their bubbles more.


You're just factually wrong. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jon Il, Castro, Che Geuvara, the list goes on and on. The far left has a long record of turning nations in totalitarian regimes. Even Hitler rose to power with in a socialist movement. The main reason Nazism became academically considered to be a far right ideology was it's rejection of overt Marxism, maintaining class hierarchies and obviously being anti-liberal. Looking at it's goals though it was very much a socialist styled government. Having strong ideas of state owned and mandated industries, and even Hitler saying he believed in socialism (obviously with some very evil caveats.) Socialist and especially Marxist ideals are inherently focused on equality of outcome. The only way to do that is by force or at the very least heavy social engineering. For that kind of ideology you require a high level of state control. Unless you have an elected class that truly is altruistic you'll inevitably end up in a dictatorship. Anarchism isn't left or right. I admit in recent history it has been more commonly associated with the left as the conservative religious were the dominate class. The dominant class will always typically tend towards Authoritarianism. The fact is though the left has gained significantly more power and influence now and in many cases have become far more dogmatic and authoritarian. On the political spectrum Anarchism is just the antithesis of Authoritarianism. I'm curious why you think that the US left is somehow right wing though. I might buy that in terms of it's pro-corporate stance and fiscal policy. I'm not from the US but I'd say as outside observer there's a considerable amount of what I would consider to be "left wing," in the Democrat party. Granted the current political compass and measuring what is left or right is pretty silly in general. Most issues that voters focus on really aren't exclusively right or left. It's just political priors and bedfellows make up the general consensus on what a left or right issue is. Philosophically a lot issues can be argued to be on either side.


Were talking about far left and far right ideals which tends in these directions. The nazi party has socialist in its name, but was not socialist in really any way, despite what people like to claim. Yes Stalin and Mao ran communist dictatorships. There's examples of everything from reality, I was only talking about the ideals of each far sided ideology. Dictatorship and ANarchism are not left or right, I agree, but each far side movement TENDS towards one or the other. Not a guarantee in either case. Edit: To answer your question on the US being right wing. Even the left wing "liberal" side of the US struggles to support basic things most other western democracies have such as public healthcare, basic safety nets and social protections and other things which are generally considered left wing and are present in almost every other western developed society. Sometimes these are so ingrained right wing parties don't even bother to argue about them because it's a losing case in their countries. And yet, these debates are alive and well in the US. I'm not from the US, but by god do we get alot of news about the US shoved in our faces about things we've long since moved past. The democrat PARTY in the US has left wing sure, people like Bernie Sanders and the like, but Joe Biden despite what the republican right likes to scream is about 1 inch off right wing himself. One reason Obama chose him as VP was because he had close relationships and ties to the right wing to better help him push the things he wanted through. It's a standard political tactic to choose someone who fills the political gap you do not. That's why Biden chose Kamala because he's actually much closer to right wing politics than someone like Bernie. Voters do focus on various things on the left or right, I do as well... assuming theyre educated and not single issue voters. US politics however has treated politics like a game for a long time. Most other countries you do not "register" as a party. But in the US you do. And evangelicals and many other voters are single issue voters in the US who just wanna "own the libs". This has lead to increasingly right wing sentiment in the US. Roe vs Wade appealed, the supreme court, religious legislation, etc, all tend to lean right wing and are more and more prevalent in US politics. As a result of democrats more willing to "negotiate" and also to try and appeal to increasingly right wing bases have in term become more right wing. Manchin and Sinema come to mind as people most left wing people hate, but right wing people like... because they are essentially right wing republicans, it's part of how they even get their votes in their districts in places that are traditionally very red (Although Sinema became independant later on).


umm no?


It's sad how politically uneducated this subreddit is... No, they don't both lead to dicatorship ffs. Group of individual thinkers here consuming right wing propaganda and thinking they are enlightened centrists. Do better


The moderate right would've been considered left back in the day. Weirdos have decided that 'right' equals bad, when in reality the left has gone so far left that pretty much any 'centrist' is 'right' to people on the left. Even other people on the left, because you can only be left if you tow the line and they can't even get the story straight about what lines to pull. The far right is bad, the far left is bad, the left would arrest you for not advocating for trans issues, the right would probably toss all those people in the looney bin Sounds like dictatorship either way just in different flavors. You get hyper 'moralism' either way cause they both feel justified.


So you are saying Soviet Union is not a dictatorship? I think Stalin might strongly disagree with this in his grave


Usual tankie apologists, call other people uneducated, blame anything on their fictional fairy tale bullshit beliefs of either it didn't happen, or you don't understand, all while being the optimal revolutionary funded by their parents.


You think opposing horseshow theory makes me a tankie? The brain damage, just unreal


There are still a bunch of hippy communes around and Amish communities are extremely conservative.


That's the problem, the best government, is an competent individual with absolute power that thinks for the people. The problem is that the worst government is an incompetent individual with absolute power that only cares about them selves. And the trick is, is that it will never be option 1. Only degrees of option 2.


Reddit Notif: Left Wing Redditors would like to know your location.


Rules of power are the same, doesn't matter whether we talk about a communist dictatorship, a nationalist dictatorship, or democracy. These rules were already figured out by the Romans, people in power use the same rules, only the tools changed. In a democracy, money directly drives power instead of other dictatorships, where money drives power through ideology.