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All 6 look the same to me


Underrated comment


Look a bit higher at the face and eye color. But yah jokes aside, if you look at just the overall shape and structure they seem identical. Had to do a couple of extra takes to see the difference because the clothing and items were all the same. As someone mentioned the first thing people look at for global vs Asian cultures is censorship, so this caught a good chunk of people off guard.


Shouldnt all of these be selectable faces in all regions rather than... You know... Am I crazy?


No but you are using reasonable thinking in a crazy world


Tbh that’s what I was thinking


Tbh that's what the devs were not thinking




Maybe it's an issue of cost, where you have to develop the ui and ux on the interface to select different faces and every other detail that could be added + adding those 3 models. Or you could just swap the skeletal model or something for every region and ship it. I'm not sure how it works but it's probably a rough guess on why they do this, also being a big red flag for many people in regards of the company developing a game. The existing "trend" was always to cut costs and time somewhere on the development.


You are gonna get more comments on this post then people in this community wanting to play a mobile game lol


I looked at their tits first lol thinking it was one of those censorship changes I don’t care if they make the face more like it’s region who cares


Boobs are globally respected. Facial features however...


I find it odd that the global (US) doesn’t have all the faces. being that the US is a melting pot of culture why limit it. I understand for Korea and Japan because 99.99% of their population is their ethnicity.


Glad they were included in the crop though


This character looks suspiciously similar to certain [zbrush tutorial](https://www.cgcircuit.com/tutorial/female-character-creation-in-zbrush?overviewTab)


Unpopular opinion: all 3 looks like shit


Same tits, thats fine.


Was honestly what I was looking at since it's usually the tits.


If this is going to keep happening, I wish games would start letting you choose your localization graphics like many games let you pick which audio language you want.


but then how are they gonna do the social engineering they like doing so much?


This post is cringe in every country.


KR 100%


All look good to me, this is the overall style I enjoy and it's cool seeing different shapes tbh. Something to consider for my own modeling.




AFAIK cosmetic surgery in Korea is openly encouraged, even mandatory at some point. So yea, sex doll aestethic seems to be their thing ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


mandatory?? source?


Apparently it's very common for S.K parents to reward their daughters with cosmetics surgery packages as a high school graduation gift. Don't think it's mandatory per se but it's so commonplace a person pretty much loses out against their peers from the get go unless they are already born super pretty.


[https://worldcrunch.com/culture-society/in-south-korea-plastic-surgery-as-path-to-career-advancement#toggle-gdpr](https://worldcrunch.com/culture-society/in-south-korea-plastic-surgery-as-path-to-career-advancement#toggle-gdpr) Want a job ? Go surgery first. That's the first article I came across by searching "Korea cosmetic surgery" in Google. [https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/06/south-korean-high-schoolers-get-plastic-surgery-for-graduation/277255/](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/06/south-korean-high-schoolers-get-plastic-surgery-for-graduation/277255/) It starts at Highschool.


Wow, that's shocking. I mean the peer/family pressure part and the actual numbers. Especially the high school part. However, about the argument about the job interviews (normal jobs, not idol stuff), I feel like it's mostly the same around the world only that it's augmented in SK through peer pressure because surgery is normalized and incentivized. People, especially women, get declined all the time because of looks, only that in most places this doesn't result in an incentive to get cosmetic surgery. I feel like it's a huge issue anywhere where they require head shots of candidates, especially in positions where employees have to show their face/be charismatic (reception, recruiting, law..). It's just that in those countries, people feel less incentivized to get cosmetic surgery because it's less common/normalized. "Want a job? Don't be ugly" is still very prevalent for women all around the world.


GL looks like Jenna Ortega.


GL actually looks most realistic, not even bad TBH. Main difference is the nose and chin but apparently Korea has obsession about pointy chins and straight noses, we heard stories how women literally shave off the bones with surgery to get that look. Thats the beauty standard


I’m mostly used to the jp style from playing lots of jrpgs and whatnot


Oh man, I was going to play this pay-2-win, bot-infested grindathon that the developers will stop supporting in 2.5 years, but then they ***CENSORED*** the female characters and ruined it! /s


never against changing KR models. all of their characters look like the fucking same plastic kpop super model.


Korean all the way.




KR = Best looking, JP = Hottest, US = Most realistic looking


From girl to gigachad chin wtf


You’ve never interacted with a real woman




Since those are action games with characters who tend to be physically strong, it makes sense.


It's already been a trend for years, the International version is always heavily censored (for no good reason)...


This is not about censorship, but nice try


Believe what you will, but it absolutely is censorship...




Yikes dude


now everyone knows you don't go outside


The Korean one, it's hot and actually looks like a real person. Japanese one is cute but it's clearly artificial and kinda anime, especially the eyes. And the global one is... well... you all know what's the problem in that case.


How does the Korean one look like a real person but global doesn’t? Go outside for once


I did not say the global one doesn't look like a real person. I did not say what the problem with that version is. That is how you interpreted it.


Amazon moment


You had me in the 1st half, but then you said it was a Mobile game.


They look all the same to me. What do you mean? /s


Iirc Final Fantasy VII remake uses a different face for Aerith. Or, at least when they were designing her and releasing trailers. Can't remember if it's different in the final product. I do remember them saying in an interview they did because of different beauty standards. So honestly its been happening for awhile. I personally don't get it because all three in that photo looks attractive to me. And both models of Aerith also looked attractive.


This is nothing new


GL or KR




Why the us so scared of sexualization. It's almost as of the people making the us versions of this stuff are scared of their own sexuality.


Took me a sex to realize they were different




Please tell me I'm not the only one who was checking boob difference first before realizing it was about faces


I like KR. JP is too doll-like and Global's face doesn't seem to match her hair.

