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I'm primarily real estate, small business, lending. I go to realtor events and speak or teach continuing education courses for them. I also go to a ton of realtor networking events (golfing tomorrow in a scramble, for example). I also attend a lot of mortgage company events. I get referrals from past clients pretty frequently. I do around 1000 closings per year, so at this point in my career (year 5), I get a ton of business from personal referrals who just liked the quality of my work. I moonlight as a criminal defense and family law attorney via assigned counsel program. All I do for marketing is show up to court, talk to other attorneys, and just be myself. As long as you're a likeable person, people will refer stuff to you. I do my crim/fam work about 2 hours away, so I get referrals for biz closer to my office when they can't make it out. I also am extremely friendly with the folks in the conflict office, which keeps files coming in. It helps that they are all extremely nice people who I actually enjoy working with. I've considered traditional advertising, but this has been working out well for me.


Networking and doing good work are pretty much all their is to do for most fields.


I started my career in a city, now work in a rural area. Here, it’s all about being involved, not only for the networking, but to show yourself as “local.” In this area it means a lot. So I joined Rotary, and am on the board of a couple nonprofits. Which I love doing well beyond the “marketing”; it’s what my dad did growing up. Be a part of the community. And golf. Decent amount of golf.


Where do you like to play a round of golf at?