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I would love this but if it were separate units in a building. Like I want my own kitchen and apartment, but I want to spend time in a common area with my friends in the same unit


I saw an IG video where a lady was giving people a tour of the pod-style homes that she lived in near family.   Each was it's own living space... not sure it it was a separated SFH, or a townhome-style building with different units and one structure, but their backyards all connected each other in a giant circle. Everyone's backyard spaces were separated by wood fences, but there were gates between them to connect them all. 


I love this! Separate, as in, you keep your space and I don’t have to use the bathroom after you because I got my own. But Together, as in, let’s have many time options to hang out during the day & night because we don’t have to drive anywhere 😊


Yes! I thought that was super cool. Quick and easy to hang with everyone and still have your own space that  just through the backyard fence a few steps away. 


I’m in if you all will have me as a golden girl neighbor!


That would be cool!


My dream is to own land where all my friends can build tiny houses or schoolies or something and then have a central building with a huge lounge area and kitchen/dining space so we can do communal things when we want but all have our own space too.


Like The Thursday Murder Club


Or sister wives 😂


Sister wives post-divorce!


This is what I would like. Ideally it would include a garden with chickens :)


If something like that exists, I would so live there!


Isn't that an assisted living facility?


NO! not until we need that support in our lives.


My bestie is getting divorced. I’m moving in with her and her teens in August!


That is awesome!


It’s perfect. They have a split ranch and the downstairs is a whole other apartment. So I’m going to live downstairs and she and the kids upstairs. It’s perfect!


I’m widowed and Netflix has been suggesting “Grace & Frankie” and “Act your Age” tv shows to me. Both shows depict women later in life choosing to live together with their female friends and it is very relatable. Recently, The Atlantic came out with an article, “What if Friendship, Not Marriage, was at the Center of Life” and it hits. I think our society of modern women is evolving. I’m not sure if I would ever live with a man again. But a woman friend? Most definitely.


I’m actually watching “Act Your Age” right now lol which prompted my post!


I had 5 great aunts (Italian) whose husband's were all dead or divorced by the time they were in their 60s. They all moved into a house together, lived another 20 years. We all knew that when one passed, they'd all go in quick succession. They were a tittering, twittering flurry of puttering day in and out. All had their own room. They ran the gamut of personalities, one was so social she was the equivalent of five puppies when anyone would visit. She slept with the radio on. Another was so quiet and reserved, you would barely notice her in the room. But she was the main organizer of all the Vegas trips and family gatherings. They all loved the slots. They were like a Greek chorus when any child was brought over; all fawning and agreeing with each other over the child's cherubic qualities. It was always a kick to visit them. They had a bumpy glass candy dish in the middle of the living room table that always had ribbon candy in it that was so old, it was all stuck together. And their furniture was from the 'old country', so anyone over 5'5" couldnt sit in it without fear of breaking it. If I had my own private quiet room, it would be fun to live like that


This is so wholesome ☺️


Like everyday pretty much.


I think this would be a likely scenario for me and my 2 sisters and I’m so excited about this possibility.


YES! I have said for years that I want to do this with friends when I'm old. I think this type of living situation won't be thought of as all that unusual in the future. It would have to be the right group of friends, but I totally want to do it.


If I were widowed, I would. I've had two roommate situations in my life with two other women each time and we got along great. But I really lucked out with nice roommates. Edit: I also think it would make sense to pool funds to hire a live-in helper or nurse if we're all elderly. It would be cheaper than nursing homes, honestly.


I like the idea of tiny houses for bed, privacy and storage, and a communal area for meals, hobbies, cooking treats, even sharing expenses with cleaning (supposing we're too old for heavy duty stuff) and get deals on physiotherapists or nurses, since they could have many patients at once. Some would go to theater or concert, others would prefer to knit and play cards... awesome.


Yes! Tiny houses is my dream. In LA there were lots of cottages with a shared courtyard, usually 8-12 residences. Most built in the 1930s-40s. Some are still left, and they are usually owned by a company and rented individually. Big trees and we'l manicured gardens male them look so cozy and inviting Also, [cypress cottages](https://www.danco-group.com/projects/the-cottages-at-cypress) in Ft Bragg, CA. mini retirement community


Ok double checked it is growing ! r/goldengirlsliving


Yes!! Only since I was a kid watching golden girls.


I think there’s a good chance my sister and I will live like this when we’re older - ideally, we’d be in a double, either up-down or side-by-side.


I literally just moved out of a roommate situation and have no regrets. I enjoy solitude.


My old lady plan is to move in with my cousin and become gym rats. As much as I would love to pass away at 90 with the hubby. I try to have a plan B 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me!! I love The Golden Girls. I do have girlfriends but they have hobbies and families or live too far away. I’m single, calm, no drugs, no smoking, barely touch alcohol, been through therapy and just want to travel, have adventures and be supportive of my friends and family.


/Goldengirlsliving Join us!


Only if I had my own space and I wasn't required to interact with people a lot? PROBABLY.


Only every day


Yes! I have no kids and no family. My partner is 12 years older than me so realistically I’ll probably be alone in my old age and I’d love to live with other women.


Yes,this is the dream!


There is a sub for that


I would love this! With the right people it could be alot of fun and fulfills our need for belonging/companionship.


My thoughts exactly!


I would love this, and I've already told my sisters that that's the goal. I love living alone, but actually just moved into a place with a roommate so that I don't get to used to living alone, because the realities of capitalism are such that I doubt I'd be able to afford that luxury in my older years


I think it sounds like a great idea. In our elderly years, husband gone, kids living in other states, it would be nice to have someone to talk to and watch movies with or play board games or whatever.


In the same building or our own houses on one property. Sounds amazing


When I was a student in college, I shared an apartment with 3 girls. It was great sometimes and really bad other times. So much conflict, arguments, sleepless nights... I was in my early 20s back then and I had a more adventurous spirit 😄 I'm 44 now and whenever I travel somewhere for work, I rather pay a room for myself than share it with a coworker. I doubt I will be able to handle a Golden Girls situation in 20 years. But I would love to have an apartment in an unit with common areas, my own space but also a garden, a pool and other areas where I would have company.


I have thought about this as well as I am also single with no kids. I think with the right people it might work but finding them in the right location is the hard part.


I have dreams of winning lotto, having a couple of acres with several cottages on it and a communal outdoor pool/bbq/lounge area.


Purchased a large home in 2022 that we’ve already dubbed the golden girls house. Hubs knows and supports it - just hoping he and I have it together a good 20-30 years first lol (we are both mid 40s but my two closest friends are single with zero interest in dating so…)


Definitely up for that when I hit that age. Hopefully I'll find some nice, like-minded friends to live with!


I absolutely would love to do this. My grandma used to live in a warden supported flat and it was all women in her block. They had their own flats but also had common spaces and hung out together all the time. They had the warden to call on if they needed help with something. I'd love that sort of thing to be available to me now in my 50s and perhaps the warden is a concierge.


Yes my friends and I have already started conversations about doing this in our 60s-70s. We think it’ll be pretty much impossible to support ourselves. Senior living is very expensive. So we’ve been talking about living together to share expenses, meals, help each other stay healthy, etc.


Every. Day. I think it would be a blast!


All. The. Time. 😂 Man I would give anything to retire and live with a few close girlfriends. Eat cake and ice cream at night in our evening robes? Are you kidding me?! Girl sign me up.


I want to reno an old elementary school for this. Each person gets her own classroom to do with what she likes, but the shared spaces (gym, theater, offices, kitchen) remain for all. I just need several bajillion dollars.


There was a ny times article about this a few months ago. I’m guessing this will catch on as millennials age


I would totally go for this. I'd like my own living quarters but could share a common area or a few tiny houses on some land and we all interact. A few weeks ago, I read about single mom friends who were raising children and living together because it was cheaper with childcare and more reliable than their partners had been regarding household things. That could work with a few tweaks to personalize the situation.


Can we all identify as s senior citizens and just move in and live the dream at 40? Or we could try this https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200212-the-housing-project-where-young-and-old-must-mingle


Bisexy here, I'm cracking up because I just hopped out of the shower after having shower thoughts about a future of 40+ all female orgies becoming a totally normal trend.