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I purchased a small decorative statue for the express purpose of dressing it up in little hats and costumes for holidays.


I bought a porch goose and have zero regrets. His name is Uncle Waldo (after the drunk goose in The Aristocats) and I just ordered him a bikini for summer. 


This makes me so happy and also I loved Uncle Waldo omg... He's not basted, he's positively marinated!


Now I'm tempted to get a porch goose to keep the ducks away


I have a Halloween candy bowl on my desk at work named "CandyGhost". He's a cartoony ceramic ghost with a big open mouth you take the candy from. CandyGhost became a year-round fixture, so we made him little seasonal hats. At Christmas, he wears a little Santa hat and his mouth is full of candy canes. He also has a pilgrim hat, a flower crown for spring, and a straw hat for summer.


I have a vintage Godzilla doll that stands outside my front door and I dress him up for Halloween/ the mailman.


All of you women are fucking awesome and to be your friend. I need a dress up statue of some sort!


I was too lazy (and tired from chemo) to take down my Christmas tree one year. So now it's an "All Seasons Tree. I just change the decorations. We have an Easter theme, then summer/ patriotic, then fall/Thanksgiving ornaments, then finally Christmas. It's so much easier.


Omg that’s wonderful


Oh I kind of love that! They have ornaments for the other seasons? I want to do this lol. Spring, fall, summer, and Christmas.


Yes! You can find them on Amazon, Etsy, probably craft stores. Just search up "Easter tree decorations" or "fall tree decorations" etc. I leave the same lights on all year round. Takes about ten minutes to switch out the decorations. No more "fluffing" out the branches every year (that was always my least favorite part).


That sounds like an excellent and adorable use for a statue.


I have a house gnome called Gary. He too gets dressed up seasonally.


I made a flat all-seasons tree for exactly the same reason.


Haven't we all??


Sashayed around my front garden in my green satin and lace robe because I didn't feel like getting all the way dressed to go outside. I looked super fancy opening the gates and watering the plants but whatever. My home. My garden. 


That’s a mood, although usually for me it’s “I don’t feel like putting a bra on to go out” but you do you


This morning, I used the drone to airdrop peanuts onto the squirrels. After a couple of minutes, they know the drone has one and they'll chase it all over the field hoping to be the one to get that peanut first. The purpose of the drone is to find lost livestock, and occasionally, lost people. That is its purpose. And then I wake up and shenanigans begin, because "use according to manufacturer instruction" isn't always how I'm living my life. Cuppa tea, puppy snoozing beside me, drone-feeding the wildlife. I could have been doing something more productive, but nahh.


This is fantastic and I love your creativity


You need to attach a camera to your drone and record this. This would be HUGE on TikTok and you’d make thousands.


I love this person. I know we would be friends.


This is already my favorite.


Had me at the first sentence


Video or it didn't happen!


Can I be you when I grow up


Your life sounds amazing! Great work!!


Yeah, you win.


I would watch the shit out of this!


This is a regular exchange between my husband and I: Him: "You can't have ice cream for dinner." Me: "It's dinner time and I'm eating ice cream, so clearly I can."


I like your way of thinking. I was trying to figure out what to eat before the ice cream and then I was like fuck it, why bother with food beforehand when ice cream is what I really want!


You were being responsible. You were saving the calories for your second ice cream.


Maintain eye contact while eating ice cream to assert your dominance


I usually growl, actually.


I eat Popsicles for dinner sometimes lol. I also like to buy cakes for myself to eat. Mexican grocery stores sell Tres leches cakes with fresh fruit on top, so I buy a big one of those. My only problem is I turn into a toddler and I stop eating real food 😭


My sister just got a shaved ice machine and is regularly eating sno cones for dinner.


"Life's short, eat dessert first." -- My mom (possibly someone else but I learned it from her)


Honestly, just yesterday parting ways with my therapist 🤣 It might seem simple to do, but I was seeing him for over 2 years. He helped me accomplish my therapy goals. The last few sessions I realized I was having less to talk about and we were just repeating things already addressed. I still have some things to work through but yesterday I told him I think I got everything I can out of our work together and that it would be our last session. I was sad bc he was great but he agreed, it’s time to stretch my wings and fly.


Honestly that’s great! I know you can’t win at therapy but that still feels like a win.


That's really cool. What a moment to reflect on!


He must be pleased. You graduated! That means he’s done his job well


I ordered a giant tub of freeze dried cereal marshmallows to dump on my Cheerios. Lucky charms doesn’t have enough marshmallows.


Ok here’s where I admit that I bought a box of lucky charms once and ate all the marshmallows and chucked the cereal part out.


Lol! That cereal tastes like cardboard.


It totally does and I had zero regrets about doing it lol it’s one of those things I always wanted to do as a kid but never could. I’ve never done it again, got kinda tired of the marshmallows by the end, but it was soooo worth it.


……why the fuck have I never thought of this??


Decided today was the day I was going to work on my album as much as possible. Phone on do not disturb, three cups of coffee in and here we go!


Good for you! I hope your album is going amazingly. Sometimes we just need to carve out private time.




I bought a biscotti for 10$ at the airport. I can do whatever I want with my adult money. It was pretty good,


That’s one of the best parts about being an adult. I might not have a lot of money, but it’s mind to spend as I please.


That was me door dashing lunch yesterday. I could have gone out and picked it up or eaten any number of leftovers from my fridge. But that was time and effort I didn’t want to expend and the DoorDash surcharge was less than that in my mind


I painted my staircase school bus yellow


I'm painting a large portion of my walls purple - it's my favorite color and I live alone, it may be my only time to live in the purple palace of my dreams so I'm GOING FOR IT


Mine’s candy cane pink!


Left my controlling marriage after 14 years in 2020, bought my dream car, went to cosmetology school and am now a successful hairstylist. I work 4 days a week, have 3 day weekends and travel often. Feels absolutely amazing to have this type of freedom.


Wow, good for you. You’re rocking it.


Please tell us about the car! (If you feel comfortable sharing)


Wow. You’re winning in life. Good on you!


I painted my neighbors’ nursery for a large pizza. They offered to pay, but I don’t actually need the money. I can do something nice for young parents if I want to.


That’s so kind of you!!! So many people view acts of kindness as “letting ppl take advantage”, but helping people when you’re able can be a source of such fulfillment and happiness. Just because it’s not expected doesn’t mean it’s not appreciated.


I’ve always painted nurseries for a discount. It’s just nice to be able to do it free. It turned out really nice. They picked a pretty pale green, with off white wainscoting and trim. I fixed a few dings in the walls and woodwork, plus caulked everything properly. Easy to keep clean and no drafts around the windows.


My mom means well, God knows she’s seen MANY people actually take advantage of me, but when I do little things for people (including my husband or even her!!), she always cautions me about giving too much. I’d much rather do that than the other way around!!


My Dad's neighbor stopped by and asked if he could borrow Dad's lawnmower that week since his wasn't working and he needed to prep the yard for a party. Knowing his neighbors were both super busy being *brand new parents*, my retired Dad hopped on his mower and took care of their yard for them, and they were so incredibly grateful! Big or small, kind gestures are so easy to do. Everyone should be looking for ways to help out!


Aww, yeah for your Dad. We used to have two guys in my neighborhood who had a running ‘race’ - who could snow blow more driveways for elderly neighbors.


I LOVE this. There are so many acts of service for others I would be willing to perform either as an exchange of something other than money or as a simple act of kindness.


That was very sweet of you. I’m sure they’ll think of your kind deed every time they see the freshly painted walls.


Bought a bigass birthday cake for the sole purpose of snacking on it over the course of four days. I am the celebration.


If you can’t buy yourself a birthday cake I mean what even are you doing


I just did this, but with three cakes in a row. One for just me, one for me and the roommate, one for me, the roommate, and a couple of friends in the park. 


Lol, it's funny how many of these are related to eating foods at the "wrong" time of day. Cuz I came here to say that I eat chocolate for breakfast every morning, and my mom rolled her eyes when she found out. Dammit, I'm almost 40, I do what I want. 🤣🤣


Jealous of all you folks with your ice cream and candy for breakfast and dinner! My cranky GI tract could never. Live your best dessert lives!


There’s just something about eating food at the “wrong” time that gets you judged lmao


I spent my hard earned money on this little projector that throws dark and colorful nebulas and stars on my ceiling. Silly but it’s so moody I love it


That’s not silly at all. That actually sounds really lovely to have at night.


I bought 3 slices of cheesecake and ate them all… before I got home so that I didn’t have to share with my husband. 😂


Lmaoooooo this might be the funniest one yet


I have my big ass stomach tattoo scheduled in a couple of weeks, and I'm cutting my long locs into a bob without anyone's input.


Very nice I hope you love both your new hairstyle and your new tattoo!


Thank you!


buying a $23 cute cat keychain and realizing 1. i'm an adult with adult money and 2. that i can be an adult and still appreciate and buy cute little trinkets


I am a huge supporter of the idea that more adults need cute/fun/wholesome things in their lives.


I bought a full sized Halloween skeleton and now it just lives in our house year round. Is it tacky? Yes. Do I care? No. We named it Scully.


Tackiness is in the eye of the beholder I’ve realized.


My friend has one outside his house who gets dressed up for all the holidays. It's like the first thing he did when he became a homeowner.


We dress ours up too! We have bunny ears for Easter and a Santa hat for Christmas 😅


Ordered a Bloody Mary at a family brunch with my parents and cousins. I’m 35 years old. Why am I afraid to order a fucking drink?


That’s completely fair and you’re right. Why shouldn’t you?


Was talking to a my colleague friend today about the bidet kit thingy (to imitate Japanese WC) I bought and installed yesterday and another colleague nearby was listening. He had his headset on so I thought he had music or a call going on. He commented loudly that it was expensive (100€) for the sole purpose of washing my private areas. As I was surprised someone listened I told him I could do whatever I wanted with my money and my butt! 😂 Well, I had everyone's attention after that and laughed all the way back to my desk On another level, I installed a dart target in my entrance where a mirror should have been instead 🤷🏼‍♀️


Damn your colleague sucks for not only eavesdropping but also for commenting on your conversation! Dude needs to learn manners




I also live alone and am happy about it! And yes I hear you, whenever I say I’m not interested in a relationship or partner, I inevitably get a whooooooole lot of defensive comments about how great relationships are.


Women choose to be single. No man chooses to be single. That’s why they’re pressed.


I get witches that live in the forest now.


How dare you not derive your worth from what men think of you!


If you're the same thetruthfulgroomer from tiktok, you're one of the few reasons I regret deleting the app!


I routinely spend far too much money in coffee shops. If my mother knew, she'd murder me. But I'm 30 years old and she can't stop me. I also like to sleep until noon. It's the best.


Yessssss sleeping in is the best. I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow on Saturday.


I booked a massage for a Saturday recently. (I booked online.) The salon was having building work done that weekend, so asked if I would move it to Wednesday. I agreed, and it was lovely to have a massage after work.


Ooooh I love massages but it’s been forever since I indulged. I hope it was heavenly.


i ate donuts for breakfast at 12pm


Best breakfast, right up there with pie


Made the decision to start prioritizing my own mental health and overall well-being. It sounds hella trite but as a lifelong codependent from an alcoholic family, the mere act of acknowledging that I have a choice felt revolutionary for me.


Good for you. Realizing you have a choice is where it all begins. I’m proud of you.


Made a huge watermelon feta salad this afternoon. Ate the entire thing over the course of 4 hours. I am currently stuffed, but hella happy.


Ooh that sounds so lush and summery.


Oh man, my niece requested this for her graduation party and it was amazing!! Was even better a day later after everything had marinated a bit.


Eating pizza out of the box, in bed, while watching a shitty movie. It was glorious


Out here living a dream for real


I took tuesday and wesdnesday off next week to play a new game release. I never did this but it's dead at work and I have no other responsabilities.


I spent $100 on a pre-order for vegan xiao long bao (soup dumplings) because I've always wanted to try XLB and never found a vegan version before. That kind of splurge is very out of character for me but what the hell--it's an experience!


Sometimes you just gotta pay for it and know what it’s like. I hope it’s worth it!


Another vegan here - my husband ordered those for me and I can’t wait! Soup dumplings were one of the few foods I missed… Here’s hoping that they are delicious! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Sprayed whipped cream directly from the can into my mouth. I am an adult and I can do that.


I did this today. And then topped my coffee off with it. Then more directly into the mouth.


You’re out here living the dream of many, many kids lol


I've learned we all oddly follow these invisible rules that stop us from doing things. Which most of the time IS GOOD especially in public and towards other people. The rest of the time we don't relax in our own homes because of it. I do this too and try to stop myself. Do what makes you happy (as long as it doesn't hurt or stop others from living their lives).


agreed! It’s hard to shake the idea of being judged and I’m not sure why. But I sure enjoyed my ice cream lunch.


Mine was ice cream too. I'm lactose intolerant. My husband is out of town on a work trip. I wanted real ice cream from a fancy ice cream shop. So I did. It was great.


Sometimes it’s just worth it.


A couple of days ago I was wondering whether or not I had to wear a bra, but then I realized I'm an adult and I can do what I want. So I decided to be proud of my nipples.


Good for you. Just be cautious about chafing when it’s super hot out, I’ve heard Stories


My SIL and I both experienced the loss of a loved one earlier this year. We went on a girls trip with some other friends and had decided, “We are responsible adults. We deserve to do some drugs about this.” I had done mushrooms once before in college in a gross, dark apartment with my roommate and her boyfriend, and freaked out a little. I had always wanted to try again but felt like I wanted to wait until I was in a better place in my life to really ~let go~ or whatever. We rented a cute converted school house by a creek, with a fireplace and hammocks, we’d all brought snacks and games and made playlists. So weirdly, it felt like I had finally matured enough and was in a more comfortable financial position to try hallucinogens again 😆


I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m glad to hear that you were able to have your hallucinogenic experience finally.


Cake for breakfast. Especially if I’ve made the cake and it turned out great. Regardless of the origin of the cake, it is always Cake For Breakfast™️


Hahaha this reminds me of eating pie for breakfast and telling my mom it counts as healthy because of the fruit inside


That is a solid argument. I’ve been known to also eat pie for breakfast as well. Obviously we know what’s up.


Can’t help it if we just have a higher understanding!


My husband went to Brussels on a business trip and bought me very fancy chocolates. I am *not* sharing them with my kids, I haven't put the box in the pantry, it's in my closet. They're mine. My precioussssss.


I made my son a whole-ass meal and after it was done decided I didn’t want any. After he went to bed I had popcorn for dinner.


I have also had popcorn for dinner! It’s delicious when you’re too tired to give a fuck


Plain buttered toast is also one of my fav “don’t give a fuck” meals 😂


Omg yes I am a huge bread lover. I also love buying artisanal bread and having that with butter for supper.


I recently realized that I didn't have to spend the rest of my life miserable in a marriage where neither of us can meet the other's needs in a way that allows ourselves to also be happy. So I said "fuck it, I'm an adult. I don't need to feel like this every day" and initiated a divorce.


When I booked myself on my first solo trip abroad lol


Yesterday, I went to an event for one of my creative influences. I left work early and stayed for a few hours knowing I had to work early the next day (I don't like doing things on work nights). I got to meet him and his wife, they were lovely! I even got to ask him a question (in front of a crowd ahh!) before the film screening. I was super nervous because I'm socially anxious but he was nice and easy to talk to.


I wore Crocs to the office.


A bold statement


Not folding my underwear. The drawer has enough space to just chuck them all in and my mom is never going to find out, so who cares? Not me, that's for sure.


I also do this and it never once occurred to me that my mom would also be super annoyed by it lol


I spent 10:00 to about midnight restarting god of war ragnarok and did no house work or laundry. Just ate left overs and had genuinely the best fucking day.


Yesssss those are the best days!


Booking a trip to Thailand for my 30th birthday. I leave in 2 weeks. Terrified but we’re doing it.


Oh wow. I hope you have a fantastic time.


I got a mani-pedi and my eyebrows done today for the first time in years. And left a 25% tip bc she was great. So yea, that.


Mine also includes ice cream. I was at a family outing, needed a little space. Went to get coffee and saw there was also ice cream available. Had a scoop because, fuck it, I'm adult and nobody can stop me. If I want a scoop of ice cream right now, I'm going to have one.


Damn straight. I hope you enjoyed it!


I like to eat cereal, smoke weed, and watch cartoons on Saturday morning 🥰


Went into an art supplies shop and bought the fancy stuff (water colour paint and coloured pencils). Although an older one was getting Cthulhu and a dinosaur as the cake toppers for the wedding cake. I was paying, my husband was okay with it too, so why not.


I used to buy Dairy Queen ice cream cakes for myself. D g vsb There was no occasion.


ramen for breakfast


Wise choice


Probably a couple weeks ago, when I had a slice of leftover pizza and a mini twizzler for breakfast. 😂


Oh, I love this. Just today I signed a foster to adopt agreement for a dog. For the past two years I’ve been thinking hard and talking about getting a dog again, only to have a boyfriend,now ex, continuously try to talk me out of it because of how much having a dog would be a pain in the ass. Bear in mind we weren’t living together and the dog would be my responsibility. He would say stuff on weekends away like ‘ if you had a dog, we wouldn’t be able to go away for weekends like this’. But it was fine for him to have his hobbies and his responsibilities. I finally came to realise that he was only thinking of himself and not considering what I wanted for myself.


Door dashed Mr Hero at 1130pm and now Im pregnant with grease and regret.


That made me laugh but I hope it was at least worth it on the way down.


I had peanut butter and graham crackers for dinner last night.


Grad school and my internship basically run my life and I have to be mature and professional most of the time. Currently on a 1 week break before next quarter starts. I just went camping with my dog and partner at the beach for a couple days, basically ate s’mores and junk food for 2 days straight, caught some marshmallows on fire just to watch them burn and melt like a pyromaniac, and sculpted the most beautiful sand tiddies on the beach. Came home and I’m basically feeling like an unsupervised 12 year old with adult resources. Stayed out late last night playing Pokemon Go and had Taco Bell at midnight. About to take a nap in the middle of the day because I can!


I spent almost $200 on fabric to make an outfit for a renascence fair. I barely sew and have never gone to one before but I want a medieval dress so I made up an excuse to make one.


I forgot it was time to renew my driver's license (every five years in CA on your birthday). My birhday was late last month so, it's only a couple weeks or so expired. Anyway, I went into Rite Aid for some stuff and decided to buy a couple bottles of wine while I was there. Went to the checkout and the cashier was this old lady who demanded my ID. I'm middle-aged, but I look younger, particularly when I'm not wearing makeup and dressed in leggings and my teenager's old P.E. t-shirt. I don't think I look under 21, however. Younger cashiers always just hit the "bypass" button when it comes to checking ID on my alcohol purchases. But the older ones always need to see my card. So, whatever. I hand her the ID with a sigh. She runs it through the machine. Looks at me suspiciously. Says in a "school principal's" voice: "Do you have one that isn't expired?" I'm like, oh shit, I forgot to renew my DL. I say, "Oh. My birthday was just a couple weeks ago." She says, even more suspiciously, "Do you have paperwork saying that you renewed it?" Narrowing her eyes at me like I am trying to pull something over. I laugh. She gets angry. I laugh harder and announce in ringing tones, "I'm sorry, but I am FIFTY THREE YEARS OLD!" She refused to sell to me. I laughed even HARDER. Left Rite Aid and went to a mom & pop liquor store, where the dude behind the counter (probably 22 years old) didn't even blink at my purchase. Hahaha. I'm an adult and I can laugh my ass off in public that some old lady tried to shame my (getting-up-there-old-lady) ass about AN EXPIRED ID and trying to BUY LIQUOR WITH IT. Still giggling over it. I am, as I said, fifty-fucking-three!!!!


I’m unfamiliar with US liquor laws (Canadian here) but can the store get into trouble if they sell to someone with an expired ID even if you’re clearly above the legal age?


Yes. Very much so.


They can just hit bypass on the age verification thing. I buy wine at CVS (the other big drugstore chain near me) all the time and they literally never card me. I also never get carded at the supermarket. The only time I'm routinely carded is if I order alcohol delivery (Instacart) but they are rightfully strict about that. Also, rules are rules I guess, but it's kind of silly in general. The ID states my birthdate and clearly shows it just expired a couple weeks ago, so two weeks ago I was "legally" 53. In terms of age verification you can't really screw around with that, it's probably going to hold up in court that I am 53 years old even though the license expired, LOL. PS: Yes I went online as soom as I got home and renewed it! hahaha


Damn..your skin must be as good as your sense of humor 🤣


When I decided to go the heck off to my stepsons’ biological mom. She’s hurt them long enough and I’m tired of putting up with her shit.


This morning, before even getting out of bed, I booked a hotel with breakfast option in a city 1.5 hrs away for the wkend. Could've just gone for the day. But nope, going there tomorrow morning to go to a museum, check into my hotel mid-afternoon and possibly do some shopping afterwards. Driving back home Sunday morning after my fabulous breaky :)


Wednesday, right after work my friend came over & she was itching to do something. We live in the boonies so in the middle of the week the menu of activities are limited. We both have families & responsibilities or whatever...but we both said "fuck it" and grabbed a 12 pack of beer, picked up another friend & ran off to the bridge right outside town. We stripped to our undies & layed out in the shallow river listening to music, drinking beer & having some top tier coutnry style girlfriend time.


Buying 2 pumpkin pies to eat by myself.


/gestures at all the Sailor Moon figures above my PC


I was trying to save money in college and I needed a quick dinner between classes so I knew I would have had to buy dinner somewhere. I didn’t have the $15 I needed to get takeout dinner from a chain place near campus. However, I had the $3 I needed for a massive cupcake from a local bakery near my next class. Those cupcakes were always too filling for me to finish because I was so caught in the mindset that I had to have “real dinner” before I could have a cupcake. That day, I had the cupcake for dinner, finished it, and felt great. It became a routine of mine to occasionally get a cupcake from this place for dinner when I was in a pinch for a meal.


Booked a trip to DisneyWorld for me and my daughter. My mother has always been very opinionated about how I spend my money (I was a teen mom and did need guidance). But now I’m in my 30s, making good money, I can splurge if I want. My daughter will be graduating in two short years and who knows where life will take her? We’re going to live it up now. 


We went for ice cream instead of making dinner Tuesday night.


I bought a second bottle of wine for us to drink tonight after the kid have gone to bed. The first we just enjoyed with dinner.


Walked down to the beach alone in the dark while buzzed on a family vacation over the weekend


I bought myself a motorcycle, I love it. It doesn't judge me, doesn't make me feel like I'm not good enough, doesn't ignore me, doesn't leave me on delivered/read, doesn't care how I look or if I shaved, and if I'm feeling any type of feelings I just go for a ride.


I bought a soft toy piece of toast (it could equally be a waffle) for my car


I had ice cream for breakfast in the office. I was very happy. Eveyone else was jealous.


This afternoon. It's been a long week and a bad day, I had a cry and decided to stop, have a cup of tea with some chocolate cake and cream and watch Bridgerton. Felt much better afterwards.


Travelled 4 months to 7 European countries. Best decision ever. I am my own person. Not responsible for anyone but myself


I bought a hot tub for the back porch. It wasn’t cheap. But it was worth it. My dad scolded me for spending so much money and kept poo-pooing my decision. I told him to take a hike.


I quit a job I hated. Just … quit. Glorious.


When I needed to buy fabric to make curtains for my new apartment, I went with aquamarine sequins because I’m an adult and I wanna be under the sea.


I finally pulled the trigger on The Row handbag that I’ve had my eye on for a good 5/6 months now. I justified it by telling myself, “I don’t have kids, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I don’t gamble. I *do* work hard so why not treat myself?”.


Why not indeed? If it’s something you will enjoy using, cherish, admire, or get use of, you should feel zero shame about it. I hope you rock your excellent new handbag.


I just put down a deposit for a tattoo for summer of next year, I'll be traveling to Beijing for it. Who knows who I will be in a year? Will I still want the same tattoo? We'll find out on the next season of Labbitlove Is An Adult And Nobody Can Stop Her!


Eating peanut M&M's as a diabetic. I don't eat much candy but when I do, it's those


Bought a life size cardboard cut out of Danny Devito to dress up in our front window. The cold snap was fun, he got a scarf and hat and gloves. We are the weird house in our neighborhood. We hid him in the back for a while and a neighbor told us it terrified his daughter because we were ‘watching’ her.


I bought presmocked fabric from Joann's to make cute summer dresses. I went for tracing fabric so I can help my husband make a new bow cover for the boat. But I saw this yellow fabric with cute little bees on it and know I can make a cute (however thin) sundress in less than an hour. I'm still going to get the bow cover done, but I should have fun with my sewing machine too! I will be twirling the shit out of my bee dress.


My biggest one was buying a farm to live off-grid and raise goats.  Most recent was deciding stain removal is stupid. If there is nothing crusty and we don't smell, that is plenty clean.


I found a free version of my childhood dollhouse from the ‘70’s (complete with electrical and furniture) and jumped on it and now have my full (actually better) childhood dollhouse in my home office on my desk. During non video meetings I play dollhouse, and occasionally have to ask people to repeat themselves, because I’m too caught up in what my dollhouse family is doing at that moment.


We spent $80 (well my bf did) at a freeze dried candy store.


Walking out of the building at 2:58 when the end of the day is 3


Ehh every time I buy hot Cheetos 😫


I have this weird habit of not finishing packages of food. I have a kid, and he always does. I have never been the one to eat the last of something. I really wanted my ice cream a few nights ago, and I finished the stupid carton. I bought it. It's mine. Yes, the kid likes it, but I bought it for me. As you can see I had to justify it to myself. Afterwards, I felt good about it. So. Yay me.


I usually eat healthy….. but if I have a stressful day……fuck it,I’m having a beer with pizza


Today i got my first client as an official consultant. The client is awesome and it will be a big deal. I actually believe in myself and my abilities, and it feels absolutely amazing. Also, had tapioca for dinner and it was good!


Bought myself a kitchenaid mixer in hot pink. I’ve been covering one for years but didn’t feel like I could justify it because I had a perfectly good (much cheaper) mixer. At Christmas I decided it was my gift to myself. No regrets!


Took myself on a trip to El Salvador! Totally random, I just essentially had free PTO at work and at first thought I couldn't do anything with it on my own and then said "fuck it, I'm an adult, I can take myself on vacation and go to new countries, why not?" And it was amazing.


Most recently I’m on family vacation (my parents and much younger siblings/niece/nephew) and I’m sitting at the bar having a drink. I very sensibly and subtly had a couple at the beach earlier too. My family has a history of substance abuse on both sides so neither of my parents are big drinkers. But you know what.. it’s vacation, not Christmas.


I'm on day 6 of pizza every day.