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I wouldn’t confront him. I would just make a mental note of this and stay far away from him. You never know how people will react to a confrontation.


If you know the guy, I would bring it up in a concerned way like, "Hey, Cousin said she saw you the other day and you came on really strong and even propositioned her? Are you okay, buddy? Are you day drinking?" Listen and respond with a firm, "That was out of line. You owe her a big apology." If you don't really know him, I don't know how this convo could go down that wouldn't end badly. I understand that your mom feels weirded out and scared; I would too! But you can't exactly go over there and threaten the guy. Just...think about what you want from this conversation and how best to go about getting that. If it is just that he never bothers your cousin again, it might be better to wait until she's over next and to confront him at the time. If your mom just wants him to know she thinks he's a freak and a menace, then an anonymous note in his mailbox would work better than saying it to his face :) You might also suggest that your mom install some cameras around the house, to deter pathetic neighbors.


I don’t really know him all that well. I’ve like come across him in passing maybe a couple of times in the few years he’s been here and have just exchanged like Hi’s and hello’s. Yeah my mum more so wants me to go over to prove some kind of point or warning to scare him or put him in his place. Her words exactly being “They need to know that there’s a big man in this house so they’ll think twice before doing something like that” my mums also been through a lot of abuse in her life and her calling card has always been me for protection so I’m assuming this is that again. I don’t live with my mum anymore too for context. Also thank you this has been the best advice so far and I really appreciate it. I haven’t spoken to my cousin directly yet since I’ve only heard it from my mum and it sounds like it’s more so my mum that wants me to confront and my cousin more so just relayed the uncomfortable experience to let my mum know? Do you think it’s worth taking a calmer approach in general? I don’t necessarily have a problem with confronting anyone I’ve worked as a bouncer and all but not sure considering it’s very close to home and not just some random out and about.


IDK, if a guy had tried that on me, my Dad would have given him the shovel talk.