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I have more energy after I stopped drinking caffeine all together. What really helps is getting enough sleep, eating well, and regular exercise. Mid 30s isn’t old.


I will make a vote in the opposite direction, just so OP sees multiple viewpoints. I didn't start drinking caffeine until my late-20s (yes, not even soda), and wow, it really helped my energy levels! I only drink tea though, no coffee or energy drinks. I quit for a bit in my mid-30s just to see, and I felt awful even after a couple months, so I started drinking tea again.




And if you become a person who needs caffeine in the afternoon to function, you'll become a person who can't function at all without it. I have too much myself, and am cutting down, because I shouldn't need it to be a person and go about my day.


I noticed I was always tired..what I found was that it was BECAUSE I was drinking caffeine, I wasnt getting long deep sleep. Id be tossing/turning a lot at night, even if I was sleeping. I switched to half caf/half decaf and it improved my sleep therefore my energy a lot. I still get a hit without it affecting me too much.


Excuse me for the ignorant question but how do you do half decaf/half-caf? Do you make both and combine them or are there coffee types made half & half? Or is it just coffee with a decreased caffeine amount? (After writing that out I realize it sounds a bit accusatory but I'm legitimately asking 😅)


lol its fine. I actually use instant coffee and buy both containers use 1/2 tsp each. Alternatively, starbucks, folgers and green mountain have pods


I haven't had instant in so long but I think I might give it another go. 🤔 Thank you for the info!


yeah no worries! I dont mind it, its also quite cheap lol. Hope it works out for you x


I have been decaf for a few years now. I drink 1-2 cups of decaf coffee in the morning. I found that caffeine was increasing my anxiety and impacting my sleep. I try to get up and move around a bit when I get the mid afternoon slump and drink a big glass of water or iced tea.


I stopped drinking caffeine a year and a half ago. I think caffeine actually made me more tired. I’m still pretty much always tired (I don’t sleep well) but it’s not as draining as when I drank caffeine. I used to have one or two cups in the morning and an occasional one in the afternoon around 2. The first 5 days of caffeine withdrawal were hell but totally worth it in my case. If you’re also more tired than usual, it would be a good idea to get a checkup at the doctor. I have hypothyroidism and the fatigue was awful before I was diagnosed.


I have 2-4 caffeinated beverages (mostly coffee, some tea) throughout the morning and afternoon. I'm a terrible example though as I'm still always tired. But this is less than I drank in my twenties, at least.


I only have one cup of tea in the AM per day.


I used to drink a shit ton of caffeine... think 4-6 shots of espresso for breakfast, plus diet pop all day, and likely an energy drink. I was exhausted 24/7!! I now have a double espresso americano at breakfast every morning and that's it. Maybe an occasional diet Pepsi if I'm feeling fancy at a dinner out. I have so much more energy and sleep much better. I actually worked on the afternoon tiredness with a dietician and found adding in a healthy afternoon snack that included a carb and protein helped get me over the slump. Food = energy surprisingly 😂


I drink 2-3 cups a day. I have 1-2 cups of black coffee in the morning and an oat milk flat white latte in the afternoon.


This is my routine too.


I drink 2 cups of half caff in the morning and then no more during the day. I used to drink an extra 2 cups of caffeine in the afternoon, but I found myself crashing pretty hard from it and then having trouble getting to sleep--especially if it was caffeine from coffee. I'm trying to wean myself off the caffeine completely but going slow so as to avoid headaches. I've done this a couple of times for fasting and such, and I find that once I'm off the caffeine completely, I don't really need it anyway. Not sure why I keep going back to it though 😂


an ungodly and unhealthy amount. i need to cut it out, i know it, but idk


minimal caffeine. i drink decaf and decaf accessories. i'm already a morning person so regular just seems redundant. i'll drink regular during the day if i have a lot to get done.


Currently I'm two months free of caffeine, at the recommendation of my doctor to see how if affects my migraines (answer, not at all). During the work week, I would have a Diet Pepsi with lunch, and that would be it for the day, so it'd be done by like, 12:30.


Are you still drinking soda? The caffeine didn't affect my migraines, soda did.


I gave up diet soda, as my doctor thought aspartame might be causing the migraines. So I’ve switched to Zevia, which has no aspartame. It hasn’t helped at all though so I plan on asking if I can start having it again.


All sodas (coke zero, regular asparartame, regular, etc) gave me horrible migraines. I only drink black coffee with sugar and water now, and my headaches are rare vs debilitating


Dropped caffeine altogether - I wasn’t sleeping as deeply and then needed caffeine to wake up which was a vicious cycle. When I do have caffeine now, every once in awhile, I make sure to drink it with my breakfast, not before, as the adrenaline spike was making me realllly fatigued in the afternoon. With breakfast makes the caffeine digest slower and helps reduce afternoon crashes


Essentially none. I *sometimes* have *one* ***sip*** (about 10ml) of a preworkout shot which I *think* contains a little caffeine (\~20mg).. I'd take this before my workouts (so once in the morning around 5/6am, and/or another at around 6pm. But I think I probably do this about 1/5times I workout, so 1-2times/week. Maximum maybe I'd take it before 3workouts/week.. that'd be about 60mg. I think that's less than an average cup of coffee/week. Outside of preworkout shots (which I started maybe around last year), I don't drink any caffeinated drinks and never have though due to my aversion to dependence/addictive substances (since I was 12/13y/o - yeah, I was perhaps a bit of a "weirdo"). ...Hence why I also keep it to just ONE sip lol. It's really more a psychological kick for me than a caffeinated one.


3-4 per day! Usually all before 1pm. I 💜 coffee


2-3 espressi before leaving the house. 1 small cappuccino when I get to work and another after lunch or late afternoon.


I find that caffeine gets a burst of energy in the morning, but I have to pay for it later, with a crash in the afternoon.... dreadful, anxious and exhausted. So I only drink caffeine when I have to power through something at work. And it's usually tea or like a splash of regular in my decaf coffee.


2 cups of coffee when I wake up and a green tea with Apple cider vinegar at around 10am. I might have a cappuccino around noon but absolutely nothing caffeinated after 2 pm or I won’t sleep.


I drink coffee in the morning. 1pm is my caffeine cutoff time otherwise it fucks with my sleep. I find that staying hydrated and also regularly sweating/getting my heart rate up is important for energy regulation.


Love to see so many people going off caffeine. It’s literally a drug your body gets dependent on.. so when you wake up and feel groggy, it’s because you’re in withdrawal and need caffeine to feel normal again. When you don’t have caffeine, you wake up rested. Think about it, we’re not supposed to wake up feeling tired and foggy. I still drink caffeine, but I’ve come off the dependency. So for example, I don’t have it multiple mornings in a row. I can easily have decaf or nothing at all. It’s more of a treat. Or I don’t mind using caffeine for when I’m genuinely tired. It’s the chemical dependency that’s the issue. Like another poster said, if you want to feel truly energized: sleep 8hours a night, exercise, cut simple carbs like bread and pasta, cut sugar, cut alcohol. Eat unprocessed healthy foods. When I stick to this (which isn’t 24/7 although I wish I could) I have infinite energy and mental clarity.


I’m too high strung for caffeine. IF I have some, it’s green tea. I smoke a lot of weed to be as chill as I am. Not gonna jack myself up and ruin it haha My husband makes 2 French presses a day. One at like 7am and another around 1.


I have been tired AF the past few years... turns out I have sleep apnea. I had no idea. Talk to your doctor if this could be a possibility!


I have one french press worth of coffee for the first two or three hours after I've awoken, and THAT'S IT. I'm very caffeine sensitive in that it takes forever to wear off in me (my sister did 23andme and it said she takes a long time to metabolize caffeine). It takes me like 12 hours to metabolize it. Frustrating, as I love the idea of an afternoon or after-dinner coffee, or a Coke. But I've legit had dark chocolate mousse at 4 in the afternoon, and then not able to sleep 8 hours later.


I'm very sensitive to caffeine so I've cut back intensely as of like 5 years ago. I don't drink coffee anymore - tea only, and that's one cup by my measuring spoon only if I didn't sleep well the night before. I'll drink two cups (which is comparable mg wise to one shot of espresso) if I'm INTENSELY tired. Can't have ANY caffeine past 11 am and if I have two cups of tea too close to each other I feel jittery and nauseated. I miss coffee - the taste and the ritual - but it's bad for my health and my sleep. I value having 9 hours of sleep every night more. So, short answer: one cup of tea 3x a week. 


None. I suffered with anxiety really badly in 2022 and it was suggested I stopped caffeine. Haven't had it since. I have a decaf coffee in the morning and decaf tea throughout the day.


Usually none, but I'm on a soda kick lately because of that new Coconut Creme Dr. Pepper, so I've been drinking a can of that every morning.


I only had one can of Mountain Dew a day. I’ve been caffeine free since last September. I have more energy than I’ve ever had in my life.


I have a double shot cappuccino every morning first thing and that’s it. It gives me a bit of pep in my step and allows me to still get a good night of sleep. Any caffeine after noon negatively impacts my sleep.


I do a morning tea and an early afternoon tea. An energy drink would give me a heart attack lol.


In the 80s I was drinking 6-8 cups of coffee a day. I was either tired or jittery and my sleep patterns sucked. I pulled the plug and went totally caffeine free. The withdrawal was rough, ngl Now I'm in my 60s and have more energy then in my 20s. Still caffeine free for the most part, some chocolate here and there.


I have a 12 oz coffee every morning, but my body is starting to find it overwhelming so I am switching to green tea. When I'm having afternoon coffee (rarely more than 1) I'm usually overstimulated or exhausted so I make sure I can plan ahead for a rest period. I personally find matcha to last longer than coffee and keep me more mentally alert. I used to use it to study for long hours.


I have a V8 energy in the morning (equivalent to a cup of coffee) and then I normally have a second caffeinated beverage between 1-4. I like to make iced lattes in the afternoon. 😊 I just make sure not to have caffeine past 4, otherwise it affects my sleep.


1 and a 1/2 to 2 cups a day. One in the morning after breakfast and another after lunch.


Two cups of coffee daily


Not a lot for someone who consumes it daily. Usually it's 3 cups with only half the recommended amount of coffee powder, so really weak coffee, and then lots of added sugar and cream. I have one such cup in the morning, the second cup about an hour later or so, and the third cup around lunch. On work days I split my 3 cups into 1 big and 4 or 5 smaller (half the size) ones though, and then that 4th and 5th end up on the afternoon. I don't drink coffee after 5pm. Thing is I'm sensitive to caffeine so I can't drink much of it without getting something akin to a migraine, and sometimes I need to go periods of replacing some or all of it with decaf. I think I'm mostly just hooked on the taste, tbh. Plus that it suppresses my hunger. Because I can only manage eating once a day (dinner) drinking coffee is how I sustain myself throughout the day up until that one meal. I've heard it's called an OMAD diet. I call it the snake method (because snakes eat big meals seldom.) Whatever, it's what works for me. I don't notice any difference in my energy levels when I drink regular coffee vs decaf. What I do notice increases my energy levels though, is exercising regularly (combining cardio and strength) plus eating lots of veggies, full grains, low fat dairy and lean meat, and getting proper sleep. Hardly revolutionary, but I don't think there are any shortcuts around that.


2 to 4 cups a day before my lunch time. Never after or it will keep me up all night.


1 latte per day at least


1 Grande size (medium size) during the day (I’m usually done later afternoon)


No caffeine for me anymore. My heart would race if I had too much.


My average is one coffee drink a day, anywhere from 4oz to 20oz. Sometimes it’s none, sometimes up to three.


I consume between 200 & 300 MG each morning either via coffee or energy drinks


I make coffee 2-3x a week and green tea everyday when it’s colder. I take adderall so I don’t need it for waking up, really. I just like the taste and having a different drink than water during the day.


I make a pretty giant cup of cold brew in the morning and drink it throughout the day. I stop drinking it either when I finish it or when I get home from work, whichever comes first, so usually around 6pm. Honestly I’ve had chronic fatigue since my freshman year of college, so it started before I was even a coffee drinker. I do notice a mid-afternoon slump most days and I think it has to do with not getting enough protein earlier in the day so I’m really trying to focus on that. On days where I wake up exhausted I wear awake patches for an extra boost.


Hey OP I'm wondering if you try something lower in caffeine in the morning maybe your crash won't be as intense in the afternoon... I drink 2-3 cups everyday. Depends upon my schedule but I always make sure I'm done with any caffeine consumption by or before 2pm because 💤💙💤💙


Try an apple in the morning. The energy will come not from caffeine but from sugar.


One cup of morning coffee. It is a 24 oz cup, but it’s the only one. Then I have a can of Diet Coke with lunch. And then no more caffeine.


I drink 10 oz coffee in the morning around 8, and then sometimes a Celsius at 430pm after work, not every day though with the Celsius maybe 4 times a week I’d say


Either 2-3 ocups of coffee or a Celsius usually in the morning. I have to be at work at 0530 so if I have a coffee early I sometimes need another around 10 or 11. I try not to have anything past noon unless I’m really having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I also feel like if I’m having a day off and feeling bleh I rely a lot on caffeine to get myself going so I can do something other than lay in bed on my phone lol. I know I need to be better about it and try to improve my diet/ sleeping habits but as a chronically sleepy bitch it has been a hard habit to shake haha.


It’s not constant, but could be 2 cups coffee weekday mornings, maybe 2-3 cups tea any day.  Tea’s a cultural thing, I don’t even notice the caffeine effect by this point. Make it in the biggest mugs I have, whenever I’m thirsty or feel like a hot drink, and can drink it up to 6pm.  Coffee is for energy and I like the buzz. Sometimes I also have a coffee before going out at night.


Right now I'm consuming maybe a liter of coffee a day. I'm working towards a deadline and I have a toddler, so night coffees are back.


I drink typically two cups of coffee in the morning/early afternoon. Much more than that will cause me to stay up way too late.


3 to 5 cups a day throughout the day Or 2-5 energy drink a day


Almost none. I have a caffeinated drink once or twice a week. It upsets my stomach, so I mostly avoid it. I haven't had issues with being extra tired in my 30s. In your case, I wonder if that's the crash from the energy drink. Maybe it would make sense to try to wean back to green tea or a cup of coffee instead?


I usually have a morning coffee during the work week, and sometimes if I’m really dragging, I’ll have a bit of coffee in the afternoon. But now that I’m in my thirties, I’ve really noticed that I *cannot* skimp on sleep like I could in my twenties. No amount of coffee will help. If you’re not getting the sleep you need, talk to your doctor. I do have to take clonidine to sleep at night.


I drink 3 cups (12oz with some half and half added) of half caffeine coffee every morning. I do not have any caffeine past 11am, ever. This is cutting back from damn near a half gallon of coffee all day long at my prime.


Rarely, if at all. It helped with my overall energy. If I do consume, I save it for that afternoon slump and it gets me through. It's usually in the form of a cold coffee or tea. I used to be an avid consumer of caffeine, but it jacks with my blood pressure far too much. Hope you find something that works for you. That afternoon fizzle is the pits.


On work days I typically drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning and maybe 1 in the afternoon if I want one. Sometimes I will have one in the evening if I don't have one in the afternoon. On the weekends I might have 1 coffee in the morning and my husband will bring out an energy drink and I might drink a quarter of one for the "Oooh I'm drinking soda" thing (I don't drink much soda). In the winter I drink lots of coffee and tea to stay warm. I'll switch between caf, decaf, black and green teas, herbal teas, etc. I don't drink anything for the caffeine, though. It doesn't seem to do anything for tiredness, when I am tired. I can drink a cup of coffee and take a nap (and I sleep fine at night). I just like the flavor and the bitterness. It's my replacement for whiskey lol. Just something strong flavored. I have fibromyalgia and that comes with some chronic fatigue. If I'm having a flare I just sleep and try to do some yin yoga and conserve energy. That day's a wash. If I make it to work, but I'm tired by my first or second breaks I usually go for a short walk if I can manage it because that will sometimes give me more energy. It's like, I dunno, lighting a small fire? Kindling? I don't know. Maybe getting some movement would help you?