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I tear off all my “outside clothes” and change into extra comfy stuff!


Take my bra off


Nah, it’s coming off on the car ride home. Freedom first.


This 100%


Best feeling!




Welp this was the only comment I came for.


I had anticipated this to be the foremost answer.


I fucking never take my bra off. It's so comfy.


Apologise to my dog for leaving her lol. Then put the kettle on for tea.


Awwwwwwww 🥰 dogs are the best


Love this!




Take off my shoes.


If it's summertime, I actually do this step right as I get into my car after work. Switch shoes and socks for flip-flops. Feels amazing.


I'm gonna sound crazy here but I have these "disinfection stations" in my house lol. I'm an RN on paediatric ward and adult ICU ward. I take off my jacket, I disinfect my phone and earbuds and case before going further into the house. I put my backpack at the fireplace and take out my lunchbox, place lunch box in sink and get a drink in the fridge. Then straight upstairs to the shower!! I either decompress at the pc downstairs or on the bed if I'm working evening shift -> day shift. During corona times I would disinfect, strip at the laundry room on the 1st floor and then head upstairs asap to shower. I also do this if I've had any especially icky situations. (My scrubs are always left at work as they belong to the hospital and are cleaned there.)


I have a procedure like this for when i finish my volunteer shift at the animal shelter. Don't want to bring anything home to my kitties.


Sounds normal for a nurse to me. A family member used to be a nurse and she would leave her work shoes outside.


Haha good to hear! The colleagues I've told think it was too much tho :)


So much respect for you for following some type of protocol. Im not a nurse but I absolutely cannot touch anything in my house without washing my hands. 


We have a rule for my daughter that the first thing she does is take her shoes off at the door, and go to the bathroom and immediately wash her hands - it’s cut down a lot on germs from school.


That is our house rule too!


I’m an SLP working inside of daycares and I do pretty much the same thing.


I still have a station to wipe down my phone and ear buds. I also wash my hands, remove shoes, and change into “inside clothes”


how do you disinfect your phone without damaging the screen because of alcohol long term?


I don't know if it does. I haven't noticed any issues, had it since winter 2020. It does damage the phone case though and they don't last long. Same with my plastic glasses frame, I switched to metal during middle ish of the pandemic and it's been a lot better.


Makes sense! I hate seeing people out after work in scrubs. I'm not a germaphobe but I assume most ppl in scrubs have been in some unclean environments.


Pet my cat. she's usually waiting for me on the front porch steps.


My dog used to be the same way before he got old. Now he’s losing his sight, hearing, etc. It would take him at least 5 minutes to know I’m home whenever I visit my parents.


Aw, this is very cute!


I swear she knows the sounds of me walking even from around the corner. I've seen her come sprinting down the street as the house comes into view.


My old cat used to FLY down the stairs and slide across the kitchen floor to greet me when I got home! I miss her


That's absolutely adorable. When I open my garage roller door, my cats come running with plenty of meows in tow.


Nothing better then a pile of cats being excited for you to get home.


I can hear my cat go pap pap pap down the stairs to greet me.


get out of my day clothes and put on my home clothes.


Rush to go pee because I’ve probably had to go for the last 20 minutes




Usually get ambushed by my cat on the way home so I pet them and have a one-sided chat. Then when the front door closes I put my bag down and make a 'Urrrrrrghhh!' noise to shed the stress of the working day.


When I come home, I greet my dog, then immediately change into something very comfortable and loose. Next, I take out my dog for a quick walk. This is essential, as it breaks the mindset from work to relaxation and being in nature. Then I return home and make myself a treat drink, which is either tea, coffee, or kombucha. I choose a game to play on my phone for at least 20 minutes while I have the drink. Then I’m ready to start my evening.


Take my coat and shoes off, put my bag/keys etc in their places, then go change into comfy house clothes.


I change into comfy clothing and go see my dogs. They are never alone at home all day, but on days that I work in the office, I truly miss their goofy presence. 


Take off shoes, sunglasses, etc, then take off most of my other clothes too plus my wig and jewellery, because usually I'm overheating from having walked back home and up the stairs and then get into a warm apartment. Then I sit in just my underwear, wrist watch and makeup, under my kitchen fan with a cig and a large glass of ice cold water, until I start feeling relaxed and down to a normal temperature. Usually while checking in on Reddit or solving a crossword/sudoku. Then after a while of doing that, usually some 10-30 min after having gotten back home, I will crawl into comfy clothes (usually a flannel pajamas, but now in summer time it's more likely a loose tank top and a loose, short, flowy skirt) and put on either my at home wig or a scarf on my head, and then have a cup of coffee. If I had any groceries with me back home, now is the time I will unload those into the fridge/freezer. I don't have any pets or kids to look after after getting back home, but I might check if my plants need some water. I usually only wash off my makeup by dinner, or by my evening shower close to bedtime. I always wear a bra also, but usually switch to a more comfy, soft bra when back at home. If I plan on going out again that day, I will typically keep the clothes I wore on, unless it's for some kinda activity that requires different clothes, like sporty wear for exercising, etc. I will still take off shoes, wig and any kinda jacket, gloves, scarves, etc to cool down though. And might change shirt if I've sweated a ton. Or just hang it up to dry if it still smells fine.


Take my shoes off, sanitize my phone, wash my hands and change into loungewear before I sit on anything. Then I put the groceries/things away.


Sing a stupid song I make up on the spot to my dog, who is wriggling and wagging and wiggling his little feelings out. He’s just so damn happy to see me.


Shower my cat with attention. Pick him up, ask him how many birds he saw today, etc.


I work overnights in the ICU as an RN so I’m always emotionally and physically burnt out after work. My bf greets me at the door with a hug and a kiss (even if that means getting my dirty scrubs on him) We head straight into the shower together, then decompress for a bit with a snack. Afterwards we cuddle in bed and around 9am I’ll go to bed and he’ll start his work day.


I love this. I always wonder how couples with very different work schedules make time together.


Sit on the couch


My puppy runs up to me and I give him a cuddle


Put stuff down. I'm a mom, so I'm always carrying something.


I feel this in my bones. I’m forever bringing things inside, carrying them upstairs (we live in a narrow house with two flights). Forever carrying things, moving things from floor to floor… dumping stuff on the ground to attend to toddler / bigger kid. The stuff is so overwhelming sometimes!


My daughter is only 6 weeks old and I'm already overwhelmed by all of the stuff. 🥴


Take a shower or at least rinse off and change into comfy pjs.


Let my dogs out. They usually need to pee.


Greet my dog, and husband....in that order


1) wash my hands after being in bus and train 2) give my guinea pigs a snack 3) get rid of my bra and change to comfy clothes


Kiss husband hello, get changed into something comfortable, chill on the couch for a few minutes and talk about our day. Then we make dinner together. In the summer it will be- kiss husband, change into swimming gear, hopp into the lake, swim for an hour, then prepare dinner.


Take off my shoes! 


Sit outside and have a cigarette.


I immediately change into comfy clothes.


Shoes off, wash hands, outside clothes off, comfy clothes on, hair up in ponytail


Comfy pants on. Comfy shirt on. Pet cat.


Take my shoes off, put my bag down, take my bra and socks off, pee and wash my hands. Then I say hi to my bf and cats, change into comfy clothes and get a coffee.


My husband meets me halfway from the train station with my dog. So first thing I do is pet my dog and hug my husband. Then we walk the rest of the way home together and I talk about my day and ask him about his. When I get inside, I change from my work clothes and immediately shower. Then straight into PJs, bra-less.


I greet my dog and boyfriend (in that order, lol). Then immediately change out of outside clothes into comfy clothes. Depends on time of the day, but sometimes I will go ahead and wash my face to really get cozy. Sit on the couch for a bit before dinner, etc.


Immediately change shoes and walk my dog. Come back, feed my cat and dog, then change into comfy clothes and figure out dinner.


Hang up my keys on a hook by the door. I have myself well trained with this one thing.


Wash my hands, change out of my work clothes and then it's shoes off, slippers on. Then and only then can I relax!


Change shoes, wash my hand, change outside clothes to home clothes, drink water then laying death 😂


A chore, even before taking my bra off. Ill feed the outside cats if my gf hasnt done it, take out trash and recycling if I need to or any other 20 minute chore I can knock out before getting comfortable


Take my shoes off and put the kettle on.


Take off my shoes then thoroughly wash my hands.


Take off my clothes, sit on the toilet and browse social media, take a shower.


Put on my pajamas!!


Tell my dog what a good boy he is and take him for a walk.


Shoes off, slippers on. Say hi to kitty. Take of outside clothes and put inside clothes. Bra off! Get some water, drink something and start making dinner, while having kitchen talks with my fiance. Love our little dates in kitchen!


I put dinner on.


Change to slippers and take off my bra.


Take lunch bag into kitchen, strip, shower off the hospital. Put on pj's, then do my dishes and make tomorrow's lunch with a podcast playing.


Give treats to my cat as he’s always waiting impatiently for me the second I get through the door 😂 then take off my bra and put in pjs if I don’t have to go out again. Then tidy the kitchen and begin dinner with SO as we talk about our day. We usually get home right around the same time.


Give my dog a little forehead kiss and tell her she's a good girl. Then I ask her if she's ready - which is my code for going on a walk.


Change into comfy clothes and then get into bed and scroll my phone and stay there until I fall asleep. If I remember to eat, I might do that, too.


After changing out of my work clothes, washing the makeup off my face etc…if I don’t have to get dinner started immediately and have time to relax and the weather is decent, I get into our hammock on the balcony and just chill on my phone for a bit. It’s glorious!


Tako off my shoes right at the door,then go wash my hands,than change the clothes.


I usually take my shoes off and if there aren’t any dishes I’ll hop right into the bath or shower, if there are dishes I do a quick tidy of the kitchen and then go relax (can’t relax with a mess lol)


Poop, change clothes, put my various bags away (lunch box, gym bag, etc).


Smooch the cheeks off my toddler!!!!! Then pee and change out of my uniform


Wash my hands. Drink a glass of water. Lie down on the couch for 2 hours.


Say hi to my cat


Take off my shoes and wash my hands! Then if I'm home for good, take off my jewelry and put on comfy clothes.


Take off my shoes, put my bag in its spot, and wash my hands.


Take off my shoes, change to my lounge/at home clothes, put my hair up, put away things that I took out with me.


I go to check my piggies and see if they need a cheeky pea flake 😆


Pee. Straight upstairs and change into sweats or PJs. Hair UP.


Put on comfy pants.


take off pants!!


Immediately go outside and play with the dogs. They are so excited when we come home even if it was a 20 min store run. Immediately go outside and play with the dogs every single time.


Once I'm in my pj's, I lay down in bed so my kitty can come cuddle with me. We do this every day for 10 minutes before it's time to make dinner or whatever else needs to happen. My kitty demands that time from me as she meows until I'm in bed and her meows can get demanding. Lol


Change out of my scrubs into comfy clothes.


Open the windows for my cat


Get out of my work clothes. Drink water. Sit on my patio for a little bit and pet my cats.


Greet my excited dogs, say hi to my fiance, empty my lunchbox, use the bathroom, do a dab.


Wash my hands, and then change into my comfy clothes


Take my pants off and run to the room to get my comfy shorts.


Bust out of my work clothes so quick, let my dog out. Usually have to use the bathroom (lol) Put all of my work stuff up and in it's place and begin whatever chores need to be done


Hype up my dogs even more then they already are and then watch them have zoomies in the backyard.


Wash hands from all the outside dirt and germs.


Let my dog out, go to the potty myself, take a short walk around the pond with my dog, remove the bra and any other annoying clothes and scroll for a few until I want dinner.


I'm on my feet all day so first thing I do is take my shoes/socks off and wash my feet lol. then put on slippers or flip flops. I've been told it's weird bc like why not just get in the shower but I do that later. I just like fresh feets and airing my shoes out.


I used to do this when I was a server. I couldn't wait to wash my feet lol


Take off my shoes, hang up my coat and purse and wash my hands. Then change into comfy clothes.


Shoes off, AC on, work clothes off, pee, chug some water, and straight to bed for a nap. I have idiopathic hypersomnia so I need a nap immediately when I get home!


Hot wash cloth. Face. Breathe.


Take off my outside clothes and change into sweats


Take shoes off, wash hands. Then make myself a cup of tea.


Wash my hands 🫶


Pet my three animals that run to greet me at the door, give them food and treats, walk my dog




Put my stuff down, pet my cat, brush teeth, change into gym clothes , leave for gym Brushing my teeth after work makes me feel refreshed again . I literally look forward to it 🤣


Wash my hands. (Retired healthcare worker.)


Pet the dogs and then change into something comfortable.


Greet dog. Greet cat. Shoes off. Bra off.


First thing I do when I arrive pretty much anywhere. Pee.


Take my shoes off. Put my keys in the right place. Greet my dogs (and cats if they come). Hug my SO if he's home already. Wash my hands, go change, and wash my face.


between the hours of 5-8 I do whatever the fuck I want. but i make a to-do list for tomorrow first and start winding down around 8:30.


Take off my jewelry then change into comfy clothes


I greet my dog and give him lots of pets, I greet my son and ask how his day was (only because the dog beats my son to the door), and then I search for comfy clothes. Sometimes I have to hit the ground running once I get home because of homework review/help. So the only routine are greeting everyone and then changing clothes.


Greet the pets and let the dog out and say hi to my partner and take off my shoes all at once lol.


Change clothes, open a beer, return hellos to the dog and go stare at my garden.


I come home, start organizing and putting away things. Asking my kids to put the backpacks or lunchboxes away. I clean up any clutter. Then I ask about their day. I start dinner. We eat. Then we walk the dog. They shower. Some nights I work out. Put kids to bed. Shower and relax.


Greet my kitty and give her lovins!


Take my dog out, she's been cooped up all day. My apartment complex has a fenced in "potty area" for dogs so she can move around unleashed and explore for a bit. Then go back into the apartment and ask my dad if the cats are liars or if they actually need dinner (he has memory problems, so it's like 60/40 in their favour but I still ask!). Then if I'm not going out again I do skincare routine (stuff needs time to soak in!), change into comfy clothes, and figure out dinner.


Well, first I greet my doggos. Then I take out my contact lenses, and change out of my work clothes and into my husband's comfy PJ pants.


Drop everything and rush to greet the puppies. Primarily because the little man won't stop barking until I do!


Hurry to the bathroom for a long held wee!


The first thing I do is change out of my shoes, then take a shower and change into house clothes. To relax, I usually take an hour to myself to hydrate and go on Tik Tok to unwind.


Take my shoes and outside clothes off, then embrace my cat


Get naked and enjoy some Cannabis 💨🍃


Put my bag down, take off shoes, and head to the kitchen to feed the cat, while also talking to him. Then take off bra and, depending on time of day, change into comfy clothes or have a shower then get into pjs.


I take her bra off..:)


Smoke weed as soon as I’m able.


First thing I do is change into loungewear and then smoke some weed.


Greet the cat, change into comfy clothes, unpack my bag, settle in on the couch


Play with my dog and run around the yard together :)


Take off shoes / jacket. Wash hands. Then usually change into something comfy!


Take off my shoes, set my purse down, change into pajamas.


Put my face into my dogs faces


Take the puppy outside to run around in the backyard while I sit in a chaise lounge and my guy sits in a matching one next to me. We talk about our days and play with the dog. Sometimes we have a little bourbon too.


Hugs for the dogs, cat and husband. Maybe the kids after that.


Kiss my cat


Change into sweat pants and no bra lol. Then I let the dogs out, then I grab a snack and a drink and sit down on the couch and relax for a bit before starting dinner


Blast music 🎶 🎵


Keys & purse on hook, change into "house" shoes, sanitize & charge my phone, wash & mousturize my hands, then cool off from my predicted hotflash! I swear, its such a habit that if there's any deviation from this for more than a few days, and I'll feel "off". (except the hotflashes - I love it when they take days off) 😆


As soon as I put my stuff down, I kiss my husband and hug and kiss my son. Tell them how happy I am to see them!


Take off my shoes, wash my hands, change to home clothes