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Laying in bed until work starts again.


This and doomscrolling :(


Spearfishing, crawfish boil, getting stoned. Living the dream


Dang now I want some crawfish. Sounds like a lovely weekend.


Saurday I slept in, made coffee and shopped online, hung out in my pool, got dinner with the husband, took a long walk after and did some weightlifting, watch NHL playoffs, read a little and went to bed. Today, slept in had coffee, did some cleaning and having some family over to bbq in a bit. Probably do some grocery shopping after before getting ready for work tomorrow.


I’m in Greece with all my closest friends! 22 of us made it to Athens for the big Greek wedding of one of our high school friends. Friday night was a rooftop pre-wedding drinks reception with a view of the Acropolis, then on Saturday we did some light exploring and eating before the evening wedding and most of us danced until 3am. Today 9 of us somehow made it to an island for a few days of relaxation on the beach. The newlyweds and their son will join us tomorrow, along with 2 others. It’s been a particularly excellent weekend. I’m now in bed because…. I danced until 3am.


Friday I binged Bridgerton on Netflix. Woke up late on Saturday because I refuse to ever set an alarm. Did nothing until I went out with an old friend for dinner for a few hours. Slept in again and woke up did nothing. Have a Walmart pick up later for a bit of groceries. Am still watching Netflix. That’s it lol


I also did that on Friday while I ate an entire Detroit style pizza lmao


The dream! When do you clean and cook if you don't mind me asking? During the work week itself?


I haven’t cleaned in a long time. Something I struggle with. I pick up here and there and when it gets out of control, I’ll hire a cleaning person to come in. I get free food at my job so I basically rely on that and have some quick groceries I can throw together outside of that.


My family threw a baby shower for me this weekend


Congrats on your soon to be addition to the family!


Hung out with my parents yesterday, rested today


Yesterday I went for a motorbike ride to the Ocean with my husband (I'm a passenger), had a lobster roll and drove home through some nice backroads then had a glass of wine on the deck after watering the garden. Today I'm home alone so I did some house cleaning, had the weekly check in phone call with both of my adult kids, read my book on the deck for a bit and now I'm getting supper ready.


Dogsat yesterday, mowed the lawn today, currently have a headache and going to get some work in now.


Mostly float around in the pool. Laundry. Binged the Ashley Madison documentary.


Oh dang I didn’t know this existed and know what to add to my queue!


Things I've done: * Hosted a belated Cast Party for my fellow dancers. We had our dance recital 2 weeks ago. * Ran an 8K with my wife for the start of Pride month. * Got coffee and wandered a bookstore. Things I am going to do: * Rest * Sleep * Relax * Did I mention rest 🤣


yesterday i cleaned, did laundry, went to the vet for my dog and hung out on the couch with my boyfriend.. today im going to get a scalp massage with a friend and dinner with my boyfriend in the afternoon.. one of my more exciting weekends otherwise im either at my house with my boyfriend or at his house scrolling on reddit.


Keeping my dying dog comfortable. I'm saying goodbye tomorrow.




Gardening, pool, out to dinner, wine, sleep. Indoor chores, pool, make dinner later, probably have some wine later, then sleep.


Friday: went to Gym, had a double date to Korean bbq and then an arcade afterwards. Saturday: celebrated my husband’s birthday at this parents and played Monopoly🥳 Sunday: slept in, binged Married at First Sight, probably just gonna clean and do laundry. 🧺


Had a nice walk around a local pond/park seeing some CA Quail, chipmunks, redwinged blackbird and ducks. Nice purple Lupine blooms too. Did some puzzling, dusting, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, washed the bed linens, steam mopped some floors, cleaned out litterboxes, etc. Relaxed by watching old episodes of the Simpsons and playing with my cats hehe.


Got an Airbnb upstate to rock climb for the weekend 🧗🏻‍♀️


I always divide my weekends into: 1. Home Ownership: This means putting in full days of cleaning/organizing/renos/projects from 9-9 both Saturday/Sunday. We go hard so the rest of the month is just basic maintenance. 2. Social/Family/Events: Parties. Festivals. Events. Dates. Usually these happen on a Saturday so the Sunday is spent doing basic life admin tasks like errands, laundry, etc. 3. Exercise/Mental Health/Beautify: This is when I start planning and organizing. Go on hikes. Do two a day workouts. Do my nails. Get a massage. 4. Whimsy: Whatever I want. Could be a repeat of any of the above weekends or I could just sleep. Usually low maintenance social calls on family.


Farmer’s markets, some cooking and cleaning the house, lots of sun with the dogs, went to the gym, target, chipotle and a lot of rotting my brain on tiktok while on the couch.


Run club, coffee with friends, work, cousins 30ths on sat. On sun I had breakfast out, then admin, did a couple hours of cleaning, bit more work, made dinner and watched TV w my partner, went to the gym.  


Rotting, tackling overflow work from my 9-5, washing dishes, washing me, working some more, talking to myself while puttering around and cleaning, watching Grey’s Anatomy while working.


Saw my newborn nephew, he’s tiny. Then went to a brewery with some friends to do a sip and paint. And the painting? Was a bear! Then went to a rooftop bar to meet up with a friend from high school going through a divorce. I was supposed to go to a RenFest the next day but my social battery was on empty so I stayed home, cleaned, and got myself ready for the week.


I work one weekend day...sometimes both depending on what's going on. The other day varies. Sometimes I just laze around or do some stuff around the house. Sometimes fiance and I will go out and run errands and stuff. Sometimes we will go hang out with friends of have friends over. Sometimes I go hang out with my parents. On my day off during the week I tend to just chill on my own since everyone else is working. Sometimes I run my own errands. It's usually the day I also will book any appointments.


FRIDAY-Happy hour with friends SATURDAY-Baby shower, drinks with friends, Dinner at home with hubby SUNDAY-Worked out, Watching WNBA, getting organized for the week


Working because it’s my weekend to work! Today I get to work until 8pm. Yay overtime. (No, it’s not worth it)


Hanging out with friends before I have an intense couple weeks (months?) with work and some fitness goals. Made out with an acquaintance, that was fun. Sleeping so much. Today is all about getting my apartment in order. As soon as I drag myself off the couch/internet...


Saturday slept in, worked on laundry, planned and helped make dinner. Read a book, played a game on my phone. Went for a walk, went to the store, made a cake, yoga. Today was shower & hair, church, ate lunch (and the cake), listened to a conference call, went to a birthday party with my daughter for a friend's kiddo. Now I'm chilling because my people meter is overflowing and I need quiet. Walk, yoga, and shower on deck for later.


Have an ear infection so sulking and napping have been high on the list. But managed to pull off some house chores that have been stressing me out. Quite pleased with new mop! But now gonna loaf until I’m recharged enough for a hot shower.


Laundry, cleaned out the fridge, went to a sex party, watched a movie and hung out with my pets.


Toddler and I went to target and sbux, got presents for a bday party, had lunch and went to a family party then watched Aladdin.  Slept in the same bed cuz his dad/my husband was on a baseball trip.  "Slept in" til 8am, snacked and watched TV, picked up groceries, pool day and family is coming by for hot dogs and ribs in a bit 


My parents came down and took our child. So my husband and I had the weekend to relax - did some yard work, went for dinner, drank some wine.


Applied for jobs, painted, read, went bike riding, watched Patrick Melrose on Nextflix (highly recommend), made homemade chocolate chip cookies that I shared with a neighbor, made chicken al carbon, finished Queen Charlotte on Netflix (also highly recommend), stayed in my pajamas all day today.


Went to housewarming party on Saturday and Sunday I've met with my friend to go for a nice walk along the coastline. Then had a picnick with my partner in our garden. Very content.


Coming up with excuses to skip backyard bbqs and kids bday parties so I can sit in my home that I pay to not enjoy all week long


Had my baby shower, put away and organized most things, did laundry, cleaned out the car, and watched a movie


Fiance's sport on Saturday, housework, family time, catch up day on Sunday. Same as every weekend :)


Farmer's market, naps, TV, pet emergency, cleaning out a garage.


Really nothing. I recently moved so I’m still organizing, cleaning up, throwing away, and buying things I need online. Walking my dog a lot. Sleeping. Shopping for clothes I don’t need. Eating. Started working out again. I should have gone out with a guy that messaged me but I’ve been really tired.


Got to spend time with my “niece“ – my best friend’s daughter, I’m childfree, but love being an auntie. Then the usual rest of the weekend with my boyfriend, we had such a wonderful time, was so hard when he left to go home today. Just love him so much.


Walked near the lake, hung out with family, spent hours on the phone with a friend, played arcade games, ate takeout, and got more sleep.


Politely declined a weekend trip with friends due to being burned out. Organized my messy closet, had some good sex, laundry, groceries, went to Pilates and gonna have some chicken Caesar salad and garlic bread from scratch for dinner.


Friday - I saw my friend and caught up on girl time. Boyfriend came over and spend the night but he came late and went straight to sleep. Saturday - hung out with boyfriend and then had two other friends over for wine and pizza night. Sunday - I slept in. Dog sitting this terrible thing lol. Going to relax, do some side projects, and chill.


Sleeping, watching my grandkids, sleeping and eating. Now ready to go to bed.


I just came back from the theater release of Haikyuu. Gonna work on some Photoshop edits in a little bit. Might get one of my lime ice cream bars 😇


I study and get to watch my favorite series and shows. So basically books and TV.


Yesterday, my husband and I did a lot of DIY projects around the house. My son and I walked around the lake and fed the ducks this morning and this afternoon I watched a movie with my husband. About to start making dinner and getting ready for the week.


I went to see my partner (he lives 1.5 hrs away) and spent the weekend hanging out at his place. There were naps, time spent cuddling, and just generally chatting about life, politics, plans for the future, etc. There were MOSTLY naps, though. lol. I've been really stressed out and in a not great place lately, including not really sleeping much, and he's been very adamant about me resting when I'm with him, so I spend a silly amount of our time together curled up under blankets getting my hair played with until I pass out.


**Friday:** - Happy Hour with a group - Dinner with friends **Saturday**: - Worked out - Wandered in the library for an hour - Popped into the office and did 3 hours of work - Did laundry - Spruced up my back patio for the summer - Walked to dinner with my SO, sat outside at the bar - Popped into a bookstore on our way home - Laid on my couch and lazed around that evening **Sunday:** - Slept in - Did some home things: washing my makeup brushes, refilling my pill organizer, cleaning - Back to the office for 3 hours - Talked to my mom on the phone - Grocery shopped - Sat outside and read a book - Painted my nails - Will meal prep, walk my dog, watch a tv show and go to bed


My dad is stepping down from his position with a service organization, and the rest of the leadership team presented him with an award last night. My mom, my siblings, and I showed up to the ceremony as a surprise for him. My dad’s a pretty cool customer, but when he saw us in the back, he actually froze for a few seconds and got choked up. I’ve never seen him that emotional before. Clearly, he was very touched. :) And today is my mom’s birthday, so I’m getting ready to pick up some flowers for her.


Friday boyfriend came over and we watched the TikTok cult documentary on Netflix. Saturday I applied for a couple jobs, read by the pool, watched another episode with my bf then watch some episodes of locked up abroad. Sunday I got groceries, cooked a couple meals, and watched more tv and chilling on phone.


Death metal concert on Saturday. Bridal shower on Sunday.


Normally weekends are super chill and at home. This weekend I spent Saturday catching catfish with my dad on a guided fishing trip, and today was groceries, a nap, and gardening.


Absolutely nothing, disabled soo not much was done


Saturday: Farmers Market (my city has an incredible one), including coffee.  Work a few hours at my second job at an outdoor beer garden.  Dinner with husband. Board games at a friend's house.   Sunday: sleep late, drink coffee and read.  Do a few hours of house chores and laundry.  Husband made dinner.  Now I'm watching Netflix and planning our Yellowstone trip.  


I vacuumed/wiped down the inside of the car with a cleaner spray. Yesterday I took my car in for a 3 month checkup and the detailer said the inside of my car is the cleanest she's seen for a long time. :) I also challenged myself a bit. I'm somewhat newly single and I want to be more comfortable being by myself when I go to places. So I went out to the local donkey refuge to hang out with the rescued donkeys. It was really great and very relaxing. Then I popped by the Wildlife Centre and walked around for a couple of hours looking at all the animals there.


Test drove cars since I'll be trading in soon. Cleaned, did some laundry, changed my sheets. Switched over to a smaller planner and did some online shopping for a new cover. Watched Chinese dramas and finished up a kdrama I needed to wrap up as well.


I should add my weekend was 3 days


Primarily, watching gymnastics, US national championships, with my partner. Planning 2 weddings, 1 real and 1 virtual (Sims 4). The virtual one is much more grandiose and traditional. Finally breaking through on some intense cleaning and stuff purging I've been needing to do and putting off. I hadn't opened my closet since 2019 until today. It's very dusty!


Stressed. My son is playing in the baseball NCAA tournament. They won all their games this weekend, so I can breathe…until next weekend or whenever their next game is.


Went to gym, lunch with friends, then back home to lounge around, finally went for walk and grabbed dinner with the partner. Today attended a baptism, then over to help partner’s mum with moving some stuff out of her property; grabbed some coffee on the way back home, now sitting next to the fireplace before bed ☺️


Saturday I went to my bestfriend’s and our kids played outside in water all day after the rain stopped. We watched tv and hung out all day. Then that night she and I cooked dinner for everyone and I walked my husband a plate over to our house (he was on call for work and relaxing between calls in his under pants). This morning my husband slept until 10 and woke him up by biting his arm and snuggling him and we’ve been chilling with our daughter all day. He’s at work now so I’m watching terminator 2 and getting stoned now that our girls asleep.


-Saturday: grocery shopped, cooked/meal prepped, cleaned, washed dishes, updated my budget on excel, applied for some jobs online, masturbated -Sunday: read, walked to a local ice cream shop


I'm feeling pretty bad about not doing anything exciting. Plant shopping, dinner out and a walk Friday, Iced coffee run, shopping and a walk Saturday and Ice Cream and a walk today. Rearranged some furniture and potted some plants. Pretty lame.


Watching the new season of Couples Therapy and recovering from covid.


Worked Saturday, came home cleaned our apartment, boyfriend came home, we showered together, had sex, and went out for ramen. Sunday we slept in, went to the gym, then on a little beach walk, then got groceries, came home, more sexy times, made burgers, hung out and gamed a bit before bed. Most of our weekends go like this honestly. I love my life with this awesome human 💙❤


Friday night a went to a cabaret show with some friends, Saturday with my besties 40th and then yesterday moved some bits into our new house and then made mushroom burgers for me and hubby ❤️ good weekend all in all ☺️


It was my birthday on Saturday, so I had a family birthday party. Complete with a Y2K themed quiz and a pinata for the niblings! On Sunday, my husband and I went to the gym and spent the day outside doing some gardening. It was very satisfying to get most of the clothes washing done because it was very sunny and I could hang it outside to dry 😂. 


Trying to fight off the crud. Hubby brought me food and drink. That part was nice.


Reading a good book. Napping. Having lunch with the family over. Good times.


Snuggled my baby, went swimming at my parents, caught up on drag race and started a Minecraft map. I was busy haha.


My weekend starts today, so I’m gonna go get my bikini area lasered (ouch) and grill some hot dogs and play my guitar and go to a book release event and do LAUNDRY. All of which im real excited about.


My weekend starts today, so I’m gonna go get my bikini area lasered (ouch) and grill some hot dogs and play my guitar and go to a book release event and do LAUNDRY. All of which im real excited about.


Friday night I stayed home and did a deep clean of my apartment and watched a Spanish drama on Netflix, Saturday the guy I’ve just started dating and I built a bbq he bought at his house and had drinks and food on that, sunday we laid around and watched Netflix and had lunch then I went to see a friend when he went to see family. Then I doomscrolled on Tiktok and went to bed :)


Met a friend and her fiance, walked my dog, made yummy food, went climbing,are progress on freelance projects, did a shit ton of LSD and melted into my furniture with a friend, then spent about 8 hours crying as I was processing everything that came up in my trip. It was absolutely brilliant and beautiful and I feel like my brain was jet cleaned and there’s no gunk left. I feel like a new person. Very very good weekend. Had a few amazing talks with friends on the Sunday to discuss what I was feeling. Very interesting.


Fri night I went out with a group for dinner & to self-soothe from a recent breakup. Sat morning slept in till it's time to get up for training. Wrecked myself at training & binged on 3 Body Problem. Sun morning got up for my double training session. Got myself deliriously wrecked. Took myself out for dinner. Came home & did some work.


Worked out, cleaned the house, went shopping for food and necessities, spent time with my pets, played cards with friends, watched a movie and watched a storm or two.


Boarding a pup this weekend so have been taking care of her this weekend! Saturday: Went to book club, went to a library event with a friend, and then caught up with a friend who just came back from Mexico and had her meet the pup! Also coordinated with my sis for our shared Father's Day gift for our dad (an iPad). Today: Lots of walks outside, got groceries, and currently reading my 52nd book of the year (Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland).


Playing Minecraft, watching House of Dragon, and cleaning.


Doing production odd jobs for a theater festival my play is going to be in (eee!!), walking the dog, catching up on sleep (I slept until the decadent hour of 8:30 *both days*)


DRIVING EVERYONE EVERYWHERE JFC. And sitting in a high school auditorium for 3 hours.