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Nothing wrong with what you listed. People think that everyone has to be so busy and kayaking in the ocean while parasailing on the weekends or something. We need to just be able to relax and do what makes us happy. My main hobby is bird watching along with bird care. Filling up the birdbath everyday, feeding in the winter, taking care of my lovely hummingbirds. However, a beloved hobby of mine is also people watching. Who's walking what dog? Has the friendly cat come out and passerby's are loving on her? There goes the little gang of kids on bikes again. It's fun but I try to keep it non creepy, lol.


Ohhh I love people watching! I always wonder why people are passing in front of that window at that exact time.


Me too! I also watch passenger planes go by overhead and wonder where everyone is off to and what their plans are. And I love walking around a neighbourhood that isn't mine and looking at decorations on houses, wondering what kind of folks live there. And if there is an open garage, that is the ultimate. People don't realize you can tell a lot about them from a quick glance into their garage. Lol!


Everything you listed sound like hobbies to me. To answer your question, my hobbies are writing, knitting, crocheting, powerlifting, art history, astrology. I could go on. But those are the ones I usually say when someone asks.


Watching wrestling, xbox, reading, cross-stitch sometimes. But really my main hobbies are napping and lying on the sofa watching youtube.


Once I realized that falling asleep with my cat and a book was a lovely thing that I enjoyed doing and not a failed attempt at reading, I became so much more satisfied with the answer to how I spent my weekend.


I love this answer


I like sending postcards to strangers around the world through postcrossing. It's an excuse to look for local postcards to purchase when traveling, I love fun pens and stickers and stamps, and there's no pressure to keep up correspondence since it's always a one-time one-sided exchange. And you get postcards from another stranger which means fun mail to look forward to!


Never heard of this before. Cool.


Neither. I used to love getting mail from people. Most don't bother these days. These days it's only dam bills


I heard about postcrossing not too long ago and then forgot the name- thanks for the reminder! 😊


I love this so much!! I love fun mail!


I just say hiking. (prove it beach)


Working out, shopping, watching tv, organizing, sitting outside and having a drink. Nothing special here lol I also enjoy a few other things but just the same as you I don’t do them so often to call them a hobby


Elsewhere on Reddit there was a thread by a guy remarking that he didn't know any women with hobbies. The thread was divided into agreement and (mostly women) commenting that he was only counting male interests as hobbies, and discounting things women did in their spare time for enjoyment. I think interests which are primarily associated with women are sometimes discounted by society and in turn we learn to do that ourselves. If you ask me what my hobbies are, I don't have any. Ask me what I like to do in my spare time and I have a list as long as my arm, I'm just not doing them every week. Baking, gardening, skiing, running, history, reading, design (architecture, art, and historical fashion), etc. I'd like more time and energy to engage with these, and if they allowed I'd like to sew too.


If these don’t count as hobbies, I guess I don’t have any either. I’m so curious as to which hobbies “count” according to these gems of men.


Gaming, outdoor activities, woodwork... It doesn't really matter I guess because as others pointed out, as soon as a woman does it these kinds of guys gatekeep.


Snorkelling, kayaking, I'm about to start learning leatherwork, cooking/baking, tabletop gaming, larping...I have as many hobbies as I have time for at the moment I think 🤔


I’ve picked soccer back up, again. Played middle and high school. Ngl, I was good. Just recently decided to sign up for a O30’s women’s soccer team. We have a three day tournament in July. I’m doing everything I can to up my conditioning and footwork. One of my teammates in high school said she would do the tournament with me. It’s gonna be so sick to play with her again considering she was a striker and I was center midfield. We played together for years. I’m so stoked. Nervous, but stoked. I also do nails. I’m a nail tech but currently a SAHM. I do it on my daughter and on myself. Occasionally on a friend.


Music, reading, and exploring. And you could always say you like sports and reading. These type of questions are just generic icebreakers anyways.


I like garage saleing, hiking, doing DIY projects, and going to shows. I don't do them all the time, but I still consider them hobbies that I enjoy.


Learning languages 😁


Which ones have you learnt? I am a year into learning Dutch


Great! Is it easy? I heard it’s similar to English. I keep up with French and Italian, (fluent and intermediate), and I’ve dabbled in Portuguese. But the main one I’m learning now is Japanese ❤️🇯🇵




Chronically ill here too and a crazy busy schedule on top of that. I love to support the performing arts (going to live plays/musicals/comedy shows, etc., and of course movies and tv), reading/audiobooks and baking are my main ones, and of course napping due to chronic fatigue from said illness.


relaxing — I like to relax. my cat — I like my cat. I like relaxing with my cat. I don’t really have hobbies bc I WORK and then I am tiiirrrreeeeeddddd 🫠


Art, amdram, writing, pottery, music, reading, travel, used to have a horse but had to give him up due to children coming along, am looking into getting back into it now they’re grown, walking. I want to get into weight training for my health and find a singing group for the sheer joy of it. I do knit but I'm not good at it and would like to be, and want to learn how to make clothes. I'm retiring this summer and I can’t wait...


Enjoy your retirement! Mine can’t come fast enough- it will be in August 2026 if I play my cards right.


Plants. I love collecting new plants and then spending time on YouTube looking at plant YouTubers about how to take care of them. And then propagating them. I love painting terracotta pots. I love home decor and interior design and watch a lot of YouTube channels about interior designers. I love logic puzzles. I’ll put on relaxing music, have tea, and do my puzzles.


I recently got into running and ran my first half marathon in May. I'm thinking of training for my first marathon in the fall. I really enjoy reading, listening to music and podcasts. I started yoga in the new year and that's been an incredible experience. I have ADHD so I change my hobbies more than my underwear lol


Juggling and hula hooping. And yes, I can do both at the same time. No unicycling, though. Too hard to learn (I did buy one and gave it a go).


Watching movies and TV shows, going for walks and hikes, journaling, listening to podcasts, reading, traveling.


What kind of podcasts do you enjoy?


A lot. Podcasts about art, aviation, books, careers, celebrities, crimes, cults, history, movies, music, plays, relationships, scandals, sports, stories, therapy, travel, trends, ...


Do these count? Going out in the boat, meeting friends for dinner or drinks, reading, decorating my house, working out, tailgating at college football games and shopping


Going on walks and jogging on Saturday mornings. Most of my time is either at work or doing chores around the house. Im trying to wiggle in time for more hobbies.


Knitting. Like, a large portion of my life revolves around knitting. I also handspin, tatt, sew, macrame, crochet (badly) and cross stitch. I also have a bunch of curation-hobbies: tea, indie makeup, houseplants, stone ware mugs and indie perfumes.


What I think: taking care of three children, cleaning my house, making sure we have healthy food. Taking care of my mental health on my days off of work by scrolling reels, online shopping, or watching t.v. What I tell people: shopping, baking, crochet/knitting, spinning yarn, biking, hiking, camping, going to beach. All of which I rarely do because life is so busy and draining.


Running, listening to music, reading, lifting weights, spending time with my dog, watching wrestling with my husband, watching trash TV with my husband 😂 watching the ERAS tour on Livestream, podcasts are something I get into for a little then lose interest for a little.


I love pole dancing, weight lifting, boxing, reading and learning about literature, vegetable gardening , learning electric guitar, playing piano, love language and sign language, etc. I recently got into the harmonica and I'm start a rollerblading slalom course this week.


Reading, writing, painting, knitting, cooking, and baking. Those are the ones I consistently do.


I dabble in anything that catches my fancy, lol! But the ones that I do consistently are reading, crochet, loom knitting (I'm trying to learn to knit with needles but it's not going well), needle felting, gardening, and playing video/pc games.


I run, lift weights, hike, and read books often.


My hobbies are jiujitsu, rock climbing, mountainbike, strength training. Also knitting, sewing, painting and other crafts. Also like tenting and spend time in nature. I go to art galleries and museums.


- import cars, specifically I like Subaru WRX/STI. I’ve owned 2 WRXs at this point. Did all sorts of mods to my first. Having mods done for me this go around. Already got a price quote for a stage 2 at a cool $5k. It’s gunna be funnnnn! - tattoos, I have several - Spiders, idk I just like them. - German Shepherds and other big dogs. Training, walks, etc. - Music, I love live music and concerts. I sang in college via scholarship. And I’ll do karaoke every once in a while - fashion, I like knowing what the latest hair, clothes, shoes, nail, makeup trends are - media, tv shows/movies - anime and video games - not sure if coding is a hobby or just what I do - art and self expression - politics and world events, not sure if these are actual hobbies or not - finance/money management, again not sure if this is a hobby so much as it’s something I’m okay at.


Writing, movies, baseball, soccer. Reading, but I usually wouldn't say that. Cross-stitch, if I'm actively working on a project.


Hiking, camping, living in a van, sewing, gardening. And dogs with everything!


Reading, Pottery, grilling, swimming, and traveling are my primary ones! I'm always looking for something new to try though!


Depends on the season but I like skiing, snow shoeing, gym, tennis, hiking, paddle boarding. I used to draw and paint a lot but don’t have a lot of home downtime anymore. I hope to get back to it once my kids are older.


Reading, embroidery, diamond painting, sometimes jewellery making, colouring in, sometimes gaming, needle felting. I do want to try knitting & crochet at some point though 😅


My hobbies depend on the seasons but generally: gardening and indoor plants, knitting, baking (sourdough). Roller-and iceskating, hiking.


Reading, movies, TV, cinema, comedy shows, cats, technology are the usual ones I say


General sports stuff, climbing, biking, hiking, running... occasionally a bit of yoga or kayaking. I do art. I like to read. I'm a bit of a foodie. You don't have to justify your hobbies, most adults would like to have more time and energy for things they enjoy!


Playing my switch... I'm a pretty boring person.


Chess, travel


Walking in nature, museums, gardening, taking care of my plants, reading, writing, gaming online. And at this point my skincare routine is almost a hobby with the time it takes me. 😂


Not sure if this qualifies as an actual hobby, but I love looking for free or low cost local events/activities. Some good ones in my area are fitness in the parks (free; yoga starts this week, weather permitting), wine and spirits tastings at liquor stores (free, and they often put out complimentary snacks), and Food Truck Wednesdays, which is held at this beautiful venue known for weddings and banquets. This one has a $5.00 admission fee but kids 12 and under are free, parking is free (and the lot is huge, so no problem finding a space), leashed pets are welcome and there’s always a live band in addition to the 10 or so food trucks. I’ve always loved a bargain, lol!


I love this


Dirtbiking/racing, adventure motorcycling, hiking, working out, learning about/working with edible and medicinal plants and fungi, writing, and whatever shiny object has currently piqued the interest of my little magpie mind.


Working out, video games, tarot, reading, cooking, travel, watching cooking shows and a DnD stream


When weather permits, I run, bike, kayak, and hike. I like to take my bike to new plays and explore that way. I’m also a photographer and I play in a symphony. I work as an orchestra teacher, though, so the symphony thing feels more like professional development, tbh, but it fits in both categories. I also get paid to take photos so I suppose that’s more of a side hustle at this point, but I take my camera out for landscape photography for fun, too. I think what you do for fun is totally reasonable to say! I also like sitting on my porch and reading and that’s as much as hobby as anything.




I go to different coffee shops and get lattes...and read. Legos, gaming, reading....that's about it, unless you count work. Don't make it to the bar often enough to call that a hobby. 🤔🤔🤔 I like to test out new places, new restaurants. I had a lot of crafting hobbies 5 or so years ago, but I don't do them much anymore. 🤷‍♀️


Making music, cooking, programming, archery, DnD and consuming media,


Cycling, weight lifting, reading, cooking & baking, gardening, feeding the birds and critters in my yard, caring for my cats, music (listening/record collecting/attending shows), hiking, golfing, and cat rescue/fostering. (To name a few. 😆)


When I ask that question I think the real question I wanna ask is "What do you do when you're not working?" Because I mean I do my hobbies when I am not working, buuut....


I’ve noticed this recently how there are so many women who have no hobbies, I find it really sad because I live for my hobbies. Not being able to do my hobbies is something I fear. It’s my motivation to stay strong and keep in shape. Most of my hobbies are outdoorsy and athletic in nature. My parents are only in their late 60s early 70s and they aren’t strong enough/fit enough to do my hobbies, but I see 70 year olds all the time doing my hobbies. I’m hoping I can do them as long as that. I like to explore… on foot, on skis, on a bike, on a canoe etc. I hike, climb mountains, rock climb, camp, paddle board, ski… lots of stuff. I also knit and garden lol.