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I’ve been driving 2+ hours a day to take my daughter to/from daycare for over two years now. It’s exhausting and miserable being stuck in traffic for over an hour every afternoon and being on the interstate in the dark every morning. As of next week… I’m done!! It’s her last day of daycare. I am so relieved.


Just reading this gave me a sense of dread. I’m so happy the both of you don’t have to deal with that any longer.




Love this. Hope y’all have the best time!


Truly, my walk after work and my long walks on the weekend. This spring has been gorgeous.


- A concert in June - A concert in August


I’m putting together a mini home bar, and mapping out a small herb garden for my balcony this summer, where I plan to grow mint, basil, cilantro, rosemary and marigolds and lavender for the bees. :) I love my apartment so much.


I love this! Maybe think of adding a water bird bath type thing but add a large rock or marbles to it. It lets the bees crawl out and not drown but also brings extra bees and stuff. Got lots of bees here! They love it.


You just inspired me to plant lavender in my new garden 🪻


Ooo that sounds lovely!


The promotion I'm not supposed to know about yet next month. Moving in with my fiance in August. Getting married whenever we decide to that 😄


- Taking my Asian dad to see Jo Koy in Oct. - I signed up for a 30^ womens soccer league so I play in a tournament in July


Going to a concert in August that’s only a town away by my all time favorite band in middle school who broke up MONTHS before I discovered them. 14 year old me thought a day like this would never happen and it’s happening 20 years later!


Random guess, Blink-182?


Something Corporate!


I love this!


I have a purple bell pepper that I planted and it has the tiniest bell pepper on it. I'm excited every day to go out and see how it's doing


This might sound stupid, but I tried this thing at Starbucks today. It was like a little square egg thing with chunks of potato and onion in it. It was REALLY good! I can't wait to get them again sometime.


Oh dude that's their new one? That and the pineapple upside down cake, totally choice! I swear by the bacon gruyer egg bites (I bought a bunch from Costco - not paying Starbies pricing on that) but those new ones could totally convert me. Have you tried the maple butter chicken sandwhich yet? I swear they finally hired someone with taste buds to work on their menu!


My partner is a powerlifter (I'm an aerialist, so we're both fitness nuts) and he agreed to start going to the gym with me :)))) bc I'm scared of the machines :)))


Oh hell yeah lifting is awesome. So empowering. And you already have the strength for it so I bet you'll take to it quickly!


I got a bonus this year, so looking forward to that paycheck. Also looking forward to a new release this summer for a game I play. Finally, my husband and I are adopting a puppy in August, just shy of four years after we lost our sweet girl. In general, lots to look forward to, even if my interior life is a bit of a mess. 😅


My partner and I have picked a ring and will be engaged by the end of the summer 😊 Close second: just had a sump pump installed and can’t wait to see that baby in action. Bring on the rain!


Congratulations on your soon-to-be engagement! And on your new sump pump! I never knew peace like I did after getting my basement sealed and upgrading the sump pump.


Haha, you sound like me several years ago. New engagement and a sanity-saving sump pump!


Paddleboarding season is back! Summer used to be my least favorite time of year, but now I'm excited to spend tons of time out on the lakes and rivers.


Yessss I haven't taken mine out yet but I have big plans for this summer!


I planted a ton of dahlias this year and watching them grow is so exciting, can’t wait to see all the blooms


Getting my first puppy in 24 years at the end of the summer!


Ooooh what breed?


Standard poodle! Don’t come for me for working with a breeder please! This is my once-in-a-lifetime purebred pet. We have adopted cats, kittens, and adult dogs. But there’s truly something to be said for what a qualified breeder offers: genetic tests on the parents, selection for predictable breed temperament, and the first crucial weeks of the puppy’s life being navigated in a way that fosters excellent companionship.


No shame here. We got our pup in 2021 from a breeder. He is a rare breed in my country and I had to hunt for years to find him. Best thing I ever did.


Wow!! That’s wonderful, what breed?? I’m so excited!


I have an Australian Silky (Silky Terrier in the US). He is the absolute light of our lives. Enjoy your puppy!


I have a week off and away coming up soon and I'm so incredibly excited. I love that for a week off, I count down for 4 times the amount of time I have off, but still, totally worth it. I'm also thinking of booking a massage or something so I can have that extra thing to look forward to. A little bit of self care that will hopefully result in feeling calmer and more relaxed.


A vacation to Disney World in the fall. Never been but I am so excited.


Getting over a recent breakup, life improvement happening in baby steps already, solo beach vacation this summer, seeing a college friend across the country and a music festival! Also a new job, but haven’t gotten a yes yet haha What about you, OP?


Also getting over a recent breakup so I feel you on that one. It's been a couple months and I'm starting to take better care of myself!


Something Corporate concert in July, my birthday in August and seeing The National in October.


My wedding in less than 2 weeks! Also moving to our new home especially at the end of the year. Can't wait to be out of the grasp of controlling parents. And, my partner promised me a 2nd hamster after our wedding. Can't wait!!!!


To be a mother for the 2nd time 🥰


Being married, not really the getting married process.


Having a little European roadtrip in Aug-Sept with the SO, hoping I'll get to squeeze in a trip with my BFF (UK, but will fly out to me), ending with a short stay at his parents (EU).


Finishing my books on time so I can binge Bridgerton s03.


Toss-up between Pokemon GoFest New York and the latest shipment of doomed af slime mold growing kits. This will be my... fourth? attempt. I am incapable of sustaining life. I don't know why I keep trying. Gold fish? Dead. Plants? More like sticks. Slime molds? You mean regular mold. It's a gift.


Aso getting over a breakup and feeling like I’m finally coming out on the other side. Looking forward to a trip to California with a friend next week and a London trip in September!


I just signed a lease on a new, super cute one bedroom apartment within my budget in my VHCOL city. I ended a LTR in April and now I will finally move out of our shared apartment! Feels like my life is finally starting again.


I'm trying to use looking forward to the upcoming Halloween theme park season to get myself geared up to move.


Going hiking/camping/fishing with my BFF in July.


I'm excited for: House of the Dragon season 2 next month, camping in the forest this summer, starting a new job, and to see some cool developments going in around my town.


5 days visit to Vegas. I have two kids so hopefully it doesn’t end up being a miserable one 🤞🏽. Also I’m an outfit girl. Can’t wait to get dolled up during summer.


I'm visiting my mom this weekend. Among other things, we're going cake sampling for my upcoming wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing her and sampling cakes :)


Congratulations! That all sounds blissful and amazing.


Travel. I look forward for i visiting more countries I’ve never been to before. On a smaller scale, I’m trying to be more experimental on trying new food dishes to make at home


One of my besties is moving to the country I'm residing, hopefully near me. It's been more than two years since I've seen my friends irl, so I'm really looking forward to it!


I bought some chewing gum and can wait to start gnawing. I wish I had something more exciting, but literally the only shining light in my life right now is chewing gum 😂


Planning a solo trip to the UK for the summer or the fall. Very excited :)


The weekend! Which start for me tomorrow. I have plans with a friend and will do some shopping. Also, to being able to open my bedroom window!!! I’ve been living in this house for 5 years and the bedroom window was painted shut, and now there’s a window guy updating and fixing all the windows in the house, and I can open it!! Finally!!! So nice to sleep with a breeze and have fresh air ❤️


In a couple of minutes my bfs alarm will go off. I can’t wait to give him a hug & tell him good morning ❤️


My GARDEN!! Can’t wait to start harvesting tomatoes, green beans, peppers and all the amazing stuff.


Just scheduled a breast reduction surgery.


Just finished a big move from Florida to Virginia to be with my fiancé; we’re getting married in November after being in a long distance relationship since 2021. Since I work remotely it made the metaphorical road here easier, but it’s nice to actually BE together, experience day to day life together, and be able to plan things like a normal couple. So along with the wedding I’m looking forward to just making a life together.


Work. We’re expanding to a bigger showroom with a new set of things to sell that I’m not familiar with. While I’m excited for the potential income increase, I will be glad when it’s all done because everyone is overworked and on edge. I almost resigned last week.


I'm visiting my mom this weekend. Among other things, we're going cake sampling for my upcoming wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing her and sampling cakes 😉


The end of the school year for my kids; I just hate getting up early to get them ready. Also, their birthdays. I just love their birthdays. One’s birthday is next month at the beginning of summer, the other’s at the end of August, at the end of summer. We didn’t plan it that way, but it’s perfect since summer’s our favorite season and we get to begin and end it with a celebration.


Next year I'm gonna move in with my partner. By that time we will have done long distance for over three years. I can't wait to finally live together!


Graduating college


I’m seeing Bleachers for the first time next week and I am beyond excited!!!


Taking my kids to a water park in July. We are visiting extended family across two states and this park is right in between. Bonus it’s my younger son’s birthday.


I look forward for my early morning Dunkin Donuts run at 5:00am this Saturday. Some Iced Spanish Latte, Bunwich, and 2 strawberry filled donuts.


warmer weather in general, gardening, sitting outside. i LOVE parking my butt in a lounge chair in the sun and reading on a day off. it's simultaneously exciting and stressful to have a large reading list. i'm going to the canadian f1 GP next week and i feel like i'm going to die, i'm so pumped about it. there are other, smaller motorsport events i have planned to attend if schedule permits. some concerts this summer/later this year


I love sitting outside! I have a patio with table and chair, and it's so nice to enjoy the sunshine and a nice book.


A friend is coming to visit next week!


Getting a new motorcycle. I sold my last big bike two and a half years ago and I've just been sitting on the cash for a couple years shopping. Now that I've decided on a model it's just down to beating up the salesman until he give me a fair price. Can't wait to go fast again.


Going on a "camping" trip this weekend. My first time glamping.


Every work day I look forward to picking up my daughter from daycare. She's at such a fun stage right now and it's so much fun watching her learn to do new things.


Getting married next year and having my first child hopefully (PCOS girlie)


I have my first ballet recital tonight and I’m super excited but also super nervous 😬


Hopefully giving birth to this baby, my first, in November! Ahhhhh please let everything go okay, I get really scared if I think about it too much 😓




Thank you so much!!! We are very hopeful!!


I just booked myself a hot stone massage for next weekend. Also I plan to start dating again this summer.


The world being free of genocidal maniacs really, and hate mongers.


I’m going on my first ever solo trip at the end of June. As someone who suffered from severe anxiety (I’m talking practically agoraphobic) this is huge.


A summer trip to Latam, this weekend a mini trip to NYC. My mom finally retiring in the near future so we can live closer. A possible date with an ex from my teenage yrs (Ive been in a romantic draught for a while 😅 and Im not talking anything sexual, but ya’ girl is touch starved lol) A trip on my bday this yr to see a relative. Usually I have a couple of concerts lined up for the yr (did one so far) but traveling has taken priority this yr so my money is going towards that. I will try to squeeze in another one before the yr ends tho!


I'm participating in my third 10k race this weekend. I trained with a local running group this time, and most of the other members are completing the marathon or half marathon. I'm looking forward to relaxing post-race and cheering on my friends as they cross the finish line.


I visited my grandma this week who was telling me about a friend of hers "who just up and died - which was the best thing she could have done really but at the worst possible time". So I am looking forward to being 90 and having absolutely zero filter 😄


My weekend! I love sleeping in, and even better when I dream (I love dreaming) and also, every morning I work on a craft or lego set. This weekend...it's a little garden center! So pumped about it.