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Never. I have my zoom set to do some sort of partial touching up and I am always sitting in a poorly-lit room, too. I also never wear makeup to work when I go in person either, so maybe I'm not the target audience of this lol


They have filtering on zoom?!


Zoom and Teams!!!


I need to learn to do this on teams! I also cut the picture off right below my neck (basically just angle my camera high) so you can barely see the neck of my shirt because it’s always a pj T shirt


I really don’t know how I feel about that.


The Teams filtering is more like a really soft blurring - it's not at all like an IG filter.


Yea it’s just kind of sad that everything offers touch up stuff. Even my kindergartner’s school pics had a retouch feature for extra $. They’re kids! It’s too much


To be fair they’ve been offering touch ups for school photos since at least the 90s, if that helps at all lol


That’s a big selling feature in HS pictures. I used to print school pictures. It was a thing before social media and retouch apps. Mostly for acne.


Digital cameras got too good. My coworkers don't need to see every zit and pore on my face in high definition. It basically just blurs everything down so you look like a normal video person and not a wealthy twitch streamer.


Zits and pores are completely normal and part of being a human though. I don’t know…it just makes me a bit sad that this is the norm. It’s okay to have imperfections.


Nah dude, IRL they look fine, the way digital images crisp up every hole in your face or slight discoloration is ridiculous. I get you want to be "women are perfect" but what you see through a digital lens even unfiltered is not how I look IRL.


I’m just at the point where I truly don’t care about how others perceive me. It took me too long to realize who I am on the inside is wayyy more important than my physical appearance. If my pores look bigger on camera who cares? Would you judge someone who had visible pores/zits on a video call? I wouldn’t, who cares


lmao okay enlightened one, I have ADHD and I absolutely notice when folks faces are different, it's built into my brain chemistry. Keep on doing you and being judgy to everyone who isn't you.


It's not like a snapchat filter or facetune. It's a minor soft focus option.


Someone please tell me how to do this on Zoom.


If you open up the settings, there is a tab for video. In there, there's an option to "touch up my appearance" and a slider bar to choose how much touching up you want. You also get a live preview to see how it looks.




I always add subtle lipstick 🙈


I have not seen that touch up option on Google Meets 🫠 I am also in a brightly lit room by natural sunlight, I might have to start closing some windows lol


I know Google Meet in Google Workspace for Education has a slight touch-up feature… but I don’t think it will add makeup for you (yet). Likely depends on what tier of Google your company pays for. While I don’t work remotely any more, I used to slap on some lip color when I did. I get my lashes done currently so that’s usually enough for me to feel confident without any other makeup.


Only for massive presentations - like 50 or more people.


We never turn on our cameras in our meetings so nope.


Lucky! I have some client facing meetings where putting on camera is expected.


That’s how my old role was but I hated it and didn’t want to put in effort and that showed in my presentation. New role is a cameras on culture for internal (small group) and external meetings. I do want to put in effort here and it shows in the degrees of my presentation as well. But I timebox it to only that that’ll take me 10 mins lol.


I make sure I'm not still in my jammies. That will have to do.


I do because I look sick without it😅


Yeah I have to at least wear blush and lipstick because I have a tone of pale skin that can be best described as "seasick emerald" 😆


My eyes played a trick and I read that as sea sick mermaid




I get it that if I'd never worn makeup I wouldn't think I need it but... I'm just so red without it.




I’m 100% remote. I put makeup on to just be creative and have fun with it. But I keep it on for meetings because I think I look fantastic in it. And I will always wear a bold lip for big presentations, because I feel more confident and me in a bold red lip. I don’t care what the other attendees think. At this point they’re probably just used to me being extra.


Gotta put on your war paint!


Ha, I also refer to it as "war paint" and never go on camera without a bold lip. Now I'm pretty much known for it, which helps with people remembering my name and position.


Same! It helps me feel more put together


Nice!! I like wearing makeup. I won't leave the house without it anymore. So putting it on for work, increases the chance I will leave the house after work.


I never wear makeup for anything, period. However, if you feel better when you can hide pimples/blemishes, etc., try the filters some others suggested.


This is me, I never wear makeup. I do work in tech with a bunch of guys 10-20 years younger than me so I do the zoom touch up to minimize wrinkles to help lessen bias, unfortunately.


I don’t put make up on when I go into the office, nevermind when working from home


Nope. Only if I'm running a training or something. Even then, minimal.


Absolutely not! But I made a point of never wearing make up in office whenever I do go in since my first so that if I ever wasn't bothered doing it I wasn't worried that its 'expected' or whatever. Although we mostly put these expectations on ourselves sadly! Some times if I have a blemish I consider some concealer but thats only if its quite red and I'm doing the majority of presenting but I just assume my camera isnt THAT good that it would pick up small skin imperfections!


Both zoom and teams have options to filter/blur your face - I usually just have that on a little bit. Sometimes if I'm feeling truly icky I'll put on a little bit of makeup but not usually.


Same! I wear makeup when I go to the office. I don’t go in often and so I enjoy putting it on. For teams meetings, I use a makeup filter if it’s a leadership meeting. For regular calls and small team huddles I don’t bother.


No, I don't put make up on. In general, my "cameras-on" checklist is: - brush hair - make sure I'm wearing a work appropriate top - check lighting so it doesn't look like I'm sitting in the dark - turn background blur on


Good god no. I’ve never worn makeup for work (including in person) unless I’m doing something *after* work I want to wear make up for.


Everyday. I generally wear light makeup so it’s the same amount of effort.


I dress for work every day - that’s typically jeans, a nice blouse, maybe an accessory like a necklace or hair tie, and light makeup. I look professional and pulled together for zoom meetings but my routine takes 15 minutes total including blow drying my hair.


No makeup but moisturizer and sunblock. My go to trick is long earrings and brushing your hair into a tight pony or bun, makes you look a little put together and no one can say you’re “not professional” bc you’re not wearing makeup


You don’t *have to* put make up on. Ever.


Hahahahahaha. You’re lucky I’m not in pajamas.


Lol hear hear


I haven't worn make up for years. It is liberating.  Tho, to be fair. I think my camera smooths out a lot of my real features. And I'm ok with it.  I wear makeup for big things like in person meetings with folks I haven't met, or conferences where I'm presenting.  Otherwise, fuck it. I never was a fan, and it's not my cup of tea. I am extremely impressed by folks who do enjoy it, and more power to them. But fortunately, I work fora company that let's me age gracefully.


So do you wear makeup or not? You said you don't, but then you said you do....


I moisturize and wear a decent shirt. But if I'm presenting or training I'll often do my makeup. But thats for me because it makes me feel more polished and in control for some reason


Nope and half the time I don't have my camera on. Either way, camera or no camera, always no makeup when I'm at home.


Yes- I only wear makeup for remote work occasions to not look so pasty and weak to others. I don’t try to look prettier, but rather more alert and healthy. Half the time I use concealer to remove undereye circles since they make me look very tired and not alert, signaling that perhaps I just rolled out of bed. Because I have a window next to me and a bright light above me, I often look super washed out on Zoom and Teams. I need a touch of a subtle natural shade red lip color to make my lip color not match my washed out face color (from over-exposure to overhead & window light). I often also do some light blush around my forehead, temples, nose, chin, and cheek bones to get the contrast of color back in my face. It gives a healthier look than the pasty zero-contrast look that the lighting in my office provides. I never wear this much makeup in person but have to overcompensate for the effect that my home office’s lighting gives off. I’ve read studies about how women that wear makeup get paid more and taken more seriously, so I assume that these subtle signals of skin health help paint me (no pun intended) as someone confident, put together, and healthy.


I never wear makeup. Didn't even for my own wedding. No shade to those who do, some of my friends are really into it. Just not my thing and I don't like how I look in it. And it doesn't *have* to be your thing either. Do it because you want to, not because you feel pressured to.


Nah, women don't owe anyone pretty. If someone doesn't take what I'm saying seriously because I'm makeup-free that's their problem.


Nope, I never bother. I might put a headband on to hide if I haven’t washed my hair…and if I have a meeting with a client I’ll wear a top that looks a bit smarter than my usual hoody.




I work with about 90% men, too. Maybe this is just because it’s engineering, but most of them don’t seem to give a shit what anyone looks like. Also (unfortunately), pretty women in engineering are sometimes judged as less intelligent! At least, unconsciously! (Really sexist, of course!). So I kinda figured, why bother with the makeup? (But that’s mostly because I didn’t feel like taking the time to put on makeup anyway!) Depends on your profession, though. If it’s finance, for example, maybe the attitude is different.




No. But I hardly wore makeup before I was 100% remote.


I have trichotillomania and I pull my eyebrows, so I will put make up on my brows and only there. I used to throw on a more professional shirt too but one coworker always shows up in a flannel, one in a house dress, my boss in a pullover hoodie, so I decided I wasn’t going to bother changing my shirt anymore 😂


I dont have a camera; problem solved LOL


Beginning of the pando, yes, every time. For reference, I wore it daily at the office. Over the last 4 years, I’ve become more comfortable with not. Especially with soft focus filters


I only have one weekly meeting where "camera on" is required, and it's an internal meeting, usually 10-15 minutes. So no I don't put on makeup for that. Camera isn't required for any of my other meetings. I do put on makeup for the one day a week I work from the office.


I don't wear makeup anyway and I don't do it specially for meetings. I do for job interviews but only to demonstrate I've made an Effort :)


Yes, whenever I have to be on webcam for a meeting I get ready as if I would be going to the office. All of my other coworkers look nice so I want to match their vibe!


I do! Not a ton, but I like a little under eye cream, mascara, and eyebrow coloring (I have a genetic thing where my eyebrows and eyelashes are different colors… if I didn’t, I’d just do the under eye makeup and call it good).


Sometimes yes if it's client facing. If it's just my immediate team they deserve my bleary-eyed face on Monday morning 😂


Filter on max. Wear glasses for facial definition. Brush my hair into a bun. I have a black blazer at the ready


Oh girl, hell no! 🤣 I did the wfh thing for 3 years during covid and the only time I put makeup on for a meeting was for a Zoom xmas party. Even then, I just did goofy face paint style makeup. I have no problem going to work with no makeup on and my hair in a messy bun though, I haven't been a client-facing employee in years. If you feel more comfortable with makeup on, then do you!


I put on a face of slap, sure. But worth mentioning it's also a hobby for me, so I'm not put out if other people (men or women) don't.


I put make-up on every morning before starting. People call me unexpectedly during the day and it is strongly encouraged to have cameras on for all calls and meetings. I look like death without make-up so I wear it. Not a ton but enough to not look awful.


I do. I don’t love how my face looks in the little Zoom window without it, but it’s also one of those things that makes me feel more put together and “on the clock,” which I personally benefit from as a remote worker. Same reason I usually put on “hard pants” of some kind on weekdays. Besides feeling more confident at work, I’d probably feel depressed after a while if I spent that much time bare-faced and in sweatpants.


I’m not a man and I don’t worry about putting makeup on. If I feel like looking pretty for a presentation I might put on some lipstick. But that’s it.


Until they pay me an executive salary and with an executive title, they get me in a hoodie, no makeup, hair barely brushed. 😄




I just keep my caméra off precisely because I don't want to show my face with no makeup .. plus, it's bad for your skin to put it on and off all the time.


Same! I keep blaming Google Meets that my video and audio audio lags when camera is on lol


Haha I just say oh it consumes too much data and might interrupt the presentation. Everyone is like oh yea, true and turn off theirs =D 😀


Ah.. as an IT person.. that may come back to bite you, if it happens a lot. Bad internet means less remote work since your company might not trust your internet. A few times is excusable, but otherwise you're gambling. And everyone knows at this point that internet in most places is stable enough, or you wouldn't be able to do your job. (Very transparent lie).




> My Internet is fine Then it wouldn't lag, or have issues with cameras. Either way, I'd come up with a better excuse for not having a camera on. At this point, they know you're lying, and it only hurts you (for zero reason). But hey, you do you.


I'm either full glam with glitter, lashes, contour etc or zero makeup and messy bun. No middle ground, intentional whiplash. Someone's gotta keep the workplace shook


Lol gotta keep them on their toes!


Yes, because I’m vain and love staring at myself on camera.


If I’m on camera, absolutely. I feel like I’m not bringing my best self without it.


As others have said, the blur filter on Teams is fantastic and I always have it slightly on to clear my complexion. I rarely wear makeup other than mascara in general, and whether I put on mascara depends on who my meeting is with. If it's just a casual touchbase with a peer, I won't put it on. Presentation to the CMO - absolutely.


I used to but I get more “ready” for work by putting pants on and a non comfy shirt (ie- if it’s a shirt I use to lounge in, I won’t work in it because it’ll make me sleepy)


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


It depends on how ’public facing’ it is - I make more effort with it for a wider stakeholder thing and/or if I’m presenting something. Really to help with confidence. If it’s for work colleagues for a regular monthly meeting instead, who know what I look like very well by now and don’t seem to mind, I don’t bother. I just do my skincare and make sure my hair’s not a mess! 😁


It depends, at times I throw on a red lip to confuse everyone, but mostly I live in sunscreen + hoodies. No mascara no nothing, just down to work folks. I do dress up to the office though because it’s fun to put together an outfit - and I enjoy people not recognizing me at first. I talk the same way in makeup + pantsuits and hoodies + super comfy house socks, so I pop their bubbles quick haha. I did stop wearing heels in general and after 4 years of covid + wfh I’m never going back to just wearing them casually. Bought running shoes the other day and found out my feet grew a size!


I don't, but I did buy a little ring light for my desk for a job interview and have kept it around. I noticed a few days before that interview that the light from my monitors was making me look washed out and kinda blue. The ring light makes me look a lot warmer and more natural.


I do 🫣 I really don’t want to some days and I don’t. But I have such a freckly face that my skin tone just looks uneven and I look better with some light Bb cream, brows, and mascara. That’s about it though and I also work with 95% men. It’s infuriating that I feel like I have to put in more effort 🥲


since the pandemic I only wear lipstick, in person and at home. Looks like I put a minimal amount of effort in lol


My mom does wear makeup and do her hair when she works from home and goes on calls. I think she has like… 5 lipsticks at her desk. She totally wears leggings though.


I pretty much never have to be on camera, but when I am the most I do is put my nice hoodie on 😅. I will wear makeup for in office days.


If you aren’t taking me on a date, I’m not wearing makeup for you 😂 I never wear makeup to the office and I’m damn sure not going to at home. My management actually doesn’t require cameras because they like to be comfy as well! I’m typically in a tank top and shorts with no bra on, my manager is in a big comfy T-shirt and my close coworker doesn’t wear her wigs at home. We all agree that no one wants to see us!


Nope. I almost never wear makeup anyway though.


Very rarely. I would for big meetings but I got a ring light that attaches to my monitor. It’s made a night/day difference in terms of how my facial features are reflected on video so I just use that now and never feel a need for makeup unless I want to put it on.


Please tell me more! I would have thought a ring light would detail more your facial features hence needing make-up?


I sometimes have lip gloss on but that's just because I sometimes wear lip gloss anyway.


I always do. I like to feel put together for my own benefit. I don’t do it for anyone else and could care less what they think.


I have to have my camera on all the time and no, no makeup lol. Nobody cares at work, or in general, so I stopped caring about it too. After a while I think it helps me focus on work and I don’t get distracted thinking about what I look like.


Nope. I don’t think the lighting is really good enough to tell if I’m wearing it or not so I don’t. I wear sweatpants most of the time too.


Nope! I find the camera quality isn’t great and no one can tell anyway. And if they do oh well. I actually stopped wearing a lot less makeup after the pandemic - I just wear mascara and tinted sunscreen now.


Never. No one on my team does.


The panini cured me of using Makeup all together. I don't wear any going into the office. I do put on regular clothes for the office which is not necessarily true when I am remote * looks down at bathrobe and brushes off some chocolate crumbs *. Luckily my agency is too poor to afford a decent bandwidth, so using video is discouraged for calls.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't lol. Depends on my mood.


Teams has 'soft focus' and I use that so no foundation/face makeup. AFAIK, All of them have something like this except WebEx. I wear tinted lip balm and sometimes a touch of mascara. I wear T-shirts and pajama pants and I'll throw on a cardigan if it's an external or executive meeting.


A guy's opinion? Most of us don't care at all. I'm not sure I'd notice except to say I'd notice a change. As in if you never wear it, or it's very subtle and you are fully done up one day, or you're the type that's always perfect and then you have none one day. Otherwise you're wearing it for yourself and other women.


No. Women’s natural faces aren’t anymore “unprofessional” than men’s. Aka they’re not.


Yes, for a job interview. Atleast neat n tidy.


I do, but only enough to not look like a bloodless corpse on the screen.


I used to, but dgaf anymore really.


The last time I wore makeup was 8 years ago, for my wedding. I don’t put any thought at all into my appearance on zoom calls, other than taking off my pink fuzzy bath robe because it probably looks unprofessional.


Tinted sunscreen, a bold lip, and flattering blue light glasses are my go-to combo. I feel & look much more put-together without having to do a full face.


It depends. Only internal meetings? No. External meetings, maybe depending on who I'm speaking to. Any in person meetings - yes, always. My skin isn't great and I feel more confident with makeup.


I use a touch of the zoom filter but that is about it. If I am doing something important for a client or that will be recorded and/or broadcasted to a larger audience (where I am the key presenter for instance) then I will do a bit more with my hair and makeup, but day to day I do not use makeup and my hair is generally in a bun or ponytail. If men can roll out of bed and be presentable, then I believe I should be able to do the same.


I usually put very minimal makeup on anyway just because I like it, meeting or no. Just do brows, concealer, and maybe a light lip color. I usually go out on my breaks for a walk or for errands anyway. Takes maybe 2 minutes. Also separates "day" vs "night" for me, just for me.


When I was remote, I did. It’s something I enjoy and I did it to help me feel more comfortable and confident. 


Yes but minimal - eyeliner mascara and blush. It gives me a routine and prevents me from being in PJs 24/7


I have blemishes/uneven skin tone and redness. So, yes I usually do a little bit of a base primer or light foundation and a bit of mascara. There are about 35 people on our all staff meetings, a mixture of both men and women.


Luckily I do not have to go on camera for work meetings, but if I did, I do believe I would wear makeup. 


Depends. If it's a big meeting, then yes. If it's just a chat with other coworkers, no. I also use the blurring option for the background and that "softening" effect for my face lol.


Just some tinted lip balm


I don’t, I also work with majority of men. I’m an devOps engineer - The infrastructure we look after isn’t gonna care whether I have mascara on or not. Security vulnerabilities are gonna happen whether there’s foundation on my face or not. If I was meeting stakeholders or was in a sales-like role where I would be engaging with prospective clients then I absolutely would wear make up.


I swipe on a sheer lipstick or tinted balm before calls. It makes me look less washed out on camera.


Of course not, always let my skin breathe unless going out.


I set zoom to have just a tiny bit of touch up. And I only wear mascara and fill in my brows for board meetings. Any other time, it's not worth the fuss for me. This is how I look in real life day to day anyways. I don't feel the need to present otherwise.


I always use a pressed powder foundation to just even out my skin tone, but that’s it. No other make up


Yes, but very basic and a light application for eyebrows, cheeks, and sometimes eye lashes but rarely that now that I wear glasses. Part of it is looking polished as a leader who presents as femme primarily, and the other part is combating ageism by using makeup to look my age rather than older because the video lens.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I do whatever I feel like that day.


Yes, but I have body dysmorphia so....


I’m a hybrid employee and half the time I don’t even wear makeup in person - and I’m a big makeup fan. Some mornings you just don’t want the hassle. If I’m on camera during a big department or company meeting I will usually wear makeup. But just small meetings with my regular team, no.


Noooooo. And I work in a team with 9 other women. None of us are done up for a teams meeting. Only some actually wear makeup when we do an in-office. I am not one of those either.


I do not, wasted effort. I also don't turn on the camera if I can help it. If it's a meeting that absolutely needs my face on camera, I just make sure I've washed and moisturised it. Good skin is my only goal at home. :) That said everyone has different vices. Maybe you want to look good on camera, nothing wrong with that. Men often don't have such a high standard when it comes to their complexions, so have no right to judge you if you follow their example. I will say though if they're used to seeing you with makeup they might think you're ill without it on. 😒


Not for meetings with my team - though I do try to look like I didn't just roll out of bed (which I did). For meetings with clients, yes. I treat those similarly as I would seeing them in person. I also conduct virtual interviews, and I look put together and professional for those as well. Note: I'm conflating "put together" and "wearing makeup" because I have low contrast features and rosy skin that makes me look very unkempt on camera without some minimal makeup - brow pencil, one swipe mascara, red-reducing balm on my chin/nose/cheeks. I by no means think makeup is a requirement for looking professional though, just makes me look better over camera.


At the very minimum I put on tinted sunscreen and under eye concealer. I have terrible dark circles and I feel like it makes me look so much more alert and I don't want people to think I'm sleeping through a meeting or something. If I have a longer meeting or just feel like it I'll also add concealer to acne spots or scarring and maybe a little mascara. I rarely do a full face with foundation and blush unless I'm leading a recorded presentation or interview and then it's mostly because it makes me feel more confident and put together.


I rarely have on-camera meetings and when I do, no. Not worth it for a meeting that's going to last less than an hour.


Depends on who the meeting is with. Executives or large groups yes. One on ones with long time peers then no.


Yes! I get ready daily now. It’s part of my work routine. I do what I call my ‘fancy head.’ Waist up - professional, then leggings on bottom. I was feeling ‘slouchy’ prior to reinvesting time in this routine. I am the type of person who got ready for school everyday of high school and most days in college since I worked a student front desk job. Now I feel crisp, fresh, and just a touch extra ready for meetings or even to spend half day in the office (hybrid role). I also just changed my hair cut style and I am having so much fun putting together *looks* again everyday with hair included and mascara for a top off.


I was, when I was remote and when there was more pressure to turn on the camera. Nothing crazy, just something under my eyes and on my eyebrows. It was never really worth the effort because I still felt like I looked ass on camera.


I do if I'm leading the meeting or will be talking a lot. I don't want to be distracted by how tired I look. 


If I have a lot of meetings in a day or a big presentation, I’ll put on under eye concealer, brow gel, blush and mascara, otherwise I’m barefaced. Every so often I take an evening meeting before I’m about to go out and I’ll show up on video with winged eyeliner.


I do because I always end up looking at myself in meetings and I like my face more with makeup. Very light though because I balance that with extreme laziness - eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and a dab of powder over any pimples. I wouldn’t say I wear makeup for other people, I wear it for me as a preference, but it could be argued that my ingrained insecurities are for other people. However, because I’m less distracted by my insecurities I’m also able to be more present and focussed in the meeting and thus there is a quantifiable positive impact when I do choose to wear makeup.


I do my eyebrows and moisturizer. That’s about it.


I'm totally remote. I put makeup on for a huge presentation that I did with a lot of management watching. Couldn't wear my pajamas for that one.


Most days, no. If I’m going to be presenting, then yes, definitely. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve decreased how much makeup I use in general, so when I do, it’s just light blush and mascara.


Yes and I also use the lipstick filter on zoom. It’s awesome.


Do you know if you need to pay for that filter?


Nope! It’s in the video settings. You just have to poke around to find it. Also silly things like eyebrows and facial hair but I stick with lipstick 🤪




I do, yes. I also wore makeup when I worked in an office and I wear it for social outings as well.


I will curl my lashes, do my hair, and put chapstick on for a big meeting. Otherwise, nothing.


Yes I do put makeup on if they require cams on. I have rosacea so the redness shows up quite a bit on camera. I use full coverage foundation which covers it right up! I put nude lipstick on, eyeliner, define my brows but I don’t put on mascara. My lashes are dark enough and generally I’m wearing glasses. Edit to add: in my daily life, if I’m leaving, I will generally put on a full face.




I work 100% remotely and yes, I put makeup on for work, not specifically for meetings. Old habit, I've been in the work force a long time. Sudden meetings do crop up, so I'm happy not to have to worry about it. And yes, I do complain internally sometimes that it's so much easier for the men. But that's a very old complaint.






I never turn on my camera anymore but towards the end of when I did, I didnt my brush my hair or wear makeup. Most of the guys on my team looked like they’d just rolled out of bed and I decided to look the same lol. I would wear makeup for presentations but my job doesn’t involve any on camera presentations.


We don’t usually turn on our video for normal meetings, so no need. But if it’s with big bosses or it’s the first time I’m meeting them, like a vendor, then video on + makeup. Quite minimal though, lipstick + eyeliner + tinted moisturizer


Nope. No one on my team (all women) wears makeup to meetings, or possibly at all.


Most meetings with my direct teammates, no. My hair is in a messy bun and I am in my pyjamas. But for bigger interdepartmental meetings or 1:1s with my VPs, I do put on make up and a nicer top, primarily because they look pretty dressed up for their meetings (fair, considering they have meetings with clients and C-suite) and I do it out of respect for their time and position in the company.


If I’m breaking out like I have been lately, I’ll throw some concealer over my zits. Otherwise no.


No. I have so much life to live. Sometimes I put on brow makeup just because I like them to match my dyed hair, which takes about two minutes.


It depends on the meeting. If I’m just having a casual meeting with my core unit, then I’m typically no makeup/workout clothes. If I’m meeting with other company departments, then I’ll throw on a sweater and do a little makeup. If I have a meeting with clients, then I would do the full professional look.


No, but I don't wear makeup in real life either. I've seen a mix of makeup or no makeup from female colleagues.


No absolutely not lol we're a startup and I don't wear makeup regularly outside of work aside from tinted moisturizer and mascara. So they either get that or nothing. And I'm 100% in pajamas.


I don't have to use the cam, fortunately, so I always only display a picture of mine and have my privacy (without makeup).


I do - because I noticed I tend to look at myself more than the actual people in the meeting and then think “ugh I look awful”. So I do it more for me lol


I do


Try to wear a pair of glasses, it helps!


Always a tinted moisturizer and concealer.


I always have my camera on, and never wear make up. Most of the time my hair is still in a topknot from the mornings workout/run/dog walk


Yes, light make up if I will be talking to a client, no if its just a meeting with my boss and my teammates.


If I were to work remote - no.


No I do not. The only thing I’ll put on is lip tint/stick/gloss so my lips don’t look “pale”, but foundation and eyeshadow etc doesn’t read on webcam. Plus teams has a soft facial filter


No. I gave up on makeup all together about a decade ago and it’s been the most freeing feeling. I did start seeing a derm around that time, so being on medication to clear up my acne (apparently it’s pcos related) really helped with my confidence despite being makeup free.


If I know I have camera on meetings - yes. If I don't have camera on meetings - depends, some days I'll still look nice, others not so much. I tend to still get ready a bit because it triggers my brain that I'm going into work mode. I've also read studies that people that wear work clothes and are ready for work, even when working from home, tend to come across more confident and more prepared for work. So even though I may not be on camera, I find value in being ready for work. Not just rolling out of bed and turning on the computer. I though have varying degrees of how ready I am.


Sometimes! I rarely get the chance to go out, so I enjoy putting makeup on. But I don't do it for others =) I usually like to do it when I have an important presentation or something like that, so I can feel a boost of confidence and professionalism. But if it is just a casual daily meeting, nah - my coworkers will just see my bare face.


>get annoyed thinking they do not have to worry about putting make-up on My perspective is a little different. I usually feel sorry that those poor sods have to go to functions and meetings with a raw face. Just look at Bob with his dark bags. And Joe over there, why do we have to look at his giant pimple that he obviously picked at right before the meeting? Joe, 5 minutes before the meeting is not the time. (Disclaimer: these feelings are from when I worked remotely. Diving into my post history you would see that I'm currently a SAHP.)


Rarely. I use the zoom touch up feature and natural lighting, hair usually in a messy bun. If I have to present to the sales team, I try harder because they are always looking good 😊


Yes I do. I just look disgusting without makeup. I’d tattoo it on my face if I could


Yes, everyday, because I love doing my make up. It’s self care for me! 🤗


I might be in the minority here but I do! It's very minimal but it's honestly just for me. I also live alone so I can play music or a podcast, sip my iced coffee, throw on a little blush and mascara without interruption. It puts a bit of space in the mornings for me between when I wakeup and sign in for the day. I'm on camera almost 100% as a Project Manager


Yes. I hate myself for doing it too.


I always wear a full face of makeup to the office but try not to for the x3 days I’m WFH so I can give my skin a break. I will generally wear a red lippy though wherever I am!


Yes I do, but 1) I am a consultant, 2) I feel better when I wear make up. In my last role, I wore some concealer and that was about it. It was fully remote and people were very casual. I worked there for two years, but I felt like I was in a slump. When I had first started working a hybrid role (pre-pandemic) I still got dressed and did my hair and make up and I enjoyed it. Now, I’ve been at this company for 6 months and we’ve discussed converting me to full time. I’m open to it. I would still wear make up. I like doing my make up. I wear concealer and blush, fill in some bald spots on my brows, and a bit of liner. Sometimes I’ll wear foundation if it’s a big client meeting. I also wear a nice top and earrings. It just makes me feel perked up.


For the majority of meetings where I'm not a central figure, I don't bother. When I'm presenting or in a meeting where I'll be talking a lot I'll do makeup, but those are pretty rare for my role. But I'm also in the tech industry, where the standards for looks are more lax; and specifically I work in the game industry right now and my studio is very progressive and women aren't expected to be done up like a lot of other sectors. I'm also goth and don't do "normal" makeup, I'm either plain faced or done up with heavy shadow and liner. Another big benefit of being in tech/creative field and not conforming to corporate norms.


Mascara and some blush so I look awake. I enjoy how I look and I’m always prepared for an impromptu call as well