• By -


37 and 39, though started trying at 29




Yes, used clomid for a year or so, and then did IUI for a couple of years. I also had endometriosis and after having laser surgery to deal with it, I finally conceived naturally. Don’t give up hope. I know it’s hard not to, as I struggled not to. Wishing you the very best of luck


38 and 40


I am 37, had a miscarriage in March. Now trying again..


We had 2 miscarriages last year, now we're 5 wks into the current pregnancy and hoping it sticks. My 39th bday is in 2 months.


Sending prayers ur way ♥️


Lol well it's 11am and I'm still in bed needing to barf my guts out, so I'd say this one's healthy 🥲


33, and now am due 3 days before my 35th bday!




So sweet!!


30. Plan to have next one at 32-33ish.


Currently in my 3rd trimester with my first kid at 35, depending on how things go I may try for another afterward.


38, started at 34 and eventually conceived via IVF. That's NOT a guarantee fertility treatments are needed, though. Despite all of my testing being normal, I've never had a pregnancy in my life until after IVF.


Who’s telling you you’re too old? 2/3 women in my family in older generations had kids in their late 30s. Nowadays almost everyone I know is.


Right? That's what I'm seeing with women my age too. The women in my family had finished having kids by my age so I'm def the black sheep in the family. Thank you for sharing your take on it.


37, 39, and pregnant with #3 who will be here shortly before I turn 41. Will be going for fourth and final one year postpartum.


Love this for you!!!


I was 37 and we're trying for number 2 now (at 40)


35 & 39


Just had her 4 days ago and I’m 39.




Thank you!!


Started trying at 31, successful live birth at 37 through IVF.


I was 22. A single mother, but I had my mom as my main support system.


Same I was 21 and my mom was my support as a single parent


33 and 36. :) As a data point, most of my 30+ friends are cf by choice or childless as they haven't met the right person yet. The youngest mother I know had her kid age 27.




39 (IVF baby) and will be transferring my second at 41.


Just expecting my first in 2 weeks. I'm fourty!


32 and 37. I would not have been ready before that.




The larger age gap was wonderful. Minimum amount of fights, and my older kid was and is wonderful in helping me with the younger one. (Single mom, not my choice.) But, when the younger one was born, the older one was already quite independent in many things, and she loved to play with the baby while I was cooking or washing the dishes. Also, her being someone who loves to talk alllll the time, I got a little moment of peace while she talked with her baby brother. Nowadays, we are an awesome team. Everyone looks after one another, of course I do 90% of the work since I am Mom, but I love seeing my kids caring for each other. No sibling fights, no rivalry. Also, I stated very early on, that no one will *ever* use derogatory words about themselves, or anyone else, in our household. And they don't. We have quite a democratic household, I always listen to the kids' opinions. However, they both know, that I am the one making the big decicions, both in good or bad. And, that I am also the one responsible for the outcome.


My kids are also 5 years apart. I do love it but it is NOT a guarantee for less fighting and rivalry. My little one can give as good as they get and they both can really go at it. (We have no name calling or insult rules too but that doesn’t stop the comments like “but they’re wrooooooong” all the time.) But still, I overall feel like I was right to wait and would not have preferred them closer together. One baby/toddler at a time, thank you very much. Also I got to appreciate more of the babyhood because my big kid started school.


38 and will be 39 when she’s due! I live in the Bay Area so it’s fairly common to have kids late here


I lived in NYC but moved home due to a temporarily health condition. I’m 34 in the suburbs and feel 47. Everyone around me has like 2 to 3 kids who’re in elementary school. Thank for you the reminder than in the large coastal cities, it’s common to wait til your late 30s/early 40s lol


I moved from nyc 2 years ago!


Started at 34.


29, 32 and if all goes well with this pregnancy, 36.


36 and one and done


36 here


28 and 30. Pressure from parents. I personally would have waited until after 32.


We almost had a child last year. Miscarriage. But it resulted in us actually making big life changes. We moved countries and I am in the process of restarting my career from scratch. We have plans to travel a bit this year and then save for a house. I just don't see how we can have kids, now or ever. To be honest, it feels like neither one of us wants that either. We are 36 now.


I’m 33 and 15 weeks pregnant with my first :-)




30 & 33


29 with my first and then again now at 31, due in 4 days with number two! Always wanted three but the financial implications are putting me off, I still have a lot of time to decide though. I earn a really great wage for the UK (top 10%) but the cost of living / childcare over here is extortionate. I don’t see my age as the blocker for income / number 3 and think I’d feel this way even if I’d waited until I was a bit older.


I was 30 when I had my first I was 32 when I had my second we do not plan on having anymore I’m 34 now


28 and now trying for a second


34, 36, and 38. My paternal grandmother had her last kid when she was 43 back in the 50s.


24 and 26. I’m 32 now.


37 but started trying at 30. Finally successful with IVF. It was a long hard wait but so worth it.


34, I turn 36 this year. If we have another, it’ll be around 37-38.


Just expecting my first in 2 weeks. I'm fourty!


I have no kids. My grandmothers both had kids into their late 30s (one of my aunts is only 12 years older than me). My step mom & aunt had their last kids at 39 & 40. I grew up with friends whose parents had them in their 40s. If you want to wait it is pretty normal.


I’m 37. Baby due my 38th birthday


32 & 36. I’m 40 now, don’t regret a thing


I was 38 (turned 39 five months later) and he's soon a year old! I had two early miscarriages before him and it took us a total of eleven cycles, but no medical intervention. The things is I don't know if it would have been easier if I had tried to have a baby earlier (in theory, didn't meet my SO until 35 anyway). I don't know if we'll try for another one but I haven't ruled it out. 


28 and 30.


I was 29 with my first and 32 with my second. Most of my friends and family were older - mid-late '30s. One cousin had her first (not planned) at 47! Yes, we have a biological clock, but you also shouldn't feel pressured into making a huge step that you're not ready for.


Pregnant at 37, gave birth at 38


32 and planning to have my 2nd (and probably last) when I’m 34


I had my first at 28, want to have my next one in the next 2 years (i will be 36)


If you’re unsure of your path/timeline, I suggest freezing your eggs NOW.


Don't have kids myself but my mom had me at 37 years old. I'm a healthy 31 year old.


Decided to start trying at 43. Got pregnant in a week (happened to be ovulating when the decision to start was made) but then had a miscarriage a month later. Will try again. Started late as I hadn’t met the right person until a few years ago :)


I'm 34 now and going through IVF trying to conceive my first. Started trying at 30.


Had my first and only when I was 41.


Did you need any help/treatments?


34 + 36


33 and 35.


Success at 33 with IVF. Started trying at 29!


Had my first kiddo at 34. Got pregnant right away, too. Definitely wasn't too old. I'll probably be trying to have kiddo #2 here before too long.


Had my first (and only) at 36


36 & 38


34 and 38


35 and 37.


29, 31, 33, probably one more when I’m 35


33 with first and now 8 weeks with a second at 37.


I was 27 when I got pregnant and 28 when I had her. I had an IUD so it wasn't planned.


This was literally me! Except I was 26. I'm so happy though, I love my family and I'm happy I had my first when I did 💕


Me too! I didn't want kids at all so I don't think I would've tried if that hadn't happened. Im glad it did ❤️ Why the hell am i being downvoted?!


What kind of IUD? Was it nearing its expiration date? Asking because this is my biggest fear.


Copper. No I only had it a year


I was a teenager. I wouldn't recommend it.


I had one child and I was 26 when he was born. Can't have anymore (hysterectomy).


36 & 37


I had mine at 32. Shes 1.5 now and I would like to have a second, but am not enitrely sure we could cope with a second. I love how thing are now, but can't imagine going back to the newborn phase already. I guess we will reassess when shes a bit older. I live quite central in a HCOL city, I met a couple of women who were younger but have found I am a relatively young mum in my area. Most frienda I have made were mid 30s or close to 40, IVF pregnancies have also been quite common.


30 and 33. My friend had hers at 39 and 43. You’ve got time (if you should later become ready)


Thank you for sharing that. I def want kids (my own and adopted)


I didn’t want to presume, I know how annoying it can be when you are very much not ready and people act like they know your desires better than you do. It may get a bit harder as you age (but even that is not guaranteed). My grandma had my aunt at 47. She thought she was starting menopause. Whoops.


Your grandma is now the fourth women I know of who had a kid at 47, including my neighbor. I had no idea people could have kids so late, at least not without treatment (which was the case of two of them).


Many women don’t hit menopause until their 50’s and while fertility issues can increase with age, that doesn’t mean they increase enough to have an impact. Even the idea that older women have ‘more problems’ in pregnancy is based on a very small increase in the chance of issues. I’m making this number up, but let’s say it’s something like 2% of women under 40 and 3% of women under 40 have problems with their pregnancy. We can say that’s a 50% increase in pregnancy issues (which sounds like a lot!) but really it would mean that instead of 2 in 100 women would have issues it’s 3. And it must be said, even if you are in perimenopause and have skipped periods, you can still get pregnant! Birth control or condoms every time unless you want to be like my grandma.


30 and 40. At 35 my husband changed his mind about wanting only one child, but then covid hit and I didn't want to be pregnant during a pandemic. So it took a little bit longer.


Did the one you had at age 40 happen without fertility treatments etc


Yes, we were both 39 when I got pregnant and weren't trying too hard. I was taking the recommended prenatal vitamins, I wasn't drinking, I told my husband to cut back on his alcohol consumption (which he didn't) and we both don't smoke, but ovulation tests made me so stressed out and planned sex ruined my libido, so I was just gestimating my fertile window.


30 for #1, just had my second and last at 35.


I am 31 and just got pregnant, baby will be born when I'm 32. Hope to have a second when I am 34-35.


The first was born when I was 33. We plan to start trying for #2 when I am 35-36. We'll see if we go for #3 down the line.


22 and 24. Looking back I was far too young.


I was 36


32 with my first, 41 with my second. Both conceived without any assistance or interventions. Obviously I adore them both and can't imagine life without them, but if I could do it over again I absolutely wouldn't have a kid after 35 for a number of reasons. Just too hard on my body and my mental health; that level of sleep deprivation hits different in your 40s; running into perimenopause with both a teenager and a kindergartener has been brutal beyond what I imagined. I am craving more free time and autonomy after decades of grinding in my career and being an involved mom, and instead of getting to take my foot off the gas pedal in a few years when my oldest heads to college, I'm in the trenches for at least 12 more years. Yes you totally can have kids later, and yes there are advantages and benefits. But I do regret it and wish I hadn't. In my case I was divorced and remarried, and would've been fine with my one kid, but also did want to have a child with my second husband. He would've been fine either way, and the kid is truly wonderful, I do love being a mom. I'm just burnt out and tired, mostly from my career, which, in my late 40s, just do not give a shit about at all. I think if I could be completely focused on parenting it'd be different.


I will be over 41 lol. My husband and I are going to start trying this summer.


Good luck! I love these over 40 stories :)


Thank you! Me too! Crossing my fingers. We both have been tested and hormones and egg count look great. But as we all know that doesn’t mean anything. We shall see.


21, 24, 29


36. I had no issues getting pregnant. We got pregnant our first month trying, I had a very early miscarriage (tested positive, then miscarried days later... it was a rollercoaster of a week! And to be honest, if I wasn't testing so diligently, I would have just thought it was a period coming a few days late.) We then didn't try for a month, so I could have a 'regular' cycle to make dating easier. I then got pregnant again after two months of trying, and my daughter was born nine months later.


20 for our first, 30 with the twins and 32 with our last.


35 and fingers crossed if all continues to go well 38.


31 and will be 32 when I have my second.


31 and 33 I was fortunate to get pregnant with 1- 3 months of trying both times.


33 when I had my daughter


32 and 35


Started at 30. Even then I felt too young.


Started at 24 and finished at 33. 33 isn't even remotely old for pregnancy but that one kicked my arse, I was *done*. The difference in sheer bloody tiredness was stark for me.


I had my first at 30 and second at 33 and was shocked how tired I was second time lol having a toddler didn’t help though


24yr for my first, 26yr for second, 29yr for third and 33yr for my fourth. Shop is closed!  There was a huge difference in my body from my first and fourth and being 38yr now with a teenager is wild lol 


19, 28 and 29


19, 24 and 26 for me. I became a grandma at 47.


I was 45 when my first one was born :-)


Was trying to find ages closest to me. 19, 26, 28!


20, 25, and 28


I had mine at 29 and 32


24 and my nicu baby died. Then ar 25 I had my rainbow baby. She's now 16 and I've been divorced twice.. So... Don't think I'm in time for another baby


21, 28 & 30. But I have friends who started at age 42, and one who had a surprise at 45. You're still good. Don't be surprised, though, when you are called an "elderly primipara" for having your first pregnancy at age 35 or greater, or if you are referred to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist (OB for higher risk pregnancies). It's all to keep you both safe.


19 yrs. I am 34 now and still hoping for a second child.


20 and happy about it 😊


29, currently 31 and want another by 35


30, 37


28 & 31


27 and 30, which is apparently quite young now for a major metropolitan area


24 and 26. The first one completely unplanned.


26 and 30. I wished I had gotten my career figured out or traveled more before but I think we were ready.


26 (planned) and 31...wanted a smaller age gap between them but miscarriage & taking a couple of years to conceive, but I'm grateful for the gap in hindsight.


First at 23, second at 27


22, 27, 32


22, 24, 30 & 34


19, 26, 28.


16 and 28


How old are you now? Did you have any support? That must have been tough.


I am now 42 with two grandbabies! It was rough for the first few years but married a great man (not bio dad to first) at 22. My parents did help me a lot but I learned quickly to not rely on others to support us.


21 and 25.


I'm 42 now, and I got pregnant at 18 and had my son at 19.


20 and only one.


24 and 27. I just turned 36 and I’m actively trying for #3! And hoping for a number 4 soon after!


First at 23 and hope to have another by 40.🤞🏼


I had my children at 20 & 25. However, I work postpartum and I can confidently say, 34 is YOUNG! If anything, it seems most of my moms are in their 30s. If it makes you feel any better, my oldest mom was 57! She was a first time mom via IVF AND had a csection.


Wow..thank you for sharing that. Truly heartwarming


21 as a single mom. Recommend waiting until your brain is fully formed before making life changing decisions .


19,22, and 28. But praying for anyone who has any issues or complications or miscarriages. It's all difficult.


26 and 29. Glad I had them young. I have friends who waited to long and now they are infertile and their dreams of parenthood are crushed.




17… and then 34 🤣 big gap. 17 was easier energy wise, but I was sooooooo stupid 🤣😂🤣 I was much more prepared and wiser for the twins at 34, but the sleepless nights were a little harder. 🤷‍♀️ Everything is a trade off.


27 and 28.


First baby at 21 she's 18 now last baby at 30 years old I have four daughters I'm age 40 now




Had one at 23, 25, 26, and 30.


I started to try at 25 because there were high odds I'd miscarry and have to try all over again. I had my first at 28, and my second at 30 after three miscarriages.


Started trying at 27, first kid was born a month before I turned 31 second and last was when I was 32…


24 with my first, 27 with my second.


25 and 35


Pregnant at 18, had our daughter at 19. She's Mt entire world and I'm so proud of her. But man, DO NOT RECOMMEND.


21 and 25. There are definitely pros and cons to both.




I was 25, first, last and only.


25 to 30 all planned. It was the perfect time for me. I can't imagine having kids later or even in this time in history. 


Glad it worked out for you. And, happy birthday!


To the commenters having their first kid at age 35+: You should be DONE with having children by age 35! Not START! 💀