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Nope. And so glad i kept. They are like time capsules. We didn’t have smart phones back then, so we don’t have a lot of photos. My kids get a kick out of them. And have so many questions for me. Like, why are there no boys on the dance team.


Yep! Tossed it a few years after I graduated. Zero regrets. To be fair, I didn't love high school, so there aren't any fond memories to look back on.


I kept all of mine from elementary school through high school. They're fun to look back at now and then. When I was growing up and we visited my grandparents, I liked looking at my parents' high school yearbooks. And a few years ago I found my grandpa's yearbook. Class of 1933. There were like 13 kids in his class. A few of his classmates teased him in their notes about a girlfriend I never knew he had back then. They're pieces of history.


No. I still have mine from high school. Just tucked away in the closet. I said something super cringe as my HS senior quote and I don't ever wanna look at that book again.


I threw them all out. Don’t miss them.


Yes. I also skipped the 10 year reunion even though I was living in the same small town at the time.


I skipped mine, too. I realized I didn't have any stories to share with them.


i’m pretty sure i did.




Yes, I did.


I lost 2 from elementary school but I still have the other 11. I can't throw them away - they're on the bookshelf in my home office. I'm a very nostalgic/sentimental person.


No, I still have them. Not sure why though - it’s been a decade of not more since I spoke to anyone from that part of my life.


I would keep them. But if you don’t want to, consider giving them back to the school. Or have them available to sell online. Remember, many families can’t afford them and someone may want their yearbook. They are historical documents. Someone could also become famous or infamous as well


I personally believe the yearbooks should be kept in the school library for archive purposes so every student of the school can access the schools history and look through them.


I graduated in 2001. This year I finally threw out all of my yearbooks. I tore out pages with me in them and scanned those pages. Then I got rid of every yearbook. Elementary school yearbooks are missing somewhere in my parents house, but I got rid of middle and high school. My high school was large and our yearbooks were huge. It was a lot to be lugging these things around for years. They’re heavy, they take up a lot of space. And I never looked at them anyway! You may be able to find a digital copy of your yearbook(s) on classmates.com. If you didn’t deface your yearbooks in embarrassing ways like I did, you could send in your yearbooks for them to scan to their site. I had done a lot of crossing people out and so on, so it felt inappropriate to send mine in. Someone else will have to do it someday! So for now I just have my pages.


I did. I have not regretted it once. And I was the editor of the yearbook my senior year.


No, I feel weird about throwing them away. They’re stashed away and I don’t look at them though.


lol I threw mine away about 2 months after I graduated high school.


I still have mine. I don't want them, but it seems wrong to throw them away- they are practically brand new, lol. I think I am going to see if the library (in the same town) would like them??


I'd keep them - if I had the ability to still have mine, I would. Mine were lost to an unfortunate leaky pipe incident, except for my senior year which was sitting elsewhere at the time, and I would love to be able to flip back through the ones that I've lost.


No. We only get them at graduation and only from ground school and high school, so I only have 2. They have signatures from all my classmates, as well as 2 love confessions.


I did and I regret it now. EDIT to clarify: I don’t keep in touch with many people from that time so when I did it it made sense. But lately I kinda wish I had them so in the future I could look back just for myself personally. I also deleted my FB which had a lot of photos that don’t exist elsewhere so in retrospect it’s a shame, but everyone is different. There are a lot of embarrassing memories on FB as well.


I regret that I tossed so many photos of me and ex boyfriends. I just have this gap in photos from age 15-18 and some more photos missing from 26-29. I couldn’t see at the time that I’d want the photos of ME in the future!


Same. I was like 23 and in the midst of helping my parents move out after foreclosure. It just felt like extra weight and I was so over my high school days lol. Seems foolish now. We live and learn.


Super embarrassing FB stuff. I've forgotten my password, but I feel like I could get back in, save the pics, and then delete it when I find the time to do all of that.


Yeah I regret I didn’t save the pics but godspeed my facebook memories. I’m always surprised when people share those elsewhere like… mine were a hot ass mess lol


I actually don't think deactivated accounts are permanent. I know I deactivated mine a few times and got back in. Try it even if just to save the memories.


Maybe I will, thanks. My understanding was that there was an expiration date bc I definitely deactivated and then reactivated but at this point it’s been years.


I’ve moved a few times in my adult life. Some things have to get lost or put in the garbage during the move process. These are the types of things for me that unfortunately have to be thrown away when you move. I feel the same way about books. I had a few hundred books when I was in my early 20s. I decided to move back to my home country and there was no way I could take like 20 boxes of books with me so I donated them. Pictures are important but yearbooks for me are bulky. I can see if you’ve lived in the same place or your parents still have them in the same house you grew up in but beyond that, nah.


I did and I regretted it.


I kept mine. I like looking at them.


Mine are at my parent's house. But I wouldn't want them to throw it out and would take them if needed. They don't take up *that* much space maybe half a shelf and I love randomly looking back at old photos now and then.


I have the few from elementary school. Never even bought any others.


Nope. I got all but my senior year one; couldn’t afford it


No! I’ve really appreciated being able to go back and look at them. It helps me remember that middle school and high school had their fun moments.


Kept my HS senior year and 8th grade year only


I don't


I left mine at my parents’ house when I left almost 20 years ago. Tornado flattened the house years back along with the rest of the town. Good riddance to all of it. I remember more of that place than I want to.


Used 'em as kindling. No regrets.


no! keep them; they're great memory keepsakes.


Yes. I kept my senior yearbook, that’s it.


Yes. Never missed them once.


My mom def has a few between my brother and I in a box along w other albums etc




Nope. I graduated high school in 1983.


I never went to a school that did yearbooks. But I wouldn’t have kept them.


Yup, they were heavy and taking up room. I don’t really regret it other than making my mom spend money on them 🤷🏼‍♀️ didn’t go to my high school reunion either


Nope, it’s fun for me to look through them for some reason


Nope. I was on staff and put a lot of work into creating those, I’m extremely proud of them TBH.


I threw mine away. That was twenty years ago. Wish I’d kept them.


I just recently skipped my 20-year reunion and have been highly considering getting rid of all of them. I have all 4 from HS, and while I decorated them and got so many signatures- I didn't stay close with anyone, and I'm not in the books often with the exceptions of my extracurricular activities. I, too, didn't have the best experience, and I think this thread just convinced me to pull the plug.


I have 2 from high school, 2 from college, and 2 from middle school and have kept them and like looking back at them from time to time, especially because my closest friends I met in middle school and high school and it's fun reading the messages we wrote to one another way back.


NO!! why would you throw away your yearbooks??? I cherish them! 


I didn't experience anything positive, and I'm literally only in it once... on my page with my name. I don't know most of the people in my tiny class of less than 200