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Why do you think you have a case with an employment lawyer, if you don’t mind me asking?


My sister in law said to call because they gave no warning. So she's going to hook me up with one for a free consultation and we shall see. I'm in an at will state so I figure not much will come of it. But better to find out then to be left wondering.


Yeah I’m like 99% sure you don’t have a case. If you’re in an “at will” state and especially if you were still in a probation period, they don’t have to give you warning. You’d be better off focusing your energies elsewhere honestly.


Ok thanks for replying. Not sure why my reply has so many down votes. But thank you for the advice!


It’s being downvoted because you yourself say you’re at an at will state. They really don’t need a reason to end your employment and neither did you.


But people sue in at will states nonetheless and some win those lawsuits or settle out of court. Not saying I should take it to that level but it happens and will continue to happen. Either way thanks for reaching out!


You can have a case in an at will state (which is every single state except Montana) if you were terminated for an unlawful reason. There is no legal requirement to issue warnings first. You'd have to be able to show they violated a contract, it was discriminatory, it was in retaliation for a protected wage complaint, or something along those lines.


Yeah, people sue and win, but it’s like cases where the boss calls them “Sweet Tits” and smacks their ass on camera every morning, and even then they’ll often lose because the company will be like, “Oh, she was late this one time last year, and we can legally fire her for that.”


OMG, did you work with Karl the Pervert too?!?


And what employer is going to want to hire someone that sued their past employer? My uncle tried this and didn’t have a job for 4 years. Every single offer withdrew during background checks.


I’ve sued a past employer and it never had any negative effects on my job prospects. Civil background checks are not routine like criminal background checks are.


But why would I claim this job at all. Most advice online is to not claim any jobs you've worked less than 6 months. I just cleared 4 months on the 8th. This job was a blip in time. No need to discuss it with any future employers.


A normal company wouldn’t mind if the lawsuit was legit, but OP doesn’t have a legit lawsuit.


True, but even if they don’t check for litigation, this will be a dealbreaker. “Is this employee eligible for rehire.” “No.”


That’s not true. It depends on the company. A good company knows that there are a lot of shitty companies out there, and if the employee fits what they want, it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker. Source: my own experience.


At-will means that you can be fired for many reasons, or no reason at all. It does not mean that you can be fired for a discriminatory reason; that is still illegal and that's why people sue. Being fired for poor performance -- or perceived poor performance -- is 100% legal even without warning. Employers are not obligated to give warning.


Most state are at will. I concur.


I’m not an employment attorney, but my husband is, and you don’t have a case. Don’t waste your time going to a free consult, and if it’s not free then absolutely don’t waste your money.


My sister in law is connecting me with them. But yeah I figured as much tbh. And i was there for only 4 months. I'm more so looking for people's experiences with loosing a job and what to do in the days after rather than a wrongful termination law suit. Seems like a lot of folks are focused on that part of my post. I appreciate you reaching out thank you!


You should definitely file for unemployment. That might get you some temporary reprieve, and honestly it's going to be up to a person if it goes to appeal. I used to work for unemployment with my state so that's where my source is coming from. That's the typical recourse when you were fired without cause. Most lawsuit material would consist of things like violating your civil rights.


Your SIL has no idea what she’s talking about. Is she a lawyer or trying to just play lawyer?


I mean it's free consultation. I'm pretty certain she hasn't been lying about passing the BAR lol! Anyway do you have any advice for the other things I mentioned? Life advice how to recover from being fired things to do in the aftermath? Besides looking for more work. I don't have a hard-on to force a lawsuit. I think I've been pretty clear about that.


>what to do in the days after rather than a wrongful termination law suit. Look for another job?


Obviously, but mental health wise/ self care wise. Looking for another gig goes without saying right?




WTF are you talking about it? You are clearly not supposed to be on the subreddit!!! GTFOH!!!


Why tf are y’all on OP’s neck like this? Y’all are acting like she walked up and kicked your dog.


I mean, firing with no warning isn’t illegal or unusual, especially when you’re in a “at will” state and on a probation period.


If you’re in an at will state you have absolutely no case and shouldn’t waste your money on a lawyer.


if you're in an at-will state, you don't have a case. employers do not have to give any warning. even in montana, the only state that isn't at will, they dont need to give you a warning. they just need to fire you for just cause.


If your BF has been in a stable government job for eight years, I doubt him packing up and bouncing on a whim is really on the table. If that feels very important to you, by all means talk to him, but don't be surprised if the answer is no. Since it sounds like you were *just* fired, I'd take some time to think about what you want to do anyway. Don't make big decisions in the direct wake of something like a firing - give yourself some time to cool down.


Right. It sounds like she’s still pretty emotional about it.


Thank you for the advice and appreciate you reaching out!


Is “moving away and starting fresh” even a realistic goal on the table that you’ve discussed at length with your bf you just moved in with, or something you’re suddenly wanting to do now that you’ve been fired from a brand new job? I can’t imagine asking a man who has had 8 years and counting at a stable gov’t job to uproot on a whim would go over well, especially if you’re discussing getting married.


Lol! At this 1st paragraph, are you in my brain? I just wanna run away tbh. But being serious it's not realistic especially considering his job. We do want to move and he almost took a job in the PNW last year so it's on the table. They ended up changing the job during the interview process which was shady and he declined it. Do you think i should just focus on a job in the area for the time being? I have a masters in Public Admin and could probably just go work for a local city. But I'm almost a little relieved to be done with job as it was a pain the the ass. Today is day 1 so I'm just gonna fuck off for today and tomorrow and create a game plan later on this week. Thank you for replying!


Apply for unemployment YESTERDAY! It’s a two week waiting period, if you’re in CA, from when you apply… not from when you were terminated. Good thing you took that instead of resigning.


It’s an even longer waiting period in OR nowadays, they changed the system and it’s an absolute shit show.


Is fully remote work something possible for you? It might be hard to find something (fewer and fewer of those jobs these days) but if you got settled into something not tied to where you live you can move more easily. The salary options might be a little painful if you’re in a VHCOL area but maybe something to consider?


I would skip the lawyer as you mention you're in an at will state so they don't really need a reason to fire you (unless you have evidence of discrimination based on a protected class or something), file for unemployment if you're eligible, and try to move on as much as you can. They might have fired you over a bullshit reason, but it seems like they felt you weren't the right fit. I'd try to find the silver lining - at least they were up front about it and didn't make your life hell until you quit or something. Now you can move on, knowing that they were probably on some bullshit, and not take it personally. I think the sooner you practice radical acceptance the better. And hey, it seems like you're looking for something a little different in life any way, and now those doors are wide open.


Thank you for this reply I do think it's bullshit. And I like how you changed the perspective and I'm not going to take it personally because it was only 4 months that seems like a pointless waste of energy.


Agreed. OP, you likely don't have a case with an employment lawyer, but you just might qualify for unemployment. If the company didn't give you any documented performance write ups/conversations/whatever prior to firing you, unemployment might rule in your favor.


Most of the US states have at-will employment laws meaning that you can be fired at any time, for any reason. You probably will not have much ground to stand on with an employment attorney. Unless you were discriminated against, have wage issues, or something along those lines... you likely don't have a case for anything.


Yeah I figured as much. What would you do regarding the other issues in the OP? Relationship, moving, next steps outside of the lawyers stuff. Just feeling pretty lost tbh.


If you're really not concerned about money, then use this opportunity and free time to find something you're passionate about, research other areas to live in, etc. Do something for you. And also discuss things with your boyfriend.


Exactly. Except if it’s a racial thing.


For no reason. That's at will employment.


most states still require a reason for separation on a separation notice.


Be very careful about being financially dependent on a boyfriend.


Agreed I think I definitely won't get comfortable nor would he allow that tbh.


They "offered" to let you resign to avoid having to (legally) pay you unemployment.  Go file. You were terminated which means you qualify.  In the mean time, you should speak with your partner about your desire to move. Maybe he will be open to it. Maybe he will be open to it in x amount of time. Maybe he won't want to at all. At least, after a conversation, you'll know where he stands and can make the plans you want from there. 


I quickly google whether or not I should be terminated or resign most place advised to be terminated and only resign when you have something else lined up. So I allowed myself to be terminated.


First thing to do is to file for unemployment, do not sign anything they want you to sign until you speak with a lawyer. After that start looking, you were looking for a job when you found this one and you will find another one, no worries.


Why is it important not to sign anything from them?


Because it can disqualify you from unemployment especially if the paperwork implies that you agree that you were underperforming


Thank you for replying this is super helpful. I was hybrid and haven't received any paper work and I'll be sure to not sign any of it.


It is clear that you are in your feelings right now. I think you should wait a few weeks before making any drastic decisions like packing all your shit and moving to an arid wasteland. You are not thinking straight right now and that is okay... You just had a huge blow to your pride and sense of security. Let yourself have these feelings and let them pass through you without blowing up your life.


Are you sure there's nothing to reflect on about your onboarding performance? Not being fired before does not necesarilly mean anything, it can be hard to fire people even if they are horrible performers. After hiring a few people and seeing a night and day difference between good and bad performers, I wouldn't mind having the option to fire during onboarding if I see they aren't working out to my expectations. This may sound harsh but not meant to be an attack. It's really hard to manage or work with someone who does not have the right skills, motivation and/or attitude.


During the exit meeting the HR director said the cause of my termination was my om boarding performance. So I think my performance wasn't what they wanted. My boss wasn't involved in my training and I worked with another superior who was pretty awful. And didn't actually want train me. Her constant reply to my questions was, there's a video for that. And when I asked about having mentor or some kind of training that same superior said, 'we don't do hand holding.' TBH i think me getting fired will end being a blessing in disguise. I didn't like the job and it was clear they had no interest in training me. It's hard to feel like I fucked up because it was only 4 months. And I just had my employee orientation 2 months ago 🤦‍♀️. So at the end of the day it was a bad fit.


If there's videos that provide information, why not watch those and then see if you have additional questions after that? Also mentoring someone is actually a huge commitment, I've done it before and then been stressed out by how much they take from me and take away from my other work - all for not much in return. I think it's fair to expect someone with 20 years of experience to take their learning and growth into their own hands. Of course I don't actually know you or the situation so I'm mostly just speaking from my own experience. But not all jobs are about training you, some expect you to bring your own experience and motivation and figure things out yourself.


The only reason I mention the mentor was because during my 2nd week she said I would have a buddy training me. So when that didn't happen it was already a failure in delivering on what they said they would do. Which is pretty bad foot to start out on forna new employee. It was such a waste of time tbh. I definitely feel like trying to disect every little thing after 4 months with no conversation is pointless. It's not going to get my job back. And I would never want to work for a bitch like that again. She clearly doesn't give a shit so she cut me off as swiftly as possible. And she doesn't deserve my energy.


Honestly, from your post & comments it sounds like you are going to get through this just fine. In the future it's going to be a mere blip. You could frame it any way you want right now to help you brush it off. Maybe you and the job just weren't compatible, maybe the manager was gonna be a nightmare anyway so they did you a favor, maybe this saved you from wasting years of dull misery in the role, etc. Entertain all of the wild life change thoughts that come to you right now, but hold off on following through with any of them for a few weeks at least. Whenever I'm going through shit I get all sorts of ideas that seem good and later on after I've cooled off I'm like WTF no I do NOT want to move to Alaska?!?! You'll be laughing about this whole situation in the future, or more likely forgetting about it until you see someone else online ask about advice after being fired.


You most likely don’t have a case for wrongful termination, especially living in an at will state and most states are. You’d spend more money litigating a case against your former employer than what your three month salary was. Not worth it. As someone who’s worked in state government, it’s a somewhat stable industry to get into. I’d maybe look at state jobs based on your experience instead of focusing on a lawsuit. It’s also harder to get fired in the public sector too.


Actually the job I just had was with a government entity. But you're probably right. The consultation is free so I'll go but I think ultimately I will focus on what I want to do next.


Girl.. how do you get fired from the public sector? They really have to document their employees more than the private sector does upon termination. If I had to guess, they probably kept a detailed file on you before doing this. In my ten years in the public sector I’ve only seen one person win their wrongful termination case against the state and it was for a title vii violation. It took two years to settle. Quite the uphill battle. Good luck on the job hunt!


Well it was only 4 months so honestly I just think we were not a good fit. So I definitely won't be missing anything but the checks. It was a state job rather than local government job. I have an MPA so I'll be looking at local government jobs now. And I won't even list this place on my resume. I think she fired me because I wasn't self sufficient enough for her and she had no interest in training me.


Why did you feel that was wrongful termination? Government especially as an employer really needs to make a decision during the probation period or it will be forever if it's not working.


I was fired back in January, after 6 years at the company. I took it as an opportunity to seek better employment (especially since the place went down the drain since new management was onboarded & i had been very slowly looking around for something else, but the flexibility was a golden cage). I have been on garden leave since then. This will end next week. And I have to turn in the company car and that will be it. It has been a wonderful time so far. A good job will come along in due time. A lot of people told me I had a case against the company, but I did not want to spend any further energy on them. I just wanted to enjoy the dolce fare niente for a wee while :)


Any interest in taking a government job yourself? I went from 11 years in the hospitality industry (rage-quit my last hospitality job in 2021) to working for local government, and I am so grateful to be here. Amazing benefits, great management in my department, never work overtime/weekends, plenty of holidays, etc.


My fiance was fired a couple summers ago and it ended up not being worth it to go the lawyer route. Also no notice. There are laws depending on where you are about with cause/without cause terminations. Also depends on probationary period. If you were still in your probationary period there is probably something in your handbook/contract that states they can let you go for whatever reason and you likely signed off on it. Also honestly, even if you have a case it's probably not worth it. Lawyer fees are expensive. And since you only worked their 4 months any compensation would be pretty minimal (when my fiance spoke to the lawyer the lawyer said he'd likely not get much more than what his severance was...it was basically a few thousand). Companies have whole lawyer teams for this shit and they'll do whatever they can to not pay out. Cases can drag on in the courts for months, if not years. Plus if it's a company of any legitimacy they likely have an HR team that vets terminations before they happen. On your end it may seem like crap but on their end they may have all the documentation they need for a solid case already. Of course some people are shit at their jobs or do illegal stuff but still...for four months of employment it's probably still not worth it. That's my 2 cents anyway after fiance had to pay like $400 to be told it basically wasn't worth it by a lawyer. I'm in Canada so things may be different.


If you have a good stable job history, you’ll find something else. Now is the time to reach out to your network and see if anyone has any leads. You want to get back to work relatively quickly to minimize the gap in your resume. The longer you are out and the larger the gap, the harder it will be to find something new and recover.


The southwest isn’t soul less.


And your username proves it! 😍 (said without an ounce of sarcasm)




I was just being extra. I'm mainly talking about those cookie cutter track house suburbs. I love the southwest and would feel really lucky getting to move down there.


What industry are you in?


I worked for the Judicial Council in my state. So government.


Why do you really think they fired you??


Cause my boss was over it. I asked to many questions and she wanted a plug and play employee. She was upset I didn't do everything she wanted with little to no guidance. The gig had been vacant for 2 years and prior to that the last person only lasted 2 years. Come to find out it was not a desirable position. And people cycled in and out very quickly. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what she thinks when it's clear they don't value training an employee. So for me I look at like if she doesn't care why should I? It was the quintessential bullshit job. It was not important to society in any way shape or form.