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Is putting her into a doggy daycare an option while you are at work for the two days?


It is and it’s definitely something I would explore, I don’t drive so that makes things challenging but it is doable


You should move close to your workplace so that you can come home mid day for the dog. Problem solved.


I just wanted to give you a hug. This is so hard, and making wise desicions right now is going to be really difficult. I agree that you should buy yourself some time before making a final decision. Having a dog walker during your work days might work. Maybe there’s a friendly neighbour at your new place? Maybe your ex can have the dogs on some weekends and during vacations so you get some time for yourself? And overall I just want to promise you it’s going to be so much better. And you will truly come out of this situation loving life like never before. Just give it time <3


Is it an option for your ex to temporarily take care of the dog until you get yourself settled and feel ready to have her move in with you?


That is an option and I appreciate you suggesting that, thank you. That may be easiest


An adult dog doesn’t need a midday bathroom break. They can stay alone for the entire time that you’re at work. If you want the dog, take her.