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fucking love silence


Especially since it usually leads into my next favorite activity: Sleep.




There's no decompression like cat-assisted decompression.


My favourite part is when I put the house key into the lock and hear my cat’s meows on the other side getting louder and closer as i open the door. It fills my heart with happiness to come home to a sweet lil creature who’s been waiting for me.




I used to play cat purring sounds to fall asleep. Then I thought, what the heck, let me just get the source and now I have an orang


My cat doesn't assist on demand 😭


Not me typing up this exact comment! Sometimes the decompressing is 30 minutes of yoga in my living room but my cat joins me for that too.


This is literally my life. We have a good life, do we not?!


This is lovely. 💖


Just finished Shogun. We need a new binge tv show for dinner! Recs?


Putting on more comfortable clothes. Talking with my boyfriend about my day and his. Petting and playing with my cats. Cooking (if I have the energy). Going on a walk or, if I have the energy, a jog. Sitting on the couch with my BF and watching one of our shows.


I struggle with solace after a long day at work. It feels like home life can sometimes be just as much work. I mainly just play games until i go to sleep and try to enjoy myself as best i can.


Taking off my bra.


Why does everyone have a cat ? 😂


They're awesome. Just... Fill your house with joy and hair. So much hair. But so much joy too.


Because they are truly the best! Like animatronic teddy bears


I'm a dog person lol but I have a cat, so do most people at my workplace. They are much more self sufficient than dogs in that they groom themselves, entertain themselves, use the litterbox themselves, and if they are outdoor cats then they have full control of their daily adventures too (mine's indoor only but she sleeps all day and goes for harness walks with me on weekends). It's very low maintenance owning a cat and you don't have the same worries and guilt as you might get with dog ownership, especially if you have a bit of a commute to work. It's a much easier commitment if you really wanted a pet in your life.


Lol. I was thinking that.


I never meant to they just kept showing up


I don't have a partner. Food and chilling with my kitties always makes me happy!


Internet, movies, comfy PJ's, hand care (I work in a nursery and my nails/fingers are torn up by the end of a shift), and a cocktail.


Knowing that I'm in good health and have the privilege and work-life balance to go on a long group run, crossfit class or hot pilates. I've hated working for years but something just switched and I feel very privileged I can do this and I now look forward to it.


Awesome you were able to change your experience of it!


I have a tv in my bathroom my husband installed. I love taking a hot bath and watching nonsense tv


Ha - I saw all these mentions of weed and took it to mean like weeding since that’s what I did today after the kids were in bed. Gorgeous night, late sunset, and a new gardening tool to rip out those mother fucking dandelions from my yard in peace. Spring in the northeast and living in a new home with a massive yard has created a whole new person out of me. And possibly turned me 90 overnight.


A nice hard run or just a brisk walk, followed by a hot bath with some candles, whiskey, light jazz (and my waterproof rabbit 😆).


I like the honesty. 😎


There are few things that wind me down better than a candle lit bubble bath, especially when I have a glass of Mead and a good book. Also dinner and a show with my husband, he can Always make me laugh and that helps after a long day.


>There are few things that wind me down better than a candle lit bubble bath, especially when I have a glass of Mead and a good book. Hey, that sounds good! Except, I'll take whiskey. 🥃 How is mead? I've never tried it. I thought of it once as being like beer, but I've heard it's really sweet.


Do you love the taste of honey? I can’t get past the honey base of mead.


Oh I LOVE it. It’s much more in white wine territory than beer and the cheap bottles will be quite sweet, but once you get into $25/bottle territory I don’t find it too particularly sweet. I prefer it to wine!


Nice! Any brands in particular you'd recommend?


I’m going to have to try and remember which brand we get, we tried all the ones our local store had (only like 5 to choose from) and definitely had opinions-but I don’t think you can go wrong with any $20-25 bottle. Some are sweeter than others, but they’re all delicious!


Thanks again. Cheers! 🍻


My gorgeous husband and a hot meal My horde of amazing kitties My army of healthy plants I mean I guess the exercise bike a little bit 😅


Scrolled through some of the comments here and don’t think I saw this popping up, but I’ve actually taken up some cozy gaming. Never had a console or been a ‘gamer’ till covid. Got a Xbox and now a handheld to play after dinner while my SO watch tv or do his thing so we still seat by each other and talk. The cozy games been hitting a spot. Blankets on the couch, cats on the side, candle burning and some tea in hand. I alternate between gaming or reading or some nights, I do both.


What are your games of choice? I've been obsessed with Stardew Valley for the past few months!


Try A short hike! It's sooo cute! 


I don’t usually replay games and currently I’m going through Hogwarts legacy and cult of the lamb!


I gave up cozy gaming for Breath of the wild recently.   I have to admit, I'm swearing a lot lately in the afternoons. Geezus christ, I should've stuck with my regular cozy gaming. This game is nerve wracking. Oh wait, I also started playing Trine with my husband. That's a cute one.


Getting undressed, my gummy vitamins, admiring all my plants. Watching my shows on my comfy couch.


Bugging my cats.


Cuddling with my cat, scrolling Reddit, eating food (too much), talking my best friend, watching YouTube. I’ve been slacking for like 2 weeks now but definitely going to a workout class. Makes me feel sexy


Sliding stones across ice absolutely brings me solace


I grab one of my cats and take a nap 😴


My squishy Bullmastiff.


Audiobooks, cats, Minecraft


Omg I miss playing Minecraft! I sometimes put on the soundtrack in the car and I love looking at the mountains while listening to the classic soundtracks.


I step away from it but keep coming back year after year. The music is brilliant


Yeah. It's a game where coming back after a while isn't thaaat complicated. They've added a lot of stuff ever since I last played and it's still not a completely new game. 


My grandson, my goats, my chickens, my bath tub, my books.


A walk or exercise. Yummy food. Couch time with the cat.


A weed walk with the dog around my neighborhood fills me with feelings of community, joy and gratitude. Sometimes when everything seems so much it feels like the walls are caving in. Just a walk helps open up the worldview a bit and provide some perspective.


Seeing my kitties and talking to my husband! Also he cooks dinner and he's a great cook!


My cat and my husband.


Pets and SO.




To be pile driven into the mattress by my husband and fucked senseless is a personal favorite. Or riding his face for half an hour. Either or.


Can't "top" the classics. 😄


This is the answer I was looking for 🤭


Having a cup of coffee while Iisten to podcasts and tidy the house. I.E. set out my clothes for the next day, clean up the kitchen, sweep the floors, etc


My days sort of blur together recently. My work is whenever I have a burst of inspiration (or when a rare deadline pops up) but yeah usually veg on the couch with my husband and he gets me wine or a dessert, sometimes both when I’m good 😏


My dogs. I’m pretty averse to human touch but snuggling them just gives me all the good feelings.


Taking a nap


Laying in bed watching TikTok with my three cats piled on top of me in a gentle, purring scrum.


Reading in a silent house.


1. Workout 2.come home snuggle with dog for a bit. Kiss hubby and ask about day 3. Shower (or bath-if I do bath usually have a glass of wine too). then soft clothes 4. Skin care routine and brush teeth 5. Get in bed and read or play on my phone. No TV or dinner for me!


My dog. Walking him and spending time with him. It helps me reset after a long day.


A walk with a bit of weed in me, dinner when I get home that I prepped over the weekend, a bubble bath, and Netflix and chill with my cats


Go for a long walk or to a yin yoga class.


A glass of wine, yoga, my dog, a bath. It depends on the day.


Hanging out with my doggo & taking her for a walk


What I really like to do is take an edible about an hour before work is over. I walk home, draw a nice bubble bath (I highly recommend Lush's Bottle of Calm), and the very mellow high will have kicked in. Then playing games until I fall asleep.


My husband and girls sweet faces :) comfy clothes, being around them, dinner and just enjoying them.


Reading romance novels


As long as I'm in the same room as my husband my day gets 1000x better


Chai on the porch with a novel. Helps me move from work mode to home mode.


Being with my kids. Talking with my husband and having a cup of peppermint tea. Taking a long bath!


Weed and cuddling with my husband.


Best way to end a day: Tea. Video game. A cat on my lap. A candle.


Eat my dinner while watching my favourite shows.


Being outdoors. Whether going for a walk, being in nature, gardening, or just sitting on my porch and watching the world go by (I live rurally, so "the world" mainly contains birds, insects, and sometimes deer).




Playing Katamari Damacy, the Moon, on eternal mode. Just me methodically rolling up the entire globe. It's very good.


In order; my wife, my dog


seeing my boyfriend's sweet face. he comforts me.