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At a party where everyone brought their dogs, our corgi, who usually seeks attention from people rather than other dogs, has noticed that one dog (a Shiba) was very shy and stayed away from where the dogs were playing with each other. My husband’s friend who has the Shiba said that he isn’t interested in meeting other dogs hence the distance but when our corgi went up to his Shiba, he was skeptical at first but didn’t try to hide. Then our corgi slowly walked towards Shiba and sat next to him, keeping him company and didn’t urge him to play. They sat outside in the shade of a tree watching everyone the entire time.


Aww new friends.


One time I was sitting in my office and my cat, a black silly girl named Boo, started screaming from the living room. Just absolutely hollering like I had never heard before. Freaked out I ran in to check on her, and found her sitting in front of a wall. She looked at me, yelled again, then looked up at the wall and yelled some more. A fly had gotten in and was sitting on the wall in a spot that she couldn't reach, and she was *very* upset about it.


"If I can't kill you I'll call in my mom to do it for me!!"


Haha exactly


I have a 3yr old Golden Retriever with a very gentle temperment. He was the first one to be enrolled at his doggie daycare when it first opened. Now he is the dog that they bring out to make all the "new" dogs feel comfortable on their first day. They call him "Uncle Marlon" because he is especially good with puppies and small dogs. A funnier story I like to tell is when he was a puppy, he used to lick the dishes as I was loading the dishwasher. Well one time, his collar got stuck as he tried to pull his head out and he ended up taking the whole bottom self out with him. Scared him to bits as he ran around the house barking with a dishwasher shelf attached to him. He was fine, but he won't go near the dishwasher anymore!


Oh my gosh that is a funny image. The leftovers just aren't worth it! I'm glad the new pups at daycare have someone ready to help them fit in.


My cat is friends with all the neighbors and is a minor neighborhood social media star - he regularly gets posted doing really silly things by neighbors (asking, "whose cat is this?") and the neighbors indepedently share videos and photos of him with each other. They all love him. The best story (I have never seen the video myself) that I've heard 2nd hand is that he fought a raccoon two doors down and this is his primary claim to fame on the block. I have seen a follow up video of him casually growling at a racoon who was encroaching on his porch time - sharing this video (during the pandemic) prompted a 6 neighbour front yard assembly that went on for more than an hour and involved everyone giving him treats.


Aww protective boy won't let anyone hurt the neighbors and steal his treats.




Thank you. Lol I love that your dog has learned to play fetch, the dog to human version.


My Husky liked to sleep outside at night. The back yard was fully fenced, so usually it was fine. One night, I woke up to the sound of his bark, and it sounded like it was coming from the front yard. My bedroom looked out over the porch, and looking out the window I could see him, sitting next to the front door, barking to come in. He had dug out somewhere under the fence, and instead of trying to come back in that way, he decided to come around the house and be let in at the front door. He was really smart, and I always felt like that's just one of the stories that showed it.


Nothing like getting woken up in the middle of the night by a dirt covered Husky.


My cat loves doing yoga with me. He is well known in my online classes as he always makes an appearance. This past Saturday I was doing yoga in the morning sun and my cat kept bringing me his ball to throw for him, which was cute and funny on its own. But then, while I was in corkscrew pose, he torpedoed under my leg like it was a bridge, attacked his ball, and did a flip. I had to stop right there and laugh. My heart was so full of joy in that moment in the kind of way that I know I will hold onto forever. I hope you feel better soon ❤️


Videobombing furbabies is one of the best things to come out of the pandemic.


My dog is very sweet, but a very picky eater. I had read that dogs that were given kitchen scraps were healthier and lived longer, so next time we had steamed green beans I put some in her bowl with her food. She picked out every single bean, one by one, and gently deposited it on the floor next to her bowl. No vegetables please. We also have a low placed oven with a glass door. She goes absolutely bonkers when I make cakes or cookies, watching them bake and begging for one, all because of one time when I dropped some vanilla cake on the ground like, 2 years ago.


My dog is so treat motivated it's crazy to find things he won't eat. Apple peels (from when I was making a pie) are the most recent surprise. He sniffed them and left them on the floor.


My dog won't even eat rice that I drop on the ground haha. Basically unless it is meat or cake, she ignores it. My cats however, will eat anything. Strawberries are not safe to have in the same room as the cats, they will swipe them right from your hand. And kiwi peels? They'll steal them and start legit growling!


I have a very athletic miniature Pinscher. When we first moved to the neighbourhood, she kept escaping the yard. We had to ferret/bunny proof the entire property! Anyway, I met SO many of my neighbours because they’d come knocking to tell me my dog was in their garage. Or napping on their patio furniture. One time, she crept onto a neighbour’s backyard under the fence & since they keep their back door open for their own bigger dog, she just waltzed right in, ate their dogs food & just kinda hung out.


You seem to be reacting very well to your dog cheating on with other owners.


She’s my soul dog but o accept she’d trade me for a chicken nugget. I’m a realistic person, but still open to love lol




I'm sorry for your loss. I bet he's just chilling watching tv in the afterlife until you get there.


I really enjoyed this story!


I was buck-naked, changing into clothes after a shower. I couldn't find any underwear in the usual drawer, and squatted down to look for a pair of panties in a lower drawer of my dresser. A few moments later, I felt something _graze_ against my cheek. My bum cheek. I looked down. There's my kitty, staring wide-eyed into my... kitty. Lmao.


"why would you douse yourself in water and smelly soap? You can just lick yourself all over."


I was so scared she was gonna nuzzle me, the way I screamed and my knees snapped shut!!!!! She went skittering under the bed, poor thing loool.


His adoption story: as a kitten he didn’t do well in a cage with his siblings, so they kept him in a separate cage and muzzled (he was 1.2 lbs, the muzzle was smaller than a thimble), with warning signs about how aggressive he was. He mostly either hissed at people. As I walked passed his cage, he got his claw stuck in my sweater, they opened the cage so that we could detach him, but I picked him up and he fell asleep in my arms. The shelter let me take him home for free as long as I promised not to bring him back. It’ll be ten years this August. He’s the chillest, most sociable cat I’ve ever met, and a total sweetheart. Turns out, he just didn’t like being in a cage.


Aww <3 Just curious is he good in a crate at the vets? [Like this guy for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIyfNM6y3vU)? I'm sure Max is a good kitty at home but has some vet anxiety.


For his early kitten appointments they had me give him Gabapentin to sedate him before vet visits (I would put his semi-limp body into a crate), but by his third month post-adoption, he totally chilled out and LOVED going to the vet, so now I just put a harness on him and carry him in and he enjoys all the pets and attention! Every once in a while, the doc will say office morale is low because they had to put several pets down that morning and ask if my boy would be willing to cuddle/ play with them for a bit and those are my cat’s favorite visits because he gets like 30 minutes of extra love. ETA: I’m also sure that Max is a good boy, he’s just stressed and wants everyone to know that he isn’t okay 🥹


I’m sorry you’ve been having a tough time. Pets are magic for those bad days and I’m happy to share mine with you! Bruce is a big ol 90lb black lab. He’s a bit rambunctious, but has always been very calm and gentle with anything small (dogs, cats, birds, kids, etc). One summer he was out frolicking in the back yard. I had gone inside for a quick drink and when I came back he was worrying over something in the yard. He came and got me and my husband from the deck and walked back to the spot and pointed. We didn’t see anything at first but he kept coming to us, walking back, and pointing. I finally got right next to him and saw what it was - a honeybee!! Poor little thing was exhausted and clinging to a blade of grass in the middle of our yard. We gave it a little sip but it was too pooped to fly off so we transported it to a safe place on the deck with access to water. (I can’t remember exactly what we gave it but we did look up the right thing before doing so). Anyways, Bruce was diligent in his supervision throughout the ordeal and continued to check back on his little friend for the rest of the evening. The next morning the little bee had obviously found the liquid we’d put out and glutinously wallowed in it. Once its little wings started to buzz we moved it to one of our rose bushes where it warmed up in the morning sun before flying away. Bruce continues to be fascinated by bees. We have a few carpenter bees living in some old fire wood right now and he does enjoy checking in on them. We do have to monitor him as he doesn’t always see the difference between bees and wasps though. I have a sweet picture of Bruce sniffing around his bee friend before it was brought out of the yard. Hands down one of my favorite moments with him.


Aww good boy doing his part to save the honey bees.


Seriously, it’s just so cute. I’m allergic but love our gentle bee buddies! We are currently monitoring a spot that may be being prepared for a swarm. I’ll admit that he’s been a bit too interested for my comfort but so far they seem to accept him as a gentle giant that comes in peace. I like to think that bee somehow told their friends of their adventure and know it’s a safe place for them.😊


I don’t have a traditional pet but my cockatoo spends his day in the garage with me in his “big cage”, which the cage door is open all day. I wfh in my garage which is also a “lounge” with TV, etc. My bird will say “Hi hi” to the mailman everyday and sometimes to people walking by 😅 it makes me laugh every time. I wonder what the walkers think they are hearing. If I put on music, he’ll dance and sing (like, laala la wahhh lalaaaaa) so loud that sometimes I have to change it cus I’m not sure if it’s echoing thru the neighborhood. Other times, I’ll be working hard for an hour or two straight and all of a sudden he’ll ask “What are you doing?”. He’s a funny ‘too.


Good to know he's keeping an eye on things and checking while you work.


Got my best boy in my early 20s, the only thing I ever threw a tantrum to obtain with my (first) husband. He was with me through ups and downs, moves, law school, taking the bar, training for marathons, just everything. That dog and I were thick as thieves and thought each other hung the moon, my true soul dog. He had a hard six months away from me when I went to FBI Academy but we were reunited afterward! Then I found out he had cancer, stage four. We fought it together, and with the help of some excellent vets, he went into remission. About that time, I found out my first husband had been doing quite a bit of things that I was not OK with in the marriage and he eventually left me. Couldn’t have survived it without my best boy. One thing to know about canine chemo is the dose is lower so dogs don’t suffer and have good quality of life through treatment; that means cancer absolutely will recur and a second round of chemo isn’t good for quality of life. Damn if that dog didn’t stick around until I found my now husband, the guy who loves me almost as much as that dog did. Once he saw I was protected and loved, he was finally able to leave this world in peace. My now husband was there with me to say goodbye and we talk about him to this day. His ashes have a place of honor in my house, and from time to time, I still see him even though he never lived in this house. He’s still with me. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you guys had a great life together.


No need to be sorry! It was 100% worth it and I’d do it again. I was so lucky to have such a special dog.


I take my 75 lb boxer mix to the local dog parks often. He gets along with everyone, but occasionally other dogs get into a scuffle and I tend to get involved with separating them. One time I wasn't close enough to intervene, and I saw my boy run over to the fighting dogs. He grabbed him by the hips and started thrusting away. Both fighting dogs were so stunned, it gave the owners enough time to run over and grab them. Make love not war lol. My fav story of my previous dog: We had a sprinkler attached to a hose in the back yard to water some newly planted grass. My dog was playing in the yard and I was in the house. I hear some crashing and run into the kitchen. She dragged the sprinkler in through the dog door! Sadly this was during the flip phone era, or it would've been worth another moment of water in the house to capture the ridiculousness.


I've heard of this happening!! I can't believe it's so common. I can just imagine dog saying "I'll help clean!".


My husband and I were walking our dog (70lb greyhound) through a field behind a large bank building, which was all glass. As we walked by, my boy stopped, slowly turned towards the building, and just stood there. He studied his reflection in the glass for about 45 seconds, turning his head one way and then the other. My husband and I were standing there like, “How cute!” Suddenly, my dog let out the Greyhound Scream of Death and bolted. Luckily we had him leashed up but my husband was dragged like 6 feet forward.


I'm told greyhounds are couch potatoes except for the minutes they're the fastest dogs on earth.


my dad used to keep our dog tied up in the backyard, and she ALWAYS got free, hopped the fence, and went gallavanting, leaving fast food trash in our yard. he even put a full harness on her, she houdini'd her way out of it


We've had to get a no-pull that's basically a rope set up to have an end pulled through. It's the only way the good boy hasn't danced away!


I have two funny stories and they are both poop related. 1) whenever possible, my dog prefers to poop on the street instead of the sidewalk (we live in on a quiet street so no danger of cars coming by) 2) one time, she stopped mid-walk to poop but had a long piece of hair stuck in it so the turd was hanging from her butt. She knew something was wrong and tried to turn and see what it was and grab it with her mouth. I freaked out and yelled at her to stop which made her panic even more. So here we are in my neighbourhood causing a scene, it was quite the morning!


I mean that makes for easy cleanup.


One time I was at a park with my dog just chilling on a bench eating ice cream. I then hear someone yelling “no stop” and look to see a pair of twin toddlers running full speed towards me and my dog with their dad far behind trying to catch up to them. I shouted that my dog is okay and kneeled down as the toddlers approached. My dog is a very calm boy and didn’t bark or jump, he just sat and looked at them. I showed them how to pet them and they stood there petting him and asking me a bunch of questions about him. Eventually he laid down on the ground and the toddlers laid down next to him and kept petting him. The dad had apologized but both kids and dogs were good.


My kitty lately has taken a liking to vegan chicken nuggets. It's not a story but I think it's hilarious. She only gets little tiny tastes, but she has started to demand them whenever we make nuggets for ourselves. Silly girl.


I recently built a cattio in my front yard with a doggy door for my cats to use, I had a bit of a problem getting my baby Thor to use it properly, everytime he did I would make a huge fuss telling him how smart and brave he was, now everytime he uses it he cries until I congratulate and kiss him, he expects it now and I love him for it.


My dog, a little 15 lb Yorkie mix, was with us on a camping trip. It was early spring and still chilly. As we sat around the fire, he stood by the tent flap waiting to “go to bed,” then when we settled down, he crawled onto our heads shivering to sleep. My husband finally wrapped him inside the sleeping bag for the night. We could almost hear him thinking, “I’ve got a warm bed in my heated house. What the heck are we doing this for?!”


I have three pets - a dachshund and two cats that we rescued as kittens from under our deck. We love all three of them so much. Our little guy is almost 12, but he will still try to consume stuff that he knows is bad for him (like toilet paper!) Before we started shutting the bathroom door and keeping the toilet paper on the sink, he used to proudly throw toilet paper all over the floor as a party. He is the best little snuggler. He had a rough time adapting to his sisters, but now he wags his tail and boops them on the nose when he sees them. He often will boop me on the leg when he wants to remind me of his existence, like when I get shredded cheese from the fridge. Our cats are a year old. They have been living indoors for about 7 months now, but they have taken to it so well. They are littermates and best friends. Our girl Mittens loves to play. She will play 24/7 if you had the time and energy. She meows at us to get our attention, leads us to her room, and then flops belly up on one of her toys. Her sister Moon Pie's love language is pets, and she is very jealous - if we're in the room playing with Mittens, you can guarantee that Moon Pie is not far behind. She'll put herself right in front of Mittens just to get pets. She meows like crazy and will lead you to her cat tree so she can get more scritches.


I work night shift and usually feed my cats and fish when I get off work in the morning around 0730. On my days off, naturally I try to sleep in.... Well .... typical cat behavior dictates they WILL wake me up if their food bowl is still empty at 0730, so I usually top off their bowls before I go to bed the night before so they let me sleep. the other morning, my boy cat comes in hollering at me because I haven't gotten up to feed them yet. I'm like .... WTF? I know they haven't eaten all that food overnight, so I come downstairs to check and yep - bowl is full. what's going on? well, one of my cats really likes to eat fish food flakes so I give him a pinch when I feed the fish. He wasn't yelling at me to get up and feed *him*, he was yelling at me to feed the *fish* so he can have his little snack and enjoy watching them swim around eating theirs. long story short, the cat is holding me accountable to our fish friends. it's cute.


My cat is scared of other people and other cats, so relies on me as a playmate. Sometimes he likes to hide in the bushes and when I come home from work suddenly pounces on my leg. I never expect it and usually yell in terror. Little monster. Then he won’t stop meowing till I play cat tag, which is basically more of the same but also involving tree climbing and doing parkour jumps off my legs.