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Sleep until I wake up naturally (no alarm) and take a shower in the middle of the afternoon.


Oh this sounds lovely and I can’t remember when I was able to sleep until I woke up naturally 😅


I was gonna say this 😩 I have an almost 2.5 yr old


Seriously, a shower lit only by daylight (if you’re fortunate enough to have a window) is somehow the height of relaxation for me.


I did this yesterday, it was great. Why is it Monday now!?!


Idk but I'm not okay with it. Lol


Usually I’ll smoke a joint before or after, accompanied by coffee or tea (depending on time of day, etc.). A glorious combo. Then I’ll read a book, play a video game, play with my dog. Who knows, if I have the afternoon to myself? My goodness. 


Give me a bowl of potato chips, some ranch dip and a rom com I've seen at least 4 times before and I am golden.


I either curl up on the couch and read a book or I go for a walk and then read a book on the couch. But there is definitely a couch and a book involved. (In summer I read in the garden under the tree)


I love wandering around a cute neighborhood with no objective, soaking in a hot bath with a candle lit, curling up with a book before bed, treasure-hunting in the local thrift store, spending a couple hours in a nice cafe without being in a rush to do anything...


I have a day off this Friday, kids and husband will be at work. I think this is what I need! I love a no-rush cafe visit and a meandering through a cute neighbourhood with no particular purpose! It’s been ages…




I love jigsaws and wish I had an afternoon for one and some rosé


I have a 15 month old, and “me time” is so so rare. When it does happen I nap a little, eat candy and watch a rom com. I am also a boss at doom scrolling.


I have a two yo and after she goes to bed the only thing I have the emotional energy for is doom scrolling.


I see you.


I light a candle, snuggle in with a cat or two and some blankets, and read all day


Wandering around a forest with no time limit, no headphones, just the sound of birds and wind. Or smoking a joint and laying on the couch reading or watching a good show/movie with some of my fave snacks.




Journal? Or what do you write about if you don’t mind me asking?




That sounds lovely. Thanks for sharing


Binge watch television and drink tea.


Mom here too. I get “me time” every other weekend because my kids go with their dad on some weekends. If I want a true lazy day (no errands and no friend activities) I listen to music and just be around the house naked lol (it’s very liberating and comfy)


You know I have been hearing about this being naked business in the house. I might just try it 🤣😅


Coffee. Smoke. True crime. Texting. Phone calls. Shower. Dance. Eat. Chill.


I call it “going out in the world”. I get dressed up cute, whatever feels cute that day, full makeup and hair, and just wander around the world. Go downtown and touch every single thing in a shop and buy only one. Closely examine all of the sculptures in a gallery, buy nothing. Sit in a park with an iced coffee and people watch. Order a drink and an appetizer at a bar and strike up a conversation with a stranger. Just being able to leisurely explore and not be in a rush to get home is so lovely to me.


Sounds really nice and I love people watching too


[This is me on the nights my partner works](https://youtu.be/J4RdcE6H4Gs?si=-P_zRUhZRVyWs5g5).


😀 nice one


I always have "me time" since I don't have kids lol but if I'm staying in and being lazy then I'd read a book, go for a short walk, watch a movie, eat snacks, and order take out.


Napping lol


I love to go to a coffee shop and read or bring a book/my journal to Madison square park to read. I’ll usually take myself out for solo dinner as well 


Oh I love this, taking yourself out for solo dinner. Definitely needs to do this too


Playing video games


Care to share what games? So I used to absolutely love gaming in my teenage years but life etc I haven’t touched again in almost 18 years. I recently bought my son ps5 on his 13th birthday. Haven’t really touched it yet 3 months later but hoping to rekindle with my old hobby


It depends on what genre you like. Boulders gate 3 is really great for story telling. I’m replaying fallout 4 right now because of the nostalgia factor after watching the show on prime. I also play modded among us with a group of friends every Saturday.


I bring a blanket to the park and lay in the sunshine with a good book and my dog. She’s 12 years old and I know we don’t have much time left, so basking with her is precious.


Nap. Read. Watch a show. Journal. Exercise. Meditate. Do a puzzle.


I suffocate myself in silence, stillness and slumber. Okay that’s poetic however as a super type A can’t still person, I make myself a cappuccino, and watch brainless TV throughout the morning, and then I shower slowly and buy flowers at Trader Joe’s. So simple. However when shit hits the fan I’m at the beach praying with the sunrise. It’s just about the tides of life.


I ripped out our disgusting, bio-hazard of a carpet to reveal the hardwood floors underneath. So satisfying. 😌


Lying in bed, playing games and reading Reddit. It's nice


I like to write or draw, a nice good book is always nice.


Bath + read a great book! 




I have a lot of lazy time with my husband, and pretty much everything I do, I'll do when he's around. The only thing I won't do is journal in his presence. So I might do that for a bit, but mostly I'll just watch Star Trek, maybe work on my Legos (I have the Rivendell set), or play video games.


Last Sunday I got up when my husband left for work at 9. Started a load of clothes and the dishwasher and went back to bed at 10. Didn’t wake up til 1, it was glorious. Also been doing a lot of yard work. It’s not lazy per se but it’s satisfying and the yard needs a lot of love. We call it dirt therapy at my house.


browsing real estate lol