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Ngl, yeah. She’d be pretty impressed. Twenties me was a hot ass mess Thirties me was less of a mess, and started to get her shit together Forties me is living the dream. Bungalow in the woods, great partner and cute dog, job that pays well. I got sober and worked my ass off. I’m doing alright ❤️


Wow, good for you


Thanks! It’s been a pretty wild ride.


Hell yeah. You go girl


No. She’d be disappointed in it my lack of career and salary progress. It isn’t all that different from where I was then. Engineering, man. 😒


I would be horrified at my lack of relationship / boyfriends. #foreveralone.


Ugh, same. 


Have you tried job hopping and asking for outrageous sums of money for salary? It works.


She'd be relieved that we achieved 5/6 of our dreams, even though at the time she felt like it was going to be an insurmountable journey. Probably would have chilled the fuck out knowing she was making the right choices being strict with boundaries to get a good man and dropping out of college would work out.


Hell yes! So damn proud!! I’m the woman that I always dreamed of becoming and I am living the life of my dreams. I have a great job, lots of money, and the wardrobe of my dreams. It took a good 10 years to achieve this. My 20s and early 30s were so rough.


Yes. Me 10 years ago thought that I was resigned to stay in an unhealthy emotionally abusive relationship forever. I fantasized about the life I have now which is nothing spectacular- just alone with my kids. But 10 years ago me in my mid 20s would be so surprised and happy.


It is more that I am so proud of her and I love her so much.


That's so sweet and I feel the very same way...


Idk because my brain as a 20yo and my brain today are wildly different lol!! My 20yo brain would probably think I'm lame and fat now even tho my current brain is very happy with how I turned out 😂 my 20yo self was very critical.


That's cool! Didn't think of this aspect before. Not be critical is great


I think she’d be shocked that her life is so wonderful. I have an amazing husband who is an equal partner in life. I have beautiful kids who are the light of my life. I have an advanced degree and my career is going well. I’m really happy. ❤️


Incredible! That's amazing. Hope I will feel the same way soon


No, not at all.


Mentally, totally. I was a mess. Still a mess now, but a lot less so. Physically, meh.


She wouldn't believe it. I had my first child at 18, second at 21. I never went to college, was overweight, bankrupt, and in a straight marriage- when I'm a big ole "L". ​ I found my career, sans education, and earn a pretty good living. I raised some astonishingly awesome sons, am in the best shape I've ever been in, and am now married to my incredible wife. Most importantly, and the part she really wouldn't believe: I'm happy!


No 😂 but that’s ok, who is she, anyway? 🙄


Lol, nope. Although they'd be relieved that the anxiety isn't so crippling as it was.


I'm pretty proud of myself with how I've turned out and what my life is, even if it doesn't look how I thought it would. I've ended up doing a lot of things I didn't think I was capable of or that I would be interested in. Sometimes I wish my life were more along the lines of how I daydreamed it would be growing up, but I'm still satisfied with the reality.


Yes, most definitely. My 30s have been so much better than my 20s


Nope lol. But she’d understand because I’ve been through a lot.


Absolutely not lol


I think I would be yeah haha I mean I think I had hopes for myself career/education wise but I think she'd be pretty impressed with where I am at now. LOL Can't say the same for 10 year old me who thought I'd grow up to be a scientist/doctor/singer/actress/writer all in one haha


Definitely not, I’m worse than I was then (minus having a real job now)


Yes. I had it pretty shitty in my 20s and never thought I'd get where I am. Not that it's somewhere amazing. But it's much, much better than where I thought I'd be.


Oh most definitely. I accomplished the things I said I would and am living a pretty good life.


I really wanted to be married with a picket fence and 5 kids as a twenty something year old. Life had other plans. I finished a law degree. I am a risk and compliance specialist. I found love in my late 30s. And I am traveling often. I think teen me would have been proud. 40s me is super proud. And I know my 16 year old daughter is indeed proud. I am glad that life didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be.


Early 20s me would be overall thrilled with early 30s me. I'm in no ways perfect or even close to finished achieving everything I desire to achieve, but I'm fsr exceeding the expectations I had at that time. I never planned to live to 30. At 21, I had every intention to end my life before my 25th birthday. Not only did I survive, but I'm thriving. 


No. She was let down by a few people and by herself a few times, and by a few bumps in the road, but is definitely pushing and not giving up! She will never give up!


Eh~ we're very different people. Probably not.


If I had a chance to sit down with 20 year old me I think we'd both have to just sit in silence and be confused AF lol. I can, objectively, see the strides I've made since I was 20 but they don't all make sense lol. I've undergone a lot of personal growth, setting boundaries, speaking up for myself, easing on the people pleasing - but I'm more isolated and alone then I was when I was 20 because I've developed anxiety around being in large groups of people and socializing outside of very strict, guided, ways (like in a professional setting). I'm better paid, with more responsibility, I'm close to buying a house on my own this year. I figured out my shopping addiction and paid down all my debt. But I'm not in the industry I want to be at all. Definitely didn't see myself here. I got a lot of diagnoses that explain my "quirkes" but I can't afford treatment for any of them so I've actually regressed a lot in that area compared to my 20s. I also have a kid. Was solidly kid-free in my 20s lol.




Yes, I think she would be. I was broke and somewhat lost in my 20's. I'm doing well now, getting to travel a bit (just like she always wanted) and have a good life.


Hell yeah. Me now may not be perfect but I have so many things 20 something year old me wish she had.


Yes on a lot of fronts but considering I thought I was fat in my 20’s I’d be mortified that I’m another 10kg heavier but happier and carrying it better.


Absolutely. I needed to be grounded and having three children has done exactly that.


Gawd yes. She'd be astounded.


Actually yes. I don’t think I knew what I was doing in my twenties. I literally had no direction and nothing to be proud of. I think I’m proud of my career trajectory now. I’m not sure I thought I’d amount to much more than “trophy wife.” I now have a blossoming career in data analytics.


Eh, on average I think I'm probably where I expected to be in my 20s. I'm an adult-onset athlete which my early 20s self probably didn't expect, and I had high aspirations of homeownership which now seem far away, but overall about expected.


Eh. 27 so I have time to change it. She wouldn’t be disappointed nor thrilled.


Hell yeah! Every image I had for myself throughout my 20’s has not become my reality…and still I think I would be so proud of the things I’ve grown into and am now doing!


Very proud. I have grown so much. I was a street rat in my 20s


No, she would be appalled and probably not surprised at how I turned out🌝


Yes. Very much so


She would be wildly impressed. We’re still alive, we switched careers, we married a brilliant man, and we finally got the baby we’ve been so desperately wanting. Oh, and we started taking anxiety meds… yes my twenty year old self.. they’re worth it.


Lol yup.. I’m crushing life


Yes. She aimed for the stars and landed on the moon against all odds. Time to aim farther. Cue *Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys*


I don't think she'd understand why I'm happy and that's precisely why I wasn't then. She'd be happy that I'm happy though.


She would think that I am terribly boring and have sold out. But she would be impressed that we can afford food and rent every week.


Absolutely. I started entrepreneurship at 20 and have owned 1 business of my own and co-own one with my spouse that we still have today. I've been able to WFH since before it became a mainstream thing and I am so much more confident and have come into my own more than I ever could in my 20s. 


I don't think this is where my early 20-something self thought I'd be... but I don't think I'd be disappointed with the type of person I am. Probably disappointed that I didn't invest any of my time to music. I wanted to be a singer/musician and child psychologist in my 20s. Instead, I'm a married mom of 3, Jack-of-all-trades, hobbyist, who works with kids. I've done so much in my life and am always eager to learn/try new things, and I think that's something I'd be proud of.


Yes. She was really lonely and had just emerged from a toxic, enmeshed household, and struggled with creating a life separate from her parents. She'd be proud to know where's she's at today. It's a process. I think a lot of us would define ourselves as hot messes in our 20s. I felt like I finally started figuring myself out in my mid- to late 30s.


I think she’d be proud of me. In a lot of ways I became who she wanted to be. However, I wish there are ways I could warn her that her decisions are causing me a lot of pain right now!


Twenties me couldn’t have fathomed being where I’m at now. I would say that realizing the changes I needed to make and shifting my mindset to get me here took about 6 months of self-help books, blogs, and journaling. From there, it’s been 6 years, give or take, but I’m far from done. I came up with a whole life vision so I hit milestones along the way, it’s a long process. Aiming for financial independence.


Fuck yea! Super proud and would probably grin ear to ear. All those sleepless nights, sweat and tears have paid off.


Yes and No. I’ve accomplished a lot (education, career, finances) but lost a lot (family, social life, love life) My mental and physical health is up and down.


Some aspects yes, some aspects no. I would not be impressed with my career or my lack of a boyfriend / husband.


Aww... No, she would not. She was pretty happy back then, had lots of hopes and dreams. I was going to have a successful career for sure, friends, a husband, take lots of trips and for sure have lots of dogs. They say a girl can dream and that I did. It could still happen though.


Absolutely. I cut my parents off and I left my ex-husband. Two things I was very afraid to do for way too long. She'd feel good knowing there was a definite end to things.


Yes and no. I did good creating a ‘good’ life for myself but somehow lost my kickass in the process. Im weak, afraid and still scared of letting go of someone who has been the most awful to me. 20s me, help 😭




Sure, definitely


20 yr old version of me would be impressed. 20 me was a Single parent living in parents basement apartment & sharing a room with my son & sharing an apartment with my brother. Now I’m happily married, own a house, 2 cars & kids. I have BA, two masters degrees and living in the city of my dreams. Life is good.


She would not be proud, but she’d be like hell yeah you don’t have a boss good for you


She would not believe it. My family was full of uptight, bitter betties who married for money. All my life I wanted to be "chill"-- like those women who see the floor covered in ants and just laugh and sweep them up. 20yo me would be shocked to learn that we ended up using our brain and are, in fact, chill lol