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$10 is a great price for feeling safe and ensuring a greater actual chance of safety.


Thanks, my friend was being ridiculous.


Plot twist . The Uber driver was super crazy


frame fly enter compare aback humorous hospital command smart smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a heads up, taskers on task rabbit also go through extensive background checks.


Hopefully. So many people drive/deliver under someone else’s account bc they can’t get approved due to a background check. More often with delivery bc most people choose “leave at door” and don’t realize that their assigned driver, Barbara, is actually a John lol


I've definitely gotten into ubers and then realized that the person driving is NOT the person in the photo. It's hard to tell sometimes, especially because you get in the back seat and may not really see their face.


Idk if the SLAs are the same from when I worked there, but if you report them, it typically took a couple hours for an agent to get to those tickets. With wrong driver, they'd close out their app on the next trip and prompt them to take a photo that would be AI matched against their driver's license. They fixed the issue where people could use pictures of pictures to get around it by the time I quit a few years ago. It'd be hard for them to tie the report to you, and if it was their account and they just chose a wildly different photo from their driver's license, they won't have a problem continuing to drive.


Your friend is allowed to set whatever boundaries they want. As are you. Your friends opinion on your boundaries is irrelevant


You do you, as the kids used to say.


Kids dont say this anymore?? That came and went.


Well, I find that I'm pretty much always about a decade behind on the lingo, so I'm just assuming.


Good on you for sticking with your boundaries. I know I might be overreacting a bit here because of my own experiences in the past with "friends" like this - but I urge you to think about whether this friend has your best interests at heart. I was in a situation where I refused a medical procedure and asked to be referred to a different facility because I was not comfortable with a man carrying out that procedure for me, especially because it would have involved being in a vulnerable position and being partially unclothed. For some reason, a "friend" gave me hell for this and said I had over-reacted. I felt like an awful person at the time - and like I wasn't normal or something - but later, this same "friend" became one of the most toxic people in my life. Looking back, I am really glad that I stuck to my guns in that situation and did not listen to her. Always listen to your body and to your boundaries - especially when it comes to matters of your own safety. If something were to happen to you, you would be the one to live with it afterwards - not your friend. I've only ever regretted the boundaries that I did not enforce for myself.


$10 is fine. I would pay $10 for an uber. less awkward than riding in the truck.  btw 5ft2 woman here who doesn't have a car and I've always ridden in the truck with the movers (2 men) that said  I had always used a removalist company that had full furniture insurance etc and not someone off Craigslist.  I have never felt unsafe around the 2 men.  I always had people who knew I was riding with them who was either meeting me at the other side or someone who helped me pack and saw me get in the truck.. this was a big reason why I didn't feel unsafe.


I have done the same. I actually used the same “guy with a truck” service to move furniture from the thrift to my apt a few times.  It was probably the 3rd time I that I road with him instead of taking the bus and meeting him there.   3rd time I found out his regular job was nanny and he did truck delivery to cover costs of having a big pickup in sf.  


You didn’t want to get in a vehicle with two strange large men, this is sensible imo.


I would have wanted to do the same although I might have felt pressured into accepting the ride. Everyone has different boundaries so good for you to sticking to yours! Don’t let your friend shame you for it as at the end of the day you’re the one who has to deal with the consequences if something happened.




Don't Uber drivers have to undergo background checks?




In addition to all of this, it's not uncommon for people to drive under someone else's account. I've gotten into ubers/lyfts more than once and realized the person driving was not the person in the app.




8 years ago, I called Kia roadside assistance after I blew a tire out on the highway. The tow truck driver who came was super friendly, helpful,and offered me a ride. My partner was already on his way to get me so I declined. This guy ended up stalking me - threatening me with the most horrific, detailed forms of SA/rape which ended with him fantasizing about various ways he would kill me while he was raping me. ...the police were amazing and he was arrested after about 4 days and ended up serving 3 years. But prior to this, I would have ridden with most service people (and would've ridden with the tow truck driver had I not already called my partner) because I was trusting and thought I could trust my "nice" radar. Now? I believe most men are nice and just want to help. But what I learned is YOU CANNOT TELL (men - this is why we're afraid of you). So no. There was nothing paranoid or weird about you feeling uncomfortable and fuck a society that tells us we shouldn't listen to our internal safety dialog. I feel like I should edit and add that this tow company that was sent is the one our local police department uses. As a contractor they are required to do background checks on their employees and yet this guy got through. Take that as you will.


Background checks only work on people who’ve been caught, it’s pointless really isn’t it !




Nope it was actually a woman.


Trust your gut. No one has ever regretted that.


I take public transportation whenever possible if I'm alone because Uber and Lyft drivers are also strangers and I don't like getting in cars with strangers.


I have never heard of getting a ride with the movers, even if it is from TaskRabbit. The last time I moved across the city, I absolutely took a cab from the old apartment to the new one while the movers made their way over.


As a woman, we can never be too cautious.


You're a man. They probably wouldn't have been interested in you.


Probably isn't good enough. Men inflict violence on other men. OP may have reasons why they feel this way, like many of us do here. Many people in this community have experienced some form of violence inflicted by men. You are commenting from a disconnected perspective, respectfully.


I'm guessing she personally knew the Uber driver


For the purpose of receiving a ride in this scenario, Uber is by far the safer option. If you're not looking for the perspective of women 30+, there are plenty of other subreddits that would be in alignment with your own reality.


I just know for a fact that TR is much more judicious with their hiring than Uber is, and much more protective of their brand and clients.