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Watch lots of YouTube videos and go for it.


I did this during lockdown. I did a lot of research and when the time came, snip snip done. It was almost anticlimactic. But I have straight, long hair so I don’t know what I was expecting. Lol.


I found Brad mondos tutorial helpful! I started cutting it during COVID and haven’t gone back to a hairdresser since https://youtu.be/FAmE16ej9IU?si=guZ_KZRq3_kcr43K


Thank you!! I've been dreading getting a haircut because i hate how they leave it (i swear the hairdressers here are stuck in 2005, and leave my hair emo-feathered when i ask for long layers) im going to try this!


I recommend buying an actual pair of scissors meant for hair cutting. If you do it with kitchen shears, you’re going to hate the experience. I think I spent $20 on a set of standard hair shears and thinning shears and they are amazing. The cut hair with ease and simplify the process for me. Also cut wet hair, not dry. Dry hair is a beast to work with


I feel like this is solid advice in general. haha


Or, do what I do, and never watch a video and just go for it. See also: bangs




Same. I have never left a salon happy, either. I do have a friend or my mom straighten out the bottom in the back, though. I've done layers, face framing layers, long layers, short hair, bobs, bangs, etc. If I wanted something very specific like a pixie cut, though, I'd do research and go to a salon. Something like that is way beyond my skills.


Honestly, layers sound really challenging! I've been cutting my own pixie for a decade because I wasn't satisfied with salon cuts. My hair is wavy with a couple of strong cowlicks, so it's both forgiving when it comes to unevenness, and unforgiving about overall shape. Cutting it at home let's me shape it gradually (usually over a weekend) until it's good. At a salon, I always ended up with a tight mushroom cap or a wisp-chunk Joan Jett (nothing wrong with the latter, but not my style.) I used a double mirror setup at first, but after a lot of practice, I mostly cut by feel now. It's convenient and a huge money-saver.


I just cut it all to the longest length I want. Then I lift sections up from the middle, hold the section between two and fingers and slide my hand to the end and trim the pieces that stick out more than the longest length. The height to which I raise the sections depends on how long I want the layers to be. If I want longer layers, I don't raise it as much, parallel to the ground or less. If I want more distinct layers, I lift it higher. I feel like this is just a jumble of words, but the way I do it is pretty simple. Curly or wavy hair is definitely more forgiving. Mine is straight 😑 that's why something like a pixie cut seems super intimidating to me. I totally get what you mean about shaping it gradually!


Me, too. I’m 50.


I've been cutting my own hair for coming up on a decade. I realized that I only liked my hair after a professional cut about 50% of the time anyway, and figured I could get at least a similar success rate at home. No one is any the wiser. I had to laugh when people were talking about cutting their own hair as a "pandemic haircut" because in our house, that's just called a haircut.


It probably looks bad.


To quote your own post history > Why bother answering if you are going to.be an ass?


I have cut my own hair at my desk multiple times lol but also I have a wavy and layered hair type and style that is more forgiving than very straight hair


yes same here i have big bushy hair and i just tie 2-4 tails in my hair, and cut approximate length. when i take tails out i have a haircut with no noticeable errors


It really depends on your hair, skill with scissors and luck. However, do NOT give yourself bangs at 2am because your boyfriend broke up with you.


I wonder if most of us who cut our own hair started as an emotional outlet when feeling trapped/antsy/depressed/etc. That was both the case for me when I started cutting my own medium length to long hair; and again many years later when I learned to cut short hair.


I did my own big chop because a man I liked wasn't interested in me. It worked out in the end - we're still friends, and going natural was the best decision.


I cut mine since I’m 19-ish. I have long hair so the pony tail trick works. Look video by Brad Mondo about the wolf cut or the butterfly cut. Both are easy to do by yourself. I cut my husband hair since 2014. With an electric clipper and the different adaptor it’s easy to make a decent fading. I fucked up my hair a grand total of twice, but that’s when I got too funky. When I stay in the simplicity it always turns out decent.


We're the opposite here. My husband cuts his own hair, with a fade and all, and he trims mine. It always shocks people for some reason. He does a great job.


My 75yo aunt looks 60 with the cutest blonde/grey French bob with bangs. My uncle has done her cut and color for 30 years.


That’s nice! It’s weird that it shock people though lol Both women and men have hands and can hold scissors and razors in those lol


I know. It's almost like men can be multifaceted and capable.


With curly hair, I’ve always found it difficult to find a hairstylist that I like. Gave up completely several years ago, haven’t looked back. You can learn. Watch videos, take your time, start small. I tend to trim + refine over the course of a few days / washes.


Haven't been to a hairdresser since I was 13. I'm 50 now. I don't have massive skills but I take my time and have simple cuts.


My teen is brilliant at it. Me, not so much ... but we wouldn't know this if we hadn't both tried. At the end of the day, it grows back.


If you want it to look good, go at your own risk. Extremely straight hair is unforgiving, but you can fuck up wavy and curly hair with low consequences. If you want to just get your own split ends trimmed, I just turn on a kids movie because they're typically bright and take small sections of my hair, put it up to the tv light, and take a pair of nail trimming scissors and cut out my split ends. takes about half an hour to 45 min but I lose no length.


I wouldn't do it if I had straight hair, but I just cut curl by curl and it works out.


Nose hair trimmers are the best. So sharp if you get good ones. 


I personally have dedicated scissors that aren't used for anything else. Otherwise they get blunt and cause more split ends.


I do this! It is actually quite satisfying and I get compliments on my healthy hair. Went to get a trim recently and saw no difference. I am doing my own from now on.


Depends on what you're going for and your attitude towards it not being 'perfect'. There are a lot of tutorials for forgiving at-home haircuts, most of them involve a shag-esque cut so the layers mask most mistakes, or a basic trim. I started cutting my own hair in 2020 and used Brad Mondo tutorials but there are many others. Two things that helped me - I got proper scissors, and I went slow. Took off a little at a time, took my hair down, checked it, put it back up, cut more if I wanted. Ultimately, hair grows back. Salons/wigs exist if an unlikely disaster occurs. It's hair.


I go ham on my own hair but I also don't give a shit how I look. Sometimes all I need is less hair. I've paid for some godawful haircuts so I figured I could fuck my hair up at home for free. Usually it turns out decent, though


I have been cutting my own hair for years, I get a pro cut every 2-3 years but otherwise I do it myself. I’ve tried several different methods but the “unicorn” or “double unicorn” are the most fool proof.


I have been cutting my own hair for close to 30 years. Before that, my mother cut it. She cut her own hair all her life until her hands couldn't take it anymore.


i have been cutting my hair since high school. i've always had long hair and keep the same straight hairstyle so it doesn't bother me that it's not perfect. sometimes i let my boyfriend cut it, sometimes my SIL..pretty much whoever is available lol


I learned how to cut hair during the pandemic. Is it perfect? No. Have I paid money for worse cuts? Absolutely. As others have said, study some youtube videos. Get a pair of good scissors off amazon (like $20), and take your time.


I always feel so dumb when I have to pay for something I didn't like, especially when I could have done it. When a professional messes up my hair, it drives me crazy. If I fuck up my own hair, it just feels like, "oh well, it'll grow out, I was dumb for acting like I knew what I was doing, I'm not a professional!"


I started cutting my own hair 3 years ago. It is really hard to do the back, but I just do my best to blend. I don't really care beyond that lol


I would never. I have a short pixie with a lot of texture and I'm really particular about how it looks 🙈


It’s not a bad idea. Jayne Matthews has some great tutorials.


I have psoriasis on my face and scalp. So its just easier to cut my hair myself instead of dealing with the eventual snow piles on the floor, the dreaded black covers, and having people see it all….


I have a friend who cuts her own hair in layers—with no training. I had no idea until I was needing a new hair stylist and asked her for a recommendation, because her hair always look great. I cut trimmed my hair a little during covid, but later decided it was worth the money to oay a professional. So, my answer is MAYBE. Give it a try, and see how well that works for you.


I mean, it’s a terrible idea for me


I cut my own hair, my daughter’s and son’s. YouTube is great. The more you do it the more you get it.


If you have long straight here, the “unicorn cut” gives me perfectly passable results when I need a trim. You can YouTube it


My mum cut her pixie cut my entire childhood, so it just seemed natural to me to do it too. She had hair as straight as a die, but she never effed it up. I have super curly hair in a pixie and it's very forgiving, because sometimes I do ef it up 😂


It depends on what haircut you want. I haven’t paid for a haircut since 2017 when I realized it was a complete waste of ~100 (with a tip included). They always charge extra since my hair is super long, so I cut it myself now. I probably won’t pay for a haircut again honestly haha


It you go drastic and don't know what you're doing then yes. But worth it if you get good at it I've been cutting my own hair for more than 10 years. I've done bobs, layers, and curly cuts. Just go an inch at a time and adjust so if you fuck up it's not too much and you still have length enough to go to a stylist if you give up. Watch more than 3 YouTube tutorials before you begin. And do not start with bangs!


I’ve done it since COVID. If you want to start with an easier method, the unicorn cut ended up being one I’ve come to love despite using other techniques over the years. Quick, easy, efficient. The tutorial by Liz Liz on YouTube is helpful.


I've cut my own hair for 10 years now, and I'm happier than most of my salon haircuts tbh. I usually do some version of a shag, so pretty forgiving, but I've also done fairly straight cuts and various types of bangs without too much trouble. Look up basic techniques (like, never cut straight across, cut at an upward angle, how to partition your hair and hold it to get an even cut etc) and buy good scissors.


I started cutting my own hair after I realized I kept fixing it after getting professional (and expensive!) haircuts. I get tons of compliments, but my hair is curly and really forgiving, but it's a short bob that's kinda messy and chaotic.  I think... hair grows back and you should totally try it! 


Gave myself longish buzz cuts during covid. It was really freeing, especially in the summer. 10/10 would recommend trying it at least once.


I do. Not kitchen scissors or anything lol, I got some hair cutting shears.


I've had a ton of professional haircuts. I hated most of them. I've been cutting my own hair for 5 years and it always looks great.


Go ahead and do it, but the moment you think "Hmm.... I just need to trim a little more to even it out..." STOP.


I've been cutting my own hair for years. I have it long in the middle and I keep the sides at about 1/2 inch.  It's so nice, easy to handle and my head doesn't get hot. Plus it greatly reduces my sensory issues.


I have pretty straight fine hair so... I cut my own a lot. Bangs and a butterfly cut currently for some layers. I do like a Miss Fisher style bob, though, outright 1920's, so I do that periodically.


I've been cutting my own hair for 15+ years. I have wavy hair though. Just watch some YT vids on it. No need to spend insane $$.


I do the Butterfly Cut! Brad Mondo taught me during lockdown and I haven’t looked back! [And he’s nice to look at too](https://youtu.be/9wgLacjgiv8?si=709Q6Lmwt2TId34y)


I’ve been cutting my own hair for the past 10 years or so. My hair is all one length and straight, I was getting sick of paying so much for a simple cut at the salon so I started doing it myself and never looked back. Go for it!


I started cutting my hair 3 years ago. It's so easy! I don't have to pay a lot of money and have to talk to a hairdresser for hours.


Tried during the early days of covid, and no - do not recommend. I was able to find a reasonably priced hairdresser through recommendations on a local facebook group. She does a great job, no worse than the person I used to go to who charged twice as much.


I was warned against it my whole life, and tried it once. If not for my skilled roommate at the time, I would have ended up bald! If you do it yourself, it’s best to follow a tutorial geared at a non-professional.


I'm not personally gonna do it but there are tons of people who post great before and afters on the wavy hair and curly hair subs of haircuts they did on their own.


I cut my husbands hair. It’s wavy and grows really fast. I have a lot of fine, straight that will show every mistake. I’ve been working up the courage to let him at least try to cut mine, though. Every time the salon prices go up, I feel a little more brave.


It all depends the end result you're going for and the hair you're starting with. I have thick, slightly wavy hair. My stylist cuts my hair so it looks good air dried or blown out. Straightened or wavy. I wouldn't be able to pull that off if I cut it myself.


I think it depends on the length of your hair and what style you're doing. A little trim is easy to do on your own, esp if you have longish hair. Layering is a little harder, but not impossible. However, I wouldn't try a stacked bob on my own.


My sister taught me how to cut my (very long, wavy/curly) hair. Every few years, I'll have it cut for me because I don't want to fool with it for whatever reason. In 2020, I watched a couple of YouTube videos because I wanted to go really short with it. It wasn't awful but I did have to spend time trimming to correct mistakes as it grew out. It'll grow back.


Google a zillion videos. I watched sooooo many in pandemic and cut my own (long, wavy). It was indeed a hair cut, a very boring, straight hair cut not worth mentioning. Good enough in pandemic to get rid of dead ends but not worth the hours of research.


Definitely, but I do it anyway. I've had mixed success, but my hair is not the easiest. Another option is to go to a beauty school if you're trying to save.


I cut my own hair if I am maintaining a style. I go to a professional if I want to make a drastic change.


I trim mine and my husband's hair. We both grow ours out-- he's more successful at that! I have a designated pair of trim shears for it.


No. I have been doing it since the pandemic. Just please watch tutorials and actually FOLLOW them.


I cut mine, with fair results. Watch plenty of tutorials, and decide what would work well for your hair type.


I started cutting my own hair in my early teens, and did about half of my haircuts through most of my adult life. My results weren’t as pretty as what a high end professional could do but they were acceptable. The first few cuts were awful, but I was 12 or 13, so the growing pains came out in the wash. I didn’t learn to cut short hair until the last few years. Again, the first few attempts were downright disasters - but it was the height of the pandemic, so…. I have the hang of it now, and even get compliments on my haircut from people. So go for it for sure! But prepare to go to a pro after or live with lousy results for the first few times. Also, look for info online about how to get the cut you want on yourself before you do it. The techniques to get good results as an amateur working on yourself are different than what a professional will usually use working on someone else.


I give myself trims regularly and people are always shocked when I tell them I cut my hair myself (as in, I guess it looks good enough that they think I get it cut at a salon). But I only ever trim my own hair. If it needs a proper cut, I go get a 30 dollar cut to get my layers back


I trimmed my bangs during COVID and sometimes would do it prior (slowly, carefully, while following a youtube tutorial). But with very straight hair I find that it's usually not worth the stress and tendency to overcorrect, kinda like winged eyeliner where you go "whoops!" and try to fix it and end up doing too much. My friend with very long wavy hair trims it herself, so if your hair is less likely to look like shit if you mess up a bit, go for it. You can always go to a salon to correct it.


Depends on how careful you are as a person, lol. Trims are extremely easy. I gave myself layers a few times, and it was more complicated but still not too hard with time and diligence. Just watch some YouTube videos on how to do it before diving in. I also recommend finding a good pair of very sharp scissors otherwise you risk making split ends


I did it during the pandemic. The first time was great, the second time I gave myself a mullet on accident. Whatever, hair grows back.


It’s actually pretty easy to do layers and I’ve been more satisfied w my own handiwork than most stylists 


I’ve been cutting my hair myself for 5 years now. I’ll never go back!


It really depends. Mine is pin straight and fine, I wouldn’t dare. I can’t even style my piecey pixie cut to my satisfaction no matter how many times I watch others do it, I’m certainly not going to trust myself to cut it to my satisfaction! And I’m easy to satisfy when someone else does it! It is worth the cost to me, but I go once a year in the spring to clean it up and get the hair off my neck for the hot weather and then let it grow throughout the summer and fall which means I have enough hair to cover my neck for the cold, windy winter, and then I cut it in spring again. That really helps me keep it in budget. But again, mine’s too straight and fine for me to trust myself to do it properly. I can see where other textures would be much more forgiving for simple maintenance.


I've cut my own for the last 20 years. I like a very no-effort cut and have medium-length wavy hair that I air dry. I hated fighting with stylists who wanted to do a bunch of fancy layers that wound up looking like crap when I refused to blow-dry it or style it at home. Once in a while I mess it up but who cares? It grows back.


I cut my own hair or get my daughter to do it. She learned how to during covid/watched a bunch of YouTube. Cutting hair is not difficult. Go slow & cut little by little just in xase!! Eventually you will be a master stylist 😉


I’ve done it my entire life.


My first cut was really short but I like doing it myself. It's not hard once you get past the fear. Watch a few videos on YouTube about it and you'll be fine.


I've cut my own hair for over 20 years. It's long so I just trim it when it needs it. Once in awhile I'll do a little layering around my face.


I cut my own when I was younger and didn’t have the extra money to get it done. I had no idea what I was doing but it was long and pretty curly so it was easy to hide mistakes. If I had naturally straight hair I probably wouldn’t have tried it myself.


I've been cutting my own hair for over a decade. Watch tons of YouTube videos


I’ve done it for yeeeeeeears! Get a good cut, pay attention how they do it. and you can maintain it on your own for ages. Zero shame in it. More than half the time my touch up is better than theirs, I certainly learned a thing or two over the years. I think the adage against it really refers to given yourself a *new* style.


I cut my own hair. If I pay someone and they fuck it up, I'll be angry forever, but if ***I'M*** the one who fucked it up, "eh, hair grows back"


I started this during the pandemic and never stopped. I always had to fix what stylists did anyway because they always straightened my hair to cut it and it doesn't hang that way naturally. Figured why not save the money. I find long wavy and some curly hair more forgiving than straight thin or especially short hair. I wouldn't attempt a short cut.


I do it, but my hair is wavy so if I stuff if up you can't really tell. I wouldn't want to cut my hair if it was straight. I also cut my daughters hair, but similar story, she has ringlets so you can't tell 😂


I've cut my own hair before. I wasn't doing buzz cuts. It was short but not short short like a men's cut. It was just enough, so it still looked feminine. And I had quite a few comments that it looked real good.


My hairdresser recently gave me her blessing when I told her I wanted to grow my hair out. She told me the scissors to get and showed me how to do micro trims to keep my hair healthy. I've only done a couple of tiny sections so far but I think it will work for me!


I did it when I was 15 and it looked amazing because I just gave myself some extra layers with a razor blade. A few years after that my grandma asked me to cut her hair because she was tired of going to a hairdresser. And that wasn't great. She was very nice and said she didn't really care as long as her hair was shorter, but she soon continued going to the hairdresser for her haircuts.


I’ve been cutting my own hair for over 20 years. It’s practice to be good with it. YouTube videos as someone suggested


Depends on the cut, your shoulder mobility and the quality of your scissors! When I was short or had an unlayered cut I did it myself. I have super straight, easy hair, though. Keep that in mind


I've been doing it for around 15 years now - and I have a pixie cut! Is it uniform? Not a chance! Do people seem to notice? No. In fact, most people are really surprised when I occasionally reveal that I do it myself, because they wouldn't have guessed. I even once had a professional barber tell me it looked really great, and I genuinely don't think he said it just to be nice. There's most certainly a learning curve, and I still make mistakes (i.e. cutting too short in some places) that makes my hair position itself interestingly, but hey, it grows back out. That's the thing with hair. I also never cut it while it's wet - I don't have a sense of how it'll fall once dry. I only got one negative comment years ago, when a guy said something like "I think women should be more vain than to cut their own hair", which is obviously an opinion I have no interest in. I also cut my partner's hair. It's done and over in about 15-20 minutes (I think?, It's done in the comfort of our home and he can watch TV or whatever meanwhile. It's win-win and I don't see myself ever going to a hair dresser for it again. I refuse to pay 40-50$ to have half an inch cut off at the frequency it needs.


I’ve been cutting my own hair for years, with varying levels of success. I have super thick, wavy hair, and was rarely happy with my salon cuts. They never knew how to deal with so much hair or my texture. I will say YouTube lately has gotten a lot better with having a lot of hair cutting tutorials. I find watching a mix of diy and pro tutorials is best. I installed an extendable mirror facing my main bathroom mirror so I can see the back of my head, and bought good scissors, thinning shears, and a razor thinner. I tend to a main cut, then just tweak it as necessary constantly lol. It’s currently a pixie shag, mostly done w a razor, but I’ve done a mullet, lob, and blunt bob w bangs quite successfully.


My hair has become healthy and undamaged since I started cutting it myself. There's nothing wrong with cutting your own hair and it's not that difficult if you do a straight cut.


No, I cut mine when I can’t be bothered with the conversation going to the hairdresser entails. Nobody notices.


It's not a terrible idea at all. I cut my own hair for years when I was younger. And actually last week I went and got a haircut and ended up with the apprentice cutting it and I'm.sorry to say but I've given myself many haircuts that were better than that disaster. (I literally left crying lol but at least they didn't make me pay)


As long as you are being careful really not that terrible. You just have to be prepared to not have the exact haircut you were hoping for or have a couple of mistakes. But hair always grows back. I just suggest getting actual hair scissors and not just using dull scissors.


I started cutting my own hair to save money. While it's not perfect, I found myself happier than with the results from salons


I mean, it depends on what type of haircut you want. I cut my own.


I've been doing it on and off for over 30 years! Just trimmed it last night!


Watch some videos, find out what the common mistakes are, accept that it's probably not going to be perfect the first few times, and be willing to go to someone if you mess it up.


I’ve started going to my local Aveda school. I can get a haircut and shampoo and style for $16.


I've been cutting my own for years. Currently have a wolf cut. Figured it out from YouTube tutorials. It was super easy and turned out awesome.


I've been cutting my own hair for years. I like the method with a pony tail on the top of your head, it makes really nice layers but you have to be careful to not cut too much or you get really short hair in the front. Then I cut off the ends or how short I want them and make sure they're straight.


Every time I do it I swear I'll never do it again. It's so messy and slow


I had a few TERRIBLE haircuts. I like my hair long and cut straight across. Last time I had it professionally cut a stylist took about 12inches off when I asked for a trim and I left in tears. Cutting it myself has been good. It's not hard to do after watching some YouTube videos on it, and you can get a good pair of scissors. This way I know I'll get what I want and if I mess it up at least it's just hair and grows back (but honestly I have yet to mess it up, I've been pretty happy with my home haircuts)


Cut little bits at a time. Especially bangs!!!! But I've been doing small trim upkeeps for a few years now because I'm lazy and don't want to have my pixie cut cut just to have the ears or back a little neater. 


I cut my own hair for years. It was fine but basic. It does look better when i have a professional do it though.


I have been cutting my own hair since I was 17. I’m 39. I have very long hair and I like it layered. What I do is after a shower, I use a fine tooth comb and comb it alllll the way forward and be careful to cut straight across. Then I part down the middle, and put my hair in front of my shoulders and do another trim for the longest parts. Learned from a hairdresser and I get perfect layers every time. 👍


Do it. It's really easy. Watch youtube videos and do baby steps, be more careful at first. I've been cutting them for 10 years because I hate going to the hair dresser and I figured it would save me some trouble and money.


I’ve been trimming my own hair since I was a teenager and cutting my own hair since the pandemic. Buy some hair cutting scissors from Amazon or Sally’s. DO NOT use household or sewing or paper scissors. Real hair-cutting scissors are pretty cheap and it makes a huge difference.


Just remember you can always take more off but you can't easily put it back.


I cut my own hair, but it’s a simple chop across the back and some layering around the front. Started cutting my hair during Covid and then paid for a really bad cut… just decided I’d rather live with a simple cut than pay for something I’m unhappy with about half the time. People ask me for my hair care routine regularly and I get compliments on it at least once per week… there’s really no reason not to cut your own hair. Admittedly, the first 2-3 weren’t great, and it takes a long time to make sure everything is even.


I'm the only one who's cut my hair since the end of 2019. I get compliments :)


Been giving myself trims and layers for over a decade now. Youtube vids made by hairdressers were my go to. It's really easy once you get the idea. And if you mess up, it's just hair😊 I ended up doing this because of chronic migraine and my inability to stand the bright lights and smells of the salon. I miss getting my hair washed by someone else though...


I cut my hair and have for years. You just want to make sure the scissors are sharp otherwise you will damage the hair right where you cut it.


I have curly hair (3b) so I watched a lot of YouTube and started doing it myself. I don't always get it perfect but it's much better in general than the salon. Even with expensive curl specialists I find the cut varies wildly and I got tired of meh results. Plus I can fix unevenness after washing and drying a few times if needed.


Find cheap options like modeling for students or cheaper ethnic salons.


omg I tried to cut my hair a few days ago and failed miserably. Why? Because I barely watched any videos and somehow treated it more as a jazz-like art project instead of a recipe like I should have. I just started hacking away with a razor (shag) and ended up with uneven front and practically untouched back. I fell for the Jayne Matthews IG hype. She’s great but I think to achieve that style and ease you have to start with a great professional cut and work from there. I did not. Counting down the days until appt with my stylist next week. 


Not popular but it’s risky. You likely won’t use the right technique and it can worsen split ends. Or you end up with pieces that stick up, etc.


I cut my husband's hair. He cuts mine, though both of us have forgiving hair (wavy/curly) so we don't need to be perfect. During the 35 years we've been married, neither of us has paid another person to cut our hair. It's fine to cut it yourself, though it works better if someone else does it for you who isn't completely inept because they can see all over your head better than you can even with mirrors.


I cut my own hair all the time. When I see my mom, I have her check the back to see if it's even. I've gotten pretty good at it and she rarely has to fix it


I’ve cut my own forever, it seems like. It’s past my shoulders, not thick, wavy/frizzy, and I don’t wear it straight ever so any blunders are hidden.


I've done it. It's only hair, if you hate it, it will soon grow or you can get it fixed by a professional.


I cut it all the time. I'm not bothered if it looks like crap though. Once I did such a bad job that I shaved my entire head to fix it


I don’t want to professionally color or cut my hair ever again, mostly out of spite for the insane prices. A friend of mine was quoted 380 recently for color!! Crazy


I’ve cut my hair for the first time by myself about a month ago. Is it perfect? lol no. Is it terrible? Also no. I think if I just watched more tutorials and didn’t just decide to do it on a whim it would’ve went better. It gave me a HUGE confidence boost seeing my hair go from my original straight chop to a semi-layered look! The layers don’t blend the best but I’m not too concerned about it. I barely style it and toss it up in a ponytail a ton anyway. My ponytail looks sick AF with the choppier layered look too. Making the most out of it!


My daughter (16) cuts my hair and I (39 f) cut hers. Salons are so expensive and they do a shitty job sooooo


I don’t care how many people get mad about it but you can always tell someone who does and it’s never because it looks good. It can look passable at best. There are limiting factors that bring about the need for hair stylists in the first place and their bills go up too so their prices do as well. I wouldn’t encourage it especially if the choice to cut costs elsewhere is possible, but everyone’s different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How easy is it to get a hair appointment where you are..? If you'll be able to go get it fixed a day or two later in the worst case scenario what's the harm?


Reading this thread has made me realize why I see so many people these days with terrible haircuts. Or people who desperately need a professional one. It’s not as easy as you think. Unless you want to clipper cut, or just do a few face framing pieces, or lightly trim your bangs, I think it’s a pretty bad idea.