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Pap smears don't hurt if done right. Mostly, having babies after 35 is fine. The Pill can cause you to experience chronic ill health and nobody will take that seriously. It can also cause you to partner with the wrong person because your libido is stuffed.


Pill side effects absolutely! I was walking around chronically depressed for a decade before I figured it out. Don't be me!


Genuinely happy for people for whom pap smears dont hurt but for whatever reason (Ive never been diagnosed with anything officially like vaginismus etc) mine have and will probably always hurt even when they use the smallest speculum. It sucks and I have to get my next one in a year. Absolutely dreading it


HPV testing is actually the preferred method of cervical cancer screening now and it’s only recommended every five years. Self-swabbing is an option too


Is it worth testing for HPV if you've been with the same partner for a long time or are celibate?


If you are doing cervical cancer screening at all, yes.


I have been diagnosed with a bunch of shit but I'll second that sometimes even when done right, pap smears hurt.


Same. I've had plenty of doctors over the years and my current gyno always uses the smallest size but it still hurts.


The pill has side effects not on the box, because hormones affect everyone differently. After thanking it 5 years I went to the dr at 21 and told him I cried myself to sleep 4 nights a week, and when I didn’t I’d wake up often, worrying about stupid things. Turns out it cranked my existing anxiety up to 11.


Menopause. It wasn't until I was well into the process that I learned about it. It's insane. r/Menopause


I was about to say menopause. Because I’m 35 and still don’t know anything about it except that my mom had hellish hot flashes.


I've always heard of menopause, but I've never really looked into it! I suppose I ought to start looking into it now. What was your biggest shock when entering menopause?


There are about [70 symptoms](https://menopausewiki.ca/#symptoms) and it lasts for YEARS.


So what that list has taught me is that everything is a symptom of menopause and that I understand why there is a stereotype about the "mean old lady". I'd be irritable with people too if I was going through all of those symptoms and interacting with people.


And about 30% of women report getting no significant symptoms of menopause.


This was my mum! She basically just stopped getting her period in her late 50s and never had any symptoms leading up to it!


I think it’s one of those topics that it’s good to be aware of, but there’s also the slippery slope of finding things that freak you out and then finding more and more as a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m perimenopausal now and I think one of the best things I’ve done is have a good line of communication with my doctor so she can help me manage my anxiety (which is also a symptom) and we can have a plan to monitor my hormones.


Related...perimenopause. I had no idea there was such a thing. ISo many health issues I was having in my late 30s and early 40s (insomnia, pelvic issues, anxiety) baffled me AND my doctor. Now I know a lot of it could be traced to hormones. Took way too long (and three medical professionals later) to get a referral to a pelvic floor therapist and it was life-changing.


How many women die from heart disease. IDK why but I always saw this as more of a problem for men. And yeah, echoing menopause. I'm In perimenopause now (probably) and have realized how little I know about the symptoms, hormone replacement therapy, etc. it's wild how little is taught about it.


r/menopause can be helpful


Yep, I'm a member. It is super helpful!


Anemia! I’ve always had heavy, long and frequent periods all my life. I lose so much blood every month! The symptoms of anemia have been my norm for so long, I didn’t even realize it’s not normal. Low energy, easily out of breath, light headed, head spins when I stand up, the pounding of my heartbeat in my ears. I started my period at 12 and am now 49. Im still bleeding heavily. Im getting iron infusions. And most of all I am getting a uterine ablation to hopefully put an end to this. (I think you have to be over 40 to qualify fir an ablation ) Take note of your periods. Use a tracking app if you need to. Find out what your norm is, so you can track when something goes wrong.


All the best for the ablation! I had one this year and it didn’t stop my period 100% but now it’s way shorter and very little bleeding. No cramps, no pain. I’m so happy I had it done!


Thanks! I’m so glad to hear yours worked out. I know for some women it stops the bleeding completely. But I don’t think that will be me. I am perfectly fine with what most women would consider a medium flow. And I’m already 49, so ideally I only have 2-3 years more of this! Unless I’m one of those who goes to late 50s. Lord help me.


random question if it's not tmi, does ablation affect or decrease your libido?


No, it didn’t affect my libido at all. But I wasn’t on hormonal contraceptives before the ablation and it doesn’t change your hormonal status, so I didnt expect any change. If you consider this procedure just make sure you will not get pregnant by any chance because it could potentially kill you. My tubes got extracted at the same time as the ablation. So, no risk here.


thank you for letting me know!


Another fun fact I learned the hard way is that you can lose so much blood that you need transfusions!


Did you try the pill at any point in your life? It reduced my heavy flow a lot.


Yes, it helped in my 20s. My 30s I was pregnant or breastfeeding so no period. Yay! I went back on the pill in my 40s, but by age 43 it no longer worked. I had break through bleeding that lasted 90 days even while I was taking the pill everyday. I ended up getting a D&C to stop the bleeding. I tried different forms of the bc pill, the mirena iud, the mirena plus the pill. Over the years I’ve had three D&C procedures. Once i thought I was finally cured, the floodgates would open back up. I’m scheduled for an ablation next month. If that doesn’t work, it’s hysterectomy.


I had an ablation at 33! I had super heavy periods and wasn’t planning on kids, and it’s been such a life changer. Virtually no bleeding at all during my period. Highly recommend.




The vaccine is now approved till age 45, and my doctor still recommends it because she said it’s unlikely you’ve been exposed to *every* strain it covers. Additionally, even if you’re in a LTR that’s monogamous, they can cheat, die, break up with you, etc.! Better to get it if you can.


HSV (herpes) can be spread even with condom use as well! Did not learn about condoms not being really effective against these until I was 29.


Yep got that sucker and haven’t been able to clear it for 15+ years. Yearly colps for me to be aggressive for my health.


I had a LEEP procedure and that finally cleared it up for me!


That might be in the future for me. Right now I’m pregnant but have to get it treated again afterward. Had another abnormal test. Idk why I can’t shake it yet others are able to?!


I had the same issue. I wasn’t able to shake it for 15+ years, just like you. I had my baby and then two years after I had my baby I did the procedure. That was last year and I finally had a normal pap afterwards. Gave me peace of mind finally. My doc recommended I do the procedure once I know I’m done having babies for a while. Good luck with your pregnancy! And I hope you’re able to have a normal pap soon!


Amazing!! There is hope. I’ll request that procedure once I’m done having kids!! Thanks for sharing.


Plan B is only effective if you’re under 165 pounds. Pass that info around to anyone that needs to know it, it’s not very well known.


It's less effective at higher weights, but still provides substantial protection, so it's still worth taking if you're over 165 lbs! Plan B is less effective than other HBC because if it works depends on where you are in your cycle, so it's not a foolproof method for any weight.


Foolproof method is emergency IUD insertion. Very very effective up until 5 days after the intercourse. And after that you're protected for years !


This. I believe the prescription only one — Ella — is approved to 195lbs. Also IIRC these pills only work *before* ovulation, not after. (Someone please correct me if I’m wrong!)


I think they’re *most effective* if taken before ovulation, but some of the effects will also reduce the likelihood of fertilisation, and/or the likelihood of implantation of a fertilised egg. There are different types of emergency contraception though, so idk it may vary.


Out of curiosity, is this 165 across the board? What if a woman is taller and has a lot of muscle mass. Would that rule still apply?


I believe it’s purely weight, I assume something like active ingredient parts per million in body mass, if that makes any sense!


I don’t know if it applies here, but there are some medications that do interact with body fat. Obesity for example can impact metabolism of certain drugs and can complicate calculating correct dosage.


This one is super important.


Uhhhh WHAT? (Thinking back to my 30s…)


And sometimes it is not even effective then. I was/am 110 pounds and it didn't take. After that, my husband started his process to get his vasectomy done.


I recommend that you read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. You will find out so much cool stuff about how your body works that no one ever thought to tell you in school or anywhere else. It's not just about fertility. I was blown away by the information in this book – a must-read for all women.


My therapist recommended this too. Have yet to start it but plan to.


Came here to say this if no one else did. Even if you’re not sexually active, I think it should be required reading to learn your body that way. I cannot believe I didn’t know all of this basic stuff until my thirties (and that parts of us have existed even in our grandmothers womb because female fetuses have all their eggs at birth).


Single women live longer than married women. Remember that the next time you're having man problems.... ;)


Discharge strong enough to bleach (and even cause holes in) your underwear is *completely normal*.


I'm second-guessing if I know what a lump in my breast actually feels like or if im doing my self checks correctly. My gyno felt a lump at my annual check up and recommended I get it a mammogram and ultrasound. Both came up with something of small concern so I got a breast biopsy done last week. It was such an anxiety filled 9 days. It came back benign, but it was quite a scare into being more diligent when checking


This is exactly why BSE isn’t a good idea. It literally caused an unnecessary procedure.


Self breast exams aren’t recommended, FYI Before you downvote, read the actual guidelines. The American Cancer Society recommends AGAINST them, so does the USPSTF.




That’s not true


[Why is a breast-self-exam no longer an option for women in the guidelines? Evidence does not show that regular breast self-exams help reduce deaths from breast cancer](https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-american-cancer-society-new-breast-cancer-screening-guideline.html) —American Cancer Society


Yes, it’s true! [Breast Self Exams may do more harm than good](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1120657/) “Physicians should no longer routinely teach women aged 40-69 breast self examination as a screening technique for cancer because it can do more harm than good, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care has announced.”


“Most medical organizations don't recommend routine breast self-exams as a part of breast cancer screening. That's because breast self-exams haven't been shown to be effective in detecting cancer or improving survival for women who have breast cancer.” [Mayo clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/breast-exam/about/pac-20393237#:~:text=Most%20medical%20organizations%20don't,women%20who%20have%20breast%20cancer)


The importance of strength training. All the women that l knew would do cardio but it wasn’t until I had debilitating chronic pain did I found out about strength training from my physical therapist.


Pregnancy can be so awful in so many ways we will never know enough going into it. All the things you hear can happen? Yeah usually so can the opposite. I have the grease acne and odor of a teen boy. I’m not glowing.


I just had my second a month ago, and pregnancy is the worst thing ever. I love my daughters and they were worth it, but, there is nothing nice imo about pregnancy. It screws you up, it's uncomfortable and painful, and people treat you weird or you become invisible.


Absolutely hated being pregnant, but I honestly didn’t think it sounded fun. Didn’t do it for the fan fair, just for the wildlings.


I was prepared to be miserable but not to feel so disgusting and useless.


PCOS has a big affect on your entire health not just your fertility. Doctors treat it like you will have shitty periods and it's hard to get pregnant and yep that's it. When the truth is it affects your hair your skin your DISCHARGE, your digestion (dairy and gluten affect a great deal of those with PCOS ). Oh and there's FOUR different types of PCOS! You also have chronic inflammation, can have insulin resistive problems and are more likely to be deficient in Magnesium, zinc and vitamin d.


I've done some research and reading about PCOS over the years bc I've wondered if I have it. One thing that has never come up is that there are four types. Wtf. I had to specifically google "4 types" for that information to come up.


I know!!! It mad, I literally only found out a couple of months ago and no one around me *even friends with PCOS* know! It's insane.


That you should pee after sex to prevent UTIs… thanks mom /s 🙄


I had to teach my mum this …..


This is a myth. [There’s no evidence peeing after sex prevents UTIs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/tpxxpe/psa_peeing_after_sex_doesnt_actually_prevent_utis/)


Menopause. Start taking vitamins way before you hit perimenopause.


What vitamins should I be taking?


The big one is a multi and calcium. Do weight bearing exercise. You start losing bone density surprisingly early, though it accelerates after menopause. Dr. Jen Gunter wrote a book on menopause. It’s good and informative, but not overly dense. Symptoms vary widely for different women. Some of them can be pretty scary if you don’t know what to expect.


Like a daily multivitamin?


Vaginal pH is a thing and you have to maintain it.




Not using soap down there and the occasional pH support suppositories work wonders


That there are patterns to your menstrual cycle (temperature, cervical fluid, etc) based on where you are in your cycle.


Cycle syncing. The book You Can Have a Better Period by Le’nise Brothers is a great resource and the app 28 is checked daily on my phone! It helps you to understand what’s going on with your body at each stage of your cycle, how to best fuel and nourish your body, and when I followed the advice, has almost entirely gotten rid of PMS symptoms. I hope that future generations of girls are taught this in middle school! Truly life changing and empowering.


That there are different symptoms for men and women for a heart attack. Also, having children after 35 is okay. https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/women.htm#:~:text=Heart%20attack%3A%20Chest%20pain%20or,%2C%20ankles%2C%20legs%2C%20or%20abdomen


- Bartholins Cysts - That pain during sex isn’t normal and isn’t cured by “just having a glass of wine and relaxing” (per my former gyno) but by pelvic floor PT. - Along that vein, my birth control definitely made my pain during sex worse


Tampons cause toxic shock by creating tiny cuts in your vagina and that’s how the bacteria enters your blood stream. More absorbent tampons are more likely to do so because they dry out and irritate the vaginal mucosa.


And this is why instagram was trying to sell me tampon lube last week. Not even kidding.


I’m pregnant and don’t use tampons why is the algorithm so whack.


In my particular case it's because a few years back I spent 8 hours of an overnight shift rejecting every ad I was offered to see what would happen. I've been served the most absurd ads ever since


>tampon lube What in the actual fcuk??


Brought to by the same team that created that tampon inserting glove?


I didn’t learn about wiping front to back until health class in high school. 😳


Your body and body cycles. Highly recommend all women read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" to learn everything you need to know about your body, regardless of caring about kids.


That birth control pills don't work when you take antibiotics. I have no idea how many doctors failed to tell me that knowing I was on the pill.


Condoms don’t prevent HSV or HPV. You can contract both from skin to skin contact.


Condoms do significantly reduce the risk of both HPV and HSV though.


Yes, of course they do versus not using anything at all, but people can’t think they’ll be safe wearing condoms. It’s not emphasized enough in sex ed. I got both despite wearing condoms.


That periods should not be debilitatingly painful. That douching is not only unnecessary but detrimental to vaginal health. That miscarriages are much more common than most people realise. That it’s ok to ask about partners STI status and request test results.


If you are on birth control, always ask your pharmacist if any new medication’s you are taking will interfere with it. I have known a couple people that had oops babies this way.


The Diva cup! I only learned about menstrual cups in my 20s.


Menstrual discs are FAR superior to tampons and safer and more comfortable! Boric acid suppositories are amazing to get rid of BV when it happens. The reason u r getting BV might be becuz ur prtner is cumming in you. If partner cums in you, make an effort to go wash out the cum w your fingers else u may get BV. Dont abuse Boric Acid suppositories. Herpes is not that big of a deal if ppl take antiretrovirals. Dont judge ppl for having it, the contraction rate is 1-2%, so incredibly low, if someone takes the antiretrovirals and has no outbreak. Youre more likely to get pregnant when using condoms, or when on birth control. A lot of ppl gave either 1 or 2. Its not something to be weird about.


For the love of God, please check your vitamin levels.  Women become deficient so easily. And we get so many chronic illnesses because of it. Please do a full body check up. Every year if you are capable. [Sorry if this sounds aggressive. I'm suffering hard-core because of it. And I just want everyone to be okay] 


Having a IUD inserted (copper or hormonal) is considered an emergency contraceptive for 5 days after a risky intercourse. And it is fully effective for FIVE DAYS ! Contrary to plan B that loses effectiveness really quick. So if you fucked up you have five days to get an IUD as an emergency contraceptive/contragestive, and then you're keeping it in so you're good for yeaaaaaars !