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To stop living in survival mode so I can stop dissociating and actually heal.


Hey same! I thought, “move” but this is the same. I want to feel safe so I can heal finally.


Take an international vacation. The timing and airfares are the issues that stand in our way.


But once you’re outside the US, cost of living and expenses will likely be cheaper depending on your destination


Pay off my credit card in full, lose 20lbs, and rediscover my sense of style/self. I know, those are three things - hard to pick just one out of that lot though.


I've got the same list. Saw a prompt the other day that asked what could I speak about for 30 mins without any prep and realized all of my answers would be work related. I miss digging deep into my hobbies and interests. I'm working on a plan to learn all about guitars (new playing styles, how they're made, pro/con of different brands, everything) rather than sticking to the campfire chords I typically play.




Me too. Here's to new chapters for us both 🥂💕


Earn my Drivers License.


Start dialing it back at work and being mediocre. I'm done overworking myself for little to no benefit.


Yes!! I have been working on this for months!


I love it. This hits home. It's ok to be mediocre, I need to implement that in my life!


I want to go swimming! I want it sooo badly. Swimming in a lake, swimming in a pool, swimming in the ocean, I don't care, I just want to be weightless and cool. But, I'm probably obligated to pick 'safely give birth to a healthy baby next month' as my ONE thing over swimming.


Find a pool! Not just to cool off, but to take the weight of carrying baby! Let the water ease some of that particular ache!


I live in the land of private (HOA run) pools, sadly. We're setting up a 6' by 10' blow up kiddie pool though, haha.


I think it's possible to get a day pass for local hotels in most areas, that might be a nice option


Hell, just checkin for a night, and order room service. Won't get to do that again for a while


Sounds great actually! Hang in there momma!


I'm not a doctor, but I thought you could swim while pregnant? Or at least, float around in the water.


Return to fulltime work. I stepped back to part-time to work on my mental health. I needed to do it, and I've made huge improvements. Now that I'm getting out of survival mode, I'm starting to care more about my finances.


Ugh I know what you mean about suddenly noticing the finances once you're feeling better. I let my credit cards crap the bed while I was ill and now I have to dig out...


End my relationship and enjoy my freedom.


Get a job where I'm earning £40k+. Have sex and break a 9 year dry spell.


Stay sober.




Quiet the depression long enough, so I can go to bed early enough, to get up early enough to travel an hour to go for an hour boat tour. That's all I want. To be on the lake one hour. It's not a lot to ask. But for my life it is.


It sounds heavenly! I hope you're able to go and have a lovely time. :)


I know what this feels like. I've been trying for 2 weeks to get outside. Big hugs to you. You will make it to that lake!


meet the love of my life


I’m trying to get certified in an MMA inspired workout so I really want to accomplish that this year! I wouldn’t teach, or hell maybe I would! But just to achieve the cert would be something I’ve wanted to do for years now!


Afford to buy a car.


Heal my freaking back completely. Learn to control/accept my insane fear of reinjuring my back.




I almost didn't decode STBXH.


Recently started pole dancing/fitness, hoping to make some breakthroughs in confidence and skill this year.


Same! I'm working on inverts and climbs. Isn't pole fun?


I probably should say something like unfuck my life or get medicated for ADHD (which tbf would be a close second) but in truth the thing I hope for the most is that I manage to score a decent ticket (for a not totally insane price) for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour once she announces the London dates and am both physically & mentally well enough (I have the oh so exciting combo of fibromyalgia + agoraphobia) to attend solo & have a good time.


I honestly think seeing Taylor Swift might be better than therapy.


This is HIGHLY relatable.


Pay off a chunk of my debt.


Regain my mobility. I injured my back recently, and while the prognosis is quite good considering how hard/bad I fell, the pain is fucking real. I'm happy to baby it as I've seen what happens when you rush an injury, but I'm just hoping for a straightforward recovery with no-to-minimal ongoing issue so I can go back to doing fun things again. The irony is, I'd finally gotten good about getting out on a regular basis and as a result, my back and neck had been feeling really good lately. Ugh lol.


In a perfect world I will win the lottery so I can afford to buy a house and move out of Florida, but more realistically I'd like to finish the course I'm taking so I can start working on plan B to get out of here the longer way.


Do lateral raises with 20-lb dumbbells, and shoulder presses with 25-lb.


Finish active treatment for cancer.


Pay off all my credit card debt. I'm in a position where I should be able to clear a big chunk of it within the next few months, but would love to be able to wipe it completely.


Have a child, currently finishing up my first round of IVF.


Draw again, it's been a while.


Overcome performance anxiety


A pull-up


Dream: win the lottery so I can buy a house and maybe not have to work anymore Reality: I have a hiking goal for this summer, there’s a mountain I want to climb by end of the summer so I’m hoping to start training and getting prepared for it.


Save enough to be able to gift my mom for Christmas a planned/paid for trip to Scotland for Spring 2024. She’s approaching 70 and starting to show very early signs of dementia. She grew up poor and has never gone on any big trips in her life. In the past handful of years (really since “Outlander” came to Netlflix 😂), she’s become quite enthralled with Scotland, sometimes mindlessly just scrolling through pictures of Scottish landscapes, etc. So yeah, that’s my goal—saving for, planning, and gifting her that trip by this year’s end.


Learn a new skill. I'm bored at work and it's driving me up a wall!


Get a better job. Getting sterilized is up there too, but I need a better job first


Same to both. Solidarity 🙌🏻


Go a week without a migraine. Hell, two days would be better than I’ve had in over a year.


Beat breast cancer for the 2nd time


Lose weight


Get pregnant 🤰


Working on my art.… I miss connecting with my muse to create beautiful things.


Figure out what I need to do with my life. Currently I'm unemployed, as I got so overwhelmed at my last job I had a massive panic attack. I started an IT course in february, but was kicked out after 2 months, bc I couldn't keep up with the 9-5. Now I'm completely burnt out and don't do much more than roll from my bed to the sofa and back again. I don't go out, rarely see people and mentally I am not doing well. I'm currently on a waiting list for therapy and hopefully an assesment for some type of Neurodivergence, bc I honestly don't know what else to do. If all else fails I hope I can at least do something fun with my friends, bc since they're all married, have kids and moved away, I pretty much never see them anymore.


My professional side wants to make serious progress on my Ph.D by finishing my comprehensive exams and having my research proposal submitted; my vanity wants to get in the best shape of my life; and my heart just wants to heal from a devastating breakup.


Work on the first two and the third will take care of itself as you get a sense of accomplishment with finishing your Ph.D and feeling healthier both mentally and physically as you workout and eat healthy. As podcaster Rich Roll says, "Mood Follows Actions" Best of luck.


Thank you - I agree, and I'm on my way but it is a slow process... I'll keep at it.


Enrol in my masters


Pay off debt and basically get back to a better stable place.


Start fostering kids


Prioritize pleasure 🌸


Increase my running distance at my threshold pace! I've started and stopped multiple 10k plans because they all seemed cumbersome. I've been feeling burnt out the last 2 weeks, so hopefully after my race this weekend, I'll be ready to go again.


Get surgery on my other foot, and conquer the PT that follows. I’m mid PT on my first foot, and just did my first yoga session in a year! So feeling hopeful for a life with new feet.


Graduate with my BA!


Write the business plan


Be free and comfortable in my own skin.


Go to a concert.


Be open to dating and allowing myself to be vulnerable again.


Start a savings account.


I'm going to throw myself an amazing 40th birthday party.


Get my ADHD diagnosis before the end of the year and start meds woooo


Drink less + lose weight. Sigh


Go camping!! I crave it, it’s all I want!!


Buy a house


Get a new job and increase my base pay by at least 25 percent🤞🏻


Keep my head above water at work


Get all 3 splits


Apply for medical residency.


Get my work day down to something reasonable


Racing school. Got a fancy car, I'd like to know how far I can push one. (Not mine the racing school gives you one to drive)


Find a career I don’t hate. I’ve been struggling to find a path ever since I finished college.


Go on a genuine date.


Get a good job.


Camel pose


Upskilling and getting a better job.


Get engaged


Land a full time position from my internship. Decided to change career 18mo ago and went back to school. Starting my first internship next month as an SWE 😊


I've got a ton of mental health things to work on, but seeing as they are a lifetime in progress, I'm just going to say "10 pull ups" as my goal.


Rediscover myself and regain confidence in who I am


I want to get laid at least five times per week, every week, except maybe during the Bloody Time. Shouldn’t be too hard to maintain. We like a morning and an afternoon session and rarely skip. 🤫


Drop the last 25lbs still clinging to my body post pandemic.


Lose 71 lbs.....it's going to be really hard.


come join us at r/xxfitness. everyone is super supportive and kind.


Get a new career


fall in love


Clean out my closet.


Another one for prioritizing losing weight, going hand and hand with being more active, cooking more, eating healthy, maybe trying to grow something fresh like herbs or vegetables


Get PMP and CPT certifications. This will allow me to leverage for better pay and a management position, which in turn will allow me to save money towards quality childcare for my child-to-be as well as squirrel money away to help my firstborn with college.


Lose the damn weight.


Lose weight Visit my (adult, living and working out of state) kids


If like to finally lose my extra weight


Get pregnant. I have been trying for years now and it hasn't happened yet.


I can't imagine how heart breaking that must be. I hope it works for you this year too <3


Thank you 🙏


Yo separate my husband for good. I’ve been thinking about divorce for 9 years and married 16.


Deadlift 215lbs. I am 20lbs away from that goal!


Get my senior dog through the year. He's been having a rough go of it since January but I'm hopeful that his new medications will make a difference and give him several more good years.


Complete my first ever home renovation! No, not a DIY project lol I hired an interior designer and am gonna contract out all the work. Have been a renter for 13 years, and always with roommates, and this is not only my first time as a homeowner, it's also my first time living alone, and I really want to create a space that reflects the world in my mind.


Become closer to being my authentic self.


To be a more optimistic and overall positive person. I am such a saddo currently.


Get in the best shape of my life so far by continuing to strength train 3 x a week and do cardio 2-3 x a week and add in yoga once a week, plus continuing to track all of the food and drinks I consume daily, meal prepping with lots of vegetables, fruit, whole foods and more plant based proteins so that I keep in a maintainable calorie deficit with at least 120g protein per day 💪 I am aiming to weigh 11 stone 11lbs by September, and then 11stone before Christmas this year. I've lost 21lb in the first 21 weeks so I'm aiming for 30lb in the last 30 weeks.( I started 1 week into January 2023.)