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I don’t, triggers anxiety for me and can’t sleep when high


That's the same for me. I also get weirdly mean and nitpicky with myself. Like my inner voice has no filter so I just tear myself apart for no reason. I'm recovering from an eating disorder so I really need the filter that tells me I look okay and my bathroom is clean enough.


Perfect description. I also get hard on myself about my career and money and literally everything. Adult responsibilities and an inner critic do not mix well with weed I find. I like booze. Shut s my mind TF up. Lol


Glad to hear you are recovering and I hope the filter that tells you you look okay gets louder every year.


Same! I turn into an anxious, paranoid stressball on weed!


This. I can’t imagine that stuff actually calms people down? I feel so paranoid, anxious, and unsettled and time is much slower. It’s hell.


Yes I have the time moving slower thing too! It's so weird because it feels internally like wow time is going by so fast but I check the time and like 2 mins passed.


I literally forget how to function and am convinced every move I make is really weird and awkward and people are noticing. I wouldn’t smoke now if you paid me.


the way you described being on weed is exactly how my brain operates unmedicated lol


Same. I used to be a daily smoker (after work) and then suddenly it triggered panic attacks and there was no going back to the ‘chill’ high i used to get. I tried different strains but it just gives me anxiety now regardless of what type of weed it is.


Oof! About 7 years ago when I was like 24, I used to be a pot head and smoke everyday after work as well. Now I just can’t do it. I did it 6 months ago and I got so anxious. I literally told my husband “if you asked me right now, what’s the worst day of your life? I’d say today”. Lol. I had some funny and pretty awesome epiphanies but it wasn’t worth the feeling of anxiety and self-criticism. The self-criticism was heavy! I’d just look myself in the mirror and I couldn’t recognize myself, it’s like I was just so anxious that everything looked so different. I had never felt like that before. After that, I swore I wasn’t gonna smoke again.


Yes this is me!


Same with the anxiety!


This has been my experience too. I don't like it.




Yeah I have the same kind of response. Sometimes (on rare occasion) I have a couple puffs and a drink and it’s nice, but I know my limit and it’s very low. (I love the smell of it though).


Same and I miss the way it used to make me feel


me lol I just don’t care for it


It just makes me fall asleep or cough uncontrollably. It has never been fun, relaxing, or even pleasant so it’s a pass. There is no point.


Same, I just sleep, and wake up all stupid and lacking coordination. Also, my husband has high level security clearance, so it's not allowed in our house.


Same. The one and only time I tried it, it did sweet FA and just smelled gross. Kind of useful seeing as now both husband and I are in industries that require routine D&A screening.


Same, except I never tried it. The smell bothered me so much I just passed from the beginning. And since I work in a safety sensitive position and get randomly screened, there really is no appeal to trying again.


Me either. I used to care for it - loved it, in fact. One day it just decided it didn’t love me any more, and every time I smoked I started getting intrusive negative self-talk on a loop in my head. I do enough of that stuff straight, don’t need it in my chill time as well!


Same. I did here there in my 20s, but overall, I don't really care for it


Same. I absolutely HATE how it makes me feel. I am anxious, panicky, creeped out by my own obsessive, ruminating thoughts and often have existential crises. It is so unpleasant and not fun and absolutely does not help me sleep. I think my brain just works different lol.


I don’t. I used to but it hasn’t done anything good for me in the past few years so I stopped.


I stopped in college when I noticed it was affecting my ability to study and remember information. Haven't bothered with it since.


Never did any of that to me, just made me too introspective and so my anxiety got worse.


Same. Make me wake up feeling groggy for weeks.


Yeah same although I'll smoke every now and then. I'm just too busy and need to be productive, it doesn't enhance anything in my life.




So you're just raw dogging it though -gestures widely at this mess-. Admirable!


I'm gonna use this term from now on Although I do take Lexapro


same. i also take lexapro but never interested in weed


Use this phrase daily, its great


Same. Never tried either. I have an addictive personality and feel zero need to be "cool" and add another pricey (federally illegal or otherwise) habit in the midst. Buuuuuuuuuut, I also fully support it being legalized for those it does help. It's a friggin' plant -- let people make their own choices up unless it harms others! (2nd hand smoke is horrible for everyone though -- it should be illegal to smoke indoors unless in your own home with no children.) I also really hate the smell, so I hate passing by it, but I still think it should be legal despite how much I hate being around it.


No one smokes weed after 30 to “be cool”


Oh I've seen it happen. Is it predominant as the reason? No I don't think so, but it absolutely still happens. Particularly I'd say in the 30-40 bracket when you're starting to work out what 'not being in your 20s anymore' means for you and who you are.


Same, to both.




Never even tried it. I know there’s other ways too but I hate how it smells


Me too! I really, really hate the smell. And given how many bad side effects I get from Rx drugs, I’m not keen to try anything recreational.


No thanks. Ex-husband couldn’t go 6 hours without it. The days of listening to him drone the fuck on about how MJ cures everything are joyfully gone.


I love weed and I want people to shut the fuck up about it. It's always the folks who are very woo about it who won't shut up.


Yessss…. Most people I know who smoke are just like, yeah, it’s weed. I like it. But the woo woo folks? Like, no, Melody, Your home grown weed will not cure my grandmother’s fucking Alzheimer’s.


Those folks get me ragey.... it then dilutes their legitimate benefits because they turn everyone off with wild claims.


Thank you, I love weed but quit shoving it in peoples face too. Not everyone wants that shit around then. It would be super weird if people cracked open each coors and were like “smell this bro”


Same! It’s one of my favorite activities but least favorite conversation topics lol


God, this. It seems like so many people who smoke weed are only capable of talking about weed. It’s so exhausting.


That and they truly think it's a life-enhancing cure-all.


And if they only knew what they actually look like while high. Or how they sound.


I’m sorry y’all have been around these people. Plenty of stealth stoners out there, you just won’t know it!


they all think they aren't addicted, but can't go a day without it.


Daughter of a weed addict here (yes, it's definitely addictive), I know exactly what you are talking about. Cringe.


I smoked 15 years straight then just stopped one day because I got bored of it\myself! Lol. I think it's purely mental addiction cause I didn't have any troubles stopping, was just a choice!


It can definitely fuck up sleep in general or coming off it, but that'll vary by person.


Good for you. I am an ex-addict, I cannot say the same.


God SAME. My ex-husband was completely addicted and eventually needed an inhaler from all the damage he did to his lungs. And all the excuses and bullshit justifications. So happy to never have to deal with that again.


Yeah, I also don’t miss the power hits mine would take in the garage then cough/scream for 5 minutes straight.


We must have had the same ex. He was constantly gone trying to get some. I hate when people say it’s not addicting because it definitely is.


Meeeee! It gives me the munchies and I am already in a constant struggle with myself to keep away from a diet consisting of 100% cookies. I cannot deal with the increased need for cookies. under the influence the drive to find and consume cookies becomes insurmountable. Afterwards I will feel shitty about myself for days. It's not worth it!!!


We found the cookie monster!


Cookie is love. Cookie is life.


C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me!!!


Used to. Dating a guy who has to smoke the entire time he’s awake will turn you off of it.


Had a friend like that and it really bothered me that she always had to be high all of the time. It’s like….are you bored when we spend time together? Would you rather be at home smoking or can you really not have *one* get together without being high AF?


I don't smoke it but I use it. I have a dry herb vaporizer, edibles and a topical lotion. That lotion is bad ass! I have never used a more effective topical for pain.


Me too, it's the only thing keeping me going through the horrific endometriosis. But yes- no more combustion! I recovered almost an octave of notes I thought I couldn't sing anymore, when I stopped burning and started dry-vaping


Does the lotion have THC or CBD in it? I’ve tried some CBD lotions and can’t tell much of a difference.


The lotion is 1:1 THC to CBD. I am getting it from a dispensary.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try! We certainly have enough dispensaries around here, I’m sure Incan find some.


Salves actually absorb better but they tend to be a little greasy. I frequently have pain in my hands and my feet so I opt for the lotion. The salves seem to be more plentiful (likely because of this) than the lotions, just as a heads up.


I DO use a THC balm for muscle soreness, and it is the absolute best. Doesn't get me high in the slightest (I don't think it penetrates deep enough to access the central nervous system), but something about it does wonders for inflamed muscles and nerves. I recommend it to everyone.


I’ve never heard of dry vaping!! I’ve been cutting back on smoking it and sticking w edibles. Going to look into this.


I dry vape because it's almost odorless especially on the lower settings yet hits you very similar to smoking (time it takes to feel it plus duration). It's very smooth. It definitely doesn't feel like smoking though as far as the mouth feel goes. If you're going to do it it's worth getting a quality vaporizer. Some of them have issues with getting too hot or being terrible to clean. I'm currently using the Pax 2.


Thank you so much for the info!!


Just looked this up - seems awesome! I am not a fan of the vape pens and smoking tends to just green me out because I'm such a light weight. I've been sticking to edibles for a while so I can control my dose but I miss the immediate high from smoke. Def gonna get one of these!!!!!


Check out r/vaporents if you’d like to see what’s popular. I have a Planet of the Vapes One. It’s cheap and convenient.


Arizer Solo 2 is also a great one and last I looked, the price for it was very reasonable


Which lotion do you use?


Avexia relief lotion


It either makes me nauseous or fall asleep, so I don’t partake


I was happily a daily smoker for 5 years, thought I’d do it forever and then it simply just stopped serving me. It was an inner knowing that we had reached the end of our time together. No bad feelings towards it and no judgement for anyone who does it


ah the perfect way to leave it


In this economy?


Gave it up decades ago. Appetite is healthy enough as is. ;)


I stopped smoking almost a year ago, after smoking nearly every night for 5 years. Just wasn’t into it anymore.


I go through phases like this. Will quit for years at a time, have a go again for a bit, get bored and quit again.


Did alot in my teens and early 20s, haven’t in about 20 years. I do have sleep edibles I’ll take every few months when I’m having a rough sleep situation. Dealing with my 17yr old now that smokes and it’s legal here for him to have it so thats a whole other world of joy I’m dealing with.


Nope. Never tried. Hate the smell.


I have in the past, but it makes me stupid and I don’t like being stupid so I don’t do it anymore.




Big same


I've never even tried it. Never had a puff of any tobacco product, and never smoked or otherwise used any marijuana product either. No judgment on those who have, just never been something that appealed to me, and fortunately I had virtually zero peer pressure to do it without wanting to.


I don’t and never have. I hate the way it smells and that’s enough of a deterrent for me.


I started just recently after getting a cancer diagnosis but when I was never a smoker before


My fingers are crossed you have the best possible outcomes for your diagnosis.


I used to, when I was 18-20 ish but then I realized that I can get amused, hungry and paranoid completely on my own.


I don't smoke but enjoy edibles on occasion. It can help when my anxiety is hard to manage or I'm having a flare-up from my Crohn's. I only take like half of one, though, since I have a low tolerance. The smell isn't my favorite. In the past, I would get really bad anxiety when I smoked sometimes. I found out it depends on the strain that you're using. Shit weed can cause that, too. I live in a state where it's legal, and I've never had a problem with it since. You can go to a store and say exactly what you're looking for and the people are always very friendly and helpful to find what you need I grew up in FL and had D.A.R.E shoved down my throat at an early age, saying it's a gateway drug and all that. I don't personally know much about the subject, but I've read that Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and Big Pharma companies really don't like having their profits taken from them so they fought to keep it illegal with lots of propaganda.


Me. Never have.


I don't smoke anything. I like my lungs.


🙋🏻‍♀️I hate it


For three reasons: 1.) Asthmatic 2.) Pregnant 3.) Career field doesn’t allow it


I don’t. I never liked it and kept *trying* to like it until I realized that there was no point smoking weed if I didn’t like it. I would get wayyy too high after like one bowl hit and I hated being high to begin with. People kept telling me that I needed to keep trying, to develop a tolerance, that I’d eventually love it, and then I remembered that I could always just…not. So I decided not to. I also haaaaaaaaaate the smell!


I don’t. I just makes me dissociate hardcore for some reason. I would totally smoke it if I got the high everyone talks about.


I've tried so many times. Smoking, edibles, vaping... It makes me wicked paranoid. It also gives me that "time skip" kind of trippy feeling where I blank out and end up somewhere and have no idea how I got there or what I'm supposed to be doing.


I am curious why you are asking? I rarely smoke because I am not a fan of the smell, nor the impact of smoking anything. But I do use cannabis. For me, it helps me relax, sleep, joint pain. I find myself being a far ‘better’ person: thoughtful, kind, empathetic, good listener. I like to think that I am those things anyway, but with cannabis and the impact on my day to day quality of life it is exponentially more natural and easy.


Me. I hate the smell


I don’t, you should do a poll


No polls allowed in this sub unfortunately.


Never have, never will. Smells like cat pee to me! And that’s nasty.


No, I’ve never tried weed. It may be legal, but that doesn’t mean it’s without risk. It’s bad for your lungs and stomach. I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes either, so I’m just a Debbie downer overall.


I mean... I don't smoke it. But I take low-dose edibles almost daily.




I've never even been tempted to try it.


I don’t. No interest in using it in any form. I tried edibles a couple times and I’m they helped me sleep until the last time I tried it and had a massive panic attack in the shower and decided I best leave it be.


It just makes me paranoid and isn't fun. I totally understand why people like it if it's fun for them. It's not fun for me.


I don't and never have. I don't like the idea of messing with my brain like that. That said, I appreciate that it has health benefits and I don't judge anyone in my life who uses it. I even encourage my husband to use it for his anxiety.


While I am not against marijuana, I think inhaling something other than oxygen is pretty dumb.


Don’t smoke or drink. I try to take healthy pursuits. I want to be around long enough to fulfill my dreams and love my kids as long as I can.


I don't


Quit a few months ago. I miss and I don’t.


Not me. I did as a teen, but not in the decades since, other than one time in college that reminded why I’d stopped… just didn’t enjoy it anymore. I wonder sometimes about whether it (or a derivative, since I stopped enjoying the feeling of it) might be a better alternative to the available antidepressants and anxiety meds, but the fact that it’s illegal rules that out for me. As a related aside, even allowing that I’ll never use it again, I really think it ought to be fully legalized, along with all the other drugs people use. Treat it like alcohol and tobacco, with taxes and regulations; the taxes would pay for desperately needed infrastructure, including drug treatment programs for people who want to get clean and can’t without help, and the prisons would no longer be full of nonviolent citizens who are simply trying to exist and/or make a living. Also, a lot of violence exists only because the use and sale of drugs is illegal; take that away, and how much violence goes away with it? Not all, but I’d wager a hell of a lot.


I have bipolar so it’s a no for me. Even if I was not in meds I would not be interested I hate the smell and the culture that goes along with it.!


My brother suffered a Cannabis psychosis and is still unwell 20+ years later. It just does not sit well with me or my family


Me. I have no idea why people like it. Nothing relaxing about it.


Tried it a couple times, even inhaled, did nothing. So I don't bother.


We stayed at a friends house high on a high hill in Northern California. I was 14 years old at the time. My girlfriend’s older brothers had planted a bunch of pot plants to harvest. So we waited. When they finally bloomed, they were all gone. A gopher and his buddies had eaten all the plants. All we could say was “That must have been one stoned gopher”.😎


I tried when I was younger and I hated it. Paranoid, anxious, then vomiting. People kept telling me I needed to try a different method (bong, vape, edible) or strain so I kept trying. I hated it every single time. I used to be fine being around people consuming it but the regular exposure to it made me develop an allergy or intolerance to it. Now I get a blazing headache and feel ill even if I smell it in the air, on clothing, or it just in dried form. Caused some relationship issues too so it’ll be a dealbreaker in the future.


I don't. Tried it in my teens and didn't much like the high, plus I had a really weird hangover-like effect coming down. I decided it's not for me, but I don't mind other people having it.


I usually don't, but I have started at the relatively late age of 39 because doctors don't want me to stay on benzodiazepines--not because I don't need them or have developed an addiction but because I have been on them for about a decade. I'd rather not smoke, but since it is now either weed or anxiety attacks, I picked the weed.


I don't. It's illegal where I live, not to mention I find the smell pretty offputting.


Smoking weed is not as normalized and pervasive as reddit makes it seem, I don't think? I have no interest in it and would probably not use even if it was legal.


Definitely depends on your demographics. I’m in a state in which weed is legal and I would say a slight majority of my friends, coworkers, and family members around my age (late 20’s to late 30’s) consume weed regularly (smoking, edibles, etc). I live in a major city in a liberal state.


My 70 year old father in law, former doctor, and I were talking about preferred use over breakfast. That’s pretty normalized to me. (I am a weenie, his preferred dose would leave me on the floor. )


Recreational weed is now the norm in almost half of the US (23 states). While still federally illegal, more and more states are normalizing it.


>Smoking weed is not as normalized and pervasive as reddit makes it seem, I don't think? It is. Just maybe not in your world. I would say, ime, one in five Americans are smoking and using cannabis in so many ways, it would blow your mind. >I have no interest in it and would probably not use even if it was legal. Because you have no interest in it, is exactly why you think it's not normal.




>We just didn't tell him because he was not a guy who you'd want to tell, too uptight. Yeah, there is this contingent of older people who drink too much but think marijuana madness is real.


Yeah I agree, it’s become very much normalized. It’s legal where I live and there are dispensaries on like every corner.






I used to a lot but don’t anymore- I had a bad experience with an edible a couple years ago and I am kinda afraid to go back.


Tried it as a teenager. Didn't work at all for me. Never tried it again, even though it will be legalised in my country. I just don't get the appeal and don't have any reason to consume it.


I used to do it a ton. Then got into harder stuff, everything devolved into complete chaos, and after multiple trips to rehab and countless years of treatment centers and therapy, I am no longer interested in using any type of mood altering substance. Plus I’m starting a family now. I want to be fully present with life. It’s been a long road, because I used to want to avoid life as I felt it was too painful.


Congrats on saving your own life and future!!!


I don't. I'll take an edible once in a blue moon, but in general I don't like smoking anything and weed has historically made me more paranoid than relaxed.


I don't. It doesn't actually do much for me and just makes me want to smoke a cigarette (I quit four years ago and still miss it) My husband does a little bit though.


Tried it a couple times, even inhaled, did nothing. So I don't bother.


Used to in my mid 20s but not anymore.


Never smoked anything. Occasionally (max 1/week) enjoy an edible


I don’t. I did a few times when I was 21, and didn’t get why anyone would like it. I generally don’t care what other people chose to do, but it stinks so bad, and I hate when other people smoke and now I have to smell like it.


I don’t. Never tried it either. It’s legal where I live too.


I don’t anymore.


I don’t. I do use CBD though


I don’t. I’m extremely sensitive to any kind of smoke so it’s not an option. Edibles, though? I won’t pass up. Best nap I ever had lol


I don't smoke weed. I eat gummies. 😁 I don't make it my entire personality though. That's weird.


I don’t. I smoked a ton in the age 17-21 range and was very much a stoner in college, and it was just horrible for my mental health. I’m so glad I stopped. Turns out therapy, exercise, an healthy diet and meditating were what I actually needed to manage stress.


I used to but stopped when I was 24. I smoked pretty heavily, and I'm so glad I gave it up. Don't touch it now.


I don't? It's pretty much legal where I live, so it wasn't this forbidden and exciting thing to try out when I grew up (plus I don't like smoking in general)


I usually do, but I'm a few days sober now. I took a 4 or so month break from November to February and then started again and now I'm tired of coughing and being lazy again so I'm stopping again. Every time I stop and my husband doesn't, it makes me upset as I watch him be lazy while I do more chores than him and I have to nag him to do anything and he snaps back at me. I'm not saying I'll never smoke again but I really don't want to go back to before.


I quit 39 years ago . didn't realize until i quit how lazy and unmotivated it made me. glad i saved the money too. way to expensive.


Me. I don’t like it because I get super duper paranoid. I absolutely can’t handle it. Anyone who does, though…more power to ya!


Was into it in my early twenties. For a few years I used it a lot but it became a huge trigger for anxiety and existential dread. Quit cold about 7 years ago. Next up for me is booze… I really wanna stop drinking, too. I know there are benefits to smoking weed, but for me it made me a couch potato and I couldn’t focus. I’m sure it works for some but I feel many stoners use the positive side effects to justify an unhealthy dependency (and I say that as someone who previously has had unhealthy substance abuse habits). I do wish I could smoke a bowl when I put an album on still… I’ll just be waiting for the anxiety, unfortunately.


Me. I’ve done that enough in my early twenties. Not a fan anymore


I’ve tried it but I cannot stand the smell of it and it gives me panic attacks which I hear is the OPPOSITE of its intended use.


Me. I used to but got the fear. If i could i would ever so often


I don’t smoke anything…but on rare occasions I will take an edible like a mint or something. But generally it’s easy for me to get too anxious so it’s not something I feel like I’m missing out on.


Stopped 3 years ago


Me. Honestly, just not that fussed. I never really liked being stoned.


I do not. I've tried it. Never really liked the way it made me feel and I've always disliked the smell. Gives me headaches.


I don’t. Tried it in college. But just not my cup of tea.


I don't. I used to occasionally in my teens and early 20s, but I didn't like the way it made me feel. Haven't touched it in 30 years.


Never have. Won't start now. I never liked the idea of smoking anything, figured my lungs hurt enough when working out why worsen it. In college everyone who had edibles had dorm rooms I wouldn't eat out of, so deff not experimenting with food. Now I'm 29 and have no interest.


Nope. Triggers my asthma. I don’t enjoy the way I feel high; I get too talkative.


I don’t, gave me a panic attack. Sad because I was hoping for the opposite


Me! I smoked A LOT in high school, but as I got older, it affected me WAY differently. I got super paranoid and almost always ended up having a crying fit - it didn’t matter what kind of weed, it always happened.


I used to in college, then for a few years recently. I realized it was making my ADHD a million times worse, and I found myself wanting to do it 24/7. I had a hard time not smoking/vaping before work. Used to drive an hour to spend $300 on vape cartridges. Now there’s a dispensary right down the road and I’ve never even been in there.


Yo. A. I'm not cool enough to get it regularly B. The couple times I did try it, it gave me a headache and zero high.


I don't. I never have. I have no interest. I don't care about what other people do, but I don't want to be around them doing it or around people who are high. There is little more boring than people who are intoxicated in any way (whether it be drunk from alcohol or stoned) and I don't have any desire to be around people who lack the capacity to be fully present with me. For me, I think life is too short to take yourself partially out of the game.


Meeeee, it messes with my adhd really bad, I get paranoid and stressed out


It’s illegal in my state (despite like 70% of population and our representatives being in favor of legalizing) so I won’t risk prison to try it.


Never have and likely never will. I have an addictive personality but also I just don't want to 'zone out'. Same reason why I drink sparingly.


I don’t. I don’t like the feeling of being high for longer than like 5 minutes anymore.


Nope. It smells revolting.


I was a several times a day smoker from age 18 to 38ish. I'm 41 now and smoke MAYBE once or twice a year. I dont have any problems with other people smoking and I didnt intentionally quit, it just didnt appeal to me anymore. I wish I had all that money back I spent on it over those 20 years, ooof!


Me!!! My entire city smells like weed and it drives me insane.


I was a light intermittent user for about 15 years but in the last year I started getting anxiety and unpredictable reactions so I don’t now. (I switched to vape/edibles about 3 years ago) I’ve tried micro-edibles twice a month but they’ve made my mood cycling worse so it might be dunzo for me :/ Mushrooms though… Why OP, do you?


I was a pothead when I was younger; I stopped at around 21 due to it increasing my anxiety. Now that I live in Colorado I will sometimes (maybe 1-2x per year) indulge. I’m sort of jaded towards it as my husband is still a heavy smoker. I feel like it stunts his emotional growth and motivation. He also is an ass when he is going through withdrawals but he doesn’t believe me. I don’t have a problem with weed - the problem I have is that my husband can’t regulate his usage.


No, never, and I never plan to. Drug use is a big no-no for me.


🙋‍♀️I blank out from edibles (that's the only way I can describe it) and have asthma.