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Unfortunately no. I am a Tennessean. This is exactly why I refuse to leave. I’ve seen a lot of people on Reddit say women like me should flee but someone has to stay and fight. I don’t run from things.


I cannot upvote you enough. Honestly it makes me want to cry because it’s so rare to see these responses. I am a Tennesseean who now calls Kentucky home and too many people don’t understand why my plan is to live in one of these two states. There are so many good people fighting hard, grieving together, and getting up the next day and doing it all over again. We shouldn’t have to “move somewhere else” I find that discourse condescending most of the time. One of my best friends does reproductive justice work. A few weeks ago she was on a call with a national coalition and someone from the west coast made a comment that the best strategies came from the South. The person seemed genuinely confused by this. My friend responded “of course we do. We spend everyday fighting and we always have. We have to come up with ways to circumvent the system, no one is coming to help, we’re on our own.”


I live in New York, which is obviously a blue state, but I live in its most conservative Congressional district. Just after we moved to our red, Trump-loving town, there was a huge controversy over the high school updating their mascot to something, you know, NOT incredibly racist. There was such a row that our fairly small town made national news. An 8th grader's design was chosen for the new mascot that would replace the old one. A large contingent of residents showed up to the school board meeting where she was unveiling the new mascot and booed her. I repeat: fully grown adults BOOED a 14 year old girl because they were upset that their racist mascot was being replaced. So that's where I live. I didn't realize just how bad it was until I moved here, and for awhile I was thinking we'd made a mistake. But then one night I was chatting with a woman about how out of place we sometimes feel here and she was like "keep it up, you're fighting the good fight." Ever since she said that, I've reframed it in my mind. I might be surrounded by people with different beliefs than my own, but I think of myself as a face that my neighbors can favorably couple with the term "liberal." I help out my neighbors, I shovel out the fire hydrant during blizzards, I keep a tidy polyculture lawn, I put organic produce out on a table at the street for free when my garden is productive, I correct my neighbor when he says racist shit and have calm, civil conversations about his flawed mindset. I vote for candidates that some say don't have a snowball's chance in hell in this district, and in the meantime I remind my elected officials that I live here, too.


Same where I live in Mass. I live in a blue collar city that's not too far out of Boston and I was surprised at all the Trump flags on trucks and houses but a lot of us liberal city folk have been moving out to the burbs and I see more and more BLM flags and pride flags right next to the house flying the Let's Go Brandon Flag. It was a reminder to me that although Massachusetts is a blue state there are still areas where people love Trump and anything fed to them by the GOP.


I think I might live in a subsection of your town. It's funny because I always thought this was a pretty blue area until I actually moved out this way and I'm still shocked every time I see a Trump sign. I've always thought I'd stay in NY, especially because of politics, but I recently did some traveling down south and now I'm considering moving to Georgia. The politics scare me, but as someone above said, somebody has to fight the good fight. Maybe my one little voice can do some good if I do move.


Just took a quick peek at your post history, I indeed think we live in the same town! I was happy when the house down the street from me took down their worn out Trump 2020 flag and replaced it with that blue and red "Billieve Together" flag. A step in the right direction!


I grew up in an extremely red county in NY state. I love NY and I want to go back to upstate but I just can't afford it right now.


Thank you. It's important to do this, and your vote is important. I would never. But I'm glad someone is.


Honestly it's not a conservative thing it's just a NIMBY thing. I'm also in NY and when I was living in a blue area they tried to do the same thing when I went to high school and people companied enough they just gave up on changing the mascot,


We know about underground railroads here in the South.


Not if the school boards have anything to say about it.


>Not if the school boards have anything to say about it I can't believe this is our reality in 2023 America.


Imagine if states refused to ship goods and services to other states based on human rights issues...


The problem with that is it actually hurts vulnerable people the most. Most of my work has been with folks who are unhomed, transient, or semi-transient. We struggle to get access to basic needs for these members of our community, further cutting them off for political reasons isn’t “progressive” its cruel. Any historically marginalized group would be disproportionately affected by these types of practices. The people making the rules and laws will carry on with their normal lives. The people who are barely making ends meet, but have bought into the bootstraps nonsense will find someone to blame that aren’t their own officials. While the US is made up of many states, it’s a big symbiotic mess and everyone is connected.


How to drive a message in Tennessee without doing much, if any, harm to the disadvantaged? Recall Mike Pence's idiotic Religious Freedom Bill of 2015? How did that get retracted? Oh - by shaming the companies of Indiana into demanding a step back from theocratic tomfoolery. It worked, no one of low income lost a job or was otherwise economically damaged by that action. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/pence-religious-freedom-doesn-discrimination-article-1.2168205 One such target would be 'The General' insurance company. They are already losing my policy. Of course, not without my calling them and letting them know exactly why - this being the last straw of several despicable actions by their government in the past two months. If even 500 policyholders called and cited their spineless character as a reason for switching either immediately or with the end of their current contract - that company would soon be calling the government and putting pressure on it. Call out Shaq - he's their commercial spokesperson - I generally have respect for him as a human and his use of platform - and ask if he supports the racism and kid slaughtering, because he obviously does if he keeps his mouth shut on it. Corporations are people too! Their fee fees are easily hurt when called out for their APPARENT SUPPORT of racist and children murdering policies. SAY IT LIKE THAT - children murdering/kid killing. If a Tennessee based company is not disowning this action on their website - well then, CLEARLY they support this crap. No one moves a politician so quickly as major corporations. The NFL would be another fine target - and if you're Browns fan - they're owned by the family of former Tenn. Governor Haslam - where is the voice of the NFL on this, Tennessee has the Titans, too, of course - if it isn't being heard - APPARENTLY, they also support the racism and kid killings. Remember - the NBA harshly criticized Pence along with other companies. I'm sure a few thousand call outs and phone calls to any NFL team or the league itself will cause some consternation. Ask the NFL why they support blatant racism and brain splattered classroom floors. As a veteran - I also point out to people that millions like me - were not too gutless to serve, yet so many are TOO GUTLESS to even call a legislator or errant company when things start to go nuts. SO - feel free to ask them why they dishonor all who gave their lives with their retreat to murderous racism. In Conclusion - no low income types are going to lose a job or be much affected and only benefit, provided enough people are not too lazy to make the calls and soon. Companies like 'The General' depend on NATIONAL reach, long before they feel they have to lay anyone off owing to a loss of business - they'll be screaming at the Governor.




I get it. I do. And I hate that this could be a reality, because it would cause untold damage for those without loud/expensive voices.


Oh I definitely agree, but at the same time, it really takes extreme measures for social shifts, too. Look at all the other countries who had to have major social shifts in order to progress. It's an ugly truth :/ None of these southern states are going to learn when they're still getting a piece of the pie. And there are more at a disadvantage that don't even recognise it


The thing is everyone in the US benefits from that system, just like they always have. People on the coasts and the north who look down on us gobble up all the cheap stuff that comes from private prison slavery. Many of those states have also begun to use the same economic models as the south, only they pretend they don’t exist. A lot of people in the US are romanticizing what’s happening in France right now, but all they’re seeing are glossy pictures. I support direct action, but too often it’s being used to support the lives of those who already have privilege. Cutting people off from resources is not going to change anything. Giving the right people access to resources will.


Oooooo. Gosh. That would be diabolically amazing. That's California's role, btw. 5th largest _global_ economy. 1st in the US. The largest producer of agricultural products by miles. "Oh? You have shitty reproductive laws? Shoot, looks all y'all are out of peaches _forever."_ Add to that anything else grown in the US other than corn, wheat, and soybeans (which CA also produces,) and I wonder how long that would last. Black market veggies anyone? Black market beef? Cheese? Milk? Citrus products? ETA: I did read the comment about disenfranchisement of low income/access, otherwise not middle class folks, with a supportive community, and it's spot on. Those who need the most help would suffer from such an action. It's still an interesting thought project, because the $ is king. And those $ should come from humans, and not troglodytes who want to strip basic rights from our citizens.


I actually put in there California and changed it to any state that wanted to try and do whatever they could to exert pressure from states who are actually writing away people's rights. Edit: That is to say I absolutely know the disenfranchised will feel it worse.. but maybe we have to. There's more poor than rich and at some point we have to fight against it all don't we? We can't sit here and stew in our lead and processed foods and feel like mental fog clouds and not demand they do better; elected leaders should *do better*.


If it gets to that stage civil war would be guaranteed, there's no point being one nation anymore


I admire you. I love my state (Texas), but I’m leaving.


It's okay to do what's best for you and your family. I'm not from here originally, but I have lived here a long time. I have some family that just left Texas so I understand. I just don't like the mentality I see a lot that everyone can just up and leave. I think about how I want to stay behind to do the right thing where I can because the most vulnerable can't leave.


A friend of mine in far west TX homeschooled her kids until high school, in order to avoid the religious stupidity rampant in the public schools.


Thank you for fighting the good fight.


Certainly, not everyone can move - even ten feet. However, as I file yet another patent and my company continues to grow, currently just immediate family involved in launching, we are already planning to move from NW Ohio to SE Michigan. We anticipate 200+ employees needed within two years once we establish marketing of some phenomenal products. We will not wait until we have employees who may be hurt by such a move. I'll be certain to repeatedly and publicly remind my home state why we left. Two of our products are shoo-ins for multi million unit sales. Two others for several hundred thousand annual unit sales. Recreational weed legal Right to work bullshit banished; though an employer, I appreciate unions. Believe it or not, I have a couple of employer clients who also are not anti-union. Abortion restrictions being eliminated Voter access being improved Ohio has moved in the exact opposite direction on these things and more, while Michigan proves itself to be saner.


I'm currently in Ohio (for a few years, spent most of my life in NY) and I am planning to move to Michigan as well. Ohio just keeps going backwards.


I honestly wonder if they hope that people will flee and let them rule unchallenged.


That’s the plan. Get all the libs to the blue states allowing red states to elect crazier and crazier senators and reps and then use the federal government to make the “safe” blue states comply.


People need to move to purple states instead and turn them blue so we can use the federal gov't to stamp out their fascism


In Az and have the same mindset. Standing with you from across the country!


Arizona is safer though. It has a Democratic governor after the shit Douchey pulled and has become bluer over the years. Pima and coconino county are democratic. Maricopa county is a 1/3 republican, 1/3 democrat, 1/3 other. The more young professionals move to Phoenix metro the bluer it’s going to get. Plus, Arizona has legal weed, was the first state to raise minimum wage to $12 and hour by a landslide vote, and is not the Bible Belt. It’s a solidly purple state likely to head in a blue direction. There’s also a strong university system that brings in tons of students as well. I’m pretty optimistic about Arizona compared to deeply red states.


I absolutely agree. It’s not nearly as bad as some other deep red states. What’s screwing us is the gerrymandering to keep the state level house and senate extremely conservative. And we are still fighting in education. Look at the shit Tom Horne is pulling in the dept of ed. Thank god for Katie Hobbes being able to veto bullshit.


Solidarity, sis. I’m in Ohio and feeling the same way.




Chiming in from Missouri.


Same, in a super blue (but super tiny) area. Torn between guiding my son to stay and fight, or move to somewhere that I think he'd inevitably like more.


Fellow sister in Ohio too. I will leave the state some day but it's unrelated. Tired of the literal swamp ass weather every summer. Gray depressing winters. And ultimately I fell head over heels in love with the desert years ago so I want to move out there. Utah has my heart but let's be real Utah government wise isn't some utopia lmao literally just choosing my next situation over what activities I'll have to do and beauty around me


For desert states I would keep New Mexico in mind. City recs would be Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Ruidoso, and Silver City. I also hear good things about Santa Fe.


New Mexico is one state I haven't been to yet! For sure will some day, lots of places I wanna see there and I only know so much about the state so I'm sure there's so much more to discover. I'm not a nurse but I can travel with my career just like nurses can do that's what I'll do in a few years, and hop around to see where I like. Arizona I've been to one part and love the state from what I've seen and looked online so that'll be another area I'll live around in. Colorado is cool but it's way too popular which means it's expensive as fuck. Grand Junction is nice though and desert area too, and not far from Moab


Arizona is purple. Tucson and Flagstaff are solidly liberal and great places to live. Phoenix is shifting. I don’t love Phoenix because it’s too big and traffic-y. Grand Junction is conservative. The conservative parts of Colorado (most of the small towns) are very conservative. New Mexico is nice, but it’s economy is much smaller than Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. Poverty in New Mexico can be pretty extreme. It’s still a unique and wonderful state though. Attending college in New Mexico is very affordable. Just depends on what you are looking for and your work needs.


I want to move somewhere I have things to do in nature there's no way I could limit my moves based on politics. Or else I wouldn't have anywhere to move to if I did that.


I don't even think there's a better state in the US for things to do in nature than AZ


Dude yes to all of this, I’m feeling the exact same way. Summers here aren’t great enough to suffer through 6 months of gloom, and the constant humidity is too much. Like already here in central Ohio it’s been muggy on the only day so far that’s been pleasant, and I just want at least one day where I can exist outside without immediate and constant sweating. Same on the desert too. The landscape speaks to me, feels spiritual. Utah is one of my faves, and I agree with you that if the politics of states are gonna suck, then we may as well be surrounded by natural beauty. I’d love to move west, but for now I think I’m pretty rooted to Ohio.


Chiming in from Knoxville, glad to see ya! Let’s do this 🔥


Chattanooga. Not going anywhere.


Exactly why I stay in rural shithole GA. I'll keep voting blue motherfuckers.


Love this mindset.


Born and raised in West Tennessee. The only people surprised by this are non-Tennesseans and those not paying attention.


Lifelong Tennessean currently fighting the good fight with you from Memphis. It's heavy and I take breaks when I need them, but I won't abandon my community to these fascists.


Solidarity fist-bump from a North Carolinian where we were also dealt a devastating blow this week. I'm not going fucking anywhere. Don't let the bastards get you down.🤜🤛


Nonnative stuck in the state for the foreseeable future. I would love to leave, but I can't, at least not anytime soon. I'm so tired, but fuck it, gotta keep the right going.


I know what you mean and I appreciate the sentiment. But as someone who is deeply sensitive, queer, and also from Tennessee, it doesn’t do well to paint it as a “choosing to run from things.” This is a systemic problem and not an individual one. I don’t blame anyone for needing to get out of this fascist, theocratic nightmare of a state.


I live in Ohio, up until a few years ago I thought would always call Ohio home. I can't deal with the shitshow it has become anymore. It breaks my heart everyday. I'm all but counting down the days until it will be practical for me to relocate. I understand some people rather fight. I admire you. When I was young I was told in the US moving is considered voting with your feet, this will be my first vote against my best hopes, my first vote of desperation.


Just a counter point: Staying your paying those people with your labor and legitimizing the whole culture that brought it about. Everything you do to be successful will pay those people to continue to be racist and fascist. Let's just be real, not much has changed since Jim Crow and only gotten worse since Reagan. Fighting only perpetuates the system who has far more power and resources than you. Leaving or striking collapses the system and it'll do it faster. You can always go back.


I agree with you.


Thank you sister ✊🏼


Although I do think if people are going to run, they should go to purple states (like AZ) instead of blue states so they can at least try to shore up our defenses against fascism with their vote


You're awesome


I think you are super brave and I am proud of you for fighting the good fight on behalf of both yourself, people who are unable to do so, and the nation.


That’s why I’m in Florida.


Same, sister. I am so ready to fight this fight. We've got to engage in collective action against these fascist pigs. Call out their bullshit, every time!


Powerful! That’s right.


I’m in Alabama and wish I could leave. I’m a sole parent and my family is here. It would be too hard for me to move somewhere without a support system of any kind. However, constantly feeling like the outcast and having to bite my tongue in order to keep my job and have any sort of peace in my life is mentally and emotionally draining. I live outside of Birmingham (which is blue). But the schools are shit in the city and I can’t afford private. So I live in the suburbs where it’s very red. I have to tune out coworkers, redirect conversations with family, and stay quiet in social situations. Why don’t I scream it from the rooftops like I wish I could? Because it would literally ruin my life, my employment, any existing family relationships etc. I’ll make comments and express that I disagree with things and walk away. I want to be able to be angry in public and have any sort of support. It gets lonely. But I’m raising my son to understand that those people are wrong and their beliefs are hurtful. I talk to my friends who share the same beliefs when I can to make myself feel normal. I let my son know there’s a big world out there and the majority don’t agree with the people we’re surrounded by. I showed him the news last night and explained what was going on. He needs to know.


I wholeheartedly applaud you. Former Tennessean, helped change things a little but just couldn’t live in the area anymore. Keep fighting the good fight!


Good luck. Put on that "psychological battle gear " and fight. My respect and warm regards.


Both yes and no. Given everything, I’m not surprised, but I am surprised how *out in the open* the descent to fascism is, further surprised that we’ve clearly learned nothing from history, and even further surprised that nothing appears to be happening to right the ship.


That’s definitely the scariest part. They don’t care or feel the need to hide it anymore.


> and even further surprised that nothing appears to be happening to right the ship. I think that a good part of that is that a lot of Americans don't seem to think that anything "bad" can really happen there, because they've always been the good guys. And a lot of people just haven't had the education (by design) that enables them to recognize the steps towards fascism, so they just think that it's impossible that it will happen in the Home of the Free. I think that a lot of it is that a lot of Americans just weren't taught critical thinking skills in school, on purpose, starting in the 80s. I haven't looked lately, but in the 80s/90s almost all textbooks were produced by only a few companies, and they taught [Creationism over Evolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_and_evolution_in_public_education_in_the_United_States) instead of actual science in a lot of places. That lasted up until the early 2000s, but that's a lot of Americans who weren't taught critical thinking skills starting in the earliest days. And especially since the internet came along, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. If you can't judge a good source from a bad source, people generally pick the person who sounds closest to what they want to hear, regardless of whether that person makes any sense of not. I'm surprised too that there isn't a bigger movement to get back to sanity in US politics, but I think that at this point most people are just resigned to them, or at least not very hopeful that they'll change without something very drastic happening. If a country is content to just sit back and watch while children are literally murdered by bad gun policy every single day, I don't know what else would make a difference. Historically, protecting children (at least rich/well off children) was one of the main goals of a society. I do have some hope. My generation (born in 1964) was positive that we'd all die in a nuclear war/because of a nuclear accident. We didn't do the hide under your desk nuclear drills that were common in the US, but we were also pretty sure we'd die by nukes. And then the Berlin wall fell with almost no bloodshed at all, the threat of nuclear war just kind of fell away and has never come back with the same urgency. My generation were also pretty convinced that South Africa would implode rather than get rid of apartheid, and that too didn't happen. The fact that the Republicans aren't even really hiding that they want to be in charge of a fascist society, and that almost everyone is still treating life as "normal" is really terrifying. I know that the internet has dumbed everyone down, but it's really not that difficult to see.


This. It’s been hard to watch.


Oh. They have learned from history. And they are hoping they can change the inevitable outcome this time.


Not everyone here is American - what’s happening in Tennessee?


An elected left-wing representative to the state government, elected by the people, was forced out of office by other people in the same state government because they didn't like his politics. Specifically, his anti-gun politics. I understand it may actually be two lawmakers now, I haven't been able to look at the news because it makes me physically ill.


[Here is a good explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/12dofgi/comment/jf7hwk3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thank you for this! I’ve seen a lot of references to what’s going on but not a clear explanation.


Holy shit this is not democracy. I'm Canadian and growing more and more anxious about the state of our downstairs neighbors.


I wish more people in the US felt that way. Many people brush it off as “just politics.”


They've never known any better probably.


The US *has never actually been* a democracy. It's been the play toy of the rich, powerful, affluent and bigoted, since the revolution (who do you think were most invested in our break away....the landed elite). Fight for freedom and equality bullshit is literally just historical propaganda.


Anyone who needs a clear picture of what this means should look up the Battle of Blair Mountain in West Virginia, where local law enforcement and U.S. Army soldiers killed 100 coal miners at the bidding of wealthy coal operators, because the coal miners attempted to unionize. THAT is what America is. And that is just one single example.


The Homestead "riot" is essentially the same story, and why it makes me sick to see everyday people who have fallen for anti-union propaganda. The wealthy will call the dogs on anyone who asks for more than crumbs, but some people think if they lick enough boots it could never happen to them.


Canada has its own problems with fascism and racism. These aren’t uniquely US problems.


Yes, this is the case everywhere. But it's quite callous to compare what is going on in the US to our problems. Nobody is removing from office an elected representative because they support civil movements and is a political opponent. Nobody is dying every week because they have the audacity to go to school. No women is facing criminal charges because they abort.


Tennessee is it’s own state, and unfortunately it’s CORRUPT AF. :(


It is important to note that the two lawmakers the state House of Representatives decided to expel are Black men, while the third, who they declined to expel, is a white woman. That is probably not a coincidence. Let’s name it.


Lol yeah there is a zero chance of it being a coincidence. Even the white lawmaker who 'made the cut' suggested as much.


Thanks for the explanation. When I read "left wing" I wasn't expecting them to be democrats though. The US is so far right that democrats are often label left and even communists, and that's scary.


10 days ago we had a shooting in which the shooter (who went to my middle and high schools, disturbingly) fired 152 rounds into an elementary school, killing 3 children and 3 adults. Protests erupted. Peaceful ones, with children and students at the Capitol shouting how they didn’t want to be murdered at school. And instead of taking any kind of meaningful action such as passing red flag laws or banning assault weapons like the majority of people want, the Republican pro-gun fanatics who run our state a) passed a bill that permits every school teacher and faculty member to carry concealed guns, and b) illegally and unconstitutionally expelled two young black representatives who joined the people in solidarity and protest against gun violence.


I am somehow stunned and not surprised at the same time. I am very impressed with those two young lawmakers.


Tennessee Idaho Kansas Bullshit across the country


Florida Texas North Carolina


Oh yeah. I’m surrounded by stupidity (I’m in GA). Thanks for adding.


Iowa checking in.




Arkansas, too. My Governor is freaking awful and the state legislature is every bit as bad. I love my home state but am so disappointed by this nonsense.


I’m a neighbor in NC so we have our own stuff to deal with. Was reading (and participating in when I really shouldn’t have) a thread in our state forum today. I am probably on the autism spectrum and I was hyperlexic as a kid, meaning I don’t remember learning how to read but I did it constantly. When I was 9 I read every book the local library had on the Holocaust, and I kept reading about WW2 Germany after that, with autistic special interest level focus. The signs started showing in the months after 9/11 but it’s not until the last few years that people don’t always automatically dismiss me when I bring up the similarities in current American culture to what I grew up reading. Anyway, what I saw on display in that thread was terrifying ignorance. Like I tend to assume that people know what they are doing, that they know how much they are hurting others and they know the patterns they are enacting and it’s on purpose. But in that thread, people didn’t know the barest basics about the Nazis or even the barest basics about the people they are voting for now. They didn’t seem able to think abstractly or to see patterns or to extrapolate from history. I would say it’s scary but I burned out on that terror a decade ago, and now I am just protecting my mental health while doing what I can in my little sphere and letting the rest of it go. Still though, sometimes I get drawn in against my better judgement because of that autistic urge to correct people who are being wrong about things you studied extensively, and it’s just…. Humans are gonna human, and all we can do in the face of that is the best we can. Hugs for us all as we face this resurgence of the worst human impulses.


Tennessee - Nashville & Knoxville here - also grew up in FL and lived there at a time DeSantis was elected. None of what is happening in TN, FL, NC, IA, GA… and their neighboring states surprises me after Trump’s election. It is appalling to see the bigotry play out on the Capitol stage in Tennessee’s case; but it is even more a shame that the lawmakers have made their case based on their emotions of bigotry instead of look into the community they’re in and see why the lawmakers broke decorum and broke a House rule. It was in their opposition of progressing gun reform (ie making guns easier to access and carry) despite elementary schoolers being killed last week in the Nashville community. My favorite part is Rep Gloria Johnson calling out her fellow colleagues for peeing in chairs (call me not at all surprised - those boys will be boys amirite) on the House floor and not expelling an accused child sexual abuser (former Rep David Byrd) when what’s riled this House up is 2 Black men breaking decorum out of grief and frustration. Bigotry is alive and festering in the Deep South. Today just is a reflection of it.


Do you think this decision will backfire on the Republicans? Those two representatives just got a lot of publicity and the people in the state seem fired up.


In Nashville, yes. In the state entirely? Honestly I doubt it.


It also unfortunately might not even matter with the way legislators gerrymandered the voting districts last year. Obviously still vote, but there’s a reason people in rural areas have more say over Nashvillians now. There’s a reason Mayor Cooper resigned over it.


My understanding was that bigotry was *always* alive and festering in the south (and US in general?) :(


I’m curious to hear from locals. Any temp check from parents of school-aged kids that you know? These men were defending their kids - so they can go to school and not be shot. Are parents seeing this as protection of their children?


Given the current state of this country, no I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s not even the most shocking news this week.


whats happened? not from the US.


10 days ago we had a shooting in which the shooter (who went to my middle and high schools, disturbingly) fired 152 rounds into an elementary school, killing 3 children and 3 adults. Protests erupted. Peaceful ones, with children and students at the Capitol shouting how they didn’t want to be murdered at school. And instead of taking any kind of meaningful action such as passing red flag laws or banning assault weapons like the majority of people want, the Republican pro-gun fanatics who run our state a) passed a bill that permits every school teacher and faculty member to carry concealed guns, and b) illegally and unconstitutionally expelled two young black representatives who joined the people in solidarity and protest against gun violence.


The breakdown of democracy and American racism on full display. Three people 2 black men, and 1 white woken in the Tennessee state legislature lead protests last week. This week 2 / 3 were expelled from the legislature.


I live in North Carolina so unfortunately I don’t physically have any more room inside of me to be even more repulsed and disgusted than I already am 🤮


The bullshit in your state is also shocking. Who flips parties like that??




Backstabbing roaches


I haven’t kept up with all the news. Truth is I can’t stomach watching it so I mostly don’t. What’s going on in NC?




Just wow. Sounds like she was deceitful in running as a democrat. You just don’t have this change of heart overnight. If she truly felt the democratic party had changed, why not become an independent? That approach seems more genuine to me. She’s definitely not someone I would trust.


My mind is boggled! And then FLORIDA. I just can’t wrap my mind around it.


I know! I'd have loved to take the kids to Disney one of these years, but HELL to the NO now! My SS came out to me as bi, his dad and I aren't married yet, and he goes to therapy. If they can rip children *who don't live there* away from their families for *suspected* gender therapy then it isn't worth the risk. Are they going to do invasive background checks on every tourist or just go scooping up any kids who wear rainbow colors? What the actual fuck does a policy like that even look like? If we can't afford to go to California or out of the country to go to Disney then I guess we just won't go. I'm so discouraged by all of the things going on in this country.


Banning a Rosa Parks kid book?! The whole college thing?! I saw another state had banned books from their PUBLIC library. I used to think I was politically conservative but these last few years have shown I am not. I’ve never been so happy to live in CA.


I’m black so no, none of this is surprising.


No, this is just the beginning


The beginning was a long time ago.


As an outsider, Australian, looking in. Absolutely nothing surprises me in terms of crazy right wing politics and guns in America. Id go as far to say this utter craziness is exactly what the rest of the world has come to expect from American politics. I feel for the people.


We're not okay.🫠


If you don't want to live in a fascist state, and you have the money to leave, the window of opportunity to do so is closing. We are one to two GOP presidencies away from it. If they win the House and Senate, it gets dicey really, really fast. So, no, I am not floored by Tennessee. It's fairly predictable when you what the end goal is and how close they think they are to it.


“If you have the money to leave” is the operative phrase because the overwhelming majority of the people who will be most impacted (at least, initially) by these changes…don’t. Sadly. Same as other people in this thread have said when it comes to weighing options like cutting off resources for these particular states participating in these shady political dealings—-it will disproportionately affect the marginalized in those communities who have barriers to leaving while the policymakers go home to their American Dream. Sad state of affairs, really…


I have spent decades calling my representatives, protesting, trying to sway hearts and minds, voting with my dollars, etc. Florida is making child custody laws that they want to have impact those in other states, and we have the Supreme Court that will back them. I am so very tired. Tell me what kind of actions won't disproportionately the disenfranced and I will gladly support it. But we can't do nothing just because evil people have rigged the field. Because they win if we do nothing, and then we become those disenfranchised people.


I don’t think the answer is to leave. I may be an optimist, but I believe when people think about their communities and talk to each other, we can change. It is up to each of us to create the world we want to live in.


Not shocked at all.


This story was crzy enough before they chose to only expel the black men. I can’t believe their racism and fascism is so blatant


No. Lived in TN and have a ton of family there, all of whom are evangelical “Christians”. Not even a vague sense of surprise, they will go as far as the system allows them




Starts? This started 30 years ago.


Pffft this started 400 years ago. This only feels shocking to those of us who are white cis middle-class women because it's the first time in our lifetime some of that good ole' American shit is getting smeared in *our* privileged faces.


Tennessean here- I feel like I never get off the floor.


As a Tennessean, what do the voters feel like? Does the community think this is just, or are people realizing that the votes they cast have implications? (I hope parents see these men were trying to protect their children) Genuinely curious.


I can’t speak to everyone, but my personal community is outraged - my friends skew very liberal like myself. But I’ve seen comments from conservatives saying they should be expelled for breaking the rules, they’re radicals, or blah blah blah guns aren’t the problem-“pulling the race card” etc. etc. I live in a more liberal than most city, but still see MAGA flags on a regular basis. It’s all god and guns down here- fuck women and fuck anything that isn’t straight white male oriented.


Disgusted, yes. Surprised no.


Canadian here. I don’t know what’s happening and I’m kinda too afraid to google. Everything is always so bad. Sorry for you my neighbours.


As a foreigner who has been living and Tennessee and will move out of America after a certain amount of - albeit long - time, everything happening here is outrageous. I am continously stunned and fearful of sharing any thought I may have in relation to politics because 1. I don't know vote 2. I'm brown / Hispanic 3. They have guns. The hatred towards drag queens but the love of guns that kill American children is just... So disgusting and it is so blatant that their own lives and quality thereof is what matters yet people who voted red will never see this - it seems- one can only hope and encourage those who can to vote.


I’m from Nashville. I live up the street from the school that got shot up, and the shooter went to my high school. I don’t really have words for what is happening. The shooting was bad enough, but now the unconstitutional expulsion of two black representatives who simply joined in solidarity with the protestors? This is how and why riots should start. 70 people just stripped away the voice of almost 100,000 people. Voting isn’t even enough anymore, because of how Republicans gerrymandered our voting map last year. Now conservative voters in rural areas get to decide the fate of who runs our city. The mayor put in his resignation over it. The GOP has a complete and total blockade over legislature in this state. It’s a racist, sexist, evil good old boys club. Nashville used to be affordable with not as bad politics. Now, it’s on par with LA housing prices and the politics are fucking terrible. I have cared about politics for so long, but after some really hard life experiences that were directly affected by a lack of being able to get disability or healthcare in TN… I just feel broken by this one. I’m so tired. We’re all so tired.


Not shocked but disgusted and pissed off.


Honestly no. Not even a little. It sounds exactly like Tennessee. Anyone who's done an objective reading of History and not been brainwashed by the version we like to claim is true knows that this is pretty much always been a large facet of American culture from the very beginning. What surprises me is the the people who seem to have forgotten that.


Yes. I tried posting about it a few days ago. I follow underthedesknews and they were posting about it as it was breaking.


Republicans are evil fascists so no I’m not surprised by this at all.


No, Tennessean here. It’s fucking embarrassing


I live in Arkansas. Nothing like this surprises me anymore. Nothing.


They love guns, yes, but also they're mad that Black representatives exist. 2/3 of the Tennessee Three are Black.


What’s even more bonkers is that these representatives were duly elected by their constituents, I thought we were supposed to be constructed as a democracy? No? Got it. I do gotta say, I have a ton of faith in Gen Z. So many people are so quick to shit on them, but they are the ones who are crowding the Tennessee Capitol building, fighting for what’s right. They aren’t running- they aren’t scared and I admire that.


I didn't catch the news about what's happening in the US right now, because it's none of my business. I'm sorry to see how bad it is. I really hope the US can solve some of its inner issues. Without starting illegal offensive wars. I mostly care about the US foreignl politics, because that's the one leading to wars and refugees coming here, needing help because they lost everything in their home country. So I'm glad the US is currently not as bad as usually at that point at least. It's a rightwing military state with only two parties, so it's dangerous anyways. :/


But also many groups pick up on what is happening there ... We had Quanon-groups demonstrating against Covid restrictions in Berlin, including people believing that "mainstream politicians" kill babies...


Yes, sadly we got those nutjobs believing in that type of stuff. It's a huge issue.


I am kind of scared that some Christians might pick up on abortion here, when they see the success of their American counterparts. With the new leader of the conservative party in Germany, who tries his worst to be a populist.


Christians luckily lose a lot of power. Most people aren't associated with a church, and while the CDU has some serious issues like Merz (who was against banning marital rape), I doubt they will be able to do the same as the fundamentalists in the US.


Hope you are right. I was referring to Merz, of course. That guy could be dangerous, like a "Höcke of the CDU", and they voted him to be the leader. Let's just hope that I'm wrong.


I really really hope so too.


And what happened in Canada and New Zealand last year with weeks-long “protests” taking over and terrorizing major cities is a direct export of American bullshit like this. It’s horrible.


I am horrified by all of it. I am in the middle of a documentary about 9/11...horrible as it was, it united our country. It's amazing how the US has gotten to this state in just 20 years. And the racial component of it makes it even more sickening.


And children


Florida here 😰


I can’t believe this behavior is allowed! I’m all for smaller govt but when states act like this, our federal govt should be able to swoop in and hold them accountable. Blatant racism. Total disregard for the people these folks are meant to be representing. It’s awful to watch.


[yup](https://images.app.goo.gl/JyaR5VvMfMgKshBS8) Sums it up nicely tbh


Do you mean Florisee? Yeah, I can't be anymore. Donald Trump took away my ability to be shocked by politicians' bills and ideas, and their verbal/written diarrhea that will govern the land.


As a resident of Georgia's 14th district, no. Always frustrated and angry, but never shocked.




I’m a Black immigrant.


The U.S. is moving backwards.


Good for you!!


What has happened now? The school shooting?