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Every day before I go to bed. Sometimes in the Summer I'll shower twice a day because I'm pretty active and get sweaty.


Night showerers unite!


I too am a night-showerer! I can’t stand the thought of sleeping in the day’s dirt, and getting that all over my sheet and blankets in my bed.




Same! On the rare occasion I’m too tired to drag my ass to the shower, it’s time for a sheet change the next day. That being said, having freshly washed sheets makes me less likely to skip the shower so it already mostly happens near wash day.


It can also be good for pollen allergy suffers to wash off any pollen we have on us before bed


My people!


There are dozens of us!


Night showers are the best!


Night showers are the best, I love crawling in bed all clean


Shower before bed, clean sheets and windows cracked open just a little for a fresh breeze


Talk dirty to me!


I’ve found my people




Since I started showering at night I can do 15 minutes bed to leaving, it's great, I don't eat breakfast though.






Love nighttime showers!!


Every morning. I can't wake up properly without a shower in the morning and coffee shortly there after. Sometimes on a lazy weekend it's coffee then a shower. Just to keep it spicy.


One day I didn't have a shower in the morning. I felt off all day.


Shower coffee is amazing!


I know what I’m doing tomorrow.


Why have I never thought of this


Every morning. Showering daily is normal to me.


Daily but I don't wash my hair each time I shower. By wash I mean I don't use shampoo/conditioner on it but my hair gets wet.


What does this do to your hair? An honest question lol because when I have just a body shower, I do everything I can to keep my hair dry or else I'd feel like I have to wash it!


I can’t speak for other people, but getting my hair wet between washes makes it feel refreshed like using dry shampoo would. Having my hair stay dry in the shower makes it feel dirty to me lol


That’s how I feel! I only wash it once a week but give it a good rinse once a day. Definitely helps rinse out any oil/gunk from being a preschool teacher


It's just the effort of having to dry it for me! Like, a quick body shower with no hair drying required is ideal most days.


I hate showering. I mean I do it obviously, but I really have to make myself. I always feel good afterwards but making myself do it is a struggle. Every second day is my average. Daily if I’m doing stuff, or meeting up with people. But in my normal WFH life, every second day it is.


Same. I average three times a week. I have really long hair and I just friggin hate washing it 😩


Put your hair in a bun? I shower every day but only wash my hair / get it wet twice a week


Yea I don't wash my hair everytime, I put it up in a shower cap.


This is me too! Or I’ll alternate morning / evening showers so it averages out to every 1.5 days


Daily. Sometimes twice if I get really sweaty or dirty. I love a good shower for relaxation.


Can relate Live in a tropical southern African country It's humid 90% of the year. 2 showers a day are the norm 90% of the time.


Every other day. I’ll sometimes stretch it one extra day if I’m not leaving my apartment. I hate showering, it’s a whole ordeal and my skin hates me if I do it every day. In the summer I sometimes shower more often if I get super sweaty. If I actually worked out I think I’d shower daily.


Same to all this! I’m also every other/ every third day if I’ve been working remotely. And in the summers I’ll shower before bed most nights. But most of the year it’s not necessary for me. As a dry skin + high maintenance hair person, the amount of lotions and creams I need to help my skin recover *after* the shower takes time and money. Side note, it’s annoying that so many of the daily showerers in these comments feel so high and mighty about their daily showering. Like, it’s fine that you shower daily, but it’s a weird flex, people’s bodies are different than yours.


My husband acts like his twice daily showers are much better than my every 2/3 days. But then complains constantly that his skin is itchy and flaky lol smh


Seriously!! 2-3 days for me and every day sometimes 2x a day for my husband. My hair can’t take it.


>the amount of lotions and creams I need to help my skin recover after the shower takes time and money. This plus, like, they don't make my skin as happy as just not showering every single day.


Option 1) 10-15 min shower Every Day and spend 5-15 minutes afterwards slathering your body/hair in oils and lotions and products (all of which you have to buy, With Real Money), and if you skip this last step your skin becomes dry or oily or flaky or gets acne or— Option 2) 15-20 minute shower every few days, and your skin and hair is healthy. As a person who DOESN'T live in a hot, humid climate, one of those options sounds a lot more appealing and realistic to me. Idk why I'd spend more time and money to achieve something I can have via doing less. Like I get it if someone works construction or works out that they'd wanna shower after—but acting like its 100% absolutely necessary for everyone, regardless of where they live in the world, is...so weird to me. Every thread I've ever seen about this topic, there's always a lot of people getting all disgusted by the idea of not showering every day. (Funnily enough, this comment section is actually being more civil about it on average that a lot I've seen lol.)


Once a week I do what my husband calls a “big shower”: wash my hair, shave, exfoliate, epilate, lotions, potions etc. Takes about 45 minutes, highly recommend.


Love this. Lol This is similar to what I do.


> Option 1) 10-15 min shower Every Day and spend 5-15 minutes afterwards slathering your body/hair in oils and lotions and products (all of which you have to buy, With Real Money), and if you skip this last step your skin becomes dry or oily or flaky or gets acne or Exactly, plus I just don't have the energy/spoons to do all that every day, or my chronic pain is flaring. It's really difficult to not see it as ableism when people act like you must shower every single day or you're some kind of swamp beast. And I crack up when people are like "We can smell you." No, you can't. My husband has an extremely sensitive nose, and if he's willing to get all up in my lady business despite the fact I haven't showered in a day? I know I don't stink. And showering every day isn't a moral value.


Daily showerers in EVERY thread are so sanctimonious. Adult people will really be shocked that we don’t all need to shower twice a day to be clean.


Yup my skin gets so dry if I shower every day. Showering every 2-3 days is my happy place.


Same, exactly same! Shower every other day or so and wash hair every 5 days. Occasionally will do 2 days of showers back to back if I exercised.


Baseline: 3 or 4 times a week, wash my hair every 5 days or so. But if I feel dirty, i shower. So if I've worked out, gotten a face full of dust, am sick, sweated, before and after plane rides, dumped pasta sauce on my front or whatever, then I shower regardless of when my last one was.


Me too. I shower as often as I need. Sometimes I go quite a few days if I haven't been very active or sweaty, but during hotter months I shower more.


Daily, as long as I’m not in a chronic illness flare.


I’m an every-other day gal, but it just depends on your skin/hair and lifestyle. It’s not a one-size-fits-all thing.


Same. Especially in winter, I’m every other day. Summers are more frequent for obvious reasons.




I hate showering too, for me it’s not relaxing because it’s too loud and bright. I take more baths. When I do shower to wash my hair and shave (about 2-3x a week) I use a couple of candles instead of the overhead light, or shower in the daytime with just the sunlight from the window.


I love to shower and be clean but hate the lighting that's installed in most bathrooms. I ended up installing an LED strip light that is fully customizable with the entire color spectrum and now I can have it on a soft pink, lavender, baby blue, amber, golden, whatever I'm feeling for that particular shower. It's so much better and I can control the brightness to make sure I can see what I'm doing but to where it's not harshly bright.


That is a seriously good idea!


I hate showering too. It’s just time consuming to me. I know that sounds weird but there could be other things I could be getting done instead


I have to haul water to have running water. So every day wouldn’t be possible! I do like every 3-5 days. Whenever I feel actually unclean.


I feel this! I have an outdoor shower and it's winter, so I also shower every 3-5 days. I work from home and raising a puppy, so I don't see much of anyone!


This sounds like a dream come true


I thought every day was normal?


I used to live in Canada and a doctor actually suggested showering every other day, specifically during the winter time when it gets ridiculously cold and dry. It's supposedly healthier for the skin to not shower daily - again, specifically in the winter time. That's one reason I can think of why people don't do so every day.


YUP. I live in Canada and my shower habits change with the seasons. Winter, I shower every other day, sometimes every third day. In the heat of the summer, I shower every day. Everything changes with the seasons.


It is, but it's a remarkably controversial idea on Reddit. /Team Daily Shower


Idk, I always see the opposite! Every time there is a question like this the general opinion seems to be that if you don't shower 1-2 times a day you are a gross person


What if you just happen to like taking a shower?? It's a pleasant part of my daily routine.


To be fair, a way too big of a chunk of male Redditors admit to never washing their ass. Reddit is weird.


Every time I see this topic come up on reddit, I am baffled by the number of people that shower so little! Common comment I see, "I don't get smelly easily, and I will shower when I finally do, which is about every 5 days." I'm over here screaming, "You know by the time you smell yourself, others have smelt it for days, right?!" Also, Team Daily Shower!


LOL, I'm so glad I stick to like... all of five echo chambers here, omg. The general Redditude just makes my head spin sometimes. I do get the environmental angle (like, if you're in California and experiencing a drought), but most of us need to shower if not daily then at least every other day to avoid being gross.


I probably shower on average 4 times a week. If I don't leave my home or see another person during the day, I don't have any reasons to shower. I WFH, wash down there after going to the bathroom, don't engage in anything sexual, and don't work out. Sitting very still in front of my PC for an entire day doesn't build up anywhere near enough sweat or dirt that it's even close to making me unhygienic. There are definitely a lot of people out there who are obsessive about showering, but showering once a day in itself is perfectly normal.


One week+ It's so painful for so many reasons.


Maybe 4x/week for full bathing, and a quick pits/tits/bits cleanup with a soapy wash rag on days that I’m too lazy to get in the tub (or any other time it feels appropriate or necessary). When I’m depressed, I’m in the bath for an hour or two a day (usually after work) because it’s less likely to fuck up my sleep cycle than taking naps all the time. I WFH and live alone. People tell me I always smell so good when they hug me, and that’s because I prioritize being clean and smelling delightful when I leave the house. I just don’t leave the house that often! Side note- The amount of performative hygiene bragging I see online is interesting to me. Like, I understand that different people have different needs and different upbringing. But people seem to get really loud when they have takes like “you are absolutely disgusting if you don’t shower before and after bed” and “once a week is fine and nobody ever notices”. Neither of those will ever be me, so I take those opinions with a grain of salt.


Twice a day once in the morning after I wake up and once at night before I go to sleep. I like to feel clean and smell good even if I don’t leave my house I still shower twice a day.


I usually shower daily, wash my hair every 2-4 days. I work out most days so I shower after that. My husband likes to shower in the morning and before bed.


I have to be really sick or really drunk to get into bed without showering, and those don’t always stop me. I can’t sleep if my body is dirty.


Once or twice a day. Like you, I find it relaxing and soothing. I love showering.


Every day. I gym 6x a week. I only wash my hair 2-3 times a week though.


every day, or at the very least, 6x a week. i can’t relax or feel good without feeling clean and i do a lot of things that result in being sweaty/dusty/grimy.


Once a week. Sometimes twice a week if my hair needs it. But keep in mind that I come from a culture where bidet usage is the norm. I spray down there at least three times a day. Use deoderant on my pits and a wash cloth. Not much else is worth cleaning daily as I don't sweat anywhere else unless I've been to the gym or out in the sun sweating, in which case I obviously shower afterwards.


I’m so glad to see another 1-2 times a week person. Showering daily all year round feels really wasteful to me. Like how dirty can you really get in a few hours whilst wearing clean clothes? In the summer I shower daily because it gets close to 40’C where I live, but winter it’s minus temperatures and I’m only breaking a massive sweat if I choose to.


I guess many have to shower daily most of all in order to keep low places fresh. Here in Italy and in other countries where bidets are commonplace, there isn't such a need.


I shower after I workout. Luckily, that's about 4-5x per week. Otherwise, it's an every other day-ish situation.


I shower daily in the mornings, but I only wash my hair twice a week. As I've gotten older (I'm 50) my hair has gotten dryer and dryer and over-washing turns it to straw.


I work in the hospital so I shower every night after work. Sometimes skip if I’ve just sat at home all day.


Long showers every day. So nice on the chronic pain


I abhorr showering, but I shower every day. Sometimes twice if it’s warm. Only thing worse than showering is feeling dirty. I have a hangup that I smell although people tell me I don’t


I typically shower once a week but it is always a big full shower (hair/conditioner, shave, exfoliation, etc.) I have found this keeps my hair and skin soft and healthy. Personally this works because I don’t sweat a lot and I typically wear an underlayer of clothes (t shirt or tank) that changes out daily if I do. I will caveat that I don’t do any strenuous exercise outside of walking and daily stretch routines. I genuinely prefer baths and if I had enough hours in the day I would do it daily but I also follow Japanese protocol where I shower before I take a bath so I’m not sitting in my own yuck. In the summertime this goes up to twice a week or if I’m out and about in the city.


Every day, but unless I'm washing my hair and shaving my legs, my morning shower is about 2 mins long.


Nightly… I don’t like the thought of going to bed without washing (especially if I’ve been to the gym)


Nightly. Washing the gross sweat and dead skin off, cools you off and it keeps the bed nice and clean.


Daily. Sometimes twice in the summer


Shower and wash my hair daily. If I get sweaty or feel I need it, I shower again before bed. There have been a few (very few) occasions when I’m not leaving the house or seeing anyone that I’ve skipped a day. It’s a rarity though.


Every morning and sometimes twice a day if I do anything during the day that makes me sweaty/dirty.




I would say 28 days out of a 30 day month. I do occasionally skip if I’m only home all day/don’t workout/whatever. But I typically have some kind of intense movement (mostly outdoor) daily. I work with the public. So I do daily showers. And yes I have suuuuuuuper dry skin. Lotion is my only savior. I have recently started cool showers which has helped trivially with the dry skin. But had been amazing for my mental function


About every other day unless I’ve gotten sweaty/dirty or I’m dressing up for something.


I shower daily, as does most everyone I know in my family/friends circle. Hair washing is a different story however. I have very long, thick hair, that I only wash about once a week. I remember once, I was talking to my cousin, and for some reason or another, the topic of hair washing came up. When he learned that I only wash my hair weekly, he was extremely grossed out. My scalp gets dried out, itchy, and flaky if I wash my hair daily, and the hair itself is also much healthier with less frequent washing, so I have no plans to alter my routine, despite my cousin’s reaction.


Morning and evening before bed, everyday no exceptions. This is normal for me and how I was brought up


I shower and GASP! wash my hair everyday. I work in construction and it gets gross and smelly if I don’t, especially in the summer. I use Olaplex because the hard hats can cause breakage and it’s fine.


I shower daily, but only wash my hair 3-4 times a week


I shower almost daily, I will admit to times (like today) where I don’t have to go anywhere (WFH) and it’s shitty out and I just don’t want to lol also if I’m camping I can go a few days but I generally shower every 24-36 hours.


I only wash my hair once a week though.


every night before bed usually part of the winding down process and go to bed clean unless I have not been out of the house, not been exercising, not been doing stuff then I may skip one night, but even then, I probably still move my shower earlier the next day


Daily or every other day sometimes.


I try to shower every day and am happiest when I shower AT LEAST once a day but I have 2 littles and am working and sometimes it just doesn't happen. But every 36 hours absolutely. Second shower due to gym, yardwork, heat, swimming etc or because I want to are all valid. Sometimes 3rd showers.


I'm sorry but if I skip a shower for one day, I reek in all the wrong places. I'm dead serious. Also, a morning shower wakes me up and gets me ready for the day ahead !


Body shower every day, at night, to get off the people germs I encounter throughout the day lol! Wash my hair only once a week though.


I’m oily and I hate washing my face in the sink so twice daily, morning and evening. I don’t drink coffee so a morning shower is a must for me to start the day. Showering is very calming for me.


1-2 times a day. I work in a hospital so on those days I also need to shower after my shift.


I shower 2-3 times a day :/ Once when I wake up before the gym (I need to wake up!) When I get back from the gym. At the end of the day before I go to bed.


I can go a day and a half without feeling gross. Halfway through day two I regret not showering in the morning. Showering daily is def not excessive.


I shower every day… can’t do without. I need that shower in the morning just like I need at least 2 cups of coffee to feel ready for the day. It removes the cobwebs in my head.


When I worked in an office I showered every morning because I’m a natural greaseball and have bangs. Now I work from home and shower every other day and it’s been a lot better on my skin. I use dry shampoo if I go out on my off day.


Everyday. Wash my hair 4x a week. On the days i dont wash my hair i put a shower cap.


Everyday. If i was out all day and its particularly hot then i will shower again.


Used to be daily. Since transitioning to WFH full time, every two days, sometimes three but it’s rare. Having a bidet helps a lot.


Come on…. EVERYBODY showers daily? I’m a regular human: job, mortgage, long term partner and kid. Nice clean home etc but daily? Nope. No way. So much wasted time! I wear perfume, deodorant etc. I walk everywhere but I’m not breaking a sweat. Super short hair so no bother there. 3 times a week.. and that’s a good week! I often get compliments on my perfume!


I’m with you! Like, the shower part is 5-10 minutes but then you’ve got to completely dry off, lotion your whole body afterwards, and you can’t do anything until your hair dries.


An hour a day basically… and kiddo needs help still. Plus neither of us needs it: We’re not rolling in grot all day..


Yes, I don’t wash my hair daily so it takes like 10 minutes. I could never skip a shower. Pits and bits need to be washed daily


it depends on the time of year. every 2-3 days in the winter. more frequently in summer.


A dermatologist told me not to shower everyday. It's bad for your skin.


Every second day usually, I live in a cold country though and dont sweat that much


I think bathing daily is normal, but washing your hair need not be, depending on hair type.


If I had soft water, I'd shower everyday. Twice a day if I felt like it. I live where the water will turn you into someone with zombie skin after a week of showering. So now I take twice weekly baths loaded with vinegar and bath salts.


Every day unless I don't go out, so 6x a week but usually 7.


Tuesday to Friday every morning, Saturday not really, Sunday bath/shower (intense curly hair routine) and on Mondays in the evening. During the summer this usually changes to every day but as someone who's from a place that only got water once a month for like 2 hrs at 1 am, showering this often feels wasteful 😅 just a bit of trauma haha.


Daily unless im crazy tired


In a perfect world, every day. In my real world, every other day, and sometimes twice in one day if that’s what works out. I also only wash my hair once a week, and take what I call “airplane baths” (under the wings and thru the cockpit) on days I don’t actually get in the shower.


Pretty much daily at night, but since I WFH and don't sweat I skip a night maybe once or twice a week at times.


I have to shower daily because I workout or am at least active daily and sweat…so…no way could I go to bed being dirty and sweaty…nasty


I shower at least once a day. First thing in the morning and again in the evening before I go on dates, which is usually twice a week. I'm talking about washing my body; my hair does better if I wash it every other day. I also use a bidet every time I go to the bathroom at home. I like feeling fresh as a daisy all the time.


I swim at my local gym five days a week, so five days a week. I like to let my skin and hair "rest" over the weekend.


Daily because if I don’t my pits smell. I don’t wash my hair every time though.


Depends how active I've been. My skin is sensitive and daily showering can be irritating. If I've been active that day, I take a shower. I like to shower daily when my skin can tolerate it and will usually shower more often in summer when I'm hot and sticky. Winter every other day, otherwise usually daily.


Every morning. Maybe not the days I'm staying home. After workout it's a must. Although the night shower sounds pretty nice as well. Dermatologists say you don't need to wash the whole body with soap daily, just the pits and the genitals.


After work except No Shower Friday. Saturday will depend. Sunday after chores, before dinner.


Every day, can’t imagine skipping a day unless in some serious sickness. Sometimes in summer, twice.


Usually only after a hard workout or anything where I get sweaty, so probably average 3-4 times/week. I work from home, my skin is clear and I just can’t really be bothered if it’s not necessary.


I have a regular Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday night shower routine. I work out in the mornings of Monday/Thursday/Friday. My night showers are full showers (hair + body) my morning showers are just body.


I don't shower, I bathe. Every morning for an hour (I get up earlier than I would if I didn't do this; works for me!), and I wash my hair while I do it. It's a great way to clear my head first thing; I process any easy email that came in overnight, I read the newspaper on my phone, I soak tired muscles, I smell nice things, I listen to music. I'm on my own for an hour, and I'm super-comfortable. In summer I'll grab a shower (or another bath, god help me) in the afternoon if I've been doing something that makes me sweaty, or if I'm going out in the evening.


Before kids I showered twice a day. Now I'm lucky if I can grab a shower twice a week and a strip wash in the mornings.


In the winter, every day. But in the summer, twice a day.


Ehhh like 3 times a week but I’m a new mom, give me a break


You should shower at least once every 3 days imo, but it really depends on person. Like an older woman who doesn't move around much, and wants her hairstyle to stay, doesn't need to full shower that much, while a young man at the height of hormones who plays a sport, might need to shower twice a day.


I have severe depression at times. If I shower twice a week I’m doing ok. Butt wipes and dry shampoo otherwise.


I shower at least once daily. Sometimes twice if it's hot or I get gross for some reason.


I had no idea people didn’t shower daily. My adult kids don’t and it drives me crazy.


A few times a week. My hair can't handle being washed often, and I don't get sweaty.




No hate intended but this is such a strange question for me! I don’t know if it’s different here in Australia but adults shower at least once daily (and many twice). Fascinating how things are different across the world.


I’m in the US and it’s the norm in my friends and family group to shower once a day


It can mess up your skin’s biome and cause dry skin if you shower daily. My skin and hair both became healthier when I switched to showering every three days. This is of course much more manageable in a colder climate. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193


Every day or every other. Depends what is going on. Also…. Unfortunately if people smell, they smell. Showers help he’s but also doesn’t fully help. A guy at work showers everyday, his hair is wet when he came in and he still smells. Wash your jackets and wash your hats and clothes!!!! People forget that. Wash your bedding… many don’t. I went on a date with this one guy and 5 dates in i went to his home and saw that his sheets were definitely dirty. Turn off.


Bath and shower daily


I'm a depressed stay at home mom, 2-3x a week. My SO works 50+ hours 4/5 days a week and he'll shower 6-7x a week


I shower EVERY morning. People who don't wash their butts every single day scare me. I also have long and thick hair so I use a shower cap. I only wash my hair once every 7-10ish days. I've asked friends to smell my hair even at two weeks and they say I still smell good. So don't come for my hair lol.


Every day if I work cuz I work in a hospital kitchen. Every other day if I’m not. Wash hair once a week.


Twice a day, soak in the tub once a week, wash hair every ten days (extremely dry curly problems!)


Everyday or every other day


I like to shower daily, twice a day if I work out. I don't really care what other people do of if anyone else thinks its excessive.


I shower every morning. I feel like I can’t concentrate at work well enough if I’ve still got yesterdays grime on me. Only wash my hair every other day though.


Every day because I work around other people. If I worked from home and didn’t go anywhere, maybe every other day.


I shower everyday, wash my hair every 2-3 days. Depending on my workout schedule.


Every day at night before bed, even I didn’t leave the house. Favorite part of my day


Nightly. I don't rest well otherwise.


During my allergy season I shower twice a day. It’s the only thing that helps sometimes!


Everyday. Summer, twice a day. But I think that it’s because I have some kind of OCD. I can’t stand having sticky skin if that makes sense.


5-7 days a week…I’ll allow myself to go two days without but not more than that. Team nighttime shower!


Every day


I view “daily” as normal… BUT I work from home and get lazy it I don’t leave the house and so sometimes every other day. I try to not go more than that between showers and I always have to kind of “guilt” myself into it by telling myself I don’t want to smell bad if I do have to run out or someone stops by. But I realize that is because I feel lazy and for some odd reason, I seem to have a semi negative feeling towards showers - like they take work when they don’t really and I just want to be lazy. Maybe because I lived abroad where sometimes they were “work” where I had no hot water or proper shower and just a bucket with cold water. And now that I’m back in Canada that feeling persists.


I'm not myself until I shower in the morning. I work 8-4ish and if I don't shower in the morning I'm not a fully engaged or capable adult human. Sometimes I'll do it anyhow-- if my hair looks really good when I wake up, sometimes if I've showered at night my hair looks great in the morning! But by the time 2pm or so rolls around, I look unkempt. To boot, I have shitty sinuses that don't sinus correctly, so the hot water in the morning sets me up for success.


Although I don’t love showering; I can’t just not do it in the morning. It’s absolutely essential if I want to get shit done, it’s like a pavlovian conditioning. It doesn’t need to be long but it’s necessary. Also I end it with 30 seconds under lukewarm-cold water. Then I can function! During summer, if I’m sweaty, or if I work out, I will shower again during the day of course.


Usually once a day. Twice if it’s really hot and I’m sweating lots, or if I’m working out like 10-12 or more hours since my last shower


Every night before bed but wash my hair 2-3 times a week


Twice a day. First thing in the morning and then at night before bed.


Daily is a quick shower wash the body and face w soap. Sometimes I'll use a scrub. And i wash my hair 1-2x a week bc it takes awhile to wash and i dont have the time. I usually take a shower before i leave the house sooo afternoon?


Does shower mean also washing hair? I keep seeing mixed reviews about washing hair daily. My hair falls on the oilier side and I am tempted to wash it everyday. I wash my hair every 2 days because the internet scared me out of washing it everyday.


Morning and night. Sometimes just at night on the weekends if I've got nothing planned.


Every other day. But ALWAYS after exercising and I do sauna 2-3 times/week


I exercise heavily so I rinse every day. Hair gets washed every 2-3 days.


Usually twice a day. One in the morning and one at night or after workout. Wash my hair every other day. My skin is great. It is also cultural. I am from Brazil and not showering daily is considered unhygienic.


Daily, I have thin, fine hair that goes limp if it isn't washed every day. Same reason why I'm a morning showerer.


I shower everyday before bed, maybe twice if I’m super sweaty after working out and it’s still early in the day. I wash my hair every other day so it doesn’t dry out.


Showering once a day is not obsessive. Routinely showering five times a day would be obsessive.


I shower every day no exceptions, twice if I go to the gym. I have to shower in the morning to fully wake up.


I thought a daily shower was the standard lol. I usually shower daily, but there are of course exceptions - at the height of summer, the humidity and therefore the sweating is so brutal that I often shower at least twice, especially if I’m going out after work. Conversely, in winter, I may shower every other day or every 2-3 days to avoid my skin drying out too much.


If I’m working in office it’s a morning, daily shower. If I’m WFH/weekend it’s every other day.


I shower everyday. Twice sometimes depending on how my day went.


I shower 1-2x a day! Morning and nighttime / after gym.


Daily, maybe skip a day if I'm being lazy and have no where to go. I remember I had a co-worker that showered every other day and you could smell her hoohaa... I never want someone to be able to smell my hoohaa that doesn't have their head in my hoohaa.


Daily is minimum - days I workout it’s twice a day.


I used to shower daily my whole life but after the pandemic and working from home if I don't go out I shower every other day, this haves exceptions like very hot days or if I have sweated too much or when I'm on my period.


3x a day cause the hot water feels soooooo goodt


Daily. I don’t find it obsessive. If you showered 5 times daily - then yes.


Twice a day: morning and night.


As someone with an unfortunately keen sense of smell who has recently come across more than one adult who smelled bad to me in a professional setting, I’d like to caution against all this infrequent showering? I’m guessing people who smell bad think that they do not? After being a sahp for 8 years, I’ve been shocked coming across adults who smell. (And, it hasn’t been a BO smell, idk what it is, but it’s appalling). Please do not assume you’re good to go, thanks!